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Toonami |Feb15| Giraffes are awesome, I love giraffes

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Nice work SAB! I'll be honest though, I can’t exactly make out what that’s supposed to be between Vegeta and Naruto. I know it's KLK related but what am I looking at?

On to the reviews!

DBZ: Kai - I love how badass and serious Goku has become. That part where he ignores Nappa and has a friendly conversation with Krillin and Gohan over the sensu bean is great because it makes the powerful Nappa look like a complete chump in Goku's eyes. You can really feel how much more powerful and confident Goku is now and it's epic to witness. I so prefer him over the goofy, idiot Goku. One thing I don't really understand though is why the Earth fighters can hide their power levels but Vegeta and Nappa can't. Regardless, I'm super hyped to see Vegeta and Goku fight. Bring it on! Rating: Over 8000!

Kill la Kill - Damn, Satsuki means business. When I first saw this episode I remember thinking, “how can the upcoming battles with the club members be anywhere as interesting as this fight?!” Well, the series doesn’t exactly go down the “baddie of the week” route, which is good. The music, the animation, the dialog in this episode are hypetastic! Yeah yeah, kamui's working best when more skin is showing is a cheesy (dirty) idea but there's actually more to it to than that, so stick around and find out. Also, I can now say with certainty that there has been ZERO censorship so far. Quite remarkable. That one CG shot of Satsuki walking up the building looked really bad but the scene immediately following it of them both fighting in the hallway looked stellar, animation wise. Mako continues to be amazing. She really is the perfect, bubblehead cheerleader. Next week the series goes full Panty and Stocking with what is by far the silliest, cartoony and hilarious episode in the series. Rating: 5 concussive blasts out of 5!

Here's how I imagined ToonamiGAF's reaction to this week’s KLK episode:


Naruto: Shippuden - Another good Shippuden episode?! Granted, not much action but I actually enjoyed the exposition on how their jutsu powers work. I never realized how much the Naruto had in common with Avatar: The Last Airbender. The animation was also unnecessarily excellent in this episode. My only complaint is how questionable the whole "shadow clone" thing is. These ninjas can will these clones into existence, where they have sentience, memory, feelings and everything, and then just "poof" them away like it's no big deal. I keep expecting the clones to turn on their creators some day and be like, "I don't want to die!" Rating: #RightsForClones

Inuyasha: Final Act - The show continues to live up to it's "Final" sub-title by killing off characters left and right. I didn't really know much about "Khan Nah" so, again, I didn't really feel the impact of her death. Was it even really a death? She was basically a creature made of crystal, right? I guess because she looks like a child the cast is suddenly supposed to care. :p You guys were kind of ripping on InuYasha's demon voice but, honestly, I found it to sound pretty cool and a nice change of pace. He looked pretty badass with those red eyes. I hope we get to see him turn again before the series ends, maybe even attacking his friends. Speaking of eyes, ouch! I winced a little when Kagome got that shard jammed into her big, anime eye. Rating: One less character every 24 minutes. Guaranteed!

Gurren Lagann - "This is it. Our final battle!" Well, first we need to deal with Rossiu. Look, I actually like this episode a lot because it shows that Rossiu wasn't deliberately being a douchbag. That scene of him crying in his room because he thought he had to give up his friends in order to "be the leader and save humanity" pretty much redeemed him in my eyes. Yes, he made some really dickish decisions but only because that’s how he was taught leaders were supposed to act while growing up in Adai Village. Simon gave him the punch he deserved (and needed) to get back on track. Also, like Simon said, he could never have done what Rossiu did in as far as making the hard choices that could have secured humanity's survival. Think about it. Because this is a shonen show, Simon won the fight but if he hadn't, the outcome could have been far, far worse for humanity. At least Rossiu was trying to be pragmatic. Lastly, it's revealed that Kinon knew all along how bad Rossiu was secretly suffering but didn't want to disparage him so she kept it to herself which is why she was always so defensive of him to a fault. At least, that's how I see it. These aren’t asshole characters. They’re flawed and made mistakes. Anyway, now that the melodrama has ended, it's time to take the battle to Anti-Spirals! Prepare to witness the best final four episodes ever televised. Rating: PAWNCH!

One Piece - These fights are ridiculous, literally. They’re fun and all but things are getting so silly now it’s getting harder and harder for me to take them seriously. I’m actually afraid the show is delving too far into “childish humor” territory even for my tastes. Franky is a freak of nature but at least he’s fun to watch and is full of charisma. That dumb YoYoi guy is back (ugh) and apparently he ate all the food in the fridge? Oookay. Watching Kaku and Jabra fighting each other is kinda amusing but it’s also very cliche and cheesy. The best moment in the episode was listening to Zoro’s come up with such ridiculous plans. I get the impression that once Zoro starts fighting, it should be pretty awesome. Overall, I’m still enjoying this show a lot but I’m dying for an actual serious battle. Maybe once once Luffy catches up with Lucci, it'll happen. Rating: SHING!

Deadman Wonderland - This episode was decent but I’ll admit I was having a hard time paying attention compared to prior episodes. I’m happy to see Shiro back and as chipper as ever. This new group seems fine but I somehow doubt they’ll actually accomplish anything. I guess the dark skinned women is gonna die, which is too bad. She seemed pretty cool. Now that the old man is dead (grizzly head-golf scene) I guess that psycopath director is in charge. Lastly, that locker-room scene was equally as fanservicey as anything in KLK, not that I’m actually complaining. Mmm. Damn the warden is a looker but I actually find her cuter assistant with the glasses more appealing to the eyes. I’m looking forward to seeing what this new Shiro like character with the crazy hair is about. Probably another insane person, knowing this show. Rating: Meh?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
They're actually out of characters to kill off for the time being. Team Inuyasha, LORD SESSHOMARU's Crew, Naraku and his new incarnation are all that's left.

Kanna never really did much even though she was really powerful. Naraku was wrong about her though, she cared for her sister Kagura and like pretty much all of the other incarnations betrayed Naraku at the end (and a few more times earlier in the series, though subtly at that)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Kittan. Leeron. Dayakka.
Zorthy. Kid. Iraak.
Jorgun. Balinbow. Makken.
Tetukan. Gabal. Aretenborough.
Gimmy. Darry. Cybela. Leyte.
Yoko. Viral.
And Boota.


So uh

I may have fallen asleep just before Gurren Lagann last night.

Is it going to be up online anywhere? Also what episode number was it?


Unconfirmed Member
One Piece - These fights are ridiculous, literally. They’re fun and all but things are getting so silly now it’s getting harder and harder for me to take them seriously. I’m actually afraid the show is delving too far into “childish humor” territory even for my tastes. Franky is a freak of nature but at least he’s fun to watch and is full of charisma. That dumb YoYoi guy is back (ugh) and apparently he ate all the food in the fridge? Oookay. Watching Kaku and Jabra fighting each other is kinda amusing but it’s also very cliche and cheesy. The best moment in the episode was listening to Zoro’s come up with such ridiculous plans. I get the impression that once Zoro starts fighting, it should be pretty awesome. Overall, I’m still enjoying this show a lot but I’m dying for an actual serious battle. Maybe once once Luffy catches up with Lucci, it'll happen. Rating: SHING!

Shit gets pretty real next week, actually.


Sketchbook Picasso
These shorter blocks + Shows I really wanna pay attention to is SO ODD. I liked the pic more in the end, but yeah... no time for doting on favorite characters, scenes, or taking additional passes at art at all, lol.

Unspeakable EvilThatHateMe: Heh heh, you totally Makeme wanna draw a pic of Mako advertising Toonami Brand skin cream... But it's time is not yet!

ckohler, that's suppose to be Satsuki in JunkeyKetsu upside down. LoL is that outfit impossible to find a "I'm not a pervert, and this actually looks cool!" angle on. Should we even call these clothes? It's not totally killing my enjoyment of the show, but it's not... really... adding anything? I do hope I see the day when too much sexual fanservice gets the exact opposite effect, and forces people to be less shocking, and more crafty. Would be a historic landmark day!

And yeah, Glasses Assistant > Warden With a G, lol. Watching her zip up in subtle embarrassment when compared to the warden... I just kinda laugh, as they both have artist-perfected great bodies. Not like she looks out of shape or anything... she'll just have less back and sag problems in the future!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I was busy during Naruto but that was a great episode. Who is going to fix all of that property damage though, eh Yamato?!?


watching Gurren Lagann now

slower episode, but still good

oh wait


goddamn he teleported just to smack you in the mouf bro


well now I'm super hyped for the next episodes of Gurren Lagann

now onto One Piece

I wish the video quality on AdultSwim.com was better


just reporting in to say I just watched last night's One Piece and it was godlike

I love this show so much

the stealth fail

Franky being badass after totally failing at being a badass

Sniper King's plan

dammit Zoro

Sniper King's plan AGAIN

Zoro's plans

l m a o
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