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Toonami |Feb14| We Kick Ass for the LORD!

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I shouldn't need to say this, but that One Piece Devil Fruit thread in OT is a massive spoiler area. Avoid if not caught up to the manga.
So, can someone tell me if Kill La Kill gets better/is worth investing time into? I watched the first episode and while in the first 10 minutes or so, I had a good amount of open laughs, the rest of the episode got progressively worse. The breakneck pace of camera movement, animation and scenery changes just made me feel ill after awhile. Does it tone down a bit at all or does it go for over-the-top wacky at every moment in all of the episodes?

I will admit, the animation and art is quite good at times (with the exception of her atrocious outfit) but I hope if I watch more, it will settle down a little. In the first episode, it felt like it was trying a bit too hard to be over the top for over the tops sake.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Funeral March for the Living"


We open today on a funerary procession running by a town near a giant mountain waterfall. A familiar looking asshole is really hamming it up at the back of the line as the rain starts coming down. Such sorrow! He remembers the day you should him your most prized possession. Noises are coming from the coffin, by gawd King, the Undertaker is being BURIED ALIVE. He keeps going on about how he took that beautiful treasure and smashed it to pieces before sticking him in that casket. Yep he's bonkers. Three workers are trying to sneak away and get help during the funeral. "I love a good funeral!" is overheard by the crazy fucker. The other cloaked villains, one obviously a child notice and mention that there will soon be three more funerals.


The three runners are caught in a violent storm shimmying across a rocky ledge. A boulder falls on them knocking them into the drink!


Our boy Naruto finds them! He's covered in men! One of them asks who and where he is. It's Naruto Uzumaki, and this is the Leaf Village. They interrupted his training but luckily he has the largest back in the world and dog paddles them to safety brother! He considers this training (I would have made Shadow Clones myself, guess I'm not Shonen enough)


Cut to...ROCK LEE! Not quite as Swole as last arc but he's got weights on his arms and legs. Well, more weights than usual. He sees Naruto walking by and says, "I can do better!" That's the spirit Lee as he's clearly breaking boulders to dust off camera.


We head to the business hall of the Hokage's office. The lord of the Land of Swamps made it home safely says a familiarish voice as she reaches down and takes the sweet dumplings from under Tsunade's nose! Shizune flips out on...


Anko! Tsunade finally opens her eyes. She took the last one!


Youth intensifies as we get our next cameo. Might Guy baby! He laid the smack down on some pirates (his words, not my own usual injected wrasslin' talk) as he is running the entire way to the Hokage talking about redemption and the like as he is the power green beast of the village and starts laughing to himself. Tsunade has a mission for his squad. He's giving out about Naruto for bringing in more work when they are stretched thin. Guy has already been requested for another S rank mission informs Shizune so Team Guy is doing this solo. Guy is proud as a papa as she is going to send Lee, TWENTY, and Neji, but also Naruto will go along with them.


Hilarity insues. They can handle it on their own! They don't need main character protection! She's got her reasons (probably just getting back at the lousy bum for giving the village more work) and she runs down the back story on this sub quest. They are from the Katabami gold mines, one of the richest mines in the Land of Rivers and some thugs took it over wild west style, the Kurosuki family went in and ran the magistrate out of town six months ago, "killing people left and right."


"That is unforgivable!" Lee says as Team Guy+1 teleports on screen. Once the men are healthy you are to go to the mine and drive the thugs away. Naruto wonders why he is here as "a chimp could do this mission"


"Who the heck do you think you are?" Tsunade responds about how you'd expect. He keeps up the shit talkery, training, finding the sauce, etc.


Twenty wants to know how this will go down (First person to reference Tsunade on this show was Tenten as a ninja to look up to.) Respect the chain of command you punk or she'll bust you back down to the academy. Neji is in charge of the mission as she chucks Naruto into his waiting arms. "It'll be good training for you to tame the untamable!" He'd rather not but he'll give it a shot, Tsunade is angry at this lack of tact. Naruto heads off promising to go back to training until he's needed. Neji bows and our girl Twenty apologies. (BONUS GIF MATERIAL) Tsunade's rage is boiling as she throws her chair through the window. Guy wants to know the name of the boss of the Kurosuki gang. She says "RAIGA" as Lee pops back through the door. Guy heard a rumor about this chump and Lee wants to know more.


Naruto is in the hallway grumping about wanting to know where Pervy Sage is. (Jiraiya will be mentioned by this and only this for most of the rest of these episodes, always at the beginning of a new arc) when he runs into Sakura looking out of the balcony. She's fixing a little bird's wing. She's been treating it with medical ninjutsu and does one final bit of green glowy goodness as she unwraps the bandage and it takes flight! She's worried though as it got separated from its friends (Sauce, hint hint) but it almost immediately finds the other two birds and flies off. Lee comes running over interrupting their moment. Lee asks if he is interfering,


Naruto basically says yes but Lee knows youth is only afforded so many moments and goes for it as he says Hi to Sakura, who laughs. Naruto demands to know what Lee wants...and he wants HIM as he takes his arm and runs down the stairs as those two Chunin from the exam that always make cameos are carrying Tsunade's chair back up to her office. "At least it wasn't a desk" indeed boys as we cut to commercial.


They are meeting at the Ramen stand as Lee explains. Raiga is one of the swordsman of the Hidden Mist! Naruto asks who the fuck the swordsmen are. Lee gives him shit about not remembering Zabusa and Kisame. Especially Kisame, who had a partner...That Itachi guy! Lee is flustered and makes the connection for this idiot. Raiga knows Kisame who knows Itachi who is Sasuke's brother.


Sparkles. The gold mine is a good place to pick up the Sauce's trail (No it isn't, Orchimaru and Itachi don't mix at all) Naruto isn't sure either...because the information came from Guy! Bonds are breaking! Lee says the info is 110% reliable.


Sometime later the mission starts. Neji goes over the basics, escort the three men. Lee says he knows of a shop nearby that will make a base of operations. Twenty is curious about it but Lee says it is a secret. Tenten thinks that Naruto just doesn't believe Guy-Sensei. Lee knows better and that Naruto is the main character. Naruto jumps off of the gate and lands in front of him, starting off on his own...but he doesn't know the way. Traveling montage! Naruto is training after lunch and Lee doesn't want to get behind so he joins in as Twenty laughs and Neji ignores them. Lee starts busting up a boulder while Naruto kicks the fragments away while balancing on a pile of stones. Two of the villagers are laughing at this display but the third quits his silence and wonders how long they are going to rest. He's worried about the man in the coffin. The other two are pretty damn sure he's long dead.


Lee is groggy. He must be close. Close to what? Naruto wonders if he is sleep walking. Lee ran a marathon here before and the memory is enough to put him in this state, but the scent of curry is in the air. Naruto smells it too. Lee stops at full attention and points. The Curry of Life shop is directly ahead!


He screams out and runs forward, embracing the granny. They are close to the gold mine. Lee's life was saved by this curry, he is in it's debt! FLASHBACK! Granny Sansho is her name. Lee was just a new Genin back then and they pass by for the first time. Then the next day they pass again having been running in their sleep! She gives shit to her apprentice Karashi, saying that if he had that type of energy he wouldn't lose to bullies. She said too much. Cut to Karashi looking out in the rain. Guy sleep jogs past but there's no sign of Lee. Wait there he is. On the third day one of them finally collaspes. It's Lee! He needs dat curry of life. She wonders if he is hungry and he sleep eats the curry. Not spicy enough to wake him. She tries again, not enough. The apprentice wants to help too and they dump in all sorts of spicy shit.




Naruto and the rest of the gang are served the curry of life, a bubbling black goo with a side of rice. Looks like the curry of death instead. Lee goes for it. Everyone is legit shook. His face turns pink and then red. He loves it! Everyone else though...


Lee wonders where Karashi is. He was motivated by Lee and went to town to join...the filler villains! She doesn't blame Lee but Twenty knows it is too late. Lee's theme picks up and he requests to the squad leader Neji that the rescue and rehabilitation of Karashi be added to the mission.


Tenten hands him a glass of water and after recovering Neji agrees. They will use this place as a base, scout things out and come up with a plan. He has the three men wait here. That night though the one worried about his friend in the coffin left straight away. No need to plan, it's time for action as they run after him. The filler villains are planning their next funeral as we end the episode!

NEXT EPISODE: "A Lesson Learned: The Iron Fist of Love"


Had a hard time choosing an avatar..... =/

I guess this is a question for everyone who changes there avatar with any regularity. Why do you do it?

I identify posters by there avatars normally, and it always throws me for a loop when someone changes!
I guess this is a question for everyone who changes there avatar with any regularity. Why do you do it?

I identify posters by there avatars normally, and it always throws me for a loop when someone changes!

I'm going to second this motion, especially when the avatars change so erratically. I change mine everyone once and awhile but my avatars are almost always Bass or Bass.exe so it's still easy to tell it's me.


I change my pic for RPJ and then take the opportunity to change it afterwards.

It really irks me that I haven't found any good pictures of someone on fire since my old Metal Slug 3 avatar


I watched 20 mins of the stream yesterday, and think I've seen enough. I'm still fascinated by this on a conceptual basis, but I can't imagine watching it for a long stretch of time


Finally get my Vita to play Danganronpa, but it needs a fucking memory card. Sony literally sells Vitas in a broken state and asks you to pay to fix them immediately.


Finally get my Vita to play Danganronpa, but it needs a fucking memory card. Sony literally sells Vitas in a broken state and asks you to pay to fix them immediately.

nope, your the broken one for not having a vita beforehand

No one is complete until they own one

Do you really need a memory card to play physical games though? I didn't get my first physical game till I owned the thing for a few months, so that never came up


nope, your the broken one for not having a vita beforehand

No one is complete until they own one

Do you really need a memory card to play physical games though? I didn't get my first physical game till I owned the thing for a few months, so that never came up
I just popped in the game, and it was like DESPAIR BEFORE YOU EVEN PLAY THE GAME ABOUT DESPAIR.

And now to wait until Wednesday night. Found out too late to get 1 day shipping for Tuesday. :(
nope, your the broken one for not having a vita beforehand

No one is complete until they own one

I don't even own a Vita and I remember people saying "why bother buying retail when you need a memory card even for arcade style games" blah blah blah or some shenanigans


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I guess this is a question for everyone who changes there avatar with any regularity. Why do you do it?

I identify posters by there avatars normally, and it always throws me for a loop when someone changes!

Because I either get bored of it, or I might change for a specific event, I just dont like being bogged down by a specific avatar for years, that would be boring and ive been on sites where people change their avatar all the time, with that said my avatars usually keep to a consistent theme on gaf, I either have an avatar of ashley, someone from k-on, kon from tokryo ravens or my first avatar which was viridi.


I just popped in the game, and it was like DESPAIR BEFORE YOU EVEN PLAY THE GAME ABOUT DESPAIR.

And now to wait until Wednesday night. Found out too late to get 1 day shipping for Tuesday. :(

Pro tip: just get the 32gb card. They fill up pretty fast. I have maybe 10% of my Vita playable content on my 32gb card!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Almost all Vita games don't have save on the card. It's annoying as hell. A bunch that do aren't even worth playing. It's another point in the favor of Vita 2000.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's kind of fucked that it's only one gig though. They should have at least put in 4 gigs minimum.

They still gotta rip you off with those memory card prices.

Still not as bad as Apple and other premium phone/tablet makers who charge up the ass for built in memory but almost.

I just got a 64 GB SD card for my 3DS for a little under 40. Hell I could have got a sketchier brand for 30. Non power users can get an 8 or 16 for ten bucks or just go full retail and never replace that 2-4 GB one it came with.


No Scrubs

That might be too subtle though.

That looks about right :lol

I hate my resume

It's so short I always get embarrassed giving it to people. I should have worked more and stayed out of stupid school.

Do internships and other shit just to have stuff on there. I've got some volunteer work on mine in addition to internships, freelance writing, more internships, actual work, clubs/organizations, extra classes and school.

It doesn't help much :lol


My undergraduate research last semester is basically the only noteworthy thing on my resume.

I got dropped this semester because I wasn't good enough. That is basically my whole resume, along with a not quite 3.0 GPA.


My undergraduate research last semester is basically the only noteworthy thing on my resume.

I got dropped this semester because I wasn't good enough. That is basically my whole resume, along with a not quite 3.0 GPA.

Did you have a job in high school? Volunteer work? You really need to get that thing to a full page.
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