Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 13
Only this show could get me to root for a Nazi O_O Joesph continues to be the king of swag!
Fate/Zero 20
I thought you were a bro Rider
Stiens;Gate 19-20
Space Dandy 3
A step down from previous episodes but I still had a big smile on my face for most of the episode. Lost it at the end when it became clear Meow straight up died in that episode though. I understand if many don't find the humor laugh out loud hilarious but I'm having a LOT of fun with this show and it feels unfortunate that some others don't feel the same
Bleach 328
I actually liked this episode. It felt like stuff actually happened. Dialogue was pretty insipid and "super-shoneny" for what its worth though
I also have no idea how/why this arc lasts for another 14 episodes but Bleach arcs certainly know how to outstay their welcome
One Piece 237
This was a good setup episode. Plot threads are being laid down and quality foreshadowing is a foot.
Soul Eater 43
Some great action as usual for Soul Eater. The whole moral ambiguity angle is just dumb though. It doesn't work when one side has been shown to be complete evil and the other side complete good for the past 40 episodes or whatever. Bones' inhouse writers sure do love themselves some meoldrama :/
Sword Art Online 21
I've read the reactions in this thread like 5 times over and I still burst out into laughter each time. But still
FUCK JAPAN and/or anyone else involved in the creation of this crap. How did this get the ok to run on Toonami? Plus on the same night as the "Women of Toonami" promo? Someone was not speaking to someone else back at AS HQ. SOOOOOOOOOO AWKWARD >_>