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Toonami |Feb15| Giraffes are awesome, I love giraffes

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You're gonna get Toei and you're gonna like it.



And the Academy Award for Most Insufferable NeoGAF Thread goes to...........

The yearly Oscars thread, same as last year and every year before it!



ckohler, that's suppose to be Satsuki in JunkeyKetsu upside down. LoL is that outfit impossible to find a "I'm not a pervert, and this actually looks cool!" angle on. Should we even call these clothes? It's not totally killing my enjoyment of the show, but it's not... really... adding anything? I do hope I see the day when too much sexual fanservice gets the exact opposite effect, and forces people to be less shocking, and more crafty. Would be a historic landmark day!

Well, at least I watched Birdman before even knowing it was nominated.
Glad I didn't waste my time with the Oscars. At lest J.K. Simmons got his piece of the pie.

He should have gotten it all those years ago for having the greatest portrayal of a comic book character that'll ever exist, but I guess better late than never (I still need to go see whiplash, I've heard nothing but good things)


He should have gotten it all those years ago for having the greatest portrayal of a comic book character that'll ever exist, but I guess better late than never (I still need to go see whiplash, I've heard nothing but good things)
I just want to see it because I like drumming.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 83:

Ah yes, it easy to forget in the world of today that the events of this episode were not common knowledge with even passing familiarity of the franchise. Indeed, this is the great expostional infodump that finally spells out once and for all the detailed history of Crystal Tokyo and its rulers, Neo Queen Serenity and King Endimyon. This also opens up one of those problematic scenarios when dealing with time manipulation, even without knowledge of future events, the Sailor Scouts must be triumphant or else there is no rise of Crystal Tokyo which in turn prevents the rise of The Black Moon Clan. They do try to handwave this inconvenient fact away by having Dimande mention that the Malfeic Black Crystal can manipulate time and space. This is true but it also forgets one of MAIN OBJECTIVES of the Black Moon Clan in regards to the past, to have the power fester at key points that will allow the Black Moon Clan to rise on Earth, to rise in place of the heroes. This plan was thwarted and now with the Scouts in the future then must win. At any rate, this episode was hit really hard by science marching on, as Planet Nemesis is less the tenth planet and more one of the many Dwarf Planets in that area of the Solar System. Anyway, once the information is disseminated we get have fun attempted rape with Prince Dimande as it turns out he is really into Sailor Moon no matter what the era and thankfully Tuxedo Mask saves the day by pulling powers out of his ass. Anyway, overarching plot holes aside this episode comes with highest recommendations as it is one of the most important episodes of Sailor Moon R.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 84

Ah yes, time for another installment of Chibi-Usa is awful and I hate her and she should have been erased from the timeline. So as it turns out the reason disaster has befallen the palace is because the pink hellbeast wanted to play around with The Silver Crystal in order to be more like her mother and sent it away to the phantom zone. Oh but before that revelation she has one of her hissy fits because Sailor Moon tries one thing and fails to revive her mother, which would be fine until she runs out of the fucking palace and right into the arms of the enemy. God damn I hate you and everything you stand for Chibi-Usa. The enemy in question is Wiseman, somebody I do not think I have talked much about up to this point, simply because he has been content to sit in the background issuing the occasional fortune and not much else. Indeed, he very existence has been a point of contention for Saphir who feels that WIseman has been manipulating Dimande with the lure of the Black Crystal and he is right, but he can do nothing about this. Dimande is also being motivation by his intense desire to forcefully penetrate any incarnation of Queen Serenity which is turn makes Esumrelde increasingly green eyed with the envy and she basically sells her will over to Wiseman in exchange for the power to revolutionize the word via the transposition of dragon fire. She fights the Sailor Scouts in what is sadly one of the most dynamic fights offered up by the series yet and then gets thrown into the void. Good riddance I say as she been a horribly cliched one dimensional villianess whose obsession with the prince has just left me bored. Anyway, once again highest recommendation to watch.


Quality is irrelevant here regarding filler. Airing these episodes is going to drive away even more viewers away from One Piece permanently.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
One Piece is actually getting hype. Why is there filler right in the middle of an arc? Why Toei?

It's only 2 episodes., it's not like Bleach filler where the middle of an arc is interrupted by 20-something episodes of filler
Or that awful Apis arc before the crew entered the Grand Line.

And it was done because this was the New Year's special. For 2006-2007.


So basically, we have next week's normal One Piece episode, two connected filler episodes, and then back to canon?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
So basically, we have next week's normal One Piece episode, two connected filler episodes, and then back to canon?


and then another Holiday Boss Luffy special in another ten episodes that will really piss people off because the story is at it's climax.


Unconfirmed Member
So basically, we have next week's normal One Piece episode, two connected filler episodes, and then back to canon?

Boss Luffy episodes are fun. Wish they would go back to them. They haven't done one since the early 400s.
Still dumb to add in two episodes of filler right when we finally get to the fighting. Maybe if One Piece was aired weekdays it would be alright but for a show that comes on once a week it's annoying. DeMarco needs to do whatever it takes contractually or logistics-wise to skip these episodes. Kind of like what should have been done when we went through those bloated character recaps that killed ratings and only mattered to die-hard fans.
The recaps were not fine; they were bloated, boring, and killed ratings so bad the show got pushed back and the block cut (although the latter had more to do with AoT than OP). The only people who cared about them were One Piece super fans; casuals, who make up the vast majority of nielsen viewers, turned the channel. You could argue that the viewers counted are a small sample size but I think that it's representative.
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