if it feels heavy-handed in the moment, it feels heavy-handed in the moment. You can't retroactively fix how I felt about it when I first watched it. You can perhaps justify it, but the initial introduction will always be a bit stumbly.
I actually felt like a lot of her innocence overload was given justification once we found out she wasn't just a normal NPC, but a helper AI made to be comforting to the players. Though she lost her memory, she acted in a way consistent with her programing; she went out of her way to make them feel at ease in the situation they were in.
I like how she went from completely helpless, to childish, yet with appropriate authority, once she regained who she was.
I guess you could say I kept my views about her open until her arc completed, rather than being fully turned off at the start. But they do say "you never get a second chance to make a first impression"...
Although to be honest I thought SAO introduced Yui in a perfectly acceptable manner, over a number of episodes (although it then got creepy cos Asuna was creepin'). They just... developed her weirdly.
SAO develops with very little pacing at all, but I rarely mind it's ends, basically. I think the means are jarring through, because it's a show that expects me to be on the same page they're on with EVERYTHING, rather than giving me situations and characters that evolve in ways I personally desire.
I guess it's just the modern, prevalent Japanese story-writing / world-growing style. A very small focus is presented to a very small group of people, and every decision is made simply to make those people happy.
It's... really alienating to everyone else, though.
you are a smart person SAB
(O.O) !! BAKA! It's not like I was trying to sound smart or anything! (-///-)
*ahem* Seriously though, Thanks!