So Fuuka is, shocker, still a bad show.
But it did give us this image.
He's definitely a Gaffer.
Somebody needs to photoshop the GAF logo in that circle behind him.
So Fuuka is, shocker, still a bad show.
But it did give us this image.
He's definitely a Gaffer.
That bombergirl thread has made me realize just how much I actually think about what I post now compared to my teen years, which I just look back & think "GOD, I needed to learn when to shut up..."
Kind of glad I sometimes think to myself "no, this isn't worth posting", which probably has saved me from arguments, backlash, & stuff.
Meanwhile, I'm still debating Super Bomberman R since $50/$40 after prime still feels a bit expensive & Nier Automata comes out the Tuesday after. Maybe if reviews hit & are good (I heard a few impressions which were...meh), I might get it. Though honestly, I've been wanting to go back & revisit the N64 & GCN games in the series that were 3D & single player.
...I still need to watch last week's Toonami. Also if I end up hanging out with friends again like usual tomorrow, I'll likely miss this weekend as well!
I like reddit's racism myself
"battle tendency is the worst arc"
bingo card invalidated, wut da actual hell
3) He's a constant reminder of how shitty the writing is because for how important the tailed beast are to the overall lore he's the only character one to get featured at all (in canon I know the anime shows more in filler).
Serviceable. The main is subitably unlikeable. Fuuka has annoying but loveable magical pixie girl going. Childhood friend sounds desperately thirsty.Falling ratings = shit tastes, right?
Does anyone know how the Fuuka dub is? Man God?
Serviceable. The main is subitably unlikeable. Fuuka has annoying but loveable magical pixie girl going. Childhood friend sounds desperately thirsty.
I know I am slow.
but I would argue Naruto and his beast are featured
Gara was also featured.
Clearly, the show needs to be moved to another time slot when college students aren't in school so it's not going up against a sports event/SNL & have a better chance of trending on Twitter so DeMarco can be happy with the ratings & it can beat the lead-in.The Toonami reddit has been freaking the fuck out over JoJo ratings.
The Toonami reddit has been freaking the fuck out over JoJo ratings.
Does Toonami-gaf suffer from "ratings anxiety?"
Bring Trigun to the rerun slot
or Outlaw Star & call it the "uncut" version.
I'd bet a bigger factor is the dub, and people will tune into SDC based on better dub quality alone.I wonder if more people will tune in for Part 3 due to it being the one part most American fans are aware of/got into the series.
I'd bet a bigger factor is the dub, and they'll tune into SDC based on better dub quality alone.
Edit: Man, that reddit thread is so overwrought. Didn't Demarco say the network was pleased with Jojo's ratings?
Does Toonami-gaf suffer from "ratings anxiety?"
Didn't that History of Toonami video mention that the ratings for the late night block used to be around the 200,000s? Even the rerun slot does more than twice that!
I can't see any reason to panic based on ratings alone.
I think this thread is more "ratings curiosity".
I'm not sure whether a third season would give us answers or even more questionsEDIT: I'm still hoping for a Big O revival. Gimme that season 3 DeMarco!
I'm not sure whether a third season would give us answers or even more questions
I'm not sure whether a third season would give us answers or even more questions
Where the fuck would a third season of Big O even start from after the ending of the second?
"Surprise, S2 never actually happened, here's the TRUE events that took place after S1"Where the fuck would a third season of Big O even start from after the ending of the second?
The Toonami reddit has been freaking the fuck out over JoJo ratings.
Tomorrow's goodie isa game review of DB Xenoverse 2
Didn't the game come out three months ago?
How could a game for the Nintendo Switch come out already if the system isn't out yet?Didn't the game come out three months ago?