except Dandy is an incompetent moron who's gotten himself and one other person killed....
I wonder if he'll change any by the time the show reaches is FooLyCLimax? It was really nice to see him fight effectively in the Mecha...
I wasn't referring to Dandy when I was talking about wish fulfillment, I was talking about Aunt Tits. :lol
Cool, I'll just continue down the "willful ignorance" side with that series, then, lol.
It's funny that we somehow became all offended at these gags despite seeing them a million times. That takes a new level of shit to pull that off.
The pandering or the show?
To me, Fanservice hinges on the idea of giving people something they want. If you over-deliver, you diminish the effect...
...This probably means nothing to many of the fans or producers of modern anime, though. They have no sense of moderation or build-up with stuff like this, and almost seem to have a running bet at who can out-perv the other with the content they get away with in their works, ha.
I think I meant "The Show", but It'd really apply to both. Balance is one of the largest things SAO lacks.
Agreed, though even I think trying to read into a situation too deeply can just lead to personal frustration.
.... random, the reason why hearing Vic voice a
heal slime lecherous slime blob tentacle dude didn't throw me off too much is PROBABLY because he sounded a lot like Maka's Papa, Spirit. I don't know if that makes the situation funnier, or just more disturbing.