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Toonami |Jan14| See you, Space Cowboy. Hello, Space Dandy

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Yeah, Shiroe is kinda OP undefeatable strategy jesus, but since he's not the sole focus of the story these days (and he's still learning about the world AND he doesn't have the Kirito factor of being a fucking asshole who doesn't get called out on his shit) it's a lot less irritating, or indeed, kind of not noticeable until you think about it for a few seconds.

I was expecting to hate Rudy based on his initial appearance but I think he's really fun.



PC took 5-6 hours to build with my friend, but man, i'm happy. Still fucking around with the graphics driver, and my DVD drive isn't connected because I only ended up with 2 SATA cables (1 for SSD, 1 for HDD), but i'm super happy

pssh optical drives

time to play divekick and hearthstone nonstop
gonna have to pray extra hard to Kirito da Gawd to ensure Seattle wins in two weeks. Go Seahawks

On that note, I depart for
Enies Lobby
(Bond breaking spoilers)




I just want shiroe and akatsuki to bump uglies by the end of this

it does irritate me that they established that she and shiroe are like final year college students or whatever (I think?), but she's drawn like she's in high school.

I wonder if anyone licenced the light novels for english released. And whether they need an editor, because by god do light novels they try and release in english need editors.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
it does irritate me that they established that she and shiroe are like final year college students or whatever (I think?), but she's drawn like she's in high school.

I wonder if anyone licenced the light novels for english released. And whether they need an editor, because by god do light novels they try and release in english need editors.

She's just suppose to be really short, which isnt unusual for japanese women. They also tend to look younger than they really are.


the shot of her looking up at shiroe in the ED is reaaaaally disturbing. She looks fine throughout otherwise, there's just moments where she wouldn't look out of place in... I don't know, Azumanga or something.


Currently installing Steam, uPlay, GOG downloader, Origin, and Battle.net

Why the fuck do I need 5 different applications for games?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Can't play Hearthstone on Steam OS :(

Also, I have been thinking alot about last nights SAO today. I'm going to try to get my thoughts down on paper, but as you can imagine, I am kinda pissed off about it

The greatest night in the fine history of Toonami.


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 13
Only this show could get me to root for a Nazi O_O Joesph continues to be the king of swag!

Fate/Zero 20
I thought you were a bro Rider :(

Stiens;Gate 19-20

Space Dandy 3
A step down from previous episodes but I still had a big smile on my face for most of the episode. Lost it at the end when it became clear Meow straight up died in that episode though. I understand if many don't find the humor laugh out loud hilarious but I'm having a LOT of fun with this show and it feels unfortunate that some others don't feel the same :(

Bleach 328
I actually liked this episode. It felt like stuff actually happened. Dialogue was pretty insipid and "super-shoneny" for what its worth though :( I also have no idea how/why this arc lasts for another 14 episodes but Bleach arcs certainly know how to outstay their welcome :p

One Piece 237
This was a good setup episode. Plot threads are being laid down and quality foreshadowing is a foot.

Soul Eater 43
Some great action as usual for Soul Eater. The whole moral ambiguity angle is just dumb though. It doesn't work when one side has been shown to be complete evil and the other side complete good for the past 40 episodes or whatever. Bones' inhouse writers sure do love themselves some meoldrama :/

Sword Art Online 21

I've read the reactions in this thread like 5 times over and I still burst out into laughter each time. But still FUCK JAPAN and/or anyone else involved in the creation of this crap. How did this get the ok to run on Toonami? Plus on the same night as the "Women of Toonami" promo? Someone was not speaking to someone else back at AS HQ. SOOOOOOOOOO AWKWARD >_>


I've read the reactions in this thread like 5 times over and I still burst out into laughter each time. But still FUCK JAPAN and/or anyone else involved in the creation of this crap. How did this get the ok to run on Toonami? Plus on the same night as the "Women of Toonami" promo? Someone was not speaking to someone else back at AS HQ. SOOOOOOOOOO AWKWARD >_>

lol i hadn't even thought of that

sorry for not replying to your pm by the way, i kinda didn't see it until we were already deep in


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 13
Only this show could get me to root for a Nazi O_O Joesph continues to be the king of swag!

Fate/Zero 20
I thought you were a bro Rider :(

Stiens;Gate 19-20

Space Dandy 3
A step down from previous episodes but I still had a big smile on my face for most of the episode. Lost it at the end when it became clear Meow straight up died in that episode though. I understand if many don't find the humor laugh out loud hilarious but I'm having a LOT of fun with this show and it feels unfortunate that some others don't feel the same :(

Bleach 328
I actually liked this episode. It felt like stuff actually happened. Dialogue was pretty insipid and "super-shoneny" for what its worth though :( I also have no idea how/why this arc lasts for another 14 episodes but Bleach arcs certainly know how to outstay their welcome :p

One Piece 237
This was a good setup episode. Plot threads are being laid down and quality foreshadowing is a foot.

Soul Eater 43
Some great action as usual for Soul Eater. The whole moral ambiguity angle is just dumb though. It doesn't work when one side has been shown to be complete evil and the other side complete good for the past 40 episodes or whatever. Bones' inhouse writers sure do love themselves some meoldrama :/

Sword Art Online 21

I've read the reactions in this thread like 5 times over and I still burst out into laughter each time. But still FUCK JAPAN and/or anyone else involved in the creation of this crap. How did this get the ok to run on Toonami? Plus on the same night as the "Women of Toonami" promo? Someone was not speaking to someone else back at AS HQ. SOOOOOOOOOO AWKWARD >_>

You forgot darker than black, why did you forget darker than black.


Soul Eater 43
Some great action as usual for Soul Eater. The whole moral ambiguity angle is just dumb though. It doesn't work when one side has been shown to be complete evil and the other side complete good for the past 40 episodes or whatever. Bones' inhouse writers sure do love themselves some meoldrama :/

Especially considering
it turns out to be nothing more than "we just wanted to keep our plan a secret".

For those getting burnt out on SE filler, I hope you stick around. The remaining episodes in the series are much better starting next week compared to the slow, melodrama we've been watching recently. The next episode starts dialog heavy, but after that, it's pretty much badass action (and comedy) through until the end of the series.

How did this get the ok to run on Toonami? Plus on the same night as the "Women of Toonami" promo? Someone was not speaking to someone else back at AS HQ. SOOOOOOOOOO AWKWARD >_>

Or someone said, "Hmm.. this SAO episode is pretty pervy. Let's make a music video that honors strong women and air it on the same night... so viewers know we don't actually condone tentacle rape."


Inuyasha doesnt have a large cast, well relatively to something like bleach anyways, and even some of the cast are either old people who live in a village or travels on their own so they dont have to have that much focus, but even then if MM is to be believed Koga gets forgotten after this arc is done and the anime actually adds scenes in.

Koga isn't "forgotten" He
around Volume 47 out of 56 because
Naraku takes his Jewel Shards
but it was bound to happen otherwise the plot couldn't conclude.

Final Act adds
him marrying Ayame the filler character
in the end.
InuYasha for sure does a better job of balancing the usefulness and screen time of it's main cast. Of all the long running shonen I've read or watch the only series that does it better imo is One Piece


lol i hadn't even thought of that

sorry for not replying to your pm by the way, i kinda didn't see it until we were already deep in

No problem. PM me back when you have a chance if you can help :)

You forgot darker than black, why did you forget darker than black.

DTB is the only episode out of the ones I've mentioned that I'd seen before*. I left off VVV because I missed it last night. All the others were brand new. I don't have too much interest in posting impressions for shows I've already seen.

*Yes, Jojo's is an exception but A) a sympathetic Nazi is so rare in fiction I thought it was worth mentioning and B) it's fucking Jojos!

InuYasha for sure does a better job of balancing the usefulness and screen time of it's main cast. Of all the long running shonen I've read or watch the only series that does it better imo is One Piece

It helps that Inuyasha's main cast is smaller than most series. That being said, characters like Sango and Miruko still feel rather peripheral and I don't feel contribute THAT much.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
No problem. PM me back when you have a chance if you can help :)

DTB is the only episode out of the ones I've mentioned that I'd seen before*. I left off VVV because I missed it last night. All the others were brand new. I don't have too much interest in posting impressions for shows I've already seen.

*Yes, Jojo's is an exception but A) a sympathetic Nazi is so rare in fiction I thought it was worth mentioning and B) it's fucking Jojos!

ahhh that makes sense, Ive seen jojo and darker than black before but its fun watching them again.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
InuYasha for sure does a better job of balancing the usefulness and screen time of it's main cast. Of all the long running shonen I've read or watch the only series that does it better imo is One Piece

I was actually watching Inuyasha tonight and thinking the same exact thing but I'll discuss it tomorrow...


No Scrubs
It helps that Inuyasha's main cast is smaller than most series. That being said, characters like Sango and Miruko still feel rather peripheral and I don't feel contribute THAT much.

Having a small cast certainly helps with this a lot. The bigger the cast the harder this becomes, Bleach is the perfect example of this.


No Scrubs
Sound Four arc had TEN characters in battle, then we get to Shippuden. :/

The problems Naruto has with this are more due to how the plot evolved after the time skip. Post time-skip only Naruto and Sauske's character arcs matter, prior to that it was more of an ensemble (not to the same degree One Piece is, but it was more than just Naruto's adventures).


It's funny to think it and SAO are both Dengeki-born shows, eh? Even if it's not pure action, it really is the kind of show I wanted on "Adult Swim Anime", with enough comedy to fit with all the other stuff Williams Street puts out, but much more sophisticated.
The last time they put on an non-action anime was Shin-Chan I think. Surprised they never followed pursuit of other adult-oriented comedies from Japan. Guess despite the place where they make shroom entertainment without even trying, William Street would rather make their own.

Exactly how I feel whenever I see him at a con. Or his post on Twitter.
Or KyleTV.
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