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Toonami |Jan15| Sold Our Car for Gas Money

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Gives all the fucks
Some thoughts on what we saw last night

DBZ Kai: Story moves very quickly when all the shenanigans filler gets cut and this episode is a perfect example of that. Of course because Toei was lazy and just recut old footage together instead of remaking the series we have lots of art style changes during the episode when 2-4 different episodes worth of content is pulled to make what we saw. Of course seeing how Toei handled Sailor Moon Crystal maybe this was the better solution <_<

Naruto Shippuden: The scariest thing about this episode is that it apparently covered 2 chapters worth of content and yet virtually nothing happened. Generally a revelations episode/chapter is meant to give the audience a great deal of understanding into why a character has been acting the way they have or what they've been up to, but this episode still leaves us with more questions about Sai and Danzo then it answers and the answers we do get we're not even sure if they're genuine because of how much of a liar Sai is. The type of character Sai is (the liar who lies to himself so much he can barely remember what is true anymore) is very difficult to get right and Kishi completely botched it.

InuYasha Final Act: Enough has been said about the warp speed pacing and sped up footage and I really don't have much to add that hasn't been covered by others. I do like InuYasha's new sword upgrade and I liked the character of the sword maker I wish he could have had a bit more development before being offed. His battle with InuYasha was easily the highlight of the episode and really could/should have been it's own stand alone fight episode. The new Naraku incarnation looks and in some ways acts so much like Kagura it makes you wonder why the switch, I'll take Mike's word for it that this character will distinguish himself down the line but Final Act does not give us much to go off of with his introduction.

One Piece Theater: While some of the humor is clearly lost in translation because the Japanese puns don't work at all in English, just hearing the dub actors ham it up makes these specials a lot of fun and very enjoyable. I would totally watch a full series of these shorts starring the entire OP cast if they ever made one.

Gurren Lagann: While I was focused more on catching up with GitS then I was watching this recap, I really did like the way the recap was presented it's by far the best way you can handle a recap. Not only does it recap the series but it kind of helps to show either what the creators idea was when he created that scene/character or what the audience was meant to get from the scene. It was unique to say the least and I wish more anime would do this.

Deadman Wonderland: Having read the manga to completion but not seen the anime, this certainly lived up to my expectations. The actors ham things up when they need to and the world of the manga comes to life extremely well in the anime. Shiro ranks very high on the hot/crazy scale and Ganta's voice while grating fits his character very well and it's hard to say it's not a good voice for the character. Looking forward to when the deadman part of the series gets into full swing.

Cowboy Bebop HD: The series looks really beautiful in HD and I'm very happy Toonami is keeping the aspect ratio correct. It's hard to know what to say about Bebop that hasn't already been said a million times before, it truly is an old fashion cowboy kind of show.

GitS 2nd Gig: This is how I wish the first season had handled it's stand alone episodes, have them tie in a bit to the ongoing season plot but largely focus on one character and his/her development with the main story progression is either at a stand still or progressing slowly. Both this and the court episode were some of my favorites from this season despite not focusing on the Individual 11 plot line which has been very compelling.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The next couple of stand alone episodes are really, really, REALLY, good.

2nd Gig=Disappointing but still good main plot, great Stand Alones.
Stand Alone Complex=Amazing plot, okish to bad Stand Alones.

The worst episode of the series is a 2nd Gig Stand Alone though. It's not bad, just a bit pointless.


Gives all the fucks
Oh right, I finished watching The Wind Rises. I could feel Miyazaki put a lot into this film, considering he has a thing for airplanes & it was his last film before he retired. Not to mention it felt so nice to watch something that wasn't filled with terrible comedy or a ton of laugh tracks or those hollywood action movies or whatever my dad & sis watch. Something more calm and quiet most of the time. It felt kind of long, but I didn't really mind. I rather enjoyed it if not for the fact it was nice to see a Ghibli film that I haven't seen in quite some time.

Really need to get around to watching the rest of Ghibli's stuff. Porco Ross came to mind due to airplanes being a central theme of the movie.


I ultimately didn't really dig how Tachikomas were brought into the finale of season 1, but I'm fond of the the Laughing Man / conspiracy mystery and how it is built long-term.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Whisper of the Heart is my favorite Ghibli movie.

Porco Rosso is the best Miyazaki movie. By a mile. Watch it.

Gotta remember to link Tachikomatic days after Bass and Seda finish 2nd Gig. You could watch the first seasons if you wanted it.


Gives all the fucks
Whisper of the Heart is my favorite Ghibli movie.

Porco Rosso is the best Miyazaki movie. By a mile. Watch it.
Yeah, wanna see both of those. Otherwise, there's still Tales from Earthsea (which I've heard mixed reactions), From Up on Poppy Hill, Tale of the Princess Kaguya, & Grave of the Fireflies (I'm contemplating if I should have my younger soon-to-be 13 year old sister watch it with me due to the brother-sister focus. She saw Spirited Away a few years ago & I recall she liked it because she'd call it the movie where "the little girl gets lost") .

I can't think of what I'd consider my favorite Ghibi or Miyazaki film, but if I had to pick my least favorite, I'd go with Pom Poko.

Edit: Oh yeah, also need to see Only Yesterday. Wonder why that was the only one that never got an official dub.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Yeah, wanna see both of those. Otherwise, there's still Tales from Earthsea (which I've heard mixed reactions), From Up on Poppy Hill, Tale of the Princess Kaguya, & Grave of the Fireflies (I'm contemplating if I should have my younger soon-to-be 13 year old sister watch it with me due to the brother-sister focus. She saw Spirited Away a few years ago & I recall she liked it because she'd call it the movie where "the little girl gets lost") .

I can't think of what I'd consider my favorite Ghibi or Miyazaki film, but if I had to pick my least favorite, I'd go with Pom Poko.

The only person I don't miss who doesn't post in this thread anymore was the weirdo who said his favorite movie was Pom Poko. Pom Poko is GARBAGE. Awful movie. Not worth watching.


Gives all the fucks
The only person I don't miss who doesn't post in this thread anymore was the weirdo who said his favorite movie was Pom Poko. Pom Poko is GARBAGE. Awful movie. Not worth watching.
I remember I saw it along with The Cat Returns (a decent one), Kiki, and...one more Ghibli film, I forgot (I know it was one I already saw so I didn't pay as much attention). But pretty sure the group I watched it with agreed that it was the least enjoyable. It just felt like it draaaaggggeeeedddddd. I just wanted the damn movie to end.
most of the Ghibli movies I've seen bite off more than they can chew: Nausicaa, Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle.

conversely, Ponyo is simplistic to the point of being kinda boring. Spirited Away strikes a good balance.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
most of the Ghibli movies I've seen bite off more than they can chew: Nausicaa, Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle.

conversely, Ponyo is simplistic to the point of being kinda boring. Spirited Away strikes a good balance.

Porco Rosso.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Porco Rosso is secretly the best Ghibli movie.


It's definitely the best Miyazaki movie and one of the best films of all time.

Whisper of the Heart is my favorite but then again that movie literally changed my day to day life and saved me from the darkest of funks.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Seda, anyone else who hasn't seen it, go out of your way to watch Porco Rosso.

I wish someone had the stones/brains to do another month of Miyazaki. TCM killed it back then. That same deal is also what got those few movies on TOONAMI, by the way.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Probably my third favorite. It was the last movie TCM aired and it really did get me. It's by far the most grounded movie.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
If I had to choose one Ghibli movie to force all of you to watch/get TOONAMI to air it would be Porco Rosso.

The dub is also incredible and by far the best one Disney did.


I am watching the recaps I missed.

i dunno why

edit: dbz was okay, naruto was boring, one piece and gurren were hard to sit through, inuyasha --> @_@


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 69

Oh Jesus Christ this was a tedious episode as the dreaded Mamoru Break Up subplot rears its ugly head and takes over the episode to the merriment of none and the boredom of all. The baseline concept is sound, Mamoru has nightmares of Usagi dying and is forced to stay away until it can be determined if the portent has any merit. It is just the execution is some of the most hacky, third rate sitcom writing I have encountered in a good while. Mamoru basically acts like a cast member of Friends in every attempt to get Usagi to detach, including forcing real emotional damage down her throat and forcing us the poor audience to writhe in the cheap melodrama.

That is really at the core here, it is less about the mystery of the vision or Mamoru torn choices and more about recapturing the boyfriend chase and fairy tail motifs seen in the first season to truly abhorrent results. Even without the advanced knowledge that is still commonplace the series itself undercuts the gloomy break up by showing they are true lovers and it is all just so fucking hollow. Everything else was so token and rote and done in the service of this cancerous tumor of a storyline and it all feels so painfully dull. Yea, didn't like this episode, highest recommendation to avoid.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 69:

So on the other end of the spectrum we have this episode, which I will say right now is one of the best episodes of I have seen with refreshed eyes. Seemingly in direct contrast to the tepid drama of a love we have seen much in the way of exploration already this episode ruminates on the nature of love in its wider berth which is a welcome respite. Rei gets the focus this episode since she is the one who has the closest thing to a relationship with a guy among the supporting cast. I do admit the Yuchiro-Rei relationship is one that vexes and yet at the same time intrigues me since it is so damned unconventional. Rei has expressed no interest in dating him or harboring romantic feelings yet is still on good terms and care for him as a friend and Yochiro despite carrying a torch for her is actually fine being just friends, it is actually rather interesting to watch at times, other time it does come across as a tad pathetic, usually when Rei is using him as a doormat.

At any rate we must be getting close to the end of the arc since things are getting out of formula
and indeed the first of the Specter Sisters falls in battle as she comes to understand the relationship she has with Rubius was a lie predicated on narcissistic thinking and it is actually pretty sad to watch, churning up emotions this series has not managed to conjure up all season up to this point.
I will say that for as many things as Sailor Moon R got wrong, it really did bring a set of really compelling villains to the table that are a step up from The Dark Kingdom. Finally, something that I am noticing is that they seem to be pairing Minako with Makoto a lot this arc, seems to be partially out of a lack of ideas and partly an attempt to create a Those Two Guys situation. Anyway, highest recommendations to watch this episode.


Gives all the fucks
bring scarjo ghost in the shell to toonami

I still don't know how to feel about this movie. It seems Spielburg is a big fan of the original movie, so maybe they'll do their best to try & stick with the source material. But I still fear the movie as a whole isn't going to be good. Doesn't help the director hasn't done anything great & the script writer hasn't done much.

What I hate the most is that if it turns out bad, the people who never saw/heard of GitS will think "Damn, this sucked, why should I bother researching about this series more?" and they won't bother to watch the better, original stuff while fans will obviously be mad in how the source material was treated.


Gives all the fucks
Welp, it sounds like I'm gonna be getting my wisdom teeth removed Friday morning. Hopefully, since I'll have all day Friday & Saturday to rest, I should be able to still watch Toonami this week.


Ghost in the shell was always going to hit hollywood at one point.
Still havn't seen it all the way
It has been one of most talked up anime adaptations in hollywood and had alot of influence of certain movies (the matrix being the biggest)

Extremely surprised The Wachowskis brothers didn't jump and lockdown the rights after Matrix or around that time.

edit: Zonic basically said it, if it flops it will definitely affect it's "mainstream" status.


Wait, we hating on Star Wars now?

Is there any movie GAF will not hate before it even comes out?

No, we talking about GitS being ruined, though the whole of the internet loves blind hate for most things. :p

The link I posted is stellar news for Star Wars. Just the idea that The Raid guys will be choreographing one of the fight scenes in the film as well as being in it makes me even more excited for Episode VII.


No, we talking about GitS being ruined, though the whole of the internet loves blind hate for most things. :p

The link I posted is stellar news for Star Wars. Just the idea that The Raid guys will be choreographing one of the fight scenes in the film as well as being in it makes me even more excited for Episode VII.

My fault, the edit confused me. I am rather ambivalent to the GitS film. The original is still a classic and I doubt a live action film will do anything to harm its reputation.

Akira on the other hand doesn't seems like content they can ever faithfully adapt to live action.


_______ would be perfect either as a live action film or live action tv show if it has good writing, acting, and directing.

Fixed? I mean isn't that true of almost every property that doesn't rely on a specific visual/art style to get its message across? Or is the fact that you could basically shoot it like a Matrix movie your argument for it being especially well adapted to live action? As someone said earlier, I'm also surprised the Wachsowski's didn't snatch this property up but maybe they have less capital after their post Matrix films failed to set the world on fire?

They are already starting on the wrong foot with GITS movie so I'm skeptical it will turn out good but if I get proven wrong I'll be very happy.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
It's 1-3 degrees out right now...
Part of me wants to move to California... but then I wouldn't be able to watch Toonami with you guys. Plus, it's expensive.

Unless I can find an Eastern Cartoon Network feed during that...
Fixed? I mean isn't that true of almost every property that doesn't rely on a specific visual/art style to get its message across? Or is the fact that you could basically shoot it like a Matrix movie your argument for it being especially well adapted to live action? As someone said earlier, I'm also surprised the Wachsowski's didn't snatch this property up but maybe they have less capital after their post Matrix films failed to set the world on fire?

They are already starting on the wrong foot with GITS movie so I'm skeptical it will turn out good but if I get proven wrong I'll be very happy.

In the context of anime series that would lend themselves well to being filmed into a live action tv show or movie is what I meant by that comment. GitS is up there with series like Monster and Death Note as shows that could transition well and not be considered too weird/anime for your general US audience. Obviously series like Boku no Pico, Deadman Wonderland, and Oriemo would not lend themselves to being made into live action anything, at least not anything that general US audiences would accept.

I don't think casting Scar Jo as the lead character is setting the movie off on the wrong foot for what I said above about writing/acting/directing. If the film ends up being bad (which it probably will) it's not like had they cast an Asian actress in the role the film would have become magically good.

I wouldn't even really compare this GitS live action film to the Matrix, I think in simplest terms a film about sci fi cops in the future is fairly easy to film and easy for US audiences to accept.


In the context of anime series that would lend themselves well to being filmed into a live action tv show or movie is what I meant by that comment. GitS is up there with series like Monster and Death Note as shows that could transition well and not be considered too weird/anime for your general US audience. Obviously series like Boku no Pico, Deadman Wonderland, and Oriemo would not lend themselves to being made into live action anything, at least not anything that general US audiences would accept.

I don't think casting Scar Jo as the lead character is setting the movie off on the wrong foot for what I said above about writing/acting/directing. If the film ends up being bad (which it probably will) it's not like had they cast an Asian actress in the role the film would have become magically good.

I wouldn't even really compare this GitS live action film to the Matrix, I think in simplest terms a film about sci fi cops in the future is fairly easy to film and easy for US audiences to accept.

To this day I still have no idea what Boku no Pico is and I'm glad I don't :)

As to the bolded I agree. However, since we don't know anything about the quality of the writing/acting/direction (I'm not optimistic) I can only comment on what I do know.


Gives all the fucks
GitS is up there with series like Monster and Death Note as shows that could transition well and not be considered too weird/anime for your general US audience. Obviously series like Boku no Pico, Deadman Wonderland, and Oriemo would not lend themselves to being made into live action anything, at least not anything that general US audiences would accept.
You're right. I need to start demanding my live-action versions of Queen's Blade & Seikon no Qwaser from Hollywood!!

Death Note could work considering Japan made, what, 3 live-action ones? Though I wonder if there'd be a bit of controversy as I've seen a decent amount of new reports on kids trying to make their own Death Note because they wanted certain people (sometimes bullies) dead.

I think part of the problem is that some of the charm found within the art style is taken away when you go live-action, but I think that's because a film might get a character's look wrong & goes against what you feel like a character would look in real life. Which is much harder to do the less realistic the source material is, which I'm guessing why stuff like Death Note or Phoenix Wright is easier to do with real people. Sure there's super natural elements at times, but they're still more realistic when it comes to stuff like Inuyasha, One Piece, etc.

Guess a good example would be Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo. There is just NO way a live-action version would work without a crapton of CGI because of how bonkers the show gets.

I recall there was a live-action Higurashi film in Japan as well, though I heard it suuucckkkeeedddd.

Edit: Though you can get some very rare good adaptations like Edge of Tomorrow being based on the light novel (then manga) All You Need Is Kill, but again, the premise and setting is a bit easier to replicate compared to some of the examples above.


Man, I would
kill my adopted family and get shot in the head by my sister
to bring Monster to Toonami.

*Minor Monster spoilers*
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