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Toonami |Jan16| Maybe I Should Have Worn Pants

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Sketchbook Picasso

HAHAHA at Vegeta, Justice Girl, and Kana. Also at that Chelsea died again quib.

Later ToonamiGAF, a lot of fuckery happened these past 6 hours.
Great Toonami tonight. Imo, everything managed to be mildly interesting at some level, even the filler.

Also, lol at that Kana picture. Amazing work this week SAB.


Sketchbook Picasso
HAHAHA at Vegeta, Justice Girl, and Kana. Also at that Chelsea died again quib.

Later ToonamiGAF, a lot of fuckery happened these past 6 hours.

Glad you enjoyed! :) Poor Chel...KANA.

LoL, it USED to be 6 hours... Now, it just FEELS like it! ;)

Great Toonami tonight. Imo, everything managed to be mildly interesting at some level, even the filler.

Also, lol at that Kana picture. Amazing work this week SAB.

Even Froggy didn't bring it down... entirely... and Thanks!

So Kana died for no reason, in a way that was completely avoidable.

Truly a moment that will remain etched in our hearts.

Poor girl, I wonder if he could have saved her by like... giving her a bunch of sexy pictures of himself on her cellphone or something. (Or a Polaroid in the original.) Such pics with his I-don't-care-about-anything emotions now would have been gold.

Guyz, I do good?

Loved the Macross Missile Mode from Galak-Z integrated in.

Good sketch theme centered on Jin's colors.

Thanks for translating, lol. PantsuBra is best!

I'll take any excuse to reference Macross Missles given to me, haha. I was glad to hear Tom namedrop Sinistar too, that game stuck with me, when I ran into it in a random department store once...

One more Champloo main cast member to go...
Poor girl, I wonder if he could have saved her by like... giving her a bunch of sexy pictures of himself on her cellphone or something. (Or a Polaroid in the original.) Such pics with his I-don't-care-about-anything emotions now would have been gold.

Hotline Shinichi. I would've wanted to see that than an encore of Chelsea.


I felt Shinichi's actions and decision making in tonight's episode were believable enough. His character is kinda brought down by proxy from a crazy woman, but even if Kana was a nutcase, failing to rescue her and realizing his fading empathy at least fits a thematic thread. Despite poorly written women and perhaps being a little on-the-nose, at least there is some emotional effectiveness I think.

And the gang dude was kind of a laughing stock earlier on, but his confusion and frustration are certainly warranted as well. Powerless and out of the loop, he'said just looking for answers. You could say his presence works to showcase a little of the humanity that Shinichi should exhibit.

Edit: Mulling this a bit, and it would have been nice incredibly blunt trash can puppy stuff was handled more deftly.


Ultimately, the most frustrating thing about tonight's Parasyte was indeed how Kana was written to be so single-minded. Can definitely agree that nothing concerning Shinichi himself or Mitsuo (gang dude) was the issue.


Gives all the fucks
Yup, agreed. & as someone mentioned, because the manga came out before cell phones started taking off, they have to come up with that whole "she left her cell phone at home" deal.

I should actually see how they handled that scene of Shinichi pretending to be on his cellphone to hide himself from the parasytes. Edit: Oh, a payphone. I kind of should've expected that.


Edit: oh man they even parody the whole "grabbing the other gender due to curiosity" with Migi grabbing a dude's butt.

Edit: Maybe later today, I'll do a comparison of Kana from the manga, because it seems like they skipped a lot of stuff, like the fact it shows her learning about getting the "feeling" from other people and that it's actually a parasyte inside of them. Also thug guy's design was completely changed.


So, how was toonami, friends? :)

DBZ was DBZ Kai

AgK had it's best episode so far by quite a bit, but that's still not saying much.

Hilarity occured on Parasyte.

Samurai Champloo was Samurai Champloo.

Naruto Shippuden filKILL ME NOW

One Piece filler was pretty nondescript


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Good morning everyone. Had a good night's sleep, probably all the BORING that was in the last hour.

Dragon Ball Z Kai:
It's over. Frieza is done (even if Goku tried to spare him, which is still idiotic), and Namek has finally exploded after a period of time that more than likely exceeded five minutes. Taking Goku with it.
... Of course all tension is gone when Dende reveals that the Namekian Dragon Balls have no limit on bringing back dead people, meaning characters like Krillin can come back over and over. That was a big mistake Toriyama.

Akame ga Kill:
So long Justice, actually I'll use your name, Seryu Ubiquitous (and you see why we call her Justice). She showed off some insane upgrades prior to her death.
I'm surprised the show actually subverted "Death = Backstory" and let Mine live. ... Though she'll probably die someway soon.
That Suzuka character that Tatsumi fought actually survived that boulder crushing her in the manga. No idea why she's still around other than to make "Getting tortured makes me horny" jokes.

None of this was Shinichi's fault. He was fairly innocent in all this. Kana was just a crazy bitch. Though Kana's transition from "I can sense something special about Shinichi" to "I WANT HIM TO FUCK MY BRAINS OUT" was poorly done.
And yeah, I can understand Mitsuo's anger. One of his friends dies and he has no idea why it happened, and the one person who probably did know doesn't seem to give a crap at her funeral.

Samurai Champloo:
We Yakuza now!
Yeah, Champloo is anachronistic as hell, but the Yakuza do date back to the 17th century.
Show is still fun to watch.

Naruto Zzzzzzzipuden
NOTHING HAPPENED! Why do you think this is acceptable Pierrot?

One Piece:
God damn Toei, I thought you were slow in later episodes, but at least stuff happened. No wonder filler is pretty much dead after this point (there's bits and bobs here and there, but long-form filler is no more)


One Piece:
God damn Toei, I thought you were slow in later episodes, but at least stuff happened. No wonder filler is pretty much dead after this point (there's bits and bobs here and there, but long-form filler is no more)

what does happen now is worse though.


I would take Shippuden-length and Shippuden-quality filler arcs in One Piece if the actual canon stuff could be top form because of it.

Of course, going seasonal is the perfect answer that will never happen.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I wasn't feeling great last night and started drifting in and out of dream land right after DBZ Kai. The only show after that I was fully awake for was Kill la Kill.


This was an improvement over last week. Here are my reviews:

Dragon Ball Z: Kai - Frieza is such villain until the end. He whimpers to Goku for mercy only to attack him anyway. At least we got to hear him beg for his worthless life. Vegeta bragging about killing that village was ice cold, even for him. I guess Bulma eventually forgives his genocide at some point? Goku meanwhile dies (I actually wasn't expecting that) but hey, no big, they'll just wish him back because the Namekian dragon balls are WAAY better than our stupid gaijin dragon balls. Another good episode but the cliff hanger completely fails because they revealed the deus ex machina minutes before. Rating: Don't get fooled again

Akame ga Kill - Justice Girl was one of the three characters I actually liked in this show (Bols and Leone being the other two). When she was being cute and innocent it was sweet and when she went full-on insane-o it was entertaining to watch. It's too bad she's gone. If there's one thing this show does good, it's that the villains and heroes aren't so black and white. This episode's pacing was very good and the fights were actually entertaining. However, I could have done without the stupid meal scene. In the end, Tatsumi saved Mine's life and her thirst grew 3 times that day. A much better episode than last week, for sure. Rating: Injustice

Parasyte - I may be weird but I think I liked Kana more than Murino. Yeah, she was a stalker and creepy with all her "notice me, Shinichi-sempai" and keeping a strand of his hair. Then again, at least she had some life and enthusiasm to her character where as Murino is just an over-emotional waifu bore. Neither is really a good choice, thats for sure. I've hated that beanie wearing thug ever since his introduction but I applaud this show for actually making me feel sorry for him. He might have been a bully but Kana's breakup and death clearly hit him hard. That entire final scene was really well executed even if I think the end music started playing too soon. This series is quite entertaining. Rating: Kano wins... FATALITY

Samurai Champloo - I had a really hard time following the thread during this because it's just so damn good I couldn't look away. I'm still not liking Mugen's character, though. He's just a bully who wants to fight with everyone. Unless he grows a conscious at some point I kinda find him to be more annoying than cool. Jin and Fuu on the other hand are both great. I love every scene they are in. Here's hoping next week they break those girls out of that Yakuza gang's brothel. Another great episode with some sublime music. Rating: Double-cross-dressers

Naruto: Shippuden - Nothing happened. Filler be filler-ing. I felt nothing. The worst episode of the night, by far. Rating: Gag me with a ninja

One Piece - I'm glad to see everyone is already splitting up to each fight their filler villain. None of these forgettable scrubs have remotely earned the right to face off against the Straw Hats, but meh, I'd rather watch them fight than have more boring exposition with Captain Puzzle and his even more filler crew. Rating: Flags Are Serious Business

KLL la KILL - This is the point in the show when it became obvious beyond doubt that Satsuki is a hero. She not only spares Ryuko (thanks to Mako's intervention) but she thanks Mako in the process. I loved the animation during the final fight and that scream Nui makes when cut by Dr. Matoi is always satisfying to hear. Rating: Don't Loose Your Eye!
DBZ--kind of bummed that no other fight in dbz matched the "final boss fight" tone of this fight, though the cell fights seemed to have more "OH SHIT" moments for me. still the goku frieza fights is one of my favorite fights in all of shonen.

Akame Ga Kill--fuck psycho justice girl, im glad shes dead. also, doesnt AGK diverge from the manga? i know a bunch of characters fates are different so im kind of interested to see where things are going.

Parasyte--my favorite show on the block right now(besides champloo) though i felt like the whole arc with kana was kind of stupid. she went from being an interesting third party to full on "i can sense parasytes because i want to fuck shinichi". the death flags were just too much for me. Cant remember where parasyte goes after this, been forever since i read the manga


Naruto/One Pice--each week we inch closer and closer to the taka and thriller bark arcs

KLK--fell asleep before this. i think it was the nui fight right? i love how stephanie sheh pulled off the psycoticness of nui, considering how much of her roles tend to just be the hinata/eureka voice.

also not sure what the rules on dbz spoilers are so ill put tags on, but for DBZ Kai, does it go straight to the
part next? if so then last nights episode is pretty much rendered obsolete lol


I need to track down that Fairy Tail x Parasyte cross-over if for no other reason than the lulz

I felt Shinichi's actions and decision making in tonight's episode were believable enough. His character is kinda brought down by proxy from a crazy woman, but even if Kana was a nutcase, failing to rescue her and realizing his fading empathy at least fits a thematic thread. Despite poorly written women and perhaps being a little on-the-nose, at least there is some emotional effectiveness I think.

And the gang dude was kind of a laughing stock earlier on, but his confusion and frustration are certainly warranted as well. Powerless and out of the loop, he'said just looking for answers. You could say his presence works to showcase a little of the humanity that Shinichi should exhibit.

Edit: Mulling this a bit, and it would have been nice incredibly blunt trash can puppy stuff was handled more deftly.

I agree with pretty much all of this. It's just Kana is such an incredible whirlwind of terrible and sexism that it really sours me on the episode. She is SO BAD. At its core though, the episode had some good ideas.

Akame ga Kill - Justice Girl was one of the three characters I actually liked in this show (Bols and Leone being the other two). When she was being cute and innocent it was sweet and when she went full-on insane-o it was entertaining to watch. It's too bad she's gone. If there's one thing this show does good, it's that the villains and heroes aren't so black and white. This episode's pacing was very good and the fights were actually entertaining. However, I could have done without the stupid meal scene. In the end, Tatsumi saved Mine's life and her thirst grew 3 times that day. A much better episode than last week, for sure. Rating: Injustice

So I think the next couple of episodes of Parasyte are the best in the series.

Mainly because they focus on the relationship between Shinichi and Migi.

But there's a real dearth of action in most of the episodes, and what is there is mostly the same stuff we've seen before.


That is so far from "not black and white" it isn't even funny.

I'm confused. Am I using that phrase wrong? I thought a black and white character is one that is utterly 2 dimensional. Like Freiza. He's evil. There's nothing else about him. Isn't he a black and white character? A character who is both good and evil isn't black and white, right? Aren't they more "shades of grey"?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Mako Tsunami is the only bad guy not depicted as a murderer at this point. Bols was an executioner and burned hundreds of innocents.
I think in order for a conflict to be morally grey both sides have to have both positive and negative traits roughly in balance.

The empire is a corrupt fascist state. Night Raid, as dumb as they are, is fighting for freedom.

The people on the empire's side may occasionally be given positive traits, but it's not enough to say that the conflict is morally grey.


What I mean is that the "good guys" are murderers and the "bad guys" like Bols are family men. Justice Girl is good with kids, as well.

Night Raid is a bunch of murderers.....with cheery, cliched anime-esque personalities who are unequivocally on the side of "good" vs the Empire who gleely fully employs Hitler allegories who chug the Social Darwinism kool-aid and will freely rape, pillage, exploit, blackmail and murder those who they see fit without consequences. Bols is one of the better characters because he has some degree of self-awarness and empathy but the same can't be said about anybody else on the Empire side. Seryu being "good with kids" is not nearly enough to humanize her - they really needed to delve in WHY she has the sense of "Justice" she has and how that somehow doesn't conflict with her employers and the 100% evil things they do. The Empire isn't filled with people but rather targets for Night Raid to kill. They are unabashedly mustache-twirling evil people and Night Raid are the unabashed heroes irregardless of their methods. Pretty much ALL the show has is black & white.

Side Note:
I can't remember if it was a journal article or a scientific paper I recently read but it basically stated that the number one reason people commit violence is because it aligns with their personal and group sense of morality. That is to say they do it for ......."Justice". If the author was so inclined or talented, Seryu could have been an interesting choice for a good character study. Of course the author is a hack who abuses "teh edge!" so that's not the case.

That is so far from "not black and white" it isn't even funny.

Basically this.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The empire having any bit of grey would ruin the package though. AGK is all about everything being generically over the top. Comically evil villains, Good guys with tragic pasts, Big weapons, big breasts, big scenes played for comedy. Micheal Bay anime.


The empire having any bit of grey would ruin the package though. AGK is all about everything being generically over the top. Comically evil villains, Good guys with tragic pasts, Big weapons, big breasts, big scenes played for comedy. Micheal Bay anime.

It wouldn't ruin the package, it would just turn it into an entirely different show. You can absolutely go with a straight laced black and white approach but for the show to rise to being "actively good", it needs to be way less generic, have better humor, better drama, better character designs, motivations that make more sense even in the context of its world, better relationships, more fabulousness, less unearned edge, etc. Basically, the execution needs to be better in every respect.

Fair enough. I retract my assessment.

Well it seems you just misunderstood the term? Either way, no harm no foul <3


The empire having any bit of grey would ruin the package though. AGK is all about everything being generically over the top. Comically evil villains, Good guys with tragic pasts, Big weapons, big breasts, big scenes played for comedy. Micheal Bay anime.

AGK is clearly trying to give their characters more depth. That's why you have scenes like Justice Girl grieving her master and playing with those kids. It's just failing miserably.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
AGK is clearly trying to give their characters more depth. That's why you have scenes like Justice Girl grieving her master and playing with those kids. It's just failing miserably.

It's not anything different though. If you don't break the law she's gonna love and protect you. That's why she's so mad about Tatsumaki being with Night Raid, he was a good citizen corrupted by evil lawless assassins!
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