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Toonami |Feb14| We Kick Ass for the LORD!

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Yeah it's first person with someone else doing the movement and its got the fish eye lens, barrel vision crap going on, so I'm not surprised that some people would get sick.

It just surprised me that so many did at once.
Can you guys test something for me?

There is this video of Legend of Zelda in First Person using the Oculus Rift rolling around on the gaming side:


Every other poster in that thread it seems is getting sick/nausea from the video and I was wondering your guy's impressions. I've watched it a handful of times in several different fashions and I have not gotten any problems. I fully understand certain people don't handle stereoscopic 3D or motion very well especially during VR experiences, but there are people saying they can't even handle this small youtube video (not full screen).

I'm curious if I'm just weird for not having the issues or if this is straight up some "Taco Bell RUINS MY BOWELS" stuff.

i can watch it just fine, but i'm really not surprised some people are affected by it


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ


Stand by my side,
There's nothing to hide,
Together we'll fight till the end.


Can you guys test something for me?

There is this video of Legend of Zelda in First Person using the Oculus Rift rolling around on the gaming side:


Every other poster in that thread it seems is getting sick/nausea from the video and I was wondering your guy's impressions. I've watched it a handful of times in several different fashions and I have not gotten any problems. I fully understand certain people don't handle stereoscopic 3D or motion very well especially during VR experiences, but there are people saying they can't even handle this small youtube video (not full screen).

I'm curious if I'm just weird for not having the issues or if this is straight up some "Taco Bell RUINS MY BOWELS" stuff.

I had to turn it off at 1:50 because it was giving me a headache


Can you guys test something for me?

There is this video of Legend of Zelda in First Person using the Oculus Rift rolling around on the gaming side:


Every other poster in that thread it seems is getting sick/nausea from the video and I was wondering your guy's impressions. I've watched it a handful of times in several different fashions and I have not gotten any problems. I fully understand certain people don't handle stereoscopic 3D or motion very well especially during VR experiences, but there are people saying they can't even handle this small youtube video (not full screen).

I'm curious if I'm just weird for not having the issues or if this is straight up some "Taco Bell RUINS MY BOWELS" stuff.

Absolutely no issues to report from me. Heck, I watched it earlier while drinking some milk. If I don't get nausea from the combo of the video and the drink, I'm not going to.

Also, I need to start Sailor Moon...


Can you guys test something for me?

There is this video of Legend of Zelda in First Person using the Oculus Rift rolling around on the gaming side:


Every other poster in that thread it seems is getting sick/nausea from the video and I was wondering your guy's impressions. I've watched it a handful of times in several different fashions and I have not gotten any problems. I fully understand certain people don't handle stereoscopic 3D or motion very well especially during VR experiences, but there are people saying they can't even handle this small youtube video (not full screen).

I'm curious if I'm just weird for not having the issues or if this is straight up some "Taco Bell RUINS MY BOWELS" stuff.

Oh wow I didn't know people could get motion sickness just from a video. :eek:

Anyway I was fine.

You know there was a lot of buzz about the 3DS when it first came out. Headaches and eye sore. Even the 3DS boxart must have the warning label on there. OR games will probably get the same treatment until they find a fix for the motion sickness.
*looks at how far behind I've gotten on Naruto filler*


*goes back to playing One Piece Romance Dawn*


Man when given the choice of bad anime or bad game it's like ahhhh
if the bad game is about a bad anime isn't that objectively worse


Romance Dawn I feel literally has itself trapped inbetween some of the worst JRPG tropes for gameplay. Every area has a recommended level before you go there and you're usually 1-2 levels under that recommendation, going under leveled will get your ass stomped. Thankfully the game always gives you 1-2 side missions (which are boring and long) which if you do them all you end up at recommended level... and then proceed to steamroll everything in the level.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm going to finish this Naruto arc up right now as I'm going to be crazy busy this weekend; the next time I'll have a moment to do any Naruto after this will probably be Sunday afternoon. I'll probably have to do Monday's right at midnight and Tuesday will be late as fuck in the day.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's a good path for a shinobi to take. His way of the Ninja if you will.

Speaking of surprises, I have almost as many gifs for this episode as I do pictures. They will be deployed as I can during the day today as bonuses.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Run! The Curry of Life"


We start right off where we left. A stormy valley. Raiga and Lee. Raiga asks Why. Lee responds that he wants to get so strong that Guy-sensei smiles with pride, that's his way of the Shinobi after all. Raiga understands this; Guy can be the one to hold Lee's funeral as he charges up with two lightning bolts hitting him. Ninja Art: Thunder Dragon Tornado. Lee is shook. The dragon heads underground.

Karashi carrying a vat of curry is being pushed by his mother while Twenty carries Ranmaru. Karashi is complaining about the weight but Granny will have none of that.


Lee isn't doing well against the Thunder dragon. Lots of cartoony sound effects here. Twenty and Ranmaru decide to go on ahead while granny gives her the you go girl.


Raiga is wondering what state Lee is in. Was he "evaporated to the bone"? Not quite as Twenty and filler Haku run by. They double back and Tenten tries to snap Lee out of it. Karashi and Sansho are right behind though and I bet you know where this is going. Quick, the CURRY OF LIFE. Nice and hot. They'll help Lee but Twenty needs to deliver this to Naruto and Neji, and at the first syllable of Neji's name she drops Lee's head to the hard stone like a sack of flour. She tells Ranmaru to wait here as she goes to help Naruto. Karashi gets the business and knuckles to the head from his mom and delivers curry to Neji. Granny has Ranmaru hold Lee's mouth open while she pours the CURRY OF LIFE down his gullet. He's still out though! Ten seconds later though he snaps to, throwing Granny Sansho aside and grabbing her ladle going berserk on the curry cauldron! I guess he's ok.
Twenty is mad that she can't feed Neji by hand I guess as she calls Naruto a doofus for getting zorched to death. The CURRY OF LIFE works wonders on him too as he wonders what the fuck she is doing. "Oh I guess this means you're awake." Naruto is confused because he thought she had fallen off the cliff. She dismisses that, it was an obvious trap you dolt.


Naruto is LEGIT SHOOK at this. Karashi at least wakes up Neji first before giving him the curry. He isn't manly enough though and passes out after one bite. NEEEEEEEJJJJIIIII! Lee is drunk with CURRY.


We get a brief FLASHBACK to why this is. When Karashi was hurrying to lift the giant vat of curry into the carrier he knocked a bottle of "mysterious red liquid" into the CURRY OF LIFE and they obviously had no time to fix it. A bottle of wine! It should be just as effective as Lee cackles madly. The comedy is over for now as Raiga shows up and the omnious music starts. Raiga is going to do the job right this time when Ranmaru shows up to talk with him. Twenty runs down the recent events with Naruto behind a rock. Ranmaru saved Raiga with his chakra, we saved him with a face promo pep talk and the Curry of Life. Karashi and him are no longer evil for real this time. Raiga wants to kill some more people...and Ranmaru helps him out. Ranmaru makes a bunch of fog so they can leave, telling Raiga that he'll be his eyes and that the ninja are all dead. Peaceful resolution?Well I guess if accidental death+suicide is considered peaceful. Twenty knows the score. Ranmaru is trying to atone by killing both of them, leading him off of the cliff. Naruto is shook but before he can help DRUNK LEE steps on the scene.


Drunk Lee charges forward, pushing Raiga close to the edge with a flurry of mainly missed punches and kicks. Raiga is impressed by his recovery as Lee almost pukes up his lunch. Dodging lightning bolts while doing the worm and various other floor gym-kata, then running forward and kicking Raiga straight up below the jaw, sending Ranmaru flying. Good guy Naruto is there to catch him though. Raiga lands right at the precipice of doom and is worried about Ranmaru. He's had enough and Lee will pay! Ninja Art Thunder Armor. He's made of lightning and charges forward! Lee punches him right in the gut though and both are knocked back. Raiga would have been toast without his thunder armor. Raiga has gone back to offering Lee a funeral.


Not so fast! Naruto and Ranmaru are on the scene. Ranmaru wants Raiga to eat the CURRY OF LIFE, it's blend of delicious spices will show him that we are all connected (no seriously, this is not me messing around, this is the crux of his argument) and that they can live together in peace. Raiga can't handle those words from his eyes and ears, if he doesn't stop spouting them they can no longer be as one! Bonds breaking! Ranmaru wants Raiga to kill him, he won't give up Lee. If Ranmaru dies Raiga as he was will die. Raiga needs to give him a funeral to preserve the Ranmaru that was. Naruto isn't going to have this and makes around fifty Shadow Clones as Lee regains concisnous. "Thatsa lot of Narutos" as he simulates puking and passes back out.


It is a lot of Narutos. Raiga no sells them as he uses ranged AOEs primarily. Karashi is still trying to rouse Neji. Tenten wants him to get a move on so she picks up the plate of curry and feeds him some as Karashi flips out. Now she has done it, Neji is dead. Back to Naruto cutting a great promo on Raiga. What kind of monster would kill his eyes and ears? He doesn't want to be by himself anymore, he wants to laugh with everyone instead of crying with Raiga. You're free now brother, no more funerals for you or anyone. Raiga has had enough and talks about his credentials. One of the seven swordsmen. Do you know Kisame? He can't stand him, gonna give him a funeral. He hates all the seven swordsmen. Ranmaru is his only friend, but he doesn't need him anymore. Their bond is broken, no longer two halves of the same soul. Raiga is charging up to the very limit and nukes all the shadow clones. Except for five of them which do the clone spinning axe kick and shadow clone body slam, bringing Raiga to the edge of the cliff.


Quintuple uppercut! Ranmaru is finally free as Raiga goes flying and asks the lightning to give him "a funeral worth remembering" as a ball of lightning hits him he fades into dust.

Karashi is teaching his junior apprentice how to make the CURRY OF LIFE. Put you r all into it as he knocks Ranmaru around. Granny Sansho isn't down with that though as she clods him in the back of the head. "It's about a hundred years too soon for you to be preaching about the family curry." They are on equal ground! The ninjas are leaving Ranmaru in Granny Sansho's capable hands. Granny wants them to each a special curry to give them vim and vigor for the long trip home.


It's the reddest curry Twenty has ever seen. Naruto's eyes are burning just looking at it. Lee quickly switches over to adoration though. Neji makes excuses, Lady Tsunade will kill them if they are late, Naruto hastily agrees and Tenten makes apologizes as they carry Lee away.

NEXT EPISODE: "Follow My Lead! The Great Survival Challenge"


I stopped caring about that thread when it became less about finding the best shows on Toonami and more about ganging up on popular shows synonymous with Toonami, regardless of their actual quality. Really takes the fun out of those threads. No wonder barely anyone post in there anymore.

And YYH just got voted out too? SMFH

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I stopped caring about that thread when it became less about finding the best shows on Toonami and more about ganging up on popular shows synonymous with Toonami, regardless of their actual quality. Really takes the fun out of those threads. No wonder barely anyone post in there anymore.

And YYH just got voted out too? SMFH

That's how it was always going to be, the game is being run as intended. If you wanted to do an actual what is the best show on Toonami vote you'd have everyone do a ballot 1...x and weigh each vote on what slot they got and order them that way. But instead we got a game with politicing and all the nonsense that goes along with that. The thread is basically Casshern Sins the game. The least ruined one will win if the crazy robots doesn't eat or kill them first.

Here's a gif to help describe it better.



Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Can you guys test something for me?

There is this video of Legend of Zelda in First Person using the Oculus Rift rolling around on the gaming side:


Every other poster in that thread it seems is getting sick/nausea from the video and I was wondering your guy's impressions. I've watched it a handful of times in several different fashions and I have not gotten any problems. I fully understand certain people don't handle stereoscopic 3D or motion very well especially during VR experiences, but there are people saying they can't even handle this small youtube video (not full screen).

I'm curious if I'm just weird for not having the issues or if this is straight up some "Taco Bell RUINS MY BOWELS" stuff.

I didnt get any problems in terms of sickness or anything, but sometimes the enemies looked fuzzy and I guess blend together


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own

Just finished watching episode 2-3. Just going to give overal impressions of the show so far. Sorry about the spoiler bars. Not all that bad since it's really general but I don't want to ruin it for anyone so just in case.

So the setting of the show is really interesting.
Psychotic highschool ruled by a bunch of militaristic cool kids. Its an old idea of surviving high school did in a fun way and I like it.
The humor is really striking me. The way it handles uncomfortable situations is just so odd, but its not annoyingly odd. Its a weird sort of awkwardness that's done surprisingly well.
Mako and her family are prime examples. The dialogue is all levels of uncomfortable, but the dialogue is great and has good expression, not to mention the family has great chemistry and they're interactions together rather than apart makes them all the more appealing and funny when they are sufficient alone.
I would usually find characters like them intolerable after a few minutes, but their written so well, and Mako is actually adorable. And I say "actually" because we have characters like Yui. But adorableness is subjective so...

This show is extremely active and it can take me a few rewinds to wrap my head around all the movement and the characters and subtitles. Even if I was watching dubbed, the activity is explosive and dizzying and all over the place and its hard to keep up with but that's part of the appeal. There's also almost always something happening, and it's usually strange.
Oh. Don't mind these dogs humping in the corner of the your screen
The main characters and supports are damn lovable. Almost every character has some appeal one way or another.
And sexy senpai out of nowhere. It's another of those awkwardly funny moments and I laughed at myself more than anything for literally being so distracted by it that I forgot to read the subs.
I think that's the point. But he's already a favorite just because the show uses him to pick on itself and the absurdity of it all. Really this is all just a huge absurd mess of uncomfortable enjoyment.
Episode 3's end was the most "exposing" moments yet, but I didn't care. It was all so good. I was too excited. I had already seen enough of the show to know that it would deliver, and the battle between "new girl" Ryuuko, and most popular, Satsuki, delivered on way too ridiculous a level. The message might just be to be comfortable with nudity quite honestly according to episode 3.
I've already mentioned it, but art, music and animation is spectacular, skimpy clothes are not. Speaking of which:

Overall exposed count as of episode 3: 7
Overall "almost exposed" count as of episode 3: 8
“I can’t show my friends this anime” moments as of episode 3: 15

I can break this down even further episode by epsode and between men and women but I don't want to make this post any longer. But if someone wants to know, sure.

Really glad your enjoying it, wait until you get to where we are with the last 3 or so episodes, its been crazy.
I am getting real tired of this sniping bullshit.

Thats why I PM'd you about it awhile back man. I knew that shit was going to ruin the thread. It just makes it completely not fun when I see people have "Last edited at 11:58 p.m." just to BS over a show. Just a game or not, it strips it of all the fun. Between that going on and the absolute meltdowns some people were having...I just bailed out. I'm sorry, I liked participating but it just got to be too much.

Like we talked about at the time though, I don't have a solution as to what would be more fair. Saying people can't edit their posts would be nonsensical, but there has to be a medium in there.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Wrong. You, lazybones, and the rest of you have broken the game.

The game is flawed by design. I'm sorry that it turned out that way but this is true and you can't blame the players for following the rules. This could have been avoided in numerous ways.


The game is flawed by design. I'm sorry that it turned out that way but this is true and you can't blame the players for following the rules. This could have been avoided in numerous ways.
You're right. The 90's thread worked just fine with the same rules, but the whole thing falls apart once people vote in non-rational ways.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
You're right. The 90's thread worked just fine with the same rules, but the whole thing falls apart once people vote in non-rational ways.

Thing is people are voting rationally.

The more times a game with politicking and gamesmanship are run the more metadata matters and the rules need to be tight as hell to prevent cliques from running wild.

2 kills for 1 save and allowing voting to be changed puts the emphasis on offense and if you want to protect your favorite show your best bet is to kill off all of the other strong competitors. The only failure the watch the world burn clique did was not killing Cowboy Bebop first as they eventually got enough apathy and world burning to kill DBZ, the other main threat until people remember other great shows (FLCL cough cough) exist. It has a decent chance if the game continues to run the table.

It is hilarious how many people are wigging out about YYH compared to DBZ though. DBZ is the clear number most important Toonami show ever. DBZ is Toonami while YYH was barely on the block at all.


You're right. The 90's thread worked just fine with the same rules, but the whole thing falls apart once people vote in non-rational ways.

Some people just want to troll the results because retaliatory strikes happened way way way early in the voting and the final list will suffer for it.


It has a decent chance if the game continues to run the table.
It isn't going to run the table because the game has been exposed as fundamentally flawed. No one can play the game anymore. It is impossible to save ANY show you want around because it will be sniped at the last minute in a round where it doesn't have any saves.

And no, you are not voting rationally. You do not actually have any opinions on these shows. You do not actually hate these shows. You merely vote for popular shows that can easily be sniped, leaving everyone else with no recourse to prevent you from voting out whatever show you want.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Of course I'm voting rationally, I vote to kill strong shows that threaten my actual favorite show on the block.

EDIT: Quit worrying so much, this is the last time I'll bring it up in this thread.

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