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Toonami |Jan15| Sold Our Car for Gas Money

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. (I use 50 because RAM with a ton of gaf tabs open)

Soo I'm sad ive been missing gurren lagann for the past 5 episodes. Also, I'm curious if DMWL will be the bleep heaven that it was originally. I wasn't with you guys, I was with my other group of toonami friends who are all gone, but I loved that initial run.

Didn't you see the part 1 finale with us? All you missed was the recap and the first episode of part 2

A relative to Dandy?

I have no idea what anime this is from.


Didn't you see the part 1 finale with us? All you missed was the recap and the first episode of part 2

I did

I guess my mental idea was "I missed a ton of episodes" because I havent seen toonami much for a month and a half, but I keep forgetting TTGL didnt air much.

Second ending>First ending


that dude is gonna be 70+ and pointing rocket launchers at Thanos
Did Nick actually do that in Infinity Gauntlet?

This attraction totally would be made in the US, because it's full of violence.
MLK was so right about us.

Funny, I just tried it out.

100 is life in the fast lanes
that 50ppp life...IDK if it's 50ppp

I can't come up with a single reason why anyone would use 100 PPP over 50 PPP
Less clicking?

They never use GAF Mobile is the best I can come up with- I can't imagine loading 100 posts at a time on my phone.

Also, because I'm the laziest, I only now just finished my GOTY post. Did anyone else do one?

Link to my post
Never thought of one. Answer would be obvious though. >.>

Funny I realized that GITS episode smashed certain scenes of Saving Private Ryan and Full Metal Jacket together. Ground Zeroes would still be a good template for a GITS game. Just replace Boss and the island for NeoTokyo.


My Impressions before I forget.

I decided to add this to my reviews along with DMW. Sure they are repeats but you catch things on repeated viewings and I like talking about episodes in detail if possible. In the case of DMW it is just fun to rewatch and I will try my best not to discuss or hint at future plot points in my reviews for first time viewers. BE FOREWARNED ATTACK ON TITAN SPOILERS

With that out of the way...


Attack on Titan

Someone in the thread brought up a good point. When DID Armin become a genius. We establish he is a coward but aside from some dialogue and doing the braindead action of seeking help from an adult (when they needed ALL THE ADULTS), Armin really never demonstrated how he is a genius in training. It is a shame too because I like the basis of his character but he goes from coward to genius with no development outside of Mikasa's speech in 'Small Blade'. This episode feels like character development whiplash shoving Armin into a new role because the story demands it when it would have been nice to show that side of his character in the training arc. It is a visual medium, show and don't tell when possible! Besides that the episode had terrible pacing brushing past legitimately interesting questions (for good reason) instead focusing on getting the squad out of a jam that should have been 5 minutes but lasted 30.

Dragonball Z

And we fast forward 10ish episodes. Man the months fly by...It is a shame we actually lost some fun filler like the robot episode but it will be appreciated later on. Plus we skip that hilariously awful bug planet episode. Those jokes were pretty painful even by today's standards. Overall an average episode. Shit should start going down next week. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODGE!


It's happeni...no it isn't. I was surprised about the burst of action but thankfully Naruto remembered how awful it can REALLY be if it tries and boy howdy did it try. Basically stopping so fast you can hear this sound effect in your head, Naruto then decided to spend the rest of the time pretending how he and Sasuke are BFF's and running through halls flashbacking to how they were just acquaintances and not much else. Sauce, I think you may want to file a restraining order. The episode also loses points for not showing the kiss which is honestly a much more believeable why Naruto wants to find Sasuke so badly, he really wants that D. *DTL intensifies*


It is funny we have two shows with pacing issues back to back but Inuyasha's problem is the EXACT opposite of Naruto's. I counted five episodes in all that were condensed into one episode. One episode dedicated to Kohaku going with Kikyo, One episode for the snake twins and Koga (WTF did Koga do again?), Two to three episodes dedicated to the demon town. Not only would it give these plot points to breathe but it would have still been excellent pacing. Overall it is a necessary evil considering how much ground we have to cover with a 26 episode order and the story telling gets much more streamlined now we are covering chapters in chunks as opposed to piece meal which only exacerbated the disjointed feel of the episode. That said it is still fun to watch and easy to follow if you keep some rules in mind (which I discuss at a later post).

One Piece Theater

Arguably the best of the bunch. Weird seeing a mermaid being considered a 'monster' but it brought a smile to my face. I just get a kick out of Minotaur Zoro and Kraken Chopper who is still super adorable. All my friends are stone :|

Back to shit getting real next week


I missed a small bit of this episode but I think it wasn't bad. I'll be upfront with this. I hate the next section of episodes which I'll try really hard to explain well. I am in a minority with this so don't fret new time viewers I think it is just me. Overall I love the post time skip designs with the highlights being Simone and Viral
and the dumbest yet to be revealed.
It is a table setting episode with a real threat to move the series forward to its finale. Also OTP destroyed :(

Deadman Wonderland

I want candy! This episode further solidifies just how fucked up and glorious Deadman Wonderland is. So much shiny shiny death. The one shot villain in this was even great and the series has a knack for creating some real stand out characters. This episode is also great since it solidifies the relationship between Ganta and the crazy hot
but mostly cray cray
Shiro. Great animation too. The bleeps in this series only enhance the glorious ludicrousness of the series on top of the most inappropriate ending theme of all time only rivaled by Parasyte.



Deadman Wonderland
Strawhat Theater


Final Act
Dragonball Z

Aldnoah Zero S2:

Attack on Titan

Good work as always SAB!


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 71:

Well, we have reached the point where it is time for a change of OP and it is filled with spoilers. Anyway, if Sailor Moon R has been packed with more episodes like this and less of the dumb shit that actually typifies this season I would actually agree with Jaken in its placement of this season. Yea, I will not deny that this run of episodes are actually some of the strongest storytelling and characterization I have seen from this re-visitation of the franchise. We have hit a certain base formula, one of Sailor Scouts is pitted against one of the Specter Sisters, but the sequences of events plays out far differently each time. Indeed the theme of this episode is loneliness and naturally the scout to be featured is our favored introvert Ami and honestly this is her best episode thus far by a country mile. We get to see not just how far she has come in the season and half we have known her but we get to the depths of her kindness and resolve as it is contrasted with the dark and lonely place Bertheir is coming from. I also like how continuity was used to ultimately turn things around. Yes, obviously highest recommendation to watch.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 72:

Welp, so much for this being in formula, but it break with pattern to its own detriment and is feeding into my belief that the writers had no clue what to do with Makoto or Minako after having them move on from past love. They seemed to be vaguely trying to make them Those Two Girls but it has been so half assed the gimmick really hasn't taken hold. Anyway, Wiseman shows up and basically tells Rubius to hit the fast forward button and he decides to send out the remaining Specter Sisters in a last ditched effort on their end to complete the tasks set before them. Honestly, this episode is a few notches below the past couple of ones, still good, but now the emphasis is more on combat and a more generic form of the motifs that have been painted during this mini-arc. The say is eventually saved because evil can be stupid at times as well and a new technique is learned. We do also get McGuffin advancement as while the Black Moon clan has suffered a loss here they and Chibi-Usa have learned a vital piece of information that if the Scouts knew how vital it was they would have done a better job in keeping it secret. Overall, highest recommendation to watch based off of story elements alone and it stands on its own feel pretty well.


Sketchbook Picasso
Thanks Raxus! I agree, it's good to go over even the Re-Runs sometimes. ... Or course I agree, I basically draw 90% Reruns week after week, lol.


For anyone who's interested, I finally caught my TUMBLR up with SKETCH DUMP "THE BEST Collection" pics from each month, all the way from back in April of last year to December.

I didn't add EVERYTHING, but it took me like 3 hours to add what I did, so there's a good amount of pics if you want to look through any of them again! :) They're in "Stacks", so you have to click on the main picture in order to see the ones for the month that are "under" them. Or just use all of TUMBLR's fancy features that have been added since I last used it, to look at them in other ways...

I think I have to thank both of you, Raxus and Shard, for putting your reviews here. Helped me finally get in a mood to go through and organize and post all that there. So, Thanks!
I would say there's some Final Act spoilers in that video, but the opening already spoiled it anyway.

Haven't watched Man at Arms in a bit. Did they get a different weapons shop this time around?


Unconfirmed Member
Man At Arms forges InuYasha's Tessaiga.

I thought it was "Tetsuaiga" but apparently Viz has been saying it wrong all along.

Tessaiga is correct. Somehow Viz fucked up a ridiculously basic aspect of the Japanese alphabet when they were originally translating the series. This is sort of like the equivalent of trying to translate into English without knowing Y can be a consonant or a vowel.

つ (or ツ) is the kana for the syllable "tsu." However, if you want to make a double consonant sound in Japanese, you place the symbol っ (a small tsu) in front of the syllable that would have the double consonant.

さ = sa
っさ = ssa
つさ = tsusa

Basically, Viz saw っさ and thought it was つさ. So Tessaiga became Tetsusaiga.


That's pretty cool, Meta. Nice to have someone who knows the language around.

On the same note, have you seen Kill la Kill? Aniplex decided to have the US voice actors pronounce the names Senketsu and Junketsu as "Senkets" and "Junekets". While I believe the "tsu" sound is often a silent in Japanese, I can clearly hear the Japanese voice actors making the "tsu" sound most of the time. There's even animation at times for a three syllable word. Any thoughts?


Unconfirmed Member
That's pretty cool, Meta. Nice to have someone who knows the language around.

On the same note, have you seen Kill la Kill? Aniplex decided to have the US voice actors pronounce the names Senketsu and Junketsu as "Senkets" and "Junekets". While I believe the "tsu" sound is often a silent in Japanese, I can clearly hear the Japanese voice actors making the "tsu" sound most of the time. There's even animation at times for a three syllable word. Any thoughts?

That's pretty close to how they were in Japanese, too. If the u sound is at the end of the word, it's frequently hushed or barely audible. See also: desu (when it isn't being pronounced all UGUU KAWAII DESU~~~~).


That's pretty close to how they were in Japanese, too. If the u sound is at the end of the word, it's frequently hushed or barely audible. See also: desu (when it isn't being pronounced all UGUU KAWAII DESU~~~~).

Fucking Weeaboos.

Sorry knee jerk reaction.


Tessaiga is correct. Somehow Viz fucked up a ridiculously basic aspect of the Japanese alphabet when they were originally translating the series. This is sort of like the equivalent of trying to translate into English without knowing Y can be a consonant or a vowel.

つ (or ツ) is the kana for the syllable "tsu." However, if you want to make a double consonant sound in Japanese, you place the symbol っ (a small tsu) in front of the syllable that would have the double consonant.

さ = sa
っさ = ssa
つさ = tsusa

Basically, Viz saw っさ and thought it was つさ. So Tessaiga became Tetsusaiga.
I had to stare for about 20 seconds until I saw the difference.


MetatronM said:
If the u sound is at the end of the word, it's frequently hushed or barely audible.

Is tsu the syllable why Akatsuki (Naruto) and Tatsuki (Bleach character) sound like 'Akatskee' and 'Tatskee' ? At least in the dub


Avengers is a hell of a drug huh Line.

Don't make me post the Code Lyoko Opening you two
ugh I'd rather listen to the terrible version of Dragon Soul.


God this phone is giving me a headache. Making the walkman app in the Sony line look like a god among kings. What I would give to have it on my samsung.


Avengers is a hell of a drug huh Line.

Don't make me post the Code Lyoko Opening you two
ugh I'd rather listen to the terrible version of Dragon Soul.

Psh... please. It's hard to keep tabs on what tab you're on on your phone. I can't move my laptop to the TV. :p
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