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Toonami |Jan14| See you, Space Cowboy. Hello, Space Dandy

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Man God

Non-Canon Member


3 months in a row number 1 in 2011 when the first volume came out


Final volume also opened at number 1 in 2013 (can't link phone is dumb)

Also the sailor moon wiki page has all kinds of links to how popular sailor moon was and the impact it had on us anime/manga scene. It and DBZ were the two most influential anime period

I still don't think classic Sailor Moon fits in with the new toonami. The show is marketed towards children, mainly preteen girls, not the adult men that dominate this thread. During it's peak popularity the show aired on weekday afternoons and Saturday mornings because that's when most children could watch. I have a hard time believing the vast majority of their viewing audience is going to stay up until midnight or later to watch Sailor Moon on toonami. Truth is, grown men fueled by nostalgia probably aren't going to be able to carry a shojo anime to ratings in line with Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, etc. A major reason why Sailor Moon was so popular was because it resonated with children (heck, we were kids when it came on!) and toonami doesn't cater to that demographic anymore.

Just my thoughts

I still don't think classic Sailor Moon fits in with the new toonami. The show is marketed towards children, mainly preteen girls, not the adult men that dominate this thread. During it's peak popularity the show aired on weekday afternoons and Saturday mornings because that's when most children could watch. I have a hard time believing the vast majority of their viewing audience is going to stay up until midnight or later to watch Sailor Moon on toonami. Truth is that grown men fueled by nostalgia probably aren't going to be able to carry a shojo anime to ratings in line with Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, etc. A major reason why Sailor Moon was so popular was because it resonated with children (heck, we were kids when it came on!) and toonami doesn't cater to that demographic anymore.

Just my thoughts

Think about this, many of those same kids who watched it in the 90s are now the nostalgia loving adults which populate this and other interner message boards. Just on nostalgia alone the series will do well enough ratings wise to justify it's appearance on the block. They're able to carry InuYasha which is no where near as popular. You can plop it at 2:00/2:30 and it's probably pull a solid 800k weekly
All I know about G Gundam is the whole shining finger thing. I don't remember which Gundam it was, but one of the protagonists really turned me off the series. Some chick invited him to her birthday and he rips up her birthday card or something. Dude was a douche.


I watched G Gundam when I was younger but I remember none of it.

Hell I watched 00 when it aired and remember next to none of it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
All I know about G Gundam is the whole shining finger thing. I don't remember which Gundam it was, but one of the protagonists really turned me off the series. Some chick invited him to her birthday and he rips up her birthday card or something. Dude was a douche.

Gundam Wing, the Toonami Favorite that lead to all these other shows getting localized.

Also I feel like I mention it every week but the Shining Finger is clearly from Megaman X
Think about this, many of those same kids who watched it in the 90s are now the nostalgia loving adults which populate this and other interner message boards. Just on nostalgia alone the series will do well enough ratings wise to justify it's appearance on the block. They're able to carry InuYasha which is no where near as popular. You can plop it at 2:00/2:30 and it's probably pull a solid 800k weekly
You assume that all those old viewers post about anime on the internet and would come back in droves to watch just because of nostalgia. Everyone in my 5th grade class watched DBZ growing up, there's probably less than 3 of us today who still watch anime.

Think of how many of your classmates used to love the Pokemon show. How many of them are watching the new series? I'd wager significantly less, that show gets most of its ratings from children.

I'm not saying Sailor Moon is bad, I liked the show growing up. I'm just not so sure it falls in line with the current identity of toonami.


I'm wish Gucci on this mostly but I would take it over Clone Wars.

Unless this show really really picks up like it's supposed to.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
...Toonami is a nostalgia block. There's a reason why they didn't just go back to an episode of Bleach and some FMA:B on Adult Swim Action after the April Fools; people want that nostalgia.

Unless this new version of Sailor Moon is a radical departure from...everything else the series has done it'll be a Shonen style monster of the week show with really short skirts and girl problems when they aren't transformed.

So basically Inuyasha with less dog ears. That trades in nostalgia. For a very popular brand.
I'm wish Gucci on this mostly but I would take it over Clone Wars.

Unless this show really really picks up like it's supposed to.

i haven't seen the rest of the series, but i'd hazard a guess that if you weren't down for at least a handful of the episodes of this first season the others probably won't improve much. unless the whole episodic thing was the main issue.
G Gundam will always hold a special place in my heart, I love the series and rewatched it as recently as last year. It was such a wacky change of pace from the dark, brooding (although excellent) Wing that had aired the year before. I remember being pissed off in 6th grade that my parents wanted to go on vacation to Disney World because I'd have to miss G Gundam for a week! Back in the days before DVR, this was devastating.

To make up for it they bought me a model kit of Gundam Rose while we were in Orlando so everything worked out. I think it's still around here somewhere, if I find it I'll snap a picture for you guys.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
i still laugh sometimes that Kyoji is a support character in one of the Gundam Dynasty Warriors games

Have you heard about that man?


(I don't buy Super Robot Wars games that don't have G Gundam in them. Plain and simple.)
...Toonami is a nostalgia block. There's a reason why they didn't just go back to an episode of Bleach and some FMA:B on Adult Swim Action after the April Fools; people want that nostalgia.

Unless this new version of Sailor Moon is a radical departure from...everything else the series has done it'll be a Shonen style monster of the week show with really short skirts and girl problems when they aren't transformed.

So basically Inuyasha with less dog ears. That trades in nostalgia. For a very popular brand.

Toonami is not a nostalgia block, that's why DeMarco has straight up refused to try and get old favorites. They are clearly forging a new identity and to argue otherwise is just silly to me.

April fools was an exception man, come on. It started out as a joke that caused a twitter frenzy which led CN greenlighting a reboot of the block.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
G Gundam is amazing.

It's a super wacky premise (Gladiatorial combat giant robot olympics for control of the earth and colonies every four years) that is played so perfectly serious that you can't help but like it.

It's one of the few Gundam series that:

1. Has a believable love story that anyone would care about.
2. Actually delivers on the reoccurring premise that war is bad, that there is a better way to resolve problems. Most of them try their hardest to do this but get lost in the writing by usually going too dark and super serious.
3. Has meaningful and permanent character deaths. Not just a bunch of side characters and not for no reason.
4. Has an amazing what the hell twist. Two of them. Yes they are both foreshadowed and one of them is revealed a bit too early (also one is completely spoiled by a next episode preview)
5. Has an amazing soundtrack. Gundam shows before G had really shitty soundtracks with one or two good sounds. G has this crazy mix of martial japanese tracks and amazing Hong Kong inspired tracks.
6. Keeps raising the stakes and delivering on them. One of the most satisfying endings to anything ever.
7. Great side characters. Domon and his bromances are great.


No Scrubs
G Gundam is amazing.

It's a super wacky premise (Gladiatorial combat giant robot olympics for control of the earth and colonies every four years) that is played so perfectly serious that you can't help but like it.

It's one of the few Gundam series that:

1. Has a believable love story that anyone would care about.
2. Actually delivers on the reoccurring premise that war is bad, that there is a better way to resolve problems. Most of them try their hardest to do this but get lost in the writing by usually going too dark and super serious.
3. Has meaningful and permanent character deaths. Not just a bunch of side characters and not for no reason.
4. Has an amazing what the hell twist. Two of them. Yes they are both foreshadowed and one of them is revealed a bit too early (also one is completely spoiled by a next episode preview)
5. Has an amazing soundtrack. Gundam shows before G had really shitty soundtracks with one or two good sounds. G has this crazy mix of martial japanese tracks and amazing Hong Kong inspired tracks.
6. Keeps raising the stakes and delivering on them. One of the most satisfying endings to anything ever.
7. Great side characters. Domon and his bromances are great.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
1. Space Dandy- Entirely new, to be sure. Sold on it's pedigree, especially that of...Cowboy Bebop, a nostaliga bait show if I ever saw one, but one never under the Toonami Banner.
2. Bleach. Also New...though long running enough to build up a loyal base. Never on Toonami, was the cornerstone of Adult Swim Action though.
3. Naruto Shippuden. New(ish) and still ongoing. Brought because of intense nostalgia for Naruto and loyal fans from the past, but not distant past.
4. One Piece. New and yet also eight and a half years old. Was once on Toonami.
5. Soul Eater. Newish. Score one for non nostalgia.
6. SAO. Brand spanking new.
7. FLCL, Behind Cowboy Bebop as the most nostalgic show you could possibly air on the block.
8. Naruto, Nostaglia driven. Believe it.
9. FMA:B. Getting up there in age. Also brought over because of its relationship with another popular Adult Swim favorite, FMA '03.
10. GITS:SAC. Behind Cowboy Bebop and FLCL as the fourth most nostalgic show you could air.
11. IGPX. It's getting pretty old.
12. Clone Wars. Newish but from a franchise sold almost entirely on nostalgia.
13. Inuyasha. The third oldest show on the block.

The reason so many people tweeted after april fools was fond memories of years gone by. Some sort of feeling of nostalgia. They didn't just add anime back to Saturday nights, they rebranded it to a block they hadn't used since Naruto was still on weeknights.

Of course it isn't all old shows. Lich King in fact specifically said there are a number of older shows like the original Dragon Ball that he'd love to air but can't because it just wouldn't work. Too damn old. G Gundam is the same. (Gundam Wing if ever remastered would probably make the block though.)

This argument is super dumb though (I'm glad I had it with you Guuci) because Lichy already expressed interest in the show if it could work out.

Right now though we have no clue who is localizing and what time frame they have. That's what the spring anime conventions will have to deal with. I'm just saying that I would not be shocked if I were you if Sailor Moon ends up headlining the block sometime in the next year or so.

Same thing with DBZ Kai if the rights ever lapse.
G Gundam also has some of the best mech designs. They just went completely over the top and it worked so well
They were also very stereotypical except for Neo Japan (go figure)

Neo France? Let's slap a bicorne on the head and give it a saber!

Neo America? Let's make it look like a boxer and throw a football helmet on there for good measure. Americans like sports, right!?

Neo China? Better go with a dragon design. If Wing can get away with it why can't we?

Neo Russia? Ushanka for the headgear!

Neo Greece? Name it Zeus Gundam, it can use lightening bolt attacks and ride around in a chariot!

Neo England? Talley ho, give this chap a bearskin tall hat and a rifle.

Neo Kenya? Zebra Gundam!

I think you get the point.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Well being as gundamish as a gundam could be could be construed as racist for neo japan. That look, that color scheme.

Gundam Maxter is still the most hilarious of them all. Boxing gloves, football helmet, surf board, twin six shooters.
uh, no. because i don't think a "magical girl" show is going to appeal much to an adult male audience. GITS isn't comparable, like, at all.

......well, ok, a magical girl show won't appeal to the adult male audience who's probably watching Adult Swim.

Madoka might.

Symphogear definitely might.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Just looked it up. Laura and Kagome are both voiced by Moneca Stori, except in FINAL ACT.

I didn't need to look it up. I was sure she was Laura though I'd forgotten the name. You said Hamtaro though who she clearly does not play.

I miss old Kagome though from the little I saw of FINAL ACT the new one does a great job.


I didn't need to look it up. I was sure she was Laura though I'd forgotten the name. You said Hamtaro though who she clearly does not play.

I miss old Kagome though from the little I saw of FINAL ACT the new one does a great job.

Whoops, my bad on the confusion.

Looking up the VA now. I knew they had mutual voice actors as Ocean DBZ, but didnt know they did for Xmen Evolution.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
X-Men Evolution is basically daytime Inuyasha as far as voice acting goes.

Ocean Dub DBZ is basically Inuyasha...in the past!


Videl is Kagome? Hmm, I wanna see that. I dont think Ive seen the Ocean Dub besides Raditz-Ginyu Force and Perfect Cell stuff.

Kagome = Amanda Sefton
Inuyasha = Quicksilver
Miroku = Cylcops
Sango = Scarlet Witch
Kagura = Taryn

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Videl is Kagome? Hmm, I wanna see that. I dont think Ive seen the Ocean Dub besides Raditz-Ginyu Force and Perfect Cell stuff.

Kagome = Amanda Sefton
Inuyasha = Quicksilver
Miroku = Cylcops
Sango = Scarlet Witch
Kagura = Taryn

Mr. DBZ himself has never rocked the dragon the whole way and watched the entire Ocean Dub? Get on it!


See the thing is I lived in the London at that time Buu arc came on TV and it was for sure the Funi version because I remember the Super Buu theme and the SSJ3 theme of Falcouner.

See this is how it went.

Saiyan Arc: Ocean
Namek: Ocean
Frieza: Funi
Garlic: Funi
Android: Funi
Cell: Ocean
Buu: Funi
GT: Well it didnt have a rap theme...
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