What if she didn't stop the blade in time...
You lot still here? I thought filler hell would have gotten to you.
Guess since I'm here, I'll ask how's the dub for KLK? I don't have any interest in watching it again so I want to hear people's thoughts on the dub.
Aniplex's pricing might be insane at times, but that money must go towards the dub, because they pretty much do a good job on all of them, even on their lesser quality shows like SAO.
Netflix too.They release seasons of Monogatari for about the price of about $10 an episode, so I don't think that's it. Bakemonogatari was about $150 and Nisemonogatari was about $110-120.
With that being said, Fate/Zero's dub might be the best I've ever seen. The good part is that I'm pretty sure F/Z is available for both languages on Crunchyroll, so you don't even have to take a loan to legally watch it in english!
"I don't know, if I tried that, I'd probably break you."
All I want is data.
Forfeiting to preserve my research.
Considering how impossible it seemed like it should be to dub, its dub is exceptional.
It's one of the best dubs out there. No joke.
It's a good dub
Netflix too.
Sounds like the dub is good stuff. Just a shame that the show itself is mediocre IMO.
Anyways I'm off to bed. Good night all. Enjoy not losing your way.
Nonon wants to Turn Down For Watt.
Bes nonon is here
Agreed. Saw the first couple episodes subbed and it was ok but I didn't care much for it. Rewatched the first 1/4 of it dubbed and I really liked it, but the show goes south, even if the voices stay excellent.
Nonon wants to Turn Down For Watt.
it's now dead & she wears its skull on her hat....So, what's up with the monkey?
Hope the Texans miss the playoffs just for that.
For me, the moment KLK turns to shit is when Nui is introduced. She completely ruined the show for me.
it's now dead & she wears its skull on her hat.
...So, what's up with the monkey?
Wait, is this true? This can't be true.
You have to beat Tom first in order for that scenario to play out.
It's never stated directly but it appears to be the case.
You should see a shot of Nonon's hat later in this episode. If not, I'll post a pic, but it seems to be heavily hinted at considering we saw the monkey in the flashback & she had that skull on her hat at the beginning of the series.Wait, is this true? This can't be true.