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Toonami |Feb14| We Kick Ass for the LORD!

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Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Kojima himself will announce Punished Snake for SSBWiiU. Phantom Pain Wii U to be revealed in the same trailer, disguised as a Metroid game.

Kamiya cameos at the end of the reveal video, but only to show off his Bayonetta glasses and then give a Wonderful 101 thumbs-up.

I couldnt deal with triple the trolling.


I think you beat out levyne, you're now our sage of the group, wise but have shonen logic so your technically stronger than all of us combined.

A sage with shounen logic you say? Hmm...



Gives all the fucks
I had forgotten about DST. And checking on it now, the Tumblr does say

Guns. Lots of guns. Black Lagoon, March 28th. Don’t miss it.

Although I assume they mean March 29.
What episode is that? I have to prepare myself to make as many "Everybody ought to have a maid" references from A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum when that episode airs.

Still wish I could find that AMV Hell 5 clip that puts that song over clips of Black Lagoon.


So I finally got around to starting Kill La Kill.

First minute had me laughing my ass off. The show practically blew my mind before minute 4. By the end of it and I'm just...SPEECHLESS. Just from that first episode I don't know if that'll ever reach Toonami, but that was amazing. Comedy, action, music, animation, art. It's all incredible. Please tell me it's always this good. Can't wait to watch more.

It really is a great show. My favorite new anime. Stick with it. Where the story goes is compelling and downright imaginative. Every single character is charming and interesting. The last two episodes that just aired (18 and 19) have been mind blowing and amazing with twists and turns. However, KLK is also the show that I can't actually tell my friends and family I watch because they would probably think I was weirdo for watching it. LOL. It's kind of embarrassing.

Gurren Lagann is better overall imo, but KLK definitely has an upward trejectory to it

Bring Gurren Lagann to Toonami! No doubt what-so-ever that Gurren is a better show than KLK. And that's saying a lot because KLK has been great. Thankfully, Gurren could totally to air on Toonami without a doubt (it aired on the Sci-fi channel once). KLK on the other hand, while wildly popular, would need some brief edits here and there in order to air on TV due to some
inappropriate touching by the main villian
later in the series. Also, KLK is overflowing with fan-service but in a way that actually compliments the plot (no pun intended).

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Raiga's Counterattack"


The storm is going to hit any moment so Naruto, Neji and Lee bring the supplies back the shop. Neji notices that the lightning struck right where the Katabami Gold Mine is. Hmmmmm....


Oh shit it's Bio-Raiga! Karashi is LEGIT SHOOK. Ranmaru is down! Raiga needs his little buddy. Raiga blames Karashi, but Karashi turns it back on Raiga. He gave his chakra to you. Someone with a pale and girlish hand starts rousing.


It's Twenty! She sees Raiga and can't let him escape. Raiga roars in anger and turns his blades on Karashi...nope, deflecting all of the objects Tenten threw at him.


Tenten ninja runs down the wall and summons a weighted chain, wrapping him up and then throwing a ton of Kunai at him. Raiga summons a lightning bolt to his sword and repels all of the metal around him.


He then summons another bolt to break the chain and touches the sword with the broken end to shock Tenten, who is flung into a waiting boulder. He recognizes her as Naruto's teammate and goes for the kill. Twenty uses her summoning scroll to block...by summoning a wooden staff. Won't conduct electricity but she can't hold it too high. She gets some licks in, first to the unprotected foot, then the jaw, then the stomach repeatedly!


She then spins it into the ground at an angle to throw sand in his face. What a heel move! Can Twenty solo Raiga? Raiga has had enough and goes for a face stab but Twenty catches one of his swords and sends it flying, landing right next to Karashi's hand and almost taking it off!


She goes to catch the other one but it splits her staff! He calls her a gnat and tells her to buzz off! What a heel! He blows her staff away and walks over to Karashi...to get his other sword. Raiga cuts a heel promo on...Karashi. He's not that smart and doesn't get how Ranmaru died. Did Karashi kill him? Karashi lays the blame on the Leaf villagers! Karashi knows where they are, maybe. Get up and take me to them! He then promises to give Ranmaru a funeral with their corpses at his feet!


Twenty wakes up and walks over to Ranmaru, sad that such a brave kid would give his life for a piece of shit like Raiga. Ranmaru speaks the name of Raiga and Tenten cannot believe it. She's going to save the little guy as she scales the ravine with him on his back. The rain is coming as they head for a little shack.


The rain is starting over at the Curry of Life shack as the boys finish their work storm proofing it and Granny Sansho thanks them. Karashi comes running in with unbelievable news; Twenty fell off the cliff! He makes up a story about how Karashi wanted to train with someone and went running with Tenten. When they got to lightning pass however a tree was hit by a bolt knocking her off the cliff. Naruto and Lee want to head off right away while Neji gives Karashi the stank eye. He's going to get the first aid kit while Team Guy-1+Naruto head off. Karashi takes his mom (Granny Sansho is his mother after all) aside and tells her to run away with him. He'll explain later. Raiga is waiting, if he doesn't bring the ninja to him it'll be him and his mother at Ranmaru's feet! Granny Sansho is appalled! She won't leave until the ninja come back. Neji is talking with the boys. "Would Lightning and some tree really be enough to send Tenten over a cliff?" Probably not. Naruto doesn't quite understand. Neji theorizes that Karashi's training might not have stuck and Lee apologizes. Neji thinks its a trap, Lee thinks it is probably blackmail. Naruto thinks its blackmail.


Cut to Twenty and Ranmaru. Ranmaru is worried about Raiga, Tenten is worried more about Ranmaru considering Raiga is just fine. Ranmaru tells her not to worry as he'll be dead soon but Twenty has no time for weak men and won't let him give up, cutting an excellent promo. "All the people you killed wanted to live but you didn't give them that choice!" He doesn't get to decide this time, and he needs to take responsibility for his actions. The shack won't hold through the storm so she's going to Granny's place.


The boys come jumping into frame after seeing Raiga standing there. Naruto was right (so were Lee and Neji) and they are going to take him down for good. Raiga charges up as Naruto goes for him with a Kunai. Neji calls out for Lee who...shoves Naruto aside! The Kunai was lightning bait! This lightning is much stronger because of the storm as he was just using his Chakra before. The power of nature might make him unstoppable as he sends a field of bolts after him. Byakugan. Shadow clones and more shadow clones to try and get close to him. Lots of dead clones. Shadow clone Jutsu x eight until finally...


Naruto is there and Neji...snuck up behind Raiga. Gentle fist!


Oh my...that did not turn out well for Neji. Naruto gets zapped as well. This isn't chakra, it's lightning baby! Quit disrespecting Naruto quips Lee, who is getting rid of his training weights. No funeral for Lee after all. "I am very angry" what a bad ass.


Twenty made it to Granny Sansho's as Karashi was attempting to drag his mother away. They head inside and Granny gives him the business after Twenty tells her what really happened. He had no choice! Twenty ain't leaving and she's saving this boy. Granny has the cure, the CURRY OF LIFE! Karashi leaves after saying to not blame him if Ranmaru gets worse.


Back to Lee and Raiga. Lee is too fast for Raiga as he jacks him in the jaw. Granny is making curry and Karashi is worrying until he remembers Lee sleep running in the rain. Raiga is getting his ass kicked by Lee until he charges up for a double Lightning Fang. Karashi smells something, the curry of life. Ranmaru won't eat it though. Karashi knows why, the spices are wrong! Granny is shook, he memorized the spices for the curry of life!


Twenty tries to feed him the genuine article but Ranmaru refuses. Can't even eat without Raiga. He wants to know why she'd help him. She doesn't want to see him die and Granny Sansho and Karashi put everything into it. Only a horrible person wouldn't respect that. People help each other, saving lives and stepping in. Karashi heard those words too and encourages Ranmaru to take a bite...and then he eats the whole thing. That feeling...it's the feeling of life! He cries and wants Raiga to eat it too!


Naruto and Neji are down. Lee got Zorched, but is still going as the episode ends.

NEXT EPISODE: "Run! The Curry of Life"


Man God can you maybe stick to sometime like 8-10 images for your naruto reviews? I'm not telling you to do it, just...all that scrolling.. ..

I will.

I used the search function to look for "lord" for the title someone mentioned a while back, only to realize how often LORD SESSHOMARU is said.

Believe it was "We kick ass for the LORD"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Only boring episodes tend to get around 10 jpegs. It's not my fault there are so many weird eye frames! The people need to know!
Can you guys test something for me?

There is this video of Legend of Zelda in First Person using the Oculus Rift rolling around on the gaming side:


Every other poster in that thread it seems is getting sick/nausea from the video and I was wondering your guy's impressions. I've watched it a handful of times in several different fashions and I have not gotten any problems. I fully understand certain people don't handle stereoscopic 3D or motion very well especially during VR experiences, but there are people saying they can't even handle this small youtube video (not full screen).

I'm curious if I'm just weird for not having the issues or if this is straight up some "Taco Bell RUINS MY BOWELS" stuff.
I felt fine, didn't watch the whole thing thought I can see why people would get sick from the video. Its meant to be seen like wearing glasses and naturally is straining when watched from a distance.


I don't know if you primed me to get motion sick from it, but i had to turn it off after a few minutes and walk outside for a bit.


However, KLK is also the show that I can't actually tell my friends and family I watch because they would probably think I was weirdo for watching it. LOL. It's kind of embarrassing.


Just finished watching episode 2-3. Just going to give overal impressions of the show so far. Sorry about the spoiler bars. Not all that bad since it's really general but I don't want to ruin it for anyone so just in case.

So the setting of the show is really interesting.
Psychotic highschool ruled by a bunch of militaristic cool kids. Its an old idea of surviving high school did in a fun way and I like it.
The humor is really striking me. The way it handles uncomfortable situations is just so odd, but its not annoyingly odd. Its a weird sort of awkwardness that's done surprisingly well.
Mako and her family are prime examples. The dialogue is all levels of uncomfortable, but the dialogue is great and has good expression, not to mention the family has great chemistry and they're interactions together rather than apart makes them all the more appealing and funny when they are sufficient alone.
I would usually find characters like them intolerable after a few minutes, but their written so well, and Mako is actually adorable. And I say "actually" because we have characters like Yui. But adorableness is subjective so...

This show is extremely active and it can take me a few rewinds to wrap my head around all the movement and the characters and subtitles. Even if I was watching dubbed, the activity is explosive and dizzying and all over the place and its hard to keep up with but that's part of the appeal. There's also almost always something happening, and it's usually strange.
Oh. Don't mind these dogs humping in the corner of the your screen
The main characters and supports are damn lovable. Almost every character has some appeal one way or another.
And sexy senpai out of nowhere. It's another of those awkwardly funny moments and I laughed at myself more than anything for literally being so distracted by it that I forgot to read the subs.
I think that's the point. But he's already a favorite just because the show uses him to pick on itself and the absurdity of it all. Really this is all just a huge absurd mess of uncomfortable enjoyment.
Episode 3's end was the most "exposing" moments yet, but I didn't care. It was all so good. I was too excited. I had already seen enough of the show to know that it would deliver, and the battle between "new girl" Ryuuko, and most popular, Satsuki, delivered on way too ridiculous a level. The message might just be to be comfortable with nudity quite honestly according to episode 3.
I've already mentioned it, but art, music and animation is spectacular, skimpy clothes are not. Speaking of which:

Overall exposed count as of episode 3: 7
Overall "almost exposed" count as of episode 3: 8
“I can’t show my friends this anime” moments as of episode 3: 15

I can break this down even further episode by epsode and between men and women but I don't want to make this post any longer. But if someone wants to know, sure.
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