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Toonami |Jan14| See you, Space Cowboy. Hello, Space Dandy

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The problems Naruto has with this are more due to how the plot evolved after the time skip. Post time-skip only Naruto and Sauske's character arcs matter, prior to that it was more of an ensemble (not to the same degree One Piece is, but it was more than just Naruto's adventures).

I would have had Neji and Choji die before the time-skip. Temari could have easily taken Choji's role in The Immortals arc if you ask me.


Fell into a youtube well today.

Didn't realize Soul Eater got refreshed openings at some point upon re airing in japan. Cool.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I am 100% serious when I say I nominate Ghost Stories English Dub.



Gives all the fucks
How long is ghost stories? Maybe we should save it for a Branduil pre block when Kayos can't run it?
20 episodes.

I've actually been playing with the idea of a "viewer's request" block (assuming I could make it work/have the time) for a special occasion/holiday where you guys could choose which anime/episode to watch and we have a night of just stuff everyone wanted to watch. It'd be something that wouldn't happen often just to make it all the more special & the only real "rule" would be that it can't be longer than 1/2 hour & not too "spoiler"-filled in case someone wants to check out the rest of the series.
Weekly rankings:

1. Brotherhood
3. Bleach
4. One Piece
5. Space Dandy
6. Soul Eater
7. Shippuden
8. Naruto
9. Sword Art Online
10. Ghost in the Shell

Brotherhood was REALLY good, I didn't even bother live posting so I could give the show my undivided attention. Seeing Bradly and Pride bite the dust was extremely satisfying; just when I think the previous week can't possibly be topped something like the Hohenheim trap card gets pulled to make me say 'holy shit!'

The last run of FLCL was my first one ever and made me think episode 4 was the best; going through 'Brittle Bullet' again made me change my opinion. Bleach continues to be very solid despite all of the 'lol bleach sux lol dumb filler' comments. We finally got to see just how hax Kageroza's powers are as he completely dominated multiple captain level shinigami of the Gotei 13. Being able to manipulate space is a very powerful weapon that will continue to play an important role as this arc continues. I'd also like to say that the VO seemed a little better this episode along with the animation.

Space Dandy continues to be a mediocre show with insane production values. The first half of the latest episode was yawn inducing and I didn't crack a smile at any of the jokes; I think it's safe to safe that Dandy's brand of comedy simply doesn't appeal to me. It feels forced and juvenile most of the time, the writing is definitely an issue. Last preview we were teased that this would be a 'fanservice' episode but it was pretty tame in comparison to a lot of anime these days, none of what they showed in that regard bothered me.


The second half of the episode crept along at a snails pace until we found out the girl was actually an alien. The giant robot v space monster battle was freaking amazing, I really wish Dandy was more of this and less Johnny Bravo jokes because I'm not 10 anymore; that kind of dialogue doesn't resonate with me. Another thing I liked about this episode was Meow swiping at the hologram like a cat, that was highly entertaining.


Soul Eater has really sunk in quality, I feel like it's been mediocre for over a month now. I don't have a problem with filler but this episode was just so..boring. Even with Death the Kid being a badass and fighting creepy robot clowns I couldn't really be bothered to care. Shippuden was kind of the same way, it was cool seeing some action after the first two terrible episodes (DAMN Sakura is strong now!) but the animation wasn't very impressive and it seemed like Naruto barely learned anything new since leaving the village. The pacing really is horrid, I might skip ahead.

Just when you think Sword Art Online can't possibly set the bar any lower, we get this episode. As soon as Asuna escaped from her sex dungeon in the sky she ends up getting captured by...wait for it...


Seriously, I could not make that shit up if I tried. On one hand I was extremely creeped out that a child thought this shit up and turned it into a light novel. On the other hand, I was highly entertained reading the ToonamiGAF reactions to this smut.

Tables were flipped.
Rage tears shed.
Picard gifs spammed.


Ghost in the Shell put me to sleep. I don't watch IGPX, Clone Wars or Inuyasha.
we already voted and picked gurren lagann as valvrave's replacement guys

Originally we had Lagann replacing the second slot of Valvrave because we were going to catch up to Valvrave while it was still ongoing. Now Valvrave is finished so either Lagann has to double up, or another show has to go in that second slot.


Originally we had Lagann replacing the second slot of Valvrave because we were going to catch up to Valvrave while it was still ongoing. Now Valvrave is finished so either Lagann has to double up, or another show has to go in that second slot.

You guys should probably just double up. I won't be watching it so it'll give me more time to eat dinner and stuff.
At worst we can always leave that spot open for whatever show we want to double up on that night which is kind of what we've been doing already lol
Isn't Fate/Zero and Stein;Gate gonna be ending soon as well?

We have 4 episodes of Steins Gate left, which if we continue to double it up every week as we have been we'll be done it two weeks. We have 6 episodes of F/Z left so we probably won't finish that till the end of February.
Anyone received an email about winning a Toonami shirt yet? The deadline for receiving emails was yesterday iirc. It can't possibly be that we were all losers.
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