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Toonami |Jan14| See you, Space Cowboy. Hello, Space Dandy

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
but you posted a gif of Kagome. there's no way he's gonna get hit by that arrow.

Actually watching a lot of Inuyasha in a row dispelled some myths I had held for most of a decade of weekly or even every weeknight viewing and this leads into the discussion MM wants me to have today.

First we'll go with the personal myths.

1. Sango is useless. Not true. She spends the majority of a lot of fits killing the crap out of lesser demons.

2. Wind Tunnel is unstoppable as long as poison tons of really sharp pointy things are involved. Also not true. Big and powerful demons can just shrug it off.

3. Kagome sucks at a bow. She does. Horribly. But it's clear that she's leveling up/practicing off camera. I thought her being horrible lasted pretty much the whole show when it really only happens the first few times she shoots in early episodes. She's not fucking Hawkeye like Kikiyo is but the majority of her later on misses are either very close misses or intentional warning shot misses (she also isn't a remorseless murder machine like Revenant Kikiyo is)

Those are the major ones. Now onto how well the group dynamic works. It's easily the best part of the show. If you just go action sequence to action sequence the show is pretty generic. They have a fight, everyone pitches in or just Sango/Miroku pitch in, Inuyasha wins. If the villain is important, he or she escapes to fight another day. If he loses or is stopped by a barrier, he goes off and does a task to learn a new move to get past the obstacle. If Naraku himself is involved then Koga/Kikiyo/LORD SESSHOMARU will show up. By the numbers. It's like playing a well paced JRPG. But then you get into how the group dynamic really works. The little brother Shippo getting picked on by the big brother, who is whipped by his girlfriend. Their friends with their own romantic angle spending the vast majority of the time making fun of Inuyasha and his relationship while ignoring their own. The way they team up to solve problems; even though the Red Ranger always gets to deliver the final blow everyone else is clearly involved in the major storylines doing something as a team. They almost never just divide off in classic one on one shonen honor fights, they fight smart and largely stick together. In fact besides the whole pairing off and fighting thing this most resembles the crew dynamic of One Piece, only instead of no romance you've got a lot.

And above and beyond that the rest of the writing is usually very well done. I'm sure most people who've watched it and look back remember this being a strong suit of the show and its certainly why it leaves such a good impression on a very wide audience years later (and people are clearly tuning in for this viewing a decade later) but watching it unfold and relying on your memory are two different things. The characters are by and large believable people with believable motivations (Miroku's molestro demon hand put to one side for a second) and believable reactions.

It's nothing life altering but at the same time the show really is the total package. Something for everyone. I kinda wish it moved a bit faster but even then there's only been one or two episodes in the 70 I've watched recently (plus the 30 or so I've watched with all of you) on this recent run that I'd even find below average and would skip if I remembered they were coming up.

The filler in this show is also something to be commended. It sometimes moves the plot ahead while the actual canon material spins in circles. The comedy episodes are funny (most filler is at least good at this) but even the action and drama episodes usually feel like they'd fit right in with the manga, same with some of the filler characters.

Inuyasha's cast is small and it helps. Even when the Band of Seven and Naraku's eight billion incarnations show up you only remember the ones that matter and forget about the ones who get offed quickly. When you get down to it it's the four heroes, Kikiyo, Naraku and the important incarnations LORD SESSHOMARU, Koga and Kohaku as the major players.


So where were you when this and E7 were originally shown? Did you just have no interest in them?

I joined Toonami GAF around the time OP was announced coming to the block, at that point E7 was like 40ish episodes into it's run and Tenchi GXP was 20ish into it's run and both came on after I went to bed due to not being caught up on anything. Tenchi came on too late for me to care to catch up, and E7 was on a rerun so most people dropped out before it aired

Edit: Oh wow a dubbed OP, song is alright and visually it's an alright OP. The chicks are appropriately attractive, starting on a positive note.
This show has like no animation budget, but so far it's pretty funny. Mostly slap stick and our hero having no luck but it's enjoyable in a "lol get shit on" kind of way.


No Scrubs
So I was going to watch Eureka 7... and then I just had an impulsive urge to watch something else

I'm about to stick this abomination into my laptop

Don't do it man, there's so much to live for.

This show has like no animation budget, but so far it's pretty funny. Mostly slap stick and our hero having no luck but it's enjoyable in a "lol get shit on" kind of way.

Tell me you want to live dude. Tell me you want to live!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The animation is wretched and only gets worse.

Still not the worst show on AS/Toonami.

Pilot Candidate and Reign the Conquerer both whoop the shit out of it. One impossibly bad and the other improbably boring.


I joined Toonami GAF around the time OP was announced coming to the block, at that point E7 was like 40ish episodes into it's run and Tenchi GXP was 20ish into it's run and both came on after I went to bed due to not being caught up on anything. Tenchi came on too late for me to care to catch up, and E7 was on a rerun so most people dropped out before it aired

Edit: Oh wow a dubbed OP, song is alright and visually it's an alright OP. The chicks are appropriately attractive, starting on a positive note.

Ah I see. That explains that.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Not counting shorts.

Even if I did I don't think they make top five.

Pilot Candidate
Blue Gender
Tenchi Muyo GXP
Trinity Blood

Then probably King Star King counting shorts.

The only good to great show as a whole that I dislike is Wolf's Rain so Kick Heart would never be on the list. What a beautiful boring mess.
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