Nobody warn him the last episode of GXP is
Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings for saying that ToonamiGAF hyped up GXP's awfulness but that I found it to be mediocre like Bass when watching after it aired.
I think it's hilarious that you're the only person here taking what I said so personally, nobody else seems to care because what I posted wasn't a big deal. You love to blow comments out of proportion and start arguments, this is nothing new. All I said is that ToonamiGAF hyped up the badness of GXP, which is fairly accurate considering only Bass and I have indicated we tolerate the show, and you're getting upset.so i take it that with the rewording here "sensibility" becomes synonymous with "what i think." believe it or not people hold different opinions, whether that's with Bleach or with GXP. and seeing you make snide comments about the entire thread when most of the people here disagree got old months ago.
I think it's hilarious that you're the only person here taking what I said so personally, nobody else seems to care because what I said wasn't a big deal. You love to blow comments out of proportion and start arguments, this is nothing new. All I said is that ToonamiGAF hyped up the badness of GXP, which is fairly accurate considering only Bass and I have indicated we tolerate the show, and you're getting upset.
I don't even make snide remarks about the entire thread so I'm not sure where you got that from. I'd love to see some examples.
not everyone has to think the same thing. .
He's just going to turn this part on you, you know.
how about you take a look at most of the arguments in this thread and who's been at the center of them. and actually you said some nonsense about "sensibility", because obviously if people don't share the same viewpoint as Gucci Messiah they must not be sensible. but nice try spinning it.
are you really denying that you don't routinely make these kinds of comments during Bleach? seriously, enough is enough. not everyone has to think the same thing. people are allowed to outright dislike things you don't.
I get into 'arguments' which are really just debates, because I have a different opinion from the majority when it comes to the controversial shows, are you really whining about that? Stop being so sensitive over using the word 'sensible' it was obviously tongue in cheek. If I knew it was going to hurt your feelings so much and start WW3 I wouldn't have even said it. I thought most people could handle it but should have known you were going to get offended and start a multi page argument over something trivial. I ask again, why is it that YOU are the only one who cares? Stop making a mountain out of a molehill, you're so dramatic sometimes.
As for Bleach, I have repeatedly said that I don't approve of people who say its terrible every week but then post about how they're going to take a 30 minute break when the show starts. I would say the same thing for any other show, there's no need to complain if you're not going to watch and give the show a fair shake. Nice try though.
And so not everyone is entitled to like what I like but I can't like what other people dislike? What kid of argument is that? Take your Bruce Wayne vigilante, anime thread justice policing elsewhere. It's getting annoying.
I laughed pretty hard at 'enough is enough'
Bunch of good episodes this week.
Black Lagoon? Finally, a show I haven't seen already! I did watch the first episode a while back, all I remember is that there's an amazing action scene near the end. So I'm good with this.
One Piece to Black Lagoon to Blue Exorcist is going to be some tonal shifts, though. Swapping BL and BE would help, but eh.
oK, all of you who has not watched it, watch Black Lagoon right now unless you're willing to constantly laugh at all the bleeps that we are going to hear. Seriously, it's first-time experience is best watched unfiltered.
oK, all of you who has not watched it, watch Black Lagoon right now unless you're willing to constantly laugh at all the bleeps that we are going to hear. Seriously, it's first-time experience is best watched unfiltered.
Yooooo new show!
I haven't seen Blag Lagoon either. Apparently there's a second season. Wonder if they'll just go for 24 the first time.
And ruin the bond I have with ToonamiGAF? I don't think so.
Man, wish the US would relax a bit and just let a middle of the night cartoon just say 'fuck'. I know that's general but I think I would prefer a 'for tv' dub rather than constant bleeps.
is Blue Exorcist pretty similar to shows like Naruto and Soul Eater in terms of tone? i really don't know much about it.
You are whining, I made a tongue in cheek comment about a freaking cartoon and you went absolutely ballistic. Nobody else was up in arms but you, there's really no denying that. Do you even realize what the point of a forum is? We're here for the discussion, there are inevitably going to be arguments. ToonamiGAF isn't an echo chamber where only one one opinion is allowed to exist in a vacuum but you can't seem to accept that. It seems to me that you're just upset that I enjoy Bleach and am critical of Space Dandy. So much drama over anime, lol.i'm not whining about anything, i'm pointing out that you don't have any room whatsoever to talk when it comes to starting arguments. and if that was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek you damn well could've fooled me because you routinely make those same types of comments about everyone else with Bleach or Space Dandy.
is that really the only thing you think you do? every single time somebody praises the show you like to chime in with "don't use logic!" or something, complaining about how everyone else is just letting the hate consume them and not giving it a fair chance. then there's Space Dandy, where apparently so many others are just blinded by hype.
show me where i said you're not allowed to like the show. i wouldn't have said a thing if all you put was "i thought you guys overhyped its awfulness, too." i'm saying the fact that you like to paint everyone who disagrees with you as not thinking clearly in some capacity instead of simply holding another opinion is annoying and that you need to give it a rest.
obviously if people don't share the same viewpoint as Gucci Messiah they must not be sensible. but nice try spinning it.
seriously, enough is enough. not everyone has to think the same thing. people are allowed to outright dislike things you don't.
Ao no Exorcist is similar to those two a bit, yes.
I like the tone of Ao no Exorcist better than Soul Eater, though; it's not as silly. It also has a much stronger protagonist than SE. It's not as juvenile as Naruto part 1 either...it's probably more in line with Shippuden.
Most definitely, GitS is the only exception...oh god, they're going to butcher BL's OP, aren't they?![]()
there's the (veryveryveryveryveryvery) off chance they managed to redub some of the dialogue.
*grabs gun and points at self* Not like this, Toonami, not like this.......*is shot*
...oh god, they're going to butcher BL's OP, aren't they?![]()
Black Lagoon status: ACQUIRED.
Still not Gurren Lagann ;___;
No real complaints though, I haven't seen Black Lagoon before.
i won't be sad. i can get over Engrish sometimes, but whoever's singing the opening for Black Lagoon sounds like they're trying to speak English with a mouth full of food.
i won't be sad. i can get over Engrish sometimes, but whoever's singing the opening for Black Lagoon sounds like they're trying to speak English with a mouth full of food.
You are whining, I made a tongue in cheek comment about a freaking cartoon and you went absolutely ballistic. Nobody else was up in arms but you, there's really no denying that. Do you even realize what the point of a forum is? We're here for the discussion, there are inevitably going to be arguments. ToonamiGAF isn't an echo chamber where only one one opinion is allowed to exist in a vacuum but you can't seem to accept that. It seems to me that you're just upset that I enjoy Bleach and am critical of Space Dandy. So much drama over anime, lol.
I like every show on toonami (except Clone Wars) and certainly don't make those comments whenever somebody mentions a show. I think the Bleach hate is pretty well documented; I've said numerous times that I don't care what other people think about the show as long as they give it a fair shake. Oftentimes the show gets bashed by people who don't watch and formed an opinion about the overall series a long time ago, that's what I call out. There's also a lot of Bleach bashing just because it's Bleach, Bass can attest to that.
There were people calling Dandy the savior of anime after ONE episode, if that's not being blinded by hype then I don't know what is. Obviously people are excited about Dandy but I've been the most skeptical in the thread willing to routinely point out flaws in addition to praising the parts I like. It's not like I'm posting a sentence summary, I give in depth impressions each week. You just sound mad because I won't give it undying praise and keep my expectations in check.
You are a huge hypocrite. It's unreal that you're so angry over GXP haha.
I really do love this Gif.
A funi title replacing a funi title? Color me surprised. In all honesty they totally should've aired Psycho Pass but whatever.
being an internet contrarian is cool gais
Well, now I fathom what you guys go through when it comes to OPs.
I'd daresay Seda and I are the most optimistic, willing to forgive a lot for entertainment people in this thread and we both hate GXP.
Damn damn,
Is that Tsoonami? Or Sniggles?
oK, all of you who has not watched it, watch Black Lagoon right now unless you're willing to constantly laugh at all the bleeps that we are going to hear. Seriously, it's first-time experience is best watched unfiltered.
Man, wish the US would relax a bit and just let a middle of the night cartoon just say 'fuck'. I know that's general but I think I would prefer a 'for tv' dub rather than constant bleeps.
Well I guess this means the March thread has to have some variant of "Black and Blue" in the title, right?
there's the (veryveryveryveryveryvery) off chance they managed to redub some of the dialogue.