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Toonami |Jan15| Sold Our Car for Gas Money

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It's really disheartening that not only is Kill la Kill not going to be on at 11:30 but that they STILL don't know what time it will air at. How can they not know this?! It's going to air in less than two weeks, right? Unless they mean they don't know what DATE it will premiere.

They knew what time it was going to air - 11:30. Then, things happened that were out of their control, so now they are obviously trying to see how a tweaked line-up will fare before deciding where Kill la Kill ends up.


Wait, AoT2 is being requested?



if we arent referring to the second half, im requesting the next black lagoon season, for whenever it ever comes out if at all.


This week’s theme is: confusion. Lots of characters confused about what is going on and we are confused about what’s going on with Toonami! Great sketch dump, SAB. I love that pencil style. Now, on with the reviews:

DBZ: Kai - The Sayans have arrived! Now all of the rest of the Z Fighters will need to job… I mean… delay, until Goku can eventually arrive. This is actually exciting because I can barely remember what happens. I mean, I know the big strokes but I’ve forgotten all of the little details. Also, I bet Shenron is getting tired of seeing these same guys over and over. Lol. Rating: Fun!

Naruto: Shippuden - We’re finally at the big moment. The series big reveal of the one true ninja god, the Sauce! Gaze longingly at his perfect emo body, ladies. Isn’t he dreamy? Now, continue gazing for a few more minutes because nothing’s going to happen. The lengths this show goes in order to pad out scenes should be considered a war crime. On the plus side, there was a brief moment of actual nice animation when they got outside and at least the Sai’s twist was mildly interesting. Too bad it’s overshadowed by the unbelievable levels of stupidity exhibited by Naruto. Rating: Meh.

Inuyasha: Final Act - Another better paced episode. I’m still enjoying the show but I have to be honest: I can’t understand all this Japanese demon stuff. It’s hard to be invested in the story when all this crazy stuff keeps happening and I’m not even sure if it’s normal or not. Like, when mountains have mystical guardians that test people. Is that like a real thing in Japanese mythology or what? Also, what was with the spider webs controlling people? Is that a new power or is that normal for that character to do? Stuff keeps happening and I’m just thinking, “Man, this is weird. Is that believable?” It’s cool but I’m just left scratching my head sometimes. I did like seeing Kagame get testy for a moment. Rating: Good but confusing.

One Piece - After a way too long recap the episode title finally appears and now things have gotten on their way. That “chapapa” guy, Fukruo, can just die already. What a freako. I’m looking forward to seeing Franky eventually destroy that monster (I assume). I like that each member’s one-on-one battle makes sense in the context of them all needing to get all five keys. Let’s get these fights started! Rating: Great!

Gurren Lagann - Rossiu condemning Simon to death is by far my least favorite thing that happens in this series. Yeah, I get it. Ross thinks Simon has become like Lord Genome in the citizens’ eyes and thus he must die in order to calm them down. But it’s just too extreme. I think the citizens are simply scared. That’s no reason to condemn a man to death! Also, Kinon’s dedication to Rossiu might make more sense in the future but that depends on if you buy into what happens. While I can’t deny that Rossiu has become a dick, I think it’s also important to say that he’s not actually power hungry. He honestly thinks what he’s doing is what is best for humanity as misguided as that might be. That’s why this episode is my probably my least favorite. That final scene with the music was pretty great, though and you gotta love Kittan. What a boss. Rating: Bleh but it only gets better from here on out. :D

Deadman Wonderland - Good job on the show making me think this new guy was the Red Man. I was fooled. There was a lot of exposition in this episode but but it also raised a lot of new questions. Like, what kind of disease allows people to turn their blood into weapons? Also, why is that new guy so afraid of women’s tits? Ganta’s slowness to figure out what is going on got a bit grating, as were his shrieks, but those are minor quibbles in an otherwise good episode. Things got really Clockwork Orange towards the end there, too. Rating: Pretty good.

Hopefully sometime next week they will announce Kill la Kill’s new time slot. It can’t be helping their ratings when peoples DVRs have the wrong schedules like mine did. As excited as I am to watch KLK on Toonami, it’ll be kind of a letdown if it airs late in the block.


Given what was on the plate for Movie Month (80% warmed over leftovers), I just assumed they expected ratings would be poor and not fuss too much over it. That ratings were SO poor that the top brass got pissed is surprising and unfortunate.

I can definitely see the trains of events that caused them problems though (Reruns at the top spot, missing the last two Hellsing episodes and the gymnastics they had to do to get the last two, etc.). Considering Toonami is the only place on TV a lot of these show can air, you would expect anime companies to be more willing to offer the rights to their shows at lower costs but I guess not?
Thoughts on what we watched this week

DBZ Kai: I do like how between Raditz appearing and Vegeta/Nappa arrive the entire Z Warriors learn how to fly when at the time of Raditz's arrival only Piccolo could fly and Goku still was using his Nimbus to get around. Poor Nimbus I don't think he gets another scene in the manga/kai for the rest of the series ;-; Good episode that sets up some great fights

Naruto Shippuden: It only took us 1 WHOLE YEAR but we are FINALLY caught up to the point that we flash forwarded to in the first episode. Sasuke is perfect fujoshi bait and is pretty much the audience proxy for how stupid Naruto and Sakura are... oh wait we're supposed to connect with Naruto... god damn it Kishi

InuYasha Final Act: We're not at the point that Final Act is condensing what would have been 3-4 episodes in the original series as opposed to 12-15 and the show is much more enjoyable for it though still too fast for my taste. This may also be because it comes right after Naruto Shipuzzzzz. I feel like this Kagome/Kikyo arc has happened before hopefully this is the final time it appears.

One Piece: Mostly a set up episode to establish how the rest of this arc will play out, Straw Hats gotta fight the 5 members of CP9 to get the keys to save Robin while Luffy chases after Lucci. The match ups are set and it's time for shit to get so god damn real please be excited first time viewers.

Gurren Lagann: I feel like this series needed 1-2 more episodes before the anti-spiral threat happened because things like Kinon's dedication and affection for Rossiu are truly out of nowhere (did they share a scene in the first half of the series?). I feel a lot of what's happening in this second half needed a bit more establishment then we got which is why it can be hard to connect with. Next week Simon and Viral need to FIGHT THE POWA and start kicking lots of ass together, if that does happen it'll be amazing.

Deadman Wonderland: Mostly a set up episode to establish the coolest character (Crow) and explain the actual purpose of the DMWL prison and the powers of the Deadmen. This is when the series goes full on shonen shit which I was initially apprehensive about in the manga but it quickly won me over so first time viewers don't get too discouraged.

Bleach: Best episode ever, of all time

GitS 2nd Gig: I'm officially at the part where I have no idea what's going on anymore and the political and techno babble is 2deep4me at 4AM. It'll probably make more sense on a rewatch during the day but at this point I'm just content to watch the good acting and good art even if I don't know why it's happening.

Samurai Jack: Fantastic episode of Jack, too bad that our jouney with him must once again come to an end and who knows if/when we'll ever see the quest end. Someone please let Genndy finish a series ;-;
People care about the ratings in movie month? The whole point of movie month is that no one watches TV in December.

well the fact that the outlook is kinda bleak on a 2015 one says they probably care a bit.

i imagine we'll still have movies the last two weeks of December either way
Hopefully it stays actiony and doesn't go full on slice of life.



Finally caught up with the questions. I find these two questions hilariously oblivious.

Did Attack On Titan reruns starting off the block hurt the block more than helped?
Sadly, this appears to be true.

I mean who have thought showing a re-run at the start of the block would be a good idea? You show your big bad premiers at the beginning, not in the middle.

Did the month of movies do as well as you'd hoped this year?
No, it kinda didn’t.

You got to be kidding me with this. You show 4 movies that you've already aired and you expect good ratings? Really? I've been harping about this ever since they announced the schedule and I knew they'd be digging their own grave.

Oh December means bad raitings?

December 2012: There were 7 times a million came up.
December 2013: 3 of the 4 weeks had one movie hitting a million.
December 2014: Only 2 shows hit a million. One being the movie that was actually new.

So you can see ratings can be good during December, but they have to show the right things. Funny part is ratings appear to be better when they don't show movies at all such was the case in 2012.


Gives all the fucks
One could argue Space Dandy had the factor of being still new to most people, while AoT was more of first timers & "Well let's see how the dub sounds", not to mention AoT already had that marathon to prep for the 2nd season.


No Scrubs
To be fair, the block was led off with Space Dandy reruns for a few weeks and it seemed to be fine.

Well Space Dandy is fresh and you can watch the same episode three times and get new insight each time. Attack on Titan is a lot simpler and doesn't play as well to repeat viewings, what happens happens. There are no deeper jokes or commentary going on in AoT, there are in Dandy. That's why one holds up to repeat viewings and the other doesn't.


Also, since Bleach skipped those 5 episodes due to the terms of the licensing agreement, I wonder if that means that Bleach will run through its remaining episodes again and then be gone for good.
Dragon Ball Z Kai - Fun character interactions, still kinda slow, yadda yadda. It's still setting up for the big fight, and I guess kinda sorta plugging a plot hole (rather unconvincingly) with Shenron not killing Vegeta and Nappa. Some odd music and sound choices; the music when Vegeta and Nappa land sounds rather unfortunately like a "wah wah waaaaaah" and they get some strange flying sounds.

Naruto Shippuden - Sai continues his unconvincing character arc, still excruciatingly slowly. And now Sasuke is here...and the show takes its sweet time getting through something we've already seen. We're not even done with the flashforward, either; we only saw part of it. And it sure as hell didn't take up this much time initially.

InuYasha: The Final Act - Naraku continues to pull powerups out of thin air as the show goes back to the love triangle we've gone over time and time again. Only now it's done in the most annoying way possible, with a laughably melodramatic scene at a cliff that essentially amounts to Kikyo and Kagome SCREAMING their jealousy at each other and how each one understands InuYasha and just...god. It was truly awful to watch. Everything before that was kind of business as usual I guess, but just wow. This show often gets referred to as a soap opera in a joking (and sometimes not-so-joking) manner, but but here it just goes balls-out crazy with the relationship drama. The way it just kind of happens instead of building naturally makes these women absolutely shrieking at each other even worse; it feels like this sudden, unearned explosion of DRAMA! for the sake of it.

One Piece - Out of recaps, but now we spend an episode getting ready for a Super Shonen Fighting Extravaganza. Shame there's so many people it takes almost the whole length to get through (and even then it feels like it takes up more time than it actually needs to). Thankfully the exposition dump is pretty bearable just because Luffy and the crew's reactions are hilarious.

Gurren Lagann - I like the trajectory of the plot a lot and the action scenes are good, but it's hard to escape the feeling that we just weren't given enough of a background on some of the relevant players here. We got episodes dedicated to most of them, but it's not enough. After the intro episodes, they all kind of just faded into the background in favor of Kamina, Yoko, and Simon, but now they're front and center and it's a little hard to escape a bit of a "who the hell are you?" feeling. It's better than, say, Attack on Titan, but it's a noticeable issue. I think the events themselves largely pick up the slack and even then the show never really asks us to feel for these ex-background characters until the end...and at the end it's all kind of understandable on just a human level at that point. I have a bit of a problem with Rossiu because I feel like they were a hop and a skip away from creating someone whose position you really can understand. The way he kind of just goes and does things and overreacts by sentencing Simon to death paints him in more of a general villain role, which is a bit of a disservice.

Deadman Wonderland - Despite the wonky art in this episode, I enjoyed where it went. Kind of emblematic of the show's pacing issues when four episodes in we're being shown Carnival Corpse and there's no sign of the surface anymore. Crow is a fun character (even if he is literally just Kenpachi from Bleach), and so is Tamaki with his weird little toy obsession. More good lines this episode, and decent action.

Bleach - It is pretty much the biggest cop-out ever to suddenly portray a rather elaborate illusion like this and explain that it worked because it was an illusion, with no real visual elaboration or verbal explanation beyond that. And it's a testament to the perverse entertainment I find in all of this that I don't really care, because I hate Hitsugaya and I hate Momo and I kind of love Aizen for forcing this whole thing to happen and then slaughtering all the non-characters. Bad voice acting? Don't care. The fact that it's completely comical to watch this show limp from plot twist to plot twist and seem kind of desperate as a result? Don't care. Hitsugaya stabbed Momo and then Aizen had some hugely melodramatic reveal, and it was hilarious.

Space Dandy - I think what stands out most about this episode is the character animation. No one just stands there the way people do when they talk in most anime; everyone's moving their hands or their bodies all over the place, and when that's combined with the general cartooniness of the episode as a whole it's really fun to watch. QT's fishing blog is great, the chameleon alien's disguises (especially the first one as an Average Middle-Aged Japanese Man) are fantastic, and the entire episode from the game show onward is pretty much gold. I'm probably not gonna watch Space Dandy again for a while because waiting out an Attack on Titan/Bleach hour that late is kind of not worth it (fingers crossed that it jumps up and replaces Deadman).


Gives all the fucks
I thought Space Dandy was at 3:30 & I missed it. Oh well, I already saw it 2 weeks in a row when they were re-airing S1 previously, & next week is the QT episode, one of my favorites. Then FINALLY S2 re-airs!
I thought Space Dandy was at 3:30 & I missed it. Oh well, I already saw it 2 weeks in a row when they were re-airing S1 previously, & next week is the QT episode, one of my favorites. Then FINALLY S2 re-airs!

I kind of think Dandy is gonna take a break after season 1 in order to make room for Kill la Kill.

I'm hoping for season 2 it takes Deadman's place.


Sketchbook Picasso
You know, I didn't find Final Act TOO hard to follow after you noticed that the mountain spirit was giving Kagome a multi-layered test. "Wow she just gave her the bow, MISSION COMPLETE!".... "Wait, maybe not..." The only part that really got me is the quick scene of Inuyasha hunting for Kagome without Kikyo, that I assume was part of the illusion. It just... didn't need to be there.

On the issue on Shenron and Kami's Power: I figured that statement was more of a way of saying "I can't meddle with beings outside of the earth god's jurisdiction!" rather than "I can't kill them because Kami couldn't match their power level.".

I'm glad Funimation fixed one of the sound issues with Bebop. The lack of the sound distortion when a character spoke on video phone bothered me on the Remix set. Hopefully, they also corrected the flaws with Ballad of Fallen Angels too.

Also, a TV-MA rating for "Gateway Shuffle" seemed a bit much. Now episode five, however....

Ha, yeah, noticed the distortion. Fun to hear little changes and improvements after being used to the Toonami Dub for YEARS (even though I own the original DVD releases).

I guess the TV MA was for all the SH*TS and Barbie-doll nudity. Was there any more blood added to Murdock's Restaurant Massacre?

Goooood morning everyone.
Hilarious work SAB (that Bleach image is perfect)

Momo's a bit of a fReAk, haha. Arigatou Gozaimasu, Whitey-chan!

Good stuff and thank God for Kakashi.
Lulu.... sweet thing :(

Woulda been so good to have Kaka-sensei show up and correct the show for us like that. Yamato seemed incredibly worthless there, haha.

I was hit with a wave of memory when our Bot-tagonist said "Lulu..." and that film noir soundtrack. What a solid episode.

Great stuff SAB. Gotta catch up with everything One Piece onwards.

Thanks and have fun catching up!

This week’s theme is: confusion. Lots of characters confused about what is going on and we are confused about what’s going on with Toonami! Great sketch dump, SAB. I love that pencil style. Now, on with the reviews:

Confusion and misdirection, definitely. I was banking on broken bonds, DOH!

Haven't done a pencil dump in a while, wanted to do last week, but pixel cover = no art academy drawings within. I'll always be a big greyscale fan.

i'll be honest i'm kind of annoyed that they thought the movie month lineup would do terribly well

That does seem pretty silly. Reruns do not hype and excitement make. Sure, they were good movies for the most part... but for anyone to expect them to perform fantastically was nonsense.

I wouldn't mind seeing them do something like having a quarterly movie week, though. Or rotating that between a movie here, and a 1 show all night marathon, for something like One Piece, or to get through the horrors of Slowppuden. If they're not going to have a MONTH of movies, having a continual movie culture spread over time would be a fair trade.

Man God

Non-Canon Member



That jiggle

Dem physics.

All those jiggles!

And all those drills!

I can't hold all these jiggles.

Kinon's boobs are defying physics.

So much jiggling...

Ah. those Gainax physics.


Just in time for Kill la Kill.


Gives all the fucks
THAT'S OUR GAINAX! *avatar quote*

I kind of think Dandy is gonna take a break after season 1 in order to make room for Kill la Kill.

I'm hoping for season 2 it takes Deadman's place.
I'd totally be up for this. S1 has aired 3 times now while S2 only aired once. It'd be a shame for it to finally come back at 3 or 3:30 AM.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Despite not posting yesterday as I was finishing off MH3U with a good friend of mine I did end up watching TOONAMI live. It was pretty dang good. My friend was glad AOT wasn't airing but hated Chapapa, found Shippuden unintentionally hilarious, and really liked DMWL.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I am ashamed that I didn't hype up Bleach more. I was too busy this week, especially Friday and Saturday.

I'll try my best to hype up 2nd Gig as the can't miss show this week (One Piece is the can't miss show of forever) but it's going to be a hard road considering how late it is.


Sketchbook Picasso
Maybe something from the many-webs of Naraku? Surely, Shippuden made me feel similar to that little girl getting Naraku-webbed out of nowhere.

The reveal of the virus amongst the Space Warriors in Bebop, with Murdock's reactions?

Infinite Naruto Hallway running extravaganza?


Review Time!

Attack on DBZ

King Kai should know that protecting the Earth is like comedy. It is all about timing. Way to fuck that up too. You'd think he'd send Goku running right away instead of talking to a senile old man
(might have saved a few friends as well)
. The old school sound effects and music kind of date the show but it doesn't detract from the show too badly. Things should really get moving next week, especially with the filler removed. Ok episode.


So...slow. There are two kinds of awful, entertainingly awful and boring awful and Shippuden hit the worst one, the latter. The fact that Naruto's awful speech worked on Sai should be hilarious but the pacing is so slow that it loses its impact and we are left with just a shitty twist in the story. Other than that we meet Sasuke who drones on and on about vengeance. Oh boy...I missed him so much...
SAB's drawing points out another flaw, with so many well trained Ninjas here why hasn't anyone killed/captured Sasuke. God knows he isn't doing shit right now. It is kind of sad that I am looking forward to a filler arc just for (likely) better pacing. I can't emphasize how much of a non-starter Sai's character arc is. Sai's beliefs fold like paper and he has a non-existant backstory. It only further proves Kishi had no fuck what he was doing at this point. It is also funny this happened:
"Sakura" Wow pinky 3 years and you already go back to your obedient pet stage. Goodbye development, we hardly knew ye.
This can't be emphasized enough. Sakura is by far the most frustrating character in this series and that is really saying something.
Don't worry, this series still has good moments after this shit arc and some really entertaining awful parts down the line. We will cross these bridges later in the year when we find out how much better Naruto's supporting cast is outside of Team 7.


It is sad after the much improved pacing of the previous episode we get another episode that really should have been split into two. One episode dedicated to the web and the second dedicated to Kagome saving Kikyo. It is tough trying to pack any emotional weight and Kagome FINALLY shrugging off the love triangle BS to getting the bow to save Kikyo. That said things are getting much simpler now that we are down only a few reincarnations to Naraku who are more or less loyal to him. Hopefully we will get some room to breath next episode.

One Piece

Chapapapa...Yayoi! We pair off for fights at a lightning pace. Franky likes to dance. Some decent comedy. Quick set up for the action ahead. Strange Chopper is MIA for 2nd half of the episode. Next week has a
great reveal that would have been spoiled in a preview, can't wait!


I mentioned before how much I hate this arc and this is basically the apex of stupidity before the series starts to come to its senses. After the time skip there are two changes to characters that make no sense and one of them is Rossieu. He basically becomes King Dick. TTGL is, at heart, a very simple show. There is nothing wrong with simple, simple works and can be very entertaining (hence the first half's success). But things fall apart when you throw in POLITICAL INTRIGUE! All the events taking place this episode is just plain frustrating to me. THE MOON IS FALLING ON EARTH IN 3 WEEKS. You think ONE PERSON would tap their watch and raise this point. Maybe you guys should do something like, I dunno, PILOT YOUR GOD DAMN GIANT ROBOTS.
*Panting*Sorry, this arc really just grinds my gears. At least Leeron and the music help salvage an otherwise groan-worthy episode for me. Action is still great no matter how braindead it may be to force it in at this point.


Good episode despite most of it being exposition for the fight ahead. We get a peak into the world of Deadmen and we meet one of the recurring cast, Crow. It is a shame we never get the OVA featuring him. So much Shiny Shiny coming up.


First off, this is a very special episode so this is a one time deal. Second, OH MY GAWWWWWWWWWWWWD.

Where to begin? This is probably one of the most glorious train wrecks in the history of anime. I'd equate it too 5 year olds playing make pretend and that annoying kid who always has a counter times infinity plus 1 to whatever the other kids did. The smugness of Aizen is off the charts and my god the Momo reveal followed by one of the worst cries of all time makes this a classic. This plays out in my head every time this episode airs. In usual Bleach fashion nothing makes a whole lot of sense and 'it just works'. Oh Kubo, you loveable hack.


What makes you think I was never first place?:





One Piece
Final Act




Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
*looks at Twitter*
And that is why I don't watch wrestling. There's already too many things to get angry about.

... What happened?
I like/d Reigns, but this was not the time/place to give him such a push, especially not over several other wrestlers who are ready for that push.
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