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Toonami |Feb16| Dimension Dub-For-You

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Here's this week's reviews! I'm off to bed.

Dragon Ball Z: Kai - If I didn't know better, I would think Trunks was from fan fiction. He's an out of nowhere character more powerful than any of the main cast, defeats the main enemies with zero effort, has a brooding attitude, and he even has a sword. All the cliches are there. Thankfully, he's got more going on backstory wise. A fun episode if only to see Frieza and King Cold defeated so quickly. Rating: Big 'ol Laugh

Akame ga Kill - Everyone's sad at Mine and "Su"'s deaths but I'm not feeling anything. They simply didn't make them endearing enough for me to care. The sudden exposition dump of Akame's and Kurome's backstory smelled strongly of death flags and gecko ending. The boys show up to defend their waifus but, ultimately, Akame ga killed Kurome. Aside from a moment of slick animation during their brief fight, this was mostly just melodrama. Rating: Pocky

Parasyte - Now that the detective has seen some shit, he's out and I don't blame him. Smart move in this show. Shinichi finally decided to embrace his super hero calling... just as Migi goes to sleep. Doh! After getting crazy suspicious of everyone, the episode ends on an awesome cliff-hanger with a new, chipper, 3-parasyte powered character named Miki. Btw, I like how the secrete parasyte council always faces different directions in their meetings. It's creepy. But not as creepy as that dream Shinichi has. Another great episode. Rating: A better Steed

Samurai Champloo - Everone joins an eating contest. Fuu was doing great until she succumbed to a moment of stupidity. A tall gaijin weeb named Georgie appeared and he had overly ridiculous accent. Turned out he was actually a pretty cool guy just lookin' for some lovin'. Even better, he helped progress the main plot! Damn this show is creative and clever. Aside from overdoing the scratch edits again, this was a fun episode that also had some unexpected commentary on the general level of xenophobia in Japan. Rating: Yaoi

Naruto: Shippuden - Bad animation. Boring story. More dumb kid. Bleh. Rating: Five Tails Fart

One Piece - More pointless but mildly entertaining comedy filler. The main boss's Hot-Hot fruit power is lame so far but maybe it'll get interesting... maybe. Franky using his own fart power is so embarrassing looking but watching Luffy not wiping the floor with those two magnet guys was even more so. I do like how Luffy keeps reminding everyone how lame Captain Puzzle is. He's like a surrogate for the audience. Rating: Mildly Warm

KLL la KILL - Takarada was pimping that gold mecha crab but ultimately the battle ends in a serious case of kancho. I do enjoy the debut of the Mk. II (and III) uniforms. Satsuki's and Ryuko's rematch starts out poorly animated but gets really good toward the end. I especially liked Senketsu's trick move at the end to blind Satsuki. I think it's the first time we ever see Lady Satsuki out maneuvered. Rating: Swerve

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The next two episodes of KAI are two of my favorites, though of course everyone's favorite filler is skipped.


one of these days ill ask what platinum mad is

i know theres someone on twitter with it as their name
and they get rt'd a lot
and they have tusrs profile picture-- or had it

thats all I know


Gives all the fucks
Platinum mad is when Kamiya has to block someone on Twitter because he's annoyed by someone's comment.
I wish KLK was represented more in the sketch. however, i don't blame someone for sleeping thru the Sentai Power Hour and trying to remember wtf happened to the rest of the block


one of these days ill ask what platinum mad is

i know theres someone on twitter with it as their name
and they get rt'd a lot
and they have tusrs profile picture-- or had it

thats all I know

You need to watch the Monogatari series to see how she talks, then you'll finally understand.


So, I try to not join the mob mentality too much (I enjoyed Michiko and Hatchin way more than most, it seems), but I really do think Akame Ga Kill is another layer of awful.

Sword Art Online is junk, but at least there was some level of coherency to the conflicts there. It's undeniably a novel concept at least. AGK is just so bland in comparison. 'Stop the corrupt government!' Is about an vanilla as you can get. We also fail to see too much of this corruption first hand, or how it impacts the main cast of characters, so the empathy just isn't there. Especially when the main character isn't even from the area (so we lose anything sense of 'home' here) and doesn't have much stake in anything anyway.

Don't get me wrong, both SAO and AGK are filled with cruddy writing. It's like SAO steps up to the plate and strikes out hard, where AGK falls on its face coming out of the dugout.


Gives all the fucks
SAO was at least entertainingly bad & just amazing at times seeing the directions it took. AgK, however, feels so average, it's boring. I was hardpressed at times to even comment during tonight's episode because I was just trying to stay awake. There was just no investment, especially when you consider there was no point in the danger beast appearing aside from wasting our time & filling out the run time of the episode.

I've said it before, but being boring is worse than being bad, since you'll remember something being bad compared to something being boring.


Would you say that SAO is more like always punting the ball away whereas Akame is always a TAINT?

Analogies sucks and I suck at making them, but I guess you could say SAO's concept in its most basic form could be good! AGK doesn't even sound good on paper.
SAO was at least entertainingly bad & just amazing at times seeing the directions it took. AgK, however, feels so average, it's boring. I was hardpressed at times to even comment during tonight's episode because I was just trying to stay awake. There was just no investment, especially when you consider there was no point in the danger beast appearing aside from wasting our time & filling out the run time of the episode.

I've said it before, but being boring is worse than being bad, since you'll remember something being bad compared to something being boring.

The danger beast appears out for nowhere for the same reason that arkham transforms into some weird blob thing at the end of DMC3, which is to basically give the protagonist and antagonist a reason to team up for a cool scene before resuming their last fight.

Of course, the sisters ain't no brothers.


one of these days ill ask what platinum mad is

i know theres someone on twitter with it as their name
and they get rt'd a lot
and they have tusrs profile picture-- or had it

thats all I know

I am unsure what it means and I have watched all of Monogatari.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I made it through! Feels right.

Dragon Ball Z Kai:
Frieza got wrecked! Along with his dad. Trunks finally makes his appearance and does... the only awesome thing he ever does. So much wasted potential... Oh wait, there is one more moment.

Akame ga Kill:
Talk about rushed. Get that exposition out to justify killing off the little sister of the alleged main character even though she isn't despite her name being in the title and this series is just dumb even in manga format. Two more episodes!

The detective is all "fuck this shit, I'm out". I do not blame him. We also meet Miki, someone with THREE Parasytes inside him. This won't end well for Shinichi.

Samurai Champloo:
Impressive episode. First it seemed like "wacky foreigner", but then it delves into issues of homosexuality and different cultures acceptance of it (Netherlands decries, Japan is much more accepting). Something that can still be applied today. Also, a tiny bit of plot right at the end.

Naruto Shippuden:
First all-new to TV Shippuden, and it's still boring. Don't try to bring Tailed-Beasts into the filler, it won't work.

One Piece:
STOP. BEING. INCOMPETENT! I still stand by that this was meant to air before Water 7, before CP9 upped the ante. Don Accino's Devil Fruit feels redundant when Ace has the Flame Flame Fruit. Not to mention Ace is a Logia and I imagine Accino is a Paramecia.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
People are going to be shocked next episode when they kill off Luffy for good and Captain Puzzle becomes the new leader of the Strawhats.


Analogies sucks and I suck at making them, but I guess you could say SAO's concept in its most basic form could be good! AGK doesn't even sound good on paper.

SAO could be very good. The issue comes down to the characters he decided to write about and the fact we're stuck following his interactions with people who are just as badly written.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Would you say that SAO is more like always punting the ball away whereas Akame is always a TAINT?

That analogy doesn't work at all considering a TAINT is one of the most exciting moves in football.

Akame is closer to the always punting.
It's weird to me that the populace is actually rebelling in Akame Ga Kill now.

Most people in the capital seem to be doing fine. Businesses seem to be doing fine. You can grab some nice ice cream while going to watch people getting horribly slaughtered on the execution grounds.
Maybe you need to watch out and make sure you don't get on a guard's bad side, but other than that, the capital seems like a lovely place to live.


Unconfirmed Member
One Piece:
STOP. BEING. INCOMPETENT! I still stand by that this was meant to air before Water 7, before CP9 upped the ante. Don Accino's Devil Fruit feels redundant when Ace has the Flame Flame Fruit. Not to mention Ace is a Logia and I imagine Accino is a Paramecia.

This filler arc has been centered around showing off new aspects of the Thousand Sunny (Paddle Ship Sunny, Shark Submerge III, etc.), a crew that has somehow survived venturing into the New World, and the bounties on all of the individual members of the Straw Hats, all of which are things that weren't even introduced until after Water 7.


My favorite part in last night's parasyte was the way that migi delivered "he's 3 parasytes". The buildup to that cliffhanger was near perfect.


This filler arc has been centered around showing off new aspects of the Thousand Sunny (Paddle Ship Sunny, Shark Submerge III, etc.), a crew that has somehow survived venturing into the New World, and the bounties on all of the individual members of the Straw Hats, all of which are things that weren't even introduced until after Water 7.

Wait, is this stuff important?


Wait, is this stuff important?


Basically, the Straw Hats are performing pretty poorly to filler villains considering they just ran amuck through Enies Lobby. A couple posters wondered that maybe this filler arc was meant to be placed before water seven arc.

But the filler uses several elements from post-Enies Lobby as Meta says (bounties, new ship) so, probably not.
I thought the episodes before this one of One Piece were enjoyable, nonsensical as they were; there was some really good comedy and they moved at a decent clip. This last one was boring as hell though, and Puzzle is the fucking worst.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
My favorite part in last night's parasyte was the way that migi delivered "he's 3 parasytes". The buildup to that cliffhanger was near perfect.

Parasyte was dope in general this week. Cool music, wacky dream sequence, Miki being goofy as hell, Shinichi deciding to go all vigilante against the evil cabal of Parasytes. Dude in his underwear playing the piano.


Sketchbook Picasso
A great representation of the Sentai hour. A whole lot of nothing. Plus Fat Fuu...wonderful sketch. It's so bland but best represents what this block was.

Later ToonamiGAF.

AGK is one of few shows that kills off "big" characters.. and all I want to focus on is how goofy the setup was, ha.

The AgK/Bebop sketch is golden. lmao

The whole church setup feels like a poor man's "Ballad of Fallen Angels"! I'm glad my really oddly crappy drawing of Vicious didn't detract from getting the point across, lol.

The AgK and DBZ sketches killed me.

Haha, glad you liked the DBZ one too. It would have been funny if King Cold somehow got awesome whenever he held a sword... He OBVIOUSLY made it grow like 3 time's it's size just by holding it!

Who are you?

Heh, Vicious. >:B

I knew you were going to draw Fat Fuu, LOL

History's first baka gaijin weeb with his Dutch accent.

*hums Bebop Music* I had to squeeze FatFuu in there somewhere, lol. Her metabolism is nuts, gaining no weight while eating, dumping all of it around her body after losing, and being skinny 10 minutes later!

If I saw the Dutch man at an anime con, I'd wonder if he was cosplaying, or just being himself...

I wish KLK was represented more in the sketch. however, i don't blame someone for sleeping thru the Sentai Power Hour and trying to remember wtf happened to the rest of the block

It's actually kinda the opposite problem, lol. The Sentai Hour is pretty much when I'm paying the most attention lately, which means I suck at drawing until the later half of the block. Which makes it really hard to get in some KLK artwork.

And I think I might still be burnt out on KLK art after last year's multi-week Mega-pic (and 4/1 parody) for it, lol.

You need to watch the Monogatari series to see how she talks, then you'll finally understand.

I liked they way they said "FIYA!", heh. I don't think the Platinum stuff stuck with me as much, but I think part of that is because, being a guy with sisters, I was more distracted by how I'd never want to get into many of the questionable situations he fell into with his sisters, with my own, lol.

I swear no one who writes Sis-com situations must actually HAVE sisters.

So, I try to not join the mob mentality too much (I enjoyed Michiko and Hatchin way more than most, it seems), but I really do think Akame Ga Kill is another layer of awful.

Sword Art Online is junk, but at least there was some level of coherency to the conflicts there. It's undeniably a novel concept at least. AGK is just so bland in comparison. 'Stop the corrupt government!' Is about an vanilla as you can get. We also fail to see too much of this corruption first hand, or how it impacts the main cast of characters, so the empathy just isn't there. Especially when the main character isn't even from the area (so we lose anything sense of 'home' here) and doesn't have much stake in anything anyway.

Don't get me wrong, both SAO and AGK are filled with cruddy writing. It's like SAO steps up to the plate and strikes out hard, where AGK falls on its face coming out of the dugout.

I can't take AGK seriously enough to really feel it as awful, in a way? I mean, the poor moments really rub me the wrong way, sure, but I'm long past expecting better. It's just really "meh", even though I really like the drawing quality of the show at times.

I don't mind that Tatsumi isn't from the area. Everyone else is, and he just lumped into their situations, and somehow became the main star... because we need male leads, I guess?

I kinda like that Akame and Kurome have been raised with killing as a main part of their expression, and the only times they can expresses themselves to each other is through fighting to the death. But it's so... meh otherwise. I'm glad to see the manga takes this in a different direction. They were WAY too good at explaining out exactly why they felt as they did, and nothing they mentioned seemed like it truly was worth killing one another over. It would have fit the story style better if, say, after Akame left, their old friends brutally turned on Kurome, physically and sexually assaulting her until she killed them, and made them her puppets. This whole downfall was brought about because Akame left, without thinkign about how she'd shatter their mental states, leading them to all breaking down to their worse actions and desires. At least THEN I could see how she'd think her leaving was unforgivable, leading her to wanting to see her dead.

But what they showed in flashback was so... bleh.

Which also brings up the fact the second death of her Re-animated slaves was also really crappy. The laziest way to get rid of Kurome's super weapons, so that Akame could fight her on near-even ground.

I did find it funny how Wave's scream over his inability to save Kurome was pretty much perfectly cloned with Captain Puzzle in One Piece too, though, heh. David Matranga characters just couldn't get a break last night.

That's the one thing I don't understand. For a place that's supposedly mideval most of the way through, they sure have some things that are from the modern times. Pocky, ice cream, and whatnot.

Not to mention the understanding of Video game leveling, Justice Girls use of crazy near sci-fi like weapons, etc.

Basically, the lore is as poorly put together as the story: they include elements from whatever the creator finds cool, without any attempt to explain how these things exist in apparently medieval Japaurope.


I did find it funny how Wave's scream over his inability to save Kurome was pretty much perfectly cloned with Captain Puzzle in One Piece too, though, heh. David Matranga characters just couldn't get a break last night.
Christ, they share a VA? No wonder Wave is such a loser.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Wave is like the one true innocent on the show. He's basically never shown doing anything remotely heinous despite hanging out with people who do it regularly and even some that delight in the suffering of others.

Tatsumaki has done way more dirt than he has!


Wave is like the one true innocent on the show. He's basically never shown doing anything remotely heinous despite hanging out with people who do it regularly and even some that delight in the suffering of others.

Tatsumaki has done way more dirt than he has!
The fact that he still works for the Empire despite literally everything in the world pointing to them being omni-evil, makes him so stupid he's evil.
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