Wouldnt go that far. Dont get me wrong it's whacky alright but not Bobobo whacky.Maybe I should download the Yo-Kai Watch demo & see if I'm into it. I heard a podcast describe the anime by comparing it to Bo-Bobo in how silly it gets & I instantly became interested.
Wouldnt go that far. Dont get me wrong it's whacky alright but not Bobobo whacky.
I'm going to take a break from this community for awhile. I still enjoy watching Toonami but I don't really enjoy watching it with a community that has had multiple members who have shit on me for the things I like or don't like and generally made the atmosphere very negative. I apologize if anything I've posted in the past has helped create a negative attitude in this thread or if I've shit on someone for something they like or don't like its something I've actively been trying better to not do. Thank you guys for a lot of great memories.
Oh shit, Samurai Champloo!
also how does one get the "whos posted" tool on GAF? The one that counts the users who posted in a thread?
On the main forum page with all the threads, click the number under "replies".also how does one get the "whos posted" tool on GAF? The one that counts the users who posted in a thread?
How many seconds until Namek explodes at this point?
Watch and find out!
How many seconds until Namek explodes at this point?
Which will explode first?
Namek or Frieza from his uncontrollable salt?
Find out next time.....on Dragon Ball Z!
Just beat FF7 for the first time and I killed Sephiroth in one hit with Knights of the Round
I didn't know you could get this overpowered in games...
Didn't Freeza just cut himself into pieces?
Just beat FF7 for the first time and I killed Sephiroth in one hit with Knights of the Round
I didn't know you could get this overpowered in games...
Just beat FF7 for the first time and I killed Sephiroth in one hit with Knights of the Round
I didn't know you could get this overpowered in games...
Now go play FF8 and reflect on how we perhaps all should have realized that Squall was the sign of FF's downfall. A prelude to terrible empty characters like Vaan and Lightning.
It's true! I don't want it to be, but it is!
Squall was the moment! The moment we should have all been worried. They briefly somewhat righted that ship with 9 and 10, but then it was all downhill from there.
Especially Vaan. Fuck this character.
Vaan made me stop loving FF.
Depending on how long this game goes, I might end up missing a bit of DBZ. This game is pretty insane.
I think you'll be okay.
I'm going to take a break from this community for awhile. I still enjoy watching Toonami but I don't really enjoy watching it with a community that has had multiple members who have shit on me for the things I like or don't like and generally made the atmosphere very negative. I apologize if anything I've posted in the past has helped create a negative attitude in this thread or if I've shit on someone for something they like or don't like its something I've actively been trying better to not do. Thank you guys for a lot of great memories.
Meh, I don't. It's an expectations thing. The fact that Kill la Kill dropped significantly in quality from a point where it was pretty good did it no favors.
Not me personally, but it was part of the argument. And again, the show kind of stops being quite so impressive as it goes along. Consistency is absolutely something that should be considered; a show's high points don't mean a lot if it doesn't maintain a decent standard of quality, and SAO's standard of quality was higher. Do I think that necessarily makes it superior? No. Like I said, I was in Michiko's corner, but I don't think it's an unreasonable point of view, either.
I really do think Michiko did get to be a huge chore at times, even if I appreciated what it was attempting mostly. Like, we were gonna throw One Piece up there before we put Michiko up there.
Michiko and Hatchin's storytelling is fairly similar to Bebop in that it's an episodic show that's trying to convey depth while simultaneously being rather sparse with its themes; it's just kind of terrible at doing so and really struggles at letting the viewer know just what the hell it's doing.
And it's not even so much Bebop itself but Bebop as the poster child for the Very Important Anime. Michiko really, really wants to be profound.
Even with the earlier start, expect ratings to be still lower due to football.
Hilariously enough, this game had overtime and still finished 15 minutes earlier than last weeks game. Fights and penalties add up quick.
Hahahaand Ryuko does her best Cincinnati Bengals impression.