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Toonami |Feb14| We Kick Ass for the LORD!

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Ouch...tough to hear about the NBA stuff.

On other topics, I'm really enjoying looking at Steam tags.

Sonic Adventure 2 tags:

"Gotta go fast"


Ouch...tough to hear about the NBA stuff.

On other topics, I'm really enjoying looking at Steam tags.

Sonic Adventure 2 tags:

"Gotta go fast"

I'll argue that the best Sonic game of all time is the Demo disc for SA2 that came with my version of SA1 that only features City Escape. Its got the music, you get your one setpiece you care about in a 3D sonic game (the truck), and there is not a single Shitty Friend to be found.

Potentially the last NHL break for the Winter Olympics ever.

I love Olympic Hockey, with its No Trapezoid, its soccer field sized ice, and really terrible announcers. Oh, and TJ OSHE HYPE
I'll argue that the best Sonic game of all time is the Demo disc for SA2 that came with my version of SA1 that only features City Escape. Its got the music, you get your one setpiece you care about in a 3D sonic game (the truck), and there is not a single Shitty Friend to be found.

Yeah I remember getting it on the DC back when it was new and being like "Hehe this is fun! Wait...knuckles? Why am I digging? :( :( :("


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Ouch...tough to hear about the NBA stuff.

On other topics, I'm really enjoying looking at Steam tags.

Sonic Adventure 2 tags:

"Gotta go fast"

This just reminded me that my steam profile description is still the same thing i wrote in 2008 and I seriously need to change that awkward, awkward description.


I used to be of the opinion that all Sonic games were actually terrible, but that Sonic Adventure 2 was pretty cool when I played it back in it's day.

Then the HD version came out

Yeah, that game is actually unplayable.
Knuckles raps were really the only bad part of SA2... And the change to the radar system for those stages. In SA1 if you approached any crystal the radar would go off, in SA2 only the first one would go off you could be standing next to one and have it not go off until you get the shards before it. This makes getting a ranks on knuckles/rouge stages very difficult

I used to be of the opinion that all Sonic games were actually terrible, but that Sonic Adventure 2 was pretty cool when I played it back in it's day.

Then the HD version came out

Yeah, that game is actually unplayable.

More playable then SA1 which is still a great game and perfectly playable
Knuckles raps were really the only bad part of SA2... And the change to the radar system for those stages. In SA1 if you approached any crystal the radar would go off, in SA2 only the first one would go off you could be standing next to one and have it not go off until you get the shards before it. This makes getting a ranks on knuckles/rouge stages very difficult

you know how it is


Knuckles raps were really the only bad part of SA2... And the change to the radar system for those stages. In SA1 if you approached any crystal the radar would go off, in SA2 only the first one would go off you could be standing next to one and have it not go off until you get the shards before it. This makes getting a ranks on knuckles/rouge stages very difficult

More playable then SA1 which is still a great game and perfectly playable

There are plenty of Dreamcast games that were awesome when they came out and still hold up- Crazy Taxi, Zombie Revenge, Typing of the Dead, Soulcalibur. There are plenty of games that were awesome when they came out and in no way hold up- NFL 2K1, Jet Grind Radio, Illbleed (this trailer is all you need of that game) and Ecco the Dolphin. And then there are games that were never actually good but people pretend to like, such as Shenmue and the Sonic Adventure games
There are plenty of Dreamcast games that were awesome when they came out and still hold up- Crazy Taxi, Zombie Revenge, Typing of the Dead, Soulcalibur. There are plenty of games that were awesome when they came out and in no way hold up- NFL 2K1, Jet Grind Radio, Illbleed (this trailer is all you need of that game) and Ecco the Dolphin. And then there are games that were never actually good but people pretend to like, such as Shenmue and the Sonic Adventure games

What have you done *takes cover*


Gives all the fucks
Knuckles raps were really the only bad part of SA2... And the change to the radar system for those stages. In SA1 if you approached any crystal the radar would go off, in SA2 only the first one would go off you could be standing next to one and have it not go off until you get the shards before it. This makes getting a ranks on knuckles/rouge stages very difficult
I will never understand why they changed it from SA1 to SA2 where you have 3 different colors compared to 5 & it only went off in order instead of SA1's any order & more than 1 piece could be detected at once. My only guess is that the stages were much bigger (screw the space stages. UUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH) to the point SA1's radar wouldn't have worked or something.
There are plenty of Dreamcast games that were awesome when they came out and still hold up- Crazy Taxi, Zombie Revenge, Typing of the Dead, Soulcalibur. There are plenty of games that were awesome when they came out and in no way hold up- NFL 2K1, Jet Grind Radio, Illbleed (this trailer is all you need of that game) and Ecco the Dolphin. And then there are games that were never actually good but people pretend to like, such as Shenmue and the Sonic Adventure games

Powerstone (Specifically 2) still GOAT

Edit: DC had seaman. Confirmed WGOAT

Azure J

Man it feels like I've really fallen out of the loop with ToonamiGAF. What's all this about DC games now? I'm eternally upset that I never got one when they were the hot new thing. Same with the Super Nintendo and PS2.
Man it feels like I've really fallen out of the loop with ToonamiGAF. What's all this about DC games now? I'm eternally upset that I never got one when they were the hot new thing. Same with the Super Nintendo and PS2.

Trying to stray the conversation away from NBAGAF drama. Happened to be the other thing I was doing besides sniping PS1 ebay listings.

Grabbed Breath of Five IV and Wild Arms 2 so far.


A) I've made a concentrated effort to eat less fast food and cook more. I've had Subways in the past week but I couldn't tell you the last time I had KFC, Popeyes, Mcdonalds, Wendy's, Taco Bell or any of the sort. I've cut down my pizza eating a fair amount over the years as well. There's a real nice mom & pop I make sure to visit each time I visit my parents and sometimes free pizza is served at meetings or conferences but otherwise I don't each much of it anymore. Of the chains, I think Domino's and Papa John's rank the best.

B) I haven't played Sonic Adventure 2 Battle in a long time but despite all its obvious flaws I had a great time with the game. The soundtracks in Sonic games are always a delight even if they are super cheesy and sometimes actively "bad" by more "objective" standards :p

C) *Enters the NBAGaf thread and reads the last few pages*. How bizarre O_O After some time to cool off I hope everybody who actively participates there can get along and be respectful of each other. I do love the game of basketball but I've stopped caring about the actual NBA teams and what not for a while now so I never followed that thread. It's been so long since I've played a pick up game and thinking about that actively pisses me off. It was so easy to find games during my undergraduate days. Now not so much :(

D) The proliferation of legal streaming options has curtailed my need to buy as much anime as I used to in the past but I still like picking up a series in disc form that really impressed me from time to time - as an additional reward to the licensenors,dubbers, animators, whoever. Assuming Steins;Gate doesn't fall off a cliff in the last few episodes I'll def be picking it up off Amazon.

E) I REALLY hope the new Sailor Moon anime delivers. That was my first anime and I'd love to dive into the new series. I don't know too much about the manga though from which it will be more strongly based but it seems to be a strong all-ages affair. I just hope the new anime is targeted towards a more "all-ages, all countries" approach and doesn't triple down on the "Japanese" or "middle school girl" demographics.


What have you done *takes cover*

If you had a rational discussion about the game, there are tons of interesting things in the game that in the end do not add up to an enjoyable game. Like, a super deep fighting system based on Akira's VF moveset that you get to bust out less than a handful of times, a giant interactive city where you can interact with almost anything, but has no point, and an impressive amount of voice acting that is ruined by how poor it is. It's probably the most ambitious game i've ever played, but also the biggest trainwreck as well

Powerstone (Specifically 2) still GOAT

Edit: DC had seaman. Confirmed WGOAT

I think Power Stone 1 is a better overall game with smarter stage design, but 2 has that 4 player multiplayer. Wang-Tang 4 LYFE though.

Cannon Spike on the dreamcast was so dope. One of my favorite consoles <3

Man, you could play as Cammy on roller blades in that game. That was SUPER DUMB! Though if you want an arcade beat-em-up, Zombie Revenge is almost a strictly better game
If you had a rational discussion about the game, there are tons of interesting things in the game that in the end do not add up to an enjoyable game. Like, a super deep fighting system based on Akira's VF moveset that you get to bust out less than a handful of times, a giant interactive city where you can interact with almost anything, but has no point, and an impressive amount of voice acting that is ruined by how poor it is. It's probably the most ambitious game i've ever played, but also the biggest trainwreck as well

I'm not going to make that argument with you lol I just don't think it's worth picking a fight or arguing with Shenmue GAF that Shenmue isn't anything but god's gift to man.
currently being frustrated that my 3DS refuses to let me play anything online. it can connect to the Internet just fine, show me people are online just fine, download things from the eShop just fine, but actually playing? nope.


So is this just a stream where everyone has the ability to input button presses? Am I missing something?
It's a Pokemon emulator set to be controlled by the Twitch chatroom.

It's basically 26,000 monkeys trying to play the same Pokemon game at the same time. And those 26,000 monkeys have managed to almost get out of Route 9.


so clutch



I love that my NBA team (the Sixers) are tanking so blatently. They aren't gonna let Nearlens Noel suit up even if he's 100% healthy, they are gonna bench MCW just enough that they won't win many games but not enough that he won't win ROTY, and they let Evan Turner play Heroball every night, which i'm not sure increases or decreases his trade value. Its a spectacle to watch.

Also, just some food for thought- in about 3 weeks, we will be at the point in the WiiU's lifecycle that Sega announced the death of the Dreamcast. Just some food for thought.....
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