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Toonami |Feb16| Dimension Dub-For-You

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i actually forgot that happened.

they even cliffhanger it by going, "WILL ANDROID 18 BECOME THE FIRST WOMAN IN HISTORY TO WIN THE WORLD MARTIAL ARTS TOURNAMENT?" and then they come back and don't worry, she'll take a little extra money so the fraud can continue to be a fraud.

Fucking WHY? Why the fuck would she give a shit about Mr. Satan retaining his good publicity? Does she need 20 mil more than she needs 10 mil and the title? If she didn't want the title why did she join the tournament in the first place? The entire point of her character is that she doesn't take shit from anybody! In fact she explicitly outed Trunks and Goten for being frauds and pretending to be Mighty Mask literally ten minutes earlier, and she actually has half a reason to care about those little shits!

I don't know why this is getting on my nerves so much.
Now I'm wondering which Shounen series has the best female characters. Hmm...

Really, Fairy Tail is pretty good about having a lot of powerful female characters and having them win fights, even if they tend to get their clothes ripped up. The same applies to Negima.

Now, shonen series with good female characters that isn't also heavy on fanservice... I got nothing.


It helps a lot that the author is female. Hawkeye and Olivier are badass characters.

I have a feeling that if FMA was written by a man, Teacher would either:

a) Be a male teacher.

b) Be a female teacher, but have the characters in the show exhibit shock and disbelief that an alchemy teacher could possibly be a woman.
b) Be a female teacher, but have the characters in the show exhibit shock and disbelief that an alchemy teacher could possibly be a woman.

My memory is a bit hazy, but didn't something kind of similar to that happen when Ed and Al first met Izumi or am I mistaken? Maybe I'm remembering the original anime?


My memory is a bit hazy, but didn't something kind of similar to that happen when Ed and Al first met Izumi or am I mistaken? Maybe I'm remembering the original anime?

I don't remember the original, but in the flashback shown in FMAB, Ed/Al are basically awestruck when they meet her.

My point is, she's a highly skilled alchemist teacher and a woman and it's never portrayed as unusual or weird.


I'd have to imagine that Toonami will get the dubbed DBZ Kai Buu arc when we get there in about a year.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Teacher gets basically the same reaction in FMA 2003, the circumstances are slightly different.

Also remember that the one male figure in Ed and Al's life at that point they don't like (well Ed doesn't) and that all of their adult figures they look up to (Mom and Winry's grandmother) are women. Ed and Al don't really get a positive male role model in their lives until Alex Louis Armstrong starts hanging with them.


Young boys don't care, don't even notice.


Also- this is why you have so many people my age who love SAO.
They had their 13yr old viewpoint (which is a mildly upgraded viewpoint of 6yr old sadly) into 14 years old, then watched SAO, now I have to hear them defend it because they refuse to change an opinion.

I'm aware people my age can't understand bad writing on average.
*bored, decides to read Akame Ga Kill's latest chapter*

Wait, putting aside stupid power shenanigans...
Mine isn't dead. Why are you grouping her with everyone who died?

Also Wave and Akame's dumb sister are gonna die super hard because edge.


No because Champloo is the #1.

I love the DB and One Piece manga but the shows vary in quality and I actively dislike most of the One Piece anime. They suffer from having something to compare them to for me.

Don't care about everything else on the block.

I missed the "sometimes" at the end of your post. I thought you had moved DBZ to the number 1 slot permanently in your last sentence.

There's a big difference between Japan and Western voice acting - most seiyuu also double as singers for the purpose of character songs and shit like that. I'd imagine if they are dubbing a series about songs the songs will be dubbed as well.

Most Western VAs come from singing/actor/theater backgrounds so many of them can sing well. However, since most localization companies don't bother to dub the songs in their anime due to costs, they don't have much opportunities to actually sing.

Fanservice once in a while is fine.
But if you're going to have it where it's huge tits, panty shots, ripped clothes, locker room scenes, and just all kinds of skin at a constant rate, you're better off making porn. Just make porn.

Nah this really doesn't work and I have no idea why people don't understand this. There is a reason some people prefer softcore to hardcore, why the concept of "the tease" exists, why sometimes people look sexier with clothes than without, etc.

The issues with fanservice in anime (or manga) is often one of three things:
A) "Oh god this character is/looks like they are 12, WTF is wrong with you Japan?"
B) "This seems totally incongruent with the situation or type of show/manga this is - why is this here?"
C) "Well since we know people will be buying this for the fanservice, we don't have to even try with the character or narrative writing, animation, art, music, etc."

Fanservice and "good anime" don't have to be mutually exclusive. TTGL is filled with it and is still a GOAT show. I totally understand if people pass on KLK because of the fanservice but aside from "bad touch mom" it ranks really low as one of the reasons/is not the reason the show didn't live up to its potential. I haven't seen Godannar in ages but I remember liking it a whole lot - the show is HEAVY on the fanservice but its a Super Robot show before all else and most (all?) of the female cast are badasses who actually get character development. Recently the Food Wars show aired and that doesn't skimp on the fanservice and aside from an "awkward" scene here or there (peanut butter + squid = why.gif) that show was pretty enjoyable too. Some shows certainly cross the line and deserve to be called out but most of the time a fanservice-heavy show sucks not because it has fanservice but because that's often used as a excuse by the animators/writers/producer/whoever to not bothering trying in other respects or indulge in terrible tropes.

the idea is alright

this pro wrestling style blowhard who thinks he's the best, only to realize that he's entirely outclassed and then try to bluff his way through it?

it works


in small doses

but every episode we get five minutes with this dude acting a fool

there's just too much of it

like, okay, I get it. he's pretending to be strong for the crowd and he thinks the real characters are just up to some "cheap tricks"

move on, already

The times when Hercule is humble and recognizes he ain't shit (i.e. is acting like a real human being), he's one of the better characters in the show. When he plays up his "wrestler persona" I want to throw a brick through my TV/computer screen.

that doesn't mean the girl characters have to be garbage

also why the fuck would 18 give up the championship for some extra money? That makes no fucking sense

My memory might be hazy but I thought it was because she didn't want the publicity (same as with Goku). If she's the champ, she's going to have he media hound her and given the shit her family (Krillin, etc.) gets into I can see that being a problem. Or am I mis-remembering? It's been a while since I've seen Buu Saga stuff.


Brotherhood is really good

Nah son, it has a happy ending ergo it sucks - "FMA03 stan"

Nah both series are great and have their own strengths and weaknesses but the lengths some go to shit on Brotherhood is SUPER WEIRD


*bored, decides to read Akame Ga Kill's latest chapter*

Wait, putting aside stupid power shenanigans...
Mine isn't dead. Why are you grouping her with everyone who died?

Also Wave and Akame's dumb sister are gonna die super hard because edge.

mine dies in the anime
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