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Toonami |Feb16| Dimension Dub-For-You

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"We bring in the world-famous Patrick to review The Witch as well as talk about the Canadian Punisher, the sequel to San Andreas (yeah, really), Bumblebee, Subway lettuce, bad classic rock stations, and making it rain in Monopoly. Then we spend entirely too much time on the Grammys by comparing Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp a Butterfly to Taylor Swift's 1989. before continuing our weird anime thing with a review of Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks."

I liked The History of Trunks a lot. It's interesting to see the "darkest timeline" of DBZ even if we know the ultimate outcome, though I think it has a similar issue to Bardock in that it bases a big emotional climax around a character we haven't really spent that much time with due to the fact that this is just a 40 minute special (though I think it's generally a lot better-paced than Bardock). Also good God does this thing need a new dub.

Also apparently downloads have been disabled on these podcasts since like...the first episode, and I just fixed that issue.

1. The World's Strongest (Piccolo out of Piccolo)
2. The History of Trunks (Vegeta out of Piccolo)
3. The Dead Zone (Vegeta out of Piccolo)
4. Bardock: The Father of Goku (Vegeta out of Piccolo)
5. Lord Slug (Gohan out of Piccolo)
6. Cooler's Revenge (Gohan out of Piccolo)
7. The Tree of Might (Krillin out of Piccolo)
8. The Return of Cooler (Krillin out of Piccolo)
"If people can't come visit the Pokemon Tower, this town is finished."

....If people can't visit your town's Pokemon graveyard, your town is finished?

....How does your town economy work?


Well, looks like I got more than I expected on this Sunday. I bought Blue Gender, Appleseed XIII, and Initial D 4th Stage all for a total of $90. Not bad for stumbling on old underrated series.

Blue Gender ran on a little after OG Adult Swim Action but I never saw all of it.

I found it to be decent. It starts off a little slow in the first half, but it picks up greatly.
So what happened in the original Japanese ending for that episode? Because the way that music started playing before the ending even started makes me think the first episode had a different ending in Japanese also. If so, isn't it likely next week we'll get the real JP ending? I kinda doubt they'll cut into the last few seconds of every episode.

The "real" JP ending originally showed in the first episode. From what I'm seeing, it does in fact cut into the last few seconds of every episode.

My only guess is that some licensing issue came up,(like with Space Dandy) causing us to get a different one.

Or maybe it's easier to cut down instrumentals? Akame Ga Kill got a japanese opening on the first episode, but then an insert one for the rest of the series.


Gives all the fucks
I'm hoping DW is just suffering from the usual "meh, first episode is alright, it takes a few episodes before things get really interesting/good" syndrome that a lot of shows deal with.

& now once the March OT hits, let us speculate what will take over Parasyte. Still wonder if Sentai will return with another show or if it was just a two-show deal.


Let's be honest here. Don't most shows gotta build up a little? You're making it sound like we gotta have an epic pilot or something.


Gives all the fucks
Oh yeah, absolutely, which is why most people say "no, give it a few more episodes" & I do my best to give something 3 or 4 episodes before deciding if I want to drop it or not. Not every first episode can be one of the top 3 or 5 of the series. If anything, first episode needs to take the time to explain things before it can start to really get going. I would say this is ESPECIALLY true if you're a long running show like One Piece or DBZ.

One of the rare exceptions would probably have to be Samurai Champloo.

I guess in comparison to...let's say, Akame ga Kill, that left a bit of a stronger impression because we knew that show was going places near the end with them discovering Tatsumi's friends & him being all "NAAAH LET ME KILL THIS BITCH".


I'm the type of person who usually finishes what I start when it come to games/shows/books/media, so even if I'm not enamored in the first 5 minutes I'm willing to see where it goes.

I would say the biggest weakness of Dimension W right now is that the overall premise at the moment (that we know of) - collect illegal magic infinite energy devices - doesn't seem all that interesting to structure a cast and story around. But I'm assuming some wrenches will get thrown into that.


I'm feeling really lazy so I don't want to come up with clever review of everything. So instead I'll just give my impressions on the first episode of Dimension W.

Plot: Feels a bit cookie-cutter so far. Not bad but also kinda obvious. The most interesting part is whatever is going on with the old man who invented the coils and why he decided to open that portal to dimension W and take his life. Also, it's not clear yet why Mira is so compelled to continue his work. Otherwise, it's pretty standard sci-fi fair but with a few loose strings to build a show upon.

Characters: I think this was one of the real strong suits. I was worried Mira would end up being a typical, annoying brat or something but she actually seems likable and innocent. If anything, it's Kyoma who comes off a bit of an uncaring jerk. However, it's early so they have time to make him endearing. He does seem cool and is certainly a badass with those knives. The other characters were also fine, including the detective and those underground shady folks.

Premise: Everyone is calling bullshit on the whole 4th physical dimension thing but anyone who's read Edwin Abbott Abbott's book Flatland (and subsequently Rudy Rucker's Spaceland) can imagine the idea of a fourth physical dimension in Euclidean space. In mathematics, it's a pretty well understood concept and the idea has clearly been used in sci-fi before. I'm not saying the likelihood of its existence is high. Just that it's not a laughable concept as everyone seems to be making it out to be. The only part of this whole thing is doesn't sit well with me is the whole "illegal coils" bit. Like, I don't know why they are illegal other than they are unsafe.

Animation: It looks great. Damn good, in fact. I like the colors, the motion and the overall design of this world. It's not wholly original but then it's not recycled garbage like AgK. Everything looks sharp and the action sequences nicely paced.

Music: Okay so far. Nothing too exciting. I've seen the Japanese ED and I really like that song so it's kind of a bummer they won't likely be playing it. Still, the replacement track isn't bad either.

Voice: Really good. I can't unhear Zoro but otherwise the voices appear to fit the look and behavior of the characters well. Like I said earlier, Mira in particular sounds great and I think her voice actress helps avoid what could be an otherwise annoying sounding character is most anime shows.

Fanservice: I'm someone (for better or worse) who actually enjoys a bit of fanservice in his shows. It's fun as long as it's not gratuitous. Last night's episode was pretty gratuitous, though. Here's hoping it it isn't as bad going forward. I really dig Mira's character design but I don't need to see her T&A every time we look at her.

Summary: I wasn't floored by this first episode but it seems pretty good and I'm curious to see where things go from here. No doubt they're setting up Kyoma's and Mira's relationship as being a focal point of the show with the mystery of the "New Tesla" corporation being the catalyst for the story. I want to see more.


A lot of the time I find with anime that shows that attempt to pull people in with standout first episodes end up shitting the bed or never living up to it.

Pretty much. There have been too many times with anime that I find that they have an amazing beginning only to trip and fall face first into a brick wall at the end.

I like to keep my expectations somewhat moderate as to not get super hyped, lol




Gives all the fucks
Oh god, I was loving the style of the show (Rolling Girls, was it?), but then after episode 3 or 4 (when they had to look for something that some girl lost but it was in the afro of some life-size guy figure), I jst gave up because all its appeal was gone. What a shame, because the use of colors during battles looked AMAZING.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
part 6 of his dark souls play through and hes only at fire link


This is how you DON'T play Dark Souls

The reason for the shift in footage quality is that Phil ragequit the game when he still recorded his TV with a camera (he had a bunch of excuses for why didn't do direct capture), but then he started doing it thinking it will improve his videos (not realizing it's his terrible commentary and attitude) and came back to it, with his fans hand holding him through the game.


Gives all the fucks
Fanservice: I'm someone (for better or worse) who actually enjoys a bit of fanservice in his shows. It's fun as long as it's not gratuitous. Last night's episode was pretty gratuitous, though. Here's hoping it it isn't as bad going forward. I really dig Mira's character design but I don't need to see her T&A every time we look at her.
I'm with you. I don't mind fanservice, but a character shouldn't be defined by the fact they provide fanservice (unless the show itself is aiming for the fact it wants to be nothing but fanservice, i.e. Queen's Blade), & so far, that's all I got from Mira aside from she's an android with a "father".


Can't say much about the future of Dimension W other than it is indeed one of those shows that gets better episode per episode.


Gives all the fucks
Deadman Wonderland got the rerun slot at a certain point, & that was the same length (maybe one episode longer?). I would imagine considering this is the newest show at the moment (still airing in Japan), they'd want to air it once more to get the most mileage out of getting the rights to it.


It's kinda weird that anime by and large doesn't seem to give a shit about pulling people in with the first episode honestly

A lot of the time I find with anime that shows that attempt to pull people in with standout first episodes end up shitting the bed or never living up to it.

These are often kind of both true. Overall, I think the writing in a lot of anime is weak. To that end, one of the basic tenants of writing for TV is making an engaging hook for a show - it can often provide dividends. On the flip side, we have the actual production of anime with tight schedules. One of the most important ingredients for a successful anime is "time" - the animators need enough time to actually make the fucking show. Due to lead times and what not, what often happens is that the animators get lots of time to work on the first few episodes but the schedules get tighter and tighter as the show goes along to the point that sometimes episodes don't get finished in time to air or are finished mere hours before air time. So earlier episodes are often better produced. Both these factors often lead to the earlier episodes of a show providing poor hooks but often being the best looking (or only one or the other problem being present).


If they did put Dimension W in the rerun slot after Akame ga Kill does its time there (we all know it's happening), I could see Parasyte getting a run.


Gives all the fucks
I would much rather have Parasyte over Akame ga Kill getting the rerun slot (I honestly don't feel like rewatching it outside of a few battles, like with Seiryu/justice girl), but yeah, I think Parasyte will happen a bit later after AgK & DW getting it. Plus it'll have been enough time that it's not as fresh in people's minds compared to, say, when Kill la Kill got the slot since it was only a few weeks after it finished airing.


Also seems like the anniversary Pre-Flight has been pulled. DeMarco did say on Twitter that there were some technical issues with it and the lineup promo that was supposed to air last night.


Gives all the fucks
Yeah, noticed it was pulled yesterday as I was trying to link it to my friends to show them the fact my name was mentioned & what the statue looked like. Hopefully it'll be back up soon.

Oh right, they didn't air that line-up promo that was mentioned. Guess it'll happen next week.


Deadman Wonderland got the rerun slot at a certain point, & that was the same length (maybe one episode longer?). I would imagine considering this is the newest show at the moment (still airing in Japan), they'd want to air it once more to get the most mileage out of getting the rights to it.

I'd say Dimension W will probably get a rerun slot as well.

Now if they can get some mileage from Space Dandy S2 though... I'm so frustrated and impatient that I bought the LE box in cold hard cash yesterday.
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