Mako handling those balls.
JYB channeling his inner Izaya.
This episode ends with queen Satsuki, the way it's meant to be.
So Yamcha being brought back to life and brought back to Earth is a breach of the established rules for Dragon Ball, right?
I wasn't paying too much attention during DBZ, just wondering.
Let me sum up the OG DBZ Filler we're going to miss in between this episode and the next one.
I thought the Garlic Jr. saga was a part of Weeday Toonami? I don't remember it on Saturday mornings.
At least it properly made it feel like Goku was still away for a long while, plus the saga was pretty cheesy in many ways too.
Oh, I completely forgot that they also took off winter 1999 to reair the Freiza saga on weekday TOONAMI and then most of the summer. So Goku was gone almost a year from TOONAMI! He came back right as school started up. After that DBZ goes basically straight through to the end of Cell Saga, takes another year off and comes back with Buu.
The fight in the Garlic Jr saga dragged, but I liked. I thought those parts worked well given what happens in the Cell it was the first time you really see Kami and Piccolo interact, and how it helped set up Gohan as hero without Goku/Vegeta
That promo flashing "77 NEW EPISODES" though. It took forever to get through the entire Android and Cell saga before reruns. Made biking home from school much more rewarding though.
Thank god for having Fuu encompassing most of the sketch in order to make us forget about the Sentai Power Hour.
Later ToonamiGAF.
Love the Fuu colors and the shadows of her hair and Ishimatsu's dying smiling face. Good job on the eyes also.
Let me sum up the OG DBZ Filler we're going to miss in between this episode and the next one.
It was always weird when they referenced pre-Raditz stuff or the movies, because it'd felt like you missed an entire arc or something.
Maron looks SO MUCH LIKE BULMA, I never liked her, ha. She just seemed awkward most of the time, always thought most of her animation looked off..
Oh hey Icarus.
Oh hey...Red Ribbon Army.
Oh hey, Cyborg Tao...
I think that's about it.
But yes, I know that feeling well.
It's a great gag in many ways.
Let's make a Bulma standin, only an airhead who shows waaay more skin than Bulma ever will in DBZ!
Let's have her date Krillin for no good reason.
Let's have her leave just as the show finally picks up by basically leaving Krillin at the alter.
The fight in the Garlic Jr saga dragged, but I liked. I thought those parts worked well given what happens in the Cell it was the first time you really see Kami and Piccolo interact, and how it helped set up Gohan as hero without Goku/Vegeta