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Toonami |Feb14| We Kick Ass for the LORD!

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
This was all a ploy so I could post the new episode of Naruto filler on a fresh page. Thanks everyone involved in this very late Friday/early Saturday schedule conversation.




Man God

Non-Canon Member
"A Battle of Bugs: The Deceivers and the Deceived"


No recap, we cut straight to Naruto, Akamaru, Kiba, and Shino. Naruto doesn't understand (because no one told him) but Kiba and Shino knew. Kiba thought if he had known he'd make such a ruckus that all the bugs would have scattered. Shino says the villain's wouldn't dare take the Bikochu by force and risk damaging it. Naruto smells something sweet, Kiba says it's like honey, and Shino says Honey Bees. This is where Hinata was taken so Shino sends out spies.


Shino believes that the culprits are of the Kamizuru clan of the village hidden in the rocks because they are bee specialists. They used to be rivals but not anymore...FLASHBACK to Shino's grandfather's day!


During the last great ninja war Stone invaded Leaf. The Kamizuru were the advance force and used their bee army to strike first. The Aburame figured this out and met them in battle. Shino's ancestors won, rising in prominence in the Leaf while the Kamizuru were killed almost to a man. Kiba wants to know what they want to do with the Bikochu and Shino says we'll wait for the bug's report.


Hinata being a wallflower as usual. She doesn't like stinging insects. The villains go over the various ills to befall the Leaf lately. Chunin exam disaster, Hokage assassinated, scores of dead shinobi. They've been waiting for this moment. The suchikage's book of forbidden bug techniques? If they had only had it back during the battle. So they want the bug for a lost book. The women's grandfather was the first Suchikage and she has his headband and some hair with her and that's how they plan to find the book he hid before he died. This is the dumb part I remember so vaguely. Her grandfather was presumably alive during that battle so the whole reasoning behind not having the book during the battle is a bit...dumb. Hinata pities these fools, they're just looking for the same recognition she is and then remembers Naruto.


We cut to the boys as one of Shino's scout bugs returns. The bug is wounded! Shino has no clue where Hinata is. Shino asks if they should desert Hinata and Naruto responds with a rousing promo. Of course they won't abandon her, anyone who would do that to a companion is trash, etc, etc. Kiba agrees. Shino doesn't say shit. They still need the beetle but there's no way around it, Kiba suggests they find another way to get the secret sauce. Shino wonders then if Hinata would want that considering this was all her idea to begin with. Naruto is fairly surprised by all this but Shino goes on. He told her about the Bikochu and how the odds were slim. Kiba and Shino wanted to do missions that would actually help the village but Hinata wouldn't give up. This is the first time she's volunteered for anything. They do know where Hinata will be at midnight so they hatch a plan to double cross those bastards at the meeting tonight.


The three show up at the agreed point of trade. They brought the merchandise. The filler villains appear from off camera with a sticky Hinata and demand they set the bug on the rock. Shino does so. The goods are not genuine, they used the transformation jutsu on a regular Goliath beetle!


Naruto springs the trap as the real Shino holds down the rear guard with parasitic insects and Kiba grabs Hinata as we go to the commercial break!


Kiba and Shikamaru making the exchange were clones as Naruto rocks the bearded bee boy in the face. Shino continues his bug assault taking down the other two. Gosh this filler arc went smoothly. It's never that easy, Shino notices something wrong with the two on the ground.


Kiba smells something wrong with Hinata. Damn I cannot believe it, instead of a honey comb she's a honey clone!!! Actually Beeswax. The real bee assault starts now and Kiba and Naruto are fighting back to back with Kunai. Nothing to worry about as these bees are wax as well. Shino flips out (well, for Shino) and kills a certain bee. The wax ones were just decoys for the venomous ones that would have knocked them out.


They all look the same but Shino pops out a ton of insanely fast hand signs and puts up a wall of insects! It's basically Neji's rotation but with bugs and Naraku's poisonous insects can't do shit against this. The bee boys and girl show up to taunt. Only a Genin but from the powerful Aburame clan that kept all their ancient secrets through the forbidden accounting jutsus. Shino names them as Kamizuru. Naruto demands they hand over Hinata. The Kamizuru wanted to do just that but you double crossed them. She figures Shino wouldn't risk the bug in battle so she'll kill them all right here and now and search for it later. More bees, more insect walls.


Some of these Saimyosho are differnt though. It's just like The Pain fight! Dive into the water boys!


They head for the trees instead and go tete a tete. Thousand Bee Stingers jutsu. Blocked. Or wait. Not blocked. They go down. Nope, beetle clones. Of course the woman and the younger brother were wax clones.


The real three and Kiba head in another direction and discuss their plan. They don't want to lead them to the Bikochu. Shino is sure it's safe and that Hinata is priority one. She's chilling in the bee's nest.


That bee's nest. She's behind a screen in one of the cells. Kiba and Naruto attempt to break her out while Shino guards.


She's alive!


..and hugs him.

Yeah, they're not that dumb. Shino throws a kunai at her. Well, Naruto is that dumb as he wonders what the hell just happened. Shino correctly points out that she would have gone red in the face and passed out if they had hugged. Kiba says Akamaru wouldn't have missed that and he looks back at Kiba, confused. Kiba says she smells of two people mixed together.


Fake Hinata pleads to Naruto. It's really me. Shino grasps her hand and wonders if that was the case what did she try and put on Naruto's back?!?


The jig is up!


That isn't Hinata at all! It's the leader of the filler villains. She was sure it would work. Hinata's coat is what hid the scent. She won't tell them where the real one is.


The younger brother has her tied up in the river so that she can breathe but to disguise her scent with a ringing circle of Naraku's poisonous insects to prevent Shino's scouts/the wind tunnel. Shockingly prepared. The older brother shows up and says they need to look for the captured Bikochu. Younger brother details the trap to Hinata. Make one move and the bees cut the rope, and since she is bound by both honey and ropes she can't swim and she's at the mouth of a conveniently placed natural formation sewer. They don't want to kill anyone. She's worried once again about being a burden.

Cut to the other three in the hive with the leader. She's got the place covered in paper bombs and the floor gives out. She taunts them that this is no ordinary cave.


Kiba chakra grabbed the side and Shino and Naruto got a leg each. It isn't a cave, it's the hatchery of the nest with gigantic larvae. She'll help them up if they spill the beans on the Bikochu. Naruto doesn't deal with terrorists as she sends more bee bombs. Kiba has had enough of this shit and starts Fang over Fang to drill out of there.


Hinata recognizes the sound. They're still fighting. No time to be Sakura. She's going to be proactive. Byakugan activated. Only 13 bees, but those are small targets. She enters the FLASHBACK zone to the Neji/Naruto fight. Naruto doesn't know how to give up. SHe can't quit and starts to control her chakra.


The rest of them aren't doing much better. Fang over Fang gets them into another chamber filled with a bunch of Silkies. Kiba is tired. Unnaturally so. The larvae are draining their chakra and the villain confirms it.


Hinata is still working on an escape and the water around her starts spinning until they shoot up as jets, destroying the bees. 11..12...whoops, missed the last one which cuts the rope! She's done for!


Things go from bad to worse for the boys as the villain of the week summons Beedramon. Larvae or the big guy is their choice as we get to the end of the episode.

NEXT EPISODE: "Blaze Away Byakugan: This Is My Ninja Way"
Good morning ToonamiGAF

This is our last episode of SAO, is everyone ready!? I'm actually going to miss this show, the reactions have been excellent throughout. Dandy should also be good tonight, I'm a sucker for mechs.
Good morning ToonamiGAF

This is our last episode of SAO, is everyone ready!? I'm actually going to miss this show, the reactions have been excellent throughout. Dandy should also be good tonight, I'm a sucker for mechs.


I'm looking forward to the Dandy episode tonight because it reminded me of the Outlaw Star space race episodes. I think it will be sweet. SAO had a good run and I'm kinda surprised it isn't getting a second run, but that might be for the best considering some of the reactions it gets. Oh well, at least the second season should be coming soon.
Yeah, SAO gets good ratings and usually ranks #1 in the 18-24/18-34 demographics but would probably be very expensive to re-air. I'm glad they're using that money to bring us new content like Black Lagoon, Blue Exorcist, intruder2, etc

I wonder how much the complete set on Bluray will go for..I'll nab it for around $30
Yeah, SAO gets good ratings and usually ranks #1 in the 18-24/18-34 demographics but would probably be very expensive to re-air. I'm glad they're using that money to bring us new content like Black Lagoon, Blue Exorcist, intruder2, etc

I wonder how much the complete set on Bluray will go for..I'll nab it for around $30

Its like $140... For 6 episodes
This is why I don't buy anime anymore

Don't let that paint a bad picture. It really is just Aniplex that does this anymore and SOMETIMES Sentai Filmworks. That kind of pricing structure went out the window in the mid to late 2000s in America. It still persists in Japan because Otaku will pay for it, but in America, we simply won't and didn't.

Sure, you will have some people that buy it, but it isn't the majority. On the other hand, as Bass mentioned, Funimation has decent prices on most things and they run sales on the regular. After a series has been out for awhile, they will usually also add it to their "S.A.V.E." collection where you can pick it up for cheap!
I got all of Gurren Lagann DVD for like $30 at Best Buy on a whim, guess I got lucky picking it up when I did lol

Gurren Lagann is such a weird case where it suffered from both:

A) Aniplex's shit pricing

B) Bandai taking its ball and going home which skyrocketed the prices on everything it used to release.

It is a travesty to me that we can't get a world reknowned series like Gundam for a reasonable price in America anymore. Thankfully, Rightstuf found some stock awhile back and prices have come down some. While better than 250 dollars for a box set of Zeta gundam is worse than 90 dollars, 90 is still not the price I'd want to pay for a collection that was split off into a part 1 and part 2. (Part 2 is a little cheaper at 60 or 70).
I mean for $30-40 you can buy all of Soul Eater from Funimation. Heck I own episodes 1-200ish of OP and they cost me less then $100 dollars

Or I could pay less than $10 a month to watch all of Soul Eater on Netflix. Sure I don't own it but how often do you need to rewatch an entire series?

Naruto was I'm pretty sure the last anime series I bought. I got it all for somewhere around 60 bucks total.

The last complete series I purchased was Astro Boy (2003 series) on DVD in the mid 2000s; it set me back $40.

Don't let that paint a bad picture. It really is just Aniplex that does this anymore and SOMETIMES Sentai Filmworks. That kind of pricing structure went out the window in the mid to late 2000s in America. It still persists in Japan because Otaku will pay for it, but in America, we simply won't and didn't.

Sure, you will have some people that buy it, but it isn't the majority. On the other hand, as Bass mentioned, Funimation has decent prices on most things and they run sales on the regular. After a series has been out for awhile, they will usually also add it to their "S.A.V.E." collection where you can pick it up for cheap!

I just don't understand the pricing structure, it makes me more likely to turn to streaming services, buy used, or use 'alternative' means to obtain a physical copy. What could possibly be driving up the cost? Distribution and paying the retailer to give their product shelf space? Sorry Aniplex and everyone else price gouging but you won't get a dime from me.
I just don't understand the pricing structure, it makes me more likely to turn to streaming services, buy used, or use 'alternative' means to obtain a physical copy. What could possibly be driving up the cost? Distribution and paying the retailer to give their product shelf space? Sorry Aniplex and everyone else price gouging but you won't get a dime from me.

In lieu of an actual answer (frankly because I don't know) my assumption has always been that they have gotten away with it for so long in Japan, they assumed they could do it in the USA too. We kinda rebuffed them, but a couple companies still try.


I own a bunch on DVD. Still go through an annual run of Code Geass, Casshern Sins, Slayers(1st 3 seasons), FMA, and Persona 4 Animation.
If I want to introduce a series to a friend I can give them the password to my Netflix/Hulu account or link them to a website where they can watch the episodes for free and not have to worry about damaging/loosing a physical product.

I've also rewatched G Gundam once every single year since 2008 without access to a physical disc. You can view pretty much anything you want legally or using alternative measures online. That's cool if people want to own an actual physical disc but it's outdated and unnecessary in my opinion.

That being said, if prices were lower I'd be more willing to spend my money on DVD/Bluray collections. I want to support toonami but not for an outrageous price.
If I want to introduce a series to a friend I can give them the password to my Netflix/Hulu account or link them to a website where they can watch the episodes for free and not have to worry about damaging/loosing a physical product.

I've also rewatched G Gundam once every single year since 2008 without access to a physical disc. You can view pretty much anything you want legally or using alternative measures online. That's cool if people want to own an actual physical disc but it's outdated and unnecessary in my opinion.

That being said, if prices were lower I'd be more willing to spend my money on DVD/Bluray collections. I want to support toonami but not for an outrageous price.

You are right, it is much easier these days to just hand over a stream pass for someone to test the waters of something. Physical media being outdated though? That's where we disagree.


I want to introduce my brother to FMA:B - I think it's something he would like, but he's got this "all anime that isn't DBZ is dumb" mentality.
I want to introduce my brother to FMA:B - I think it's something he would like, but he's got this "all anime that isn't DBZ is dumb" mentality.


FMA:B is a great intro to broader anime stories yet still contains the action based shonen material of things like DBZ, One Piece and Naruto. Just sit him down and make him watch a couple episodes, test the waters and broaden his horizons.

How old is he btw?


I got all of Gurren Lagann DVD for like $30 at Best Buy on a whim, guess I got lucky picking it up when I did lol

I was buying them when they released it in three parts. I have Part 1 and Part 3. Part 2 eluded me...

Also, I have all of Death Note... on 9 or so volumes. Glad those days are over.

I want to introduce my brother to FMA:B - I think it's something he would like, but he's got this "all anime that isn't DBZ is dumb" mentality.

Clearly School Days is the best choice for him.


On a side note, I'm no longer watching Toonami on my 26" TV. Parents upgraded to a 50" TV in the living room, so I got the TV that was in their to use for now. It's a 37". Hurray for upgrades!


3 Colossi down, I STILL haven't gotten to the 2nd gym and XY and my pokemon are almost 30, and I am level 13 in Titanfall. Not a bad day progressing through these games.

The Fellini vs Sei/Reiji fight has been epic. The World Tournament has been super fun to watch so far. My only problem is the head organizer is an annoying twat and some of the cheese in the series.
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