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Toonami |Jan15| Sold Our Car for Gas Money

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Gives all the fucks
"In 3 weeks, Naruto Shippuden will be in HD. Has Viz already sent you guys HD tapes?"

"Strictly speaking, we dont have tapes no more."


....................unless they were sarcastic & meant no VHS tapes....


Gives all the fucks
"If you can point us to a good, very action heavy “girlier” anime, we’ll be more likely to air it!"

Sailor Moon confirmed to not be action heavy or girly.

& DBZ: Battle of Gods rights weren't available. Maybe they'll get it this year if Broly was the most viewed movie of 2014?


Does this mean Madoka Magica has a chance?
Bring on the Urobutcher!

The fans will probably point them in that direction, been saying that a really good dark horse candidate.

On he other hand Ping Pong has even less of a chance then I thought, unless they really dig that artstyle.
The fans will probably point them in that direction, been saying that a really good dark horse candidate.

On he other hand Ping Pong has even less of a chance then I thought, unless they really dig that artstyle.

They just lost an hour of programming due to low ratings you think they'd risk airing a sports anime when far more popular series have tanked?


Gives all the fucks
Yeah, Ping Pong ain't happening on the grounds they stated Sports anime just doesn't do well on the block.


No, I do not think Ping Pong is coming. I am saying if it was coming it would be on the merits of its artstyle over it being about a sport.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
What was the last sports anime Toonami aired? Well, IGPX... but before that there was... Prince of Tennis? Well, there's the problem, it's Prince of Tennis.


Aside from that sports anime in general just doesn't do well over here, popular in Japan and Europe but for whatever reason we don't really like sports anime.


Gives all the fucks
What was the last sports anime Toonami aired? Well, IGPX... but before that there was... Prince of Tennis? Well, there's the problem, it's Prince of Tennis.
I think they had Eyeshield 21 as well, but that might've been online-only via Jetstream.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.

Who even owns the rights to Precure?
I heard Saban got them, but apparently that fell through just like "Power Rider".

Aside from that sports anime in general just doesn't do well over here, popular in Japan and Europe but for whatever reason we don't really like sports anime.

Good point... I hear that Europe loves Captain Tsubasa, but sports series are essentially non-existent here.
kinda sucks that the poor selection for Movie Month (and consequently the poor ratings) ended up ruining the fun for everyone, though I imagine we'll still get movies or specials or something the last two weeks of December regardless


Gives all the fucks
You'd think with how damn big the Super Bowl is here, Eyeshield 21 would've had SOME chance of getting at least a little bit popular.


Gives all the fucks
"Why do you air so many old anime and not new ones fresh from Japan?"

Lolwut. Kill La Kill isn't even a damn year old. DBZ Kai came out in 2009, which isn't THAT old. Also Space Dandy was technically out on Toonaim first before Japan.
"Why do you air so many old anime and not new ones fresh from Japan?"

Lolwut. Kill La Kill isn't even a damn year old. DBZ Kai came out in 2009, which isn't THAT old. Also Space Dandy was technically out on Toonaim first before Japan.

Someone asked when they would air Cowboy Bebop and GitS...


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
"Why do you air so many old anime and not new ones fresh from Japan?"

Lolwut. Kill La Kill isn't even a damn year old. DBZ Kai came out in 2009, which isn't THAT old. Also Space Dandy was technically out on Toonaim first before Japan.

He probably means "old" in that these shows aired a long time ago in Japan.
Last night's Shippuden premiered in 2008
Last night's One Piece in 2006
Last night's Final Act in 2009

Though if this is that guy's idea of old, he'd lose his shit if Toonami started airing Getter Robo or Fist of the North Star.


Gives all the fucks
Think we're getting close to the end. Doesn't seem to be any more noteworthy questions & it's close to 1 PM, which I recall is the time they end the Q&A if they already didn't answer enough questions.


Gives all the fucks
Notable Tumblr Q&A stuff:

- "KLK is likely to have an edit or two, as Hellsing did, and Deadman Wonderland did."

- Movie Month didn't do well this year

- Top 5 request shows now are AoT2, SAO2, Kill la Kill, Sailor Moon, & Gundam

- Most requested Sentai Filmworks show is Akame Ga Kill

- DBZ Kai might stay at 11:30 for the time being

- Sports anime is something they don't feel does well on Toonami

- Lots of legal stuff prevents Teen Titans from appearing

- DBZ Kai & AoT were the most well-received shows on Toonami last year

- To reconfirm losing 5 AM: "Poor ratings performance was the main reason (among many other complicated business reasons we can’t share)." & "We aren’t goin anywhere, but the ratings have not been up to snuff as far as the network is concerned, of late!"

- AoT reruns seemed to hurt the block more than help it

- Movie Month for 2015 is "Possible, but unlikely"

- 11 AM timeslot not happening any time soon


Is there a reason why Bleach skipped 5 episodes after the Month of Movies?
Yes. Unavoidable legal/contract ones. Sorry about that.

How is the Toonami online comic coming along?
It will release as a part of Intruder 2!

Will Dragon Ball Z Kai remain at 11:30 or is that just temporarily?
That’s the plan for the foreseeable future. But plans change. But right now we have no plans for change.

Did Attack On Titan reruns starting off the block hurt the block more than helped?
Sadly, this appears to be true.

Kill la Kill isn't playing at 11:30 anymore? If not, that kind of sucks.
We’re not sure when it will be airing, but either way, it’ll be okay. ;)

Are you planning to air Naruto Shippuden for 7 years?
As long as we have new ones! We certainly aired Bleach for a while, didn’t we? :)

Can you pick up more shorter series like Gurren Lagaan, Deadman Wonderland, Kill la Kill, FLCL, Samurai 7, Casshern Sins, Black Lagoon, Space Dandy, etc.?
You just named a bunch of shorter series. Seems like we’re doing pretty well in that department.

Hey I hate to ask but could you play Akira again sometime soon?
We won’t be playing it again any time soon, sorry.

Will Summer Wars air ever again?
It’s possible!

Intruder 2 and the Toonami comic? When?
When they’re ready!

Did the month of movies do as well as you'd hoped this year?
No, it kinda didn’t.

What are the most demanded shows for Toonami? Like a top five, out of curiosity.
Right now it’s:
Attack on Titan Season Two
Sword Art Online Season Two
Kill La Kill
Sailor Moon
Anything Gundam

Considering Funimation is working on simultaneous dubbing now, is it possible for us to have another Space Dandy-like series in the future?
We sure hope so!

Roughly how long does it take to create a new set of bumpers for the entire line-up? Does that take less time than a music video, a line-up promo or game review?
Game Review is typically the fastest, a couple of days for editing. More for capturing. It’s for sure the fastest if you dont count setting the game up to the right spot and recording it. Music video usually takes the most time. Several weeks. Sometimes longer. Line up promos and bumps are roughly the same. A week or two typically.

Is it possible that Death Note can air on Toonami?
Not likely, sorry.

Are you guys going to momocon this year? I really enjoyed meeting you guys last year.
It’s looking pretty likely!

Which show last year was the most well received?
Attack on Titan, tied with DBZ

Do you plan on airing One Piece for infinity+1 years? FOR IT WILL NEVER END
We’ll air it as long as people watch it!

It seems like from the earlier questions that you aren't doing so good right now ratings-wise. I know you tell your fans not to worry about that, but I can't help but worry....
We aren’t goin anywhere, but the ratings have not been up to snuff as far as the network is concerned, of late!

How do you as a group, choose what anime will air after another anime finishes?
Our head of programming, Kim Manning, sits down with us and we look at lists of available shows and bring our ideas of any shows we don’t currently have the rights to and want to research. Then it’s a complex mix of how much the show costs, where the rights are, how quickly a deal can be made, if the show needs edits, etc.

Is there any hope of another movie month any time soon? Or at least an occasional movie thrown into the mix? I always enjoy them.
There won’t be another one soon, but we like to mix things up once in a while!

When you said sailor moon was requested did you mean regular sailor moon or sailor moon Crystal?
Sailor Moon Crystal, yes.

Will we ever see gundam in the line up in any form again?
We would be happy if you do! No plans as of yet. Those rights a real gorgonzola knot.

Will we still be having a month of movies in December 2015 or is that unlikely?
Possible, but unlikely.

Any chance of completely taking over the 11 ' oclock hour
We don’t see that happening any time soon.

Are you hoping to be able to do more Anime premieres like how it was with Space Dandy? I must say that was a thrill ride knowing that it first appeared in America rather than Japan and I'm hoping you have plans to do more anime premieres like that!
We’d definitely like to do something like that again.

Has the recent cutback affected the year's budget or surprises at all?
No, we still get lots of surprises.


That's what happens when you blow your budget and re-air the same stuff we've already seen. Bonehead move in my opinion, that set the tone for the poor ratings we've had.

I would actually go back further and say that the bungling on Hellsing Ultimate is the core cause for this series of unfortunate events, well one of the big ones. The Attack on Titan rerun idea is just kind of its own thing.


I think it's a mix of both

Indeed, but in the case of Hellsing, mind you some gap filling is going on here, they only get the first 8 episodes. That event forces them to spend more on finishing the saga late which I think hurt its ratings and also forced up Final Act early. If we go with the idea that Final Act was supposed to be a 2015 show, this was going to be the program that gave energy to January and draw people back in after the holidays. In addition to draining the resources needed for a fresh month of movies.


I really hope Toonami gets the Blu-Ray cut because seriously TOEI what the fuck?

Meanwhile at Toei:


Watching this makes me more aware where Sailor Moon Crystal and Attack on Titan went so wrong.

Why does Toei have consistently shit animation now a days. It's especially noticeable when you go back and watch older One Piece.


i always thought the art for the One Piece anime looked really flat and bad; it got better when the show went HD.

Water 7, Enies, and the next 2 major arcs are when it looks best but it really starts to go downhill when
we get past Sabaody.
Is it popular? Seems like they wouldn't have went with an anime only ending if that was the case.

I dunno about its popularity but they likely went for the anime only ending for other reasons as well.


It's really disheartening that not only is Kill la Kill not going to be on at 11:30 but that they STILL don't know what time it will air at. How can they not know this?! It's going to air in less than two weeks, right? Unless they mean they don't know what DATE it will premiere.


It's really disheartening that not only is Kill la Kill not going to be on at 11:30 but that they STILL don't know what time it will air at. How can they not know this?! It's going to air in less than two weeks, right? Unless they mean they don't know what DATE it will premiere.

Ratings this week will judge where it will be placed on the block.
Is it popular? Seems like they wouldn't have went with an anime only ending if that was the case.

It's never been that popular in Japan, it's always been more popular with western audiences it has a pretty high rate of people reading scans and it did very well for Crunchyroll simulcast. The problem is as Shard mentioned above in Japan the anime did nothing to boost manga sales therefore the anime was basically given a filler ending so that it could have an ending. Also about AgK's anime ending versus manga
apparently word on the street is the anime team got a rough outline of the planned manga finale kind of like Trigun hence why a few things that happened in the anime have more or less happened in the manga
It's really disheartening that not only is Kill la Kill not going to be on at 11:30 but that they STILL don't know what time it will air at. How can they not know this?! It's going to air in less than two weeks, right? Unless they mean they don't know what DATE it will premiere.
Ratings for this week will decide where it goes.
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