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Toonami |Feb14| We Kick Ass for the LORD!

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
I get to watch Naruto filler on the day Inuyasha died. What a double whammy!

Persona Q also got a release period though so it's not all bad.


Junior Member
So, now I have Space Dandy (complete with the original opening Toonami & Funimation finally got the rights to) & Blue Exorcist to look forward to every week.

God bless Toonami


I've been meaning to ask. How long is it in Naruto Shippuden (Future episode spoilers, duh)
Until we reach the reach the Chiyo/Sakura and Sasori fight?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I've been meaning to ask. How long is it in Naruto Shippuden (Future episode spoilers, duh)
Until we reach the reach the Chiyo/Sakura and Sasori fight?

I love how vague Shippuden titles are that I can't just look it up in three seconds and tell you but I think its around three months away.

EDIT: Wait that shit doesn't start until the second year of Shippuden. The answer you are looking for is episode 20.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
As soon as I finish Naruto filler I'm going to marathon the rest of Inuyasha and Final Act. Even though Final Act might make it to Toonami one day I just don't care anymore. Going to get my DVDs back on Saturday and found someone who let me have his Final Act set so I don't even have to get it from the Library again.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'll watch it right after if we can get a bunch of other people to go for it but Sunday afternoon makes much more sense.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Hunt or Be Hunted?! Showdown at the O.K. Temple!"


Spike is a baby murderer! What a heel! They're all sleeping with a baby murderer as morning hits. Spike wakes up first and reaches for his sword but SWERVE, they were all awake the whole time. Spike wants his revenge on the Nail but Naruto puts him in his place. Kiba confronts him with the wanted poster. They were attacked last night by a bounty hunter. Spike tries to dismiss it but he's hurt. Hinata comes to tend to him. He never committed any crime. Gosunkugi did it. He killed the family of three just to steal some money and we get a FLASHBACK.


Spike was a swordsmith in a poor village between two great nations. He had a great life until the day of the festival. He was walking to deliver a sword he had just made when he heard a man crying out. He takes out the sword as he heres noises and a Ninja attacks him. It's that damn bastard the Nail! They clash a few times and he runs. Spike gets blood on his sandals as he opens the door to the heinous scene. He is LEGIT SHOOK. Two men with two young girls on their shoulders see him stumbling back through the wall. They tie him up in the middle of the festival and no one believes his story. He was the only one without an alibi and the weapon that killed them was a very unique blade. He was a swordsmith so he'd have access to that sort of thing.


He also apparently had access to a nail file up his sleeve. He gets free, pushes through some men and grabs the sword he was delivering to start his life as a cowboy. Fugitive montage including wanted posters, just like the man that actually killed that family. He made a vow to catch him with his own two hands and clear his name. Bounty hunting montage which shows how he got those bad ass scars. The hunted became the hunter! He begs the Ninjas to leave it to him. Naruto ain't budging though, Ninjas follow through on their missions and they leave him be. Kiba wonders if that was the right idea. Naruto wants blood though; Gosunkugi is an animal who needs to be stopped no matter what. Plus he doesn't want Spike to get killed trying to capture The Nail. The other bounty hunter is outside the shack, armed and ready. Spike will give himself up but other bounty hunter is greedy; he wants the ninja kids to take out Gosunkugi so he can get two big scores. Spike tries to make a break for it but his wounds are too much.


The Ninjas come to the town creatively named Post Station Two. It's a town run by monks and isn't a wild west stage show. Nothing but temples. The big one on the hill is the O.K. temple and I think you know where this is going. A golden bell is being hoisted up to the temple and Kiba remarks that would make a good target for thieves. Naruto agrees as we get Gosunkugi's four goons following them. Also The Nail himself getting a quick snack before committing some more thieving and murdering as we head to commercial.


Naruto wonders how Gosunkugi is going to steal the bell when Akamaru opens his eyes and smells something! A hole in a temple wall and a destroyed temple. An ambush from the Nail's goons has them surrounded. Byakugan. There's more of them lurking. Spike shows up. He's going to handle the goons...but the Ninja take some of them out easily enough on their own. Eight left as Naruto wonders why Spike is here. He just came for revenge. Hinata is worried about him but Spike proposes a race. Hinata senses more nails underground as the bell makes it to the top. The goons are SHADOW CLONES which Hinata should have sensed right away, some weird ass Nail jutsu prevented it. Kiba says it gives new meaning to being nailed down. Kiba would know about getting nailed. Luckily the bell isn't that far away. Spike mentions that the other cowboy is out there too so be careful. They were too late, the bell guards are dead as the goons surround them again. Naruto proposes they take care of them in one shot. Gentle Fist. Fang over Fang. Shadow Clone Jutsu into a vintage Uzumaki Barrage as Spike just knocks the other one out. The other cowboy is in a tree as Akamaru picks up the scent. He's leaving by boat!


The ninja rail grind the rope and Naruto calls out Spike for being a coward, so he comes along too. Ninja Art: Flying Nail Mist. Naruto makes a Shadow Clone Shield and goes to punch Gosunkugi who uses nails to break the rope.


The ninja fall into the water but Spike uses a grappling hook at the last moment. Gosunkugi laughs as Spike jumps out of the water with sword drawn, he forgot someone. He plunges the sword into the deck!


He needs him alive. The ninja lose. Not so fast as a chain pins Spike to the bell. It's that damn fake Jett! He brought the popo! Spike's wounds open up. The Ninja can't do shit with the five-0 around. Spike is surrounded by an angry mob who threaten to kill him. One man won't stand for it and makes a loud noise with his giant club.


It's not Jett! They didn't do their due diligence! He believes in law and order, destroying Spike's wanted poster. Gosunkugi did it says the magistrate. He confessed and they have the sword. Spike is free! Not Jett wants a damn apology. Spike wants to know why he helped. Not Jett heard the whole sad tale and while bounty hunters normally have a heart of stone he needed the truth! His name is Gatsu! They're fellow tradesmen! The Ninja leave.


Naruto is homesick until Kiba reminds him that he failed again. Naruto forgets about wanting to go home as Kiba, his handler and Hinata laugh at him to end the episode.

NEXT EPISODE: "The Appearance of Strange Visitors"


If I had any photoshop skills I would put Inuyasha's picture in place of Yusuke's at his funeral in the opening arc of Yuyu Hakusho.

Since I don't may I link you to something that might cheer you up?


Clearly Toonami is on a downward spiral and will be off the air before the end of the year

I cite the loss of inuyasha and the slowed pace of this thread as evidence.


Kill la Kill 6-7

Dammit, sensei! Put those things away before you blind someone. I laughed my ass off at this scene. The man is beyond sparkly, dammit. He’s transcended to some higher level. Great way to start off an otherwise intense episode, especially the latter half. The first half is rather good.
Sanageyama is already ridiculously strong, expected for being one of the elite, but having Ryuuko and Senketsu take him down was a nice moment. Seeing actual teamwork, strategy, and agreement is an even more appealing aspect than having Ryuuko don the Kamui and do her thing and forcing her way through.
So a rather good moment for the two. And of course Mako has to be there to give us an idea of what we can’t see. Oh Mako! Thanks. Second half is when shit gets real! Just one intense scene after another, and I love the transition of scenes and music. The way it was arranged was just really well done in my opinion and makes
Sanageyama’s act that much more impactful. Very well done. And mad respect for Sanageyama at that.

Next episode, like episode 4, was a break. Don’t mind breaks from plot, especially when well done. I would say that this episode is nowhere near as good as episode 4 though and it’s my least liked yet. Not that I dislike it, but it's just not on par with the others imo.
It’s good to get a little bit more information on Ryuuko’s past though, and this episode gets us a bit of that and shows us what the Mankanshoku family really represents for Ryuuko, so that fine. Otherwise, I think the most interesting thing was just to see some more of Satsuki’s ideas and nature. She knows how to get the dirty work done. She’s so fucking cold and calculated. I love it.

In other news, in my last impressions, I said something along the line of” I think the nudity count will skyrocket.” I had no idea how right I was. I can’t hold all this nudity. I will…find some way to calculate that later and give that astounding number at another time. As of episode 6:

Overall exposed count as of episode 6: 14
Overall almost exposed count as of episode 6: 14
Number of reasons to watch with the door locked: 28


Gives all the fucks
Huh, I noticed on GameStop's Power Up Rewards, you can get the first volume of Shippuden on DVD uncut & 13 episodes. Interesting choice for a reward, especially since it's cheaper compared to stuff like hats. Makes me wonder if they'll do other animes. I also see DVDs for Batman The Animated Series, Pokemon Elements, & Justice League: Brave & The Bold....oh, & the original live-action TMNT & Tomb Raider movies as well.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Naruto Filler Recap and contest details.

First let me say that for the most part I've enjoyed myself on these synopsis. It's fun seeing a scene poorly animated and going, yep, that's the shot I need and some of these episodes were rife for giffing. There's probably six more gifs in the Final Curry of Life episode. Some of them though were just barren wastelands of interesting animation. The second Curry of Life episode was the worst; those are literally some of the last frames of animation in the episode, I had nothing left and nothing in my notes stood out at all. The first of the bounty hunter arc wasn't great either so I went for the sword getting cut scene you all have seen a million times in anime. Only been a single one off episode so far and that wasn't a good one. The next episode is a hoot though. Like Bleach the comedy one off episodes can be really quite excellent, though unlike Bleach the filler arcs are usually short and sweet. Curry of Life was a chore at six weeks but if I remember right it is among the three longest arcs of these eighty episodes.

Now to the arcs themselves.

Return to the Sound Village: Extremely strong and if not for the animation quality taking a complete nosedive this material is nearly strong enough to be canon. The final villain was a bit weak but at least everyone had consistent motivations. It does a really great job of setting Sakura on her path as she finally quits the moping and starts training hard with Tsunade.

Tony the Tiger Prison Break: Not great but not quite as bad as I remembered it. The idiots were amusing and I loved how ripped Mizuki was. The final episode is really sub par. Ino-Shika-Cho getting a mid tier filler only formation was pretty good though. It was funny with both Iruka and Mizuki's fiancee thinking he was just some misunderstood soul caught up with a bad crowd when in fact he was a sociopath all along.

Bikochu Beetle: Very fun arc. Pretty much anything with Shino, Hinata, and Akamaru is going to be a good time. Hinata gets significant character development and the first episode is an absolute joy to watch. The villains could have used a bit of work but I can only think of one or maybe two filler villains in Naruto who ever really shine.

Curry of Life: Five weeks of torture capped off with the most giffable episode of the show since the Kakashi mask episode. Karashi's repeated backsliding into the thug life gets old quickly. The second episode was boring and set up the arc to end in episode three...and then it goes on for another three episodes. Raiga is presented as a crazy, less interesting and weaker version of Zabusa. He's only a credible threat during a thunderstorm. I get that they were trying to convey that he's an incomplete package without Ranmaru but they never really got a chance to shine together. He just zorches them from the top of the hill at the end of episode two and beginning of three before Lee breaks them apart while sleep fighting. Karashi is horrible. I can even forgive his first backsliding but the second time after going home just doesn't work. Have a lightning bolt just hit Raiga or something.

Survival Test: Slightly below average one shot episode though it did set off a riot of boob gifs that was the highlight of the thread this week. I did actually enjoy some of the Ninja teachable moments/Naruto fucking them up. The village is doomed when he becomes Hokage.

Spike is basically in Naruto Arc: The most humorous part about this arc is that I feel it's biggest failing is...NOT BEING A THREE PARTER. The transition between act 1 and act 2 of the second episode makes NO sense. I swear this was storyboarded for three episodes and someone told them to cut it down to two.

And now that I've done the first set of filler (and a bit of the second!) I'll officially unveil the Naruto filler contest.


The rules are simple. You have until Next Week's Toonami to put a post in the thread guess which of the Genin (or Shikamaru) from the leaf village show up the most throughout filler. The only one you cannot vote for is of course, Naruto, leaving:


One piece of advice that I've given out a few times; Sasuke does not appear very often in this at all. The first response I see from a poster is the one I'll write down and nominations close on the 8th of March when Boondocks go out. There will be a prize so if multiple people pick the same person I'll PM them for the second most, third most, etc. If multiple have been paying super good attention I'll either find a second prize or make a quiz using my ninja info cards.

FAKE Example: Lazybones says Kirito shows up the most in Naruto filler. He doesn't show up at all. GMN says Spike shows up the most. He...actually kind of showed up twice so he'd win.

The only rule I stand firm on: the character MUST be in the episode during the current time. Flashbacks do not count. Sakura for example was not in the curry of life despite being briefly shown because it was a flashback. If the entire episode is a flashback then the characters appearance counts, and if this was shippuden canon then a multi episode flashback inside a multi episode flashback would be a triple word score. A character needs to be identifiable as themselves. I've decided they do not need to speak. In the rare case that I don't think comes up but might because it is naruto I will not count a character as appearing if it is only a shadow clone/transformation jutsu unless that character spends literally the entire episode transformed. I am almost one hundred percent positive that this will never happen though.

So get your submissions in by next toonami basically. Pick a horse.


Sketchbook Picasso
*Catching up with news...*

Two Genndy Shows and 1 "inspired by... in 3D~!" show to art for in a sketch dump? Blehhhhh~~ style overkill.

I... alrerady want my Inuyasha back. I really enjoy Titan in general, and I want to see it continue (yet not rerun again so soon), but ending Toonami with it is completely without interest for me. Hm.


I rather liked Kagome wakin up Inuyasha to start up the show for the final starting bump of the night, too!

I wonder how odd it would have been to replace it with Ranma or Urusei Yatsura...

( TT _____________________________ TT )


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Kill la Kill 6-7

Dammit, sensei! Put those things away before you blind someone. I laughed my ass off at this scene. The man is beyond sparkly, dammit. He’s transcended to some higher level. Great way to start off an otherwise intense episode, especially the latter half. The first half is rather good.
Sanageyama is already ridiculously strong, expected for being one of the elite, but having Ryuuko and Senketsu take him down was a nice moment. Seeing actual teamwork, strategy, and agreement is an even more appealing aspect than having Ryuuko don the Kamui and do her thing and forcing her way through.
So a rather good moment for the two. And of course Mako has to be there to give us an idea of what we can’t see. Oh Mako! Thanks. Second half is when shit gets real! Just one intense scene after another, and I love the transition of scenes and music. The way it was arranged was just really well done in my opinion and makes
Sanageyama’s act that much more impactful. Very well done. And mad respect for Sanageyama at that.

Next episode, like episode 4, was a break. Don’t mind breaks from plot, especially when well done. I would say that this episode is nowhere near as good as episode 4 though and it’s my least liked yet. Not that I dislike it, but it's just not on par with the others imo.
It’s good to get a little bit more information on Ryuuko’s past though, and this episode gets us a bit of that and shows us what the Mankanshoku family really represents for Ryuuko, so that fine. Otherwise, I think the most interesting thing was just to see some more of Satsuki’s ideas and nature. She knows how to get the dirty work done. She’s so fucking cold and calculated. I love it.

In other news, in my last impressions, I said something along the line of” I think the nudity count will skyrocket.” I had no idea how right I was. I can’t hold all this nudity. I will…find some way to calculate that later and give that astounding number at another time. As of episode 6:

Overall exposed count as of episode 6: 14
Overall almost exposed count as of episode 6: 14
Number of reasons to watch with the door locked: 28

I love your commitment to the counter haha


I watched the first episode of kill la kill just now. Interesting enough but I doubt I'll watch anymore. At least now I have a mental reference for when people talk about the show other than mako avatars and gifs
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