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Toonami |JanFeb17| Super Saiyan Please?

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Catching up on toonami

Did gundam unicorn skip a scene where Banazure got captured after he fell unconscious and Neo Zeon just left? It was such a jarring cut.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Not buying the Switch on launch is the worst crime of them all.

Morrie is so much better than Angelo. I can't wait until I get Red. I can guess when you can recruit her and its pretty dang late in the game.


Gives all the fucks
Despite knowing there'll be games I'll want for the Switch (the presentation last month made sure of that. NO MORE HEROES 3 WOOOOO) & getting one at launch is basically future-proofing my purchase for the games coming, I can understand why some people might want to wait until later this year (i.e. Splatoon 2) or the holiday season for Super Mario Odyssey or more games to be released. Not to mention, knowing how Nintendo loves making new models of their portable devices, I can't help but wonder if they'll do the same for the Switch despite it being marketed as a console first here in the US.

...I don't know why I waited on a PS4 considering I played a ton on my PS2 & 3 (despite being late to those by a few years) & figured that would be my main console over a X1, yet will get a Nintendo console at launch which I feel will get used less than my others (unless it's a handheld obviously)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
If the Switch really does pop off (something I doubt personally but weirder things have happened) you might not be able to easily get a Switch by the time Splatoon 2 drops.

PS2 was hard to find for eight months.
360 was rough for four or five.
Dreamcast wasn't available that often until after Christmas 1999, and that system was a failure.
Finally got my favorite scene from Zeta Gundam in gif form:



Gives all the fucks
Isn't there some kind of program that lets you make gifs out of DVDs or something? Could've sworn it was mentioned here. I'm tempted to make some from Nichijou.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
you say that like nintendo has shortages for their popular stuff or something

You weren't able to just walk in a pick up a Wii until nearly two years after it launched. You had to line up/follow the fed ex guy/get lucky. No need to mention that.

People know about Amiibos and NES Classic as well but there's also been certain 2DS/3DS systems that have been nearly impossible to get.

DS didn't pop off right away either but it took me until almost New Years to find one. There's even a brief month or two where Wii U was hard to find because scalpers picked it up and horded them.
Why do you hate him?

1) His bad rap/rhyming gimmick got old really quick, it'd be fine for a one off character but not for someone who becomes essentially a lead for the final third of the story.

2) I hate the entire notion that another character was introduced so that Naruto could get more training AGAIN. This is doubly so after the emotional death of Jiraya (Naruto's former mentor) not even 10 episodes ago.

3) He's a constant reminder of how shitty the writing is because for how important the tailed beast are to the overall lore he's the only character one to get featured at all (in canon I know the anime shows more in filler).
So I turned on my old fat base PS3 today. Took it out of the closet to play some PS2 games.

Boy, that system just constantly sounds like a plane is taking off. I'm guessing that's because it's old?

Damn is that the one that can play native PS2 games? you got a rare sucker their.

Catching up on toonami

Did gundam unicorn skip a scene where Banazure got captured after he fell unconscious and Neo Zeon just left? It was such a jarring cut.

That whole episode was a jarring cut, that 1 convo between Riddhe and Audrey was weird as hell.
If I ever do get a Switch, it'll have to be given to me as a gift (because why the fuck not right?) or it'll have to have so many exclusives for it that I want that I'll consider it a viable investment to... wait for the price to go down to eventually get it.

I didn't even want the Wii U but I ended up getting it because I was scared that for the next couple years, some of the games I wanted the most were going to be tied to that system. I managed to stay away from it for a while before giving in and getting it in 2014.

All the games I have for it I barely play. I've got like... six of em.

Props to the Switch for going back to a semi-normal controller but I'm still trying to dig that Wii U boot they shoved my ass out of there. Nintendo's not been in my good graces for a while now.

Which is a shame because Super Mario Odyssey is the first Mario game I've probably ever been interested in. I actually want that fucking game. I was actually going to force myself to buy Super Mario 3D World just so I could force myself to get into Mario despite it not being what I'm typically interested in seeing. The last time I had played one was Super Mario Sunshine so I didn't feel I was being that fair.

But everytime I tried I saw the $59.99 and backed off. And now after seeing the Odyssey trailer it finally hit me that I should probably be a little more trusting of my own senses. Because I want THAT shit.


I lost my Wii (stolen), so I got a Wii U largely for Virtual Console - both Wii and Wii U - but also for Wii games. Definitely not getting Switch at launch. My general rule of thumb is that there has to be three "must have" games and right now Zelda kinda counts, but I'm not adverse to playing that on Wii U.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I lost my Wii (stolen), so I got a Wii U largely for Virtual Console - both Wii and Wii U - but also for Wii games. Definitely not getting Switch at launch. My general rule of thumb is that there has to be three "must have" games and right now Zelda kinda counts, but I'm not adverse to playing that on Wii U.
My personal rule is cost of announced games I want>cost of system.


Nintendo always puts out games that I want, so I pretty much always get their consoles down the line. The only thing I've been skipping out on is the 3DS, but with the Switch I'm hopefully not missing out on good handheld games anymore.
With the Switch, I'm still waiting to see what the Third Party support will look like. Or hell, if Square were to just port their (future) games over, (FFVII Remake, Kingdom Hearts 3, and all the KH remasters) I'd be set.


For the Switch, I know I'm getting Zelda at launch. I know I'm getting Splatoon 2 day one. I know I'm getting Odyssey day one. At that point might as well get the system at launch.
I'll always buy Nintendo hardware as long as it's the only home for mainline Mario, Zelda, Fire Emblem, Smash Bros, etc.

Also Sause vs Killer B was awesome... follow that up with shitty as fuck filler lol


Gives all the fucks
My personal rule is cost of announced games I want>cost of system.
This is pretty much my rule as well, which is why I just haven't been motivated to get a X1, as everything I want is either available on Sony &/or Nintendo stuff and Microsoft's exclusives just don't do it for me (aside from Rare Replay & Sunset Overdrive).

I usually jump when that cost is equal, but for Switch there's enough announced and rumored that I feel safe jumping in at launch.
Yup, feel the same way with the presentation. Zelda, Mario, Splatoon 2, MK8 Deluxe, Xenoblade 2, FE Warriors, NO MORE HEROES 3, maybe Super Bomberman R, Puyo Puyo Tetris (despite wanting it on PS4 for more trophies & owning the import Vita version), maybe ARMS (I want to try a demo), that new Shin Megami Tensei, & I'm sure a few more that'll be confirmed later this year like at E3. I know Nintendo themselves will give me games I want to play, it's just that damn 3rd party support I wish would happen like with the 3DS.


Gives all the fucks
Hell, when I look at my Wii U library, pretty much all of them were exclusives &/or by Nintendo. The only ones that weren't off the top of my head were Shovel Knight, which I got before it was confirmed for PS4 & X1, & Freedom Planet, which I also got before it was confirmed for PS4.

I wouldn't be surprised if the same happened for Switch (honestly, I'm only getting PPT on Switch because of the pre-order keychains & the ease of having 2P ready to go), but whatever, after the Wii, I've learned to only get a Nintendo console for Nintendo games. Only having a Wii while seeing what PS3 & 360 were getting was just depressing, I don't get how Nintendo fanboys weren't able to see just how much they were missing out on.
I was feeling left out when I had both a Wii and a 360. However, I later found out that the reason was because the PS3 had more exclusives that I was interested in playing compared to the 360.

I wouldn't have even gotten the 360 if the PS3 wasn't $600 dollars or some ridiculous shit when it first came out.
Hell, when I look at my Wii U library, pretty much all of them were exclusives &/or by Nintendo. The only ones that weren't off the top of my head were Shovel Knight, which I got before it was confirmed for PS4 & X1, & Freedom Planet, which I also got before it was confirmed for PS4.

I wouldn't be surprised if the same happened for Switch (honestly, I'm only getting PPT on Switch because of the pre-order keychains & the ease of having 2P ready to go), but whatever, after the Wii, I've learned to only get a Nintendo console for Nintendo games. Only having a Wii while seeing what PS3 & 360 were getting was just depressing, I don't get how Nintendo fanboys weren't able to see just how much they were missing out on.

Same with me far as Wii U goes for the most part, I have more third party stuff like Darksiders 2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution Deluxe Edition, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, ZombiU and a bunch of indies like Freedom Planet, Shantae games, Shovel Knight, Runbow and SteamWorld series. I've definitely gotten enough out of the Wii U to be happy with getting it, even if the droughts made me not play it as much as I could have. Got a lot of the system and found a lot of good games to play. I've never really regretted a console or handheld I've had or have so that's good for me!

I mainly have gamed on Nintendo consoles and handhelds, but I've had stuff since GameCube that isn't Nintendo like Xbox and Xbox 360 along with PS2 for a bit, PS3 just recently and PS4 for about a year or two along with a PS Vita. Brother has an Xbox One, but I've never played on it.


Gives all the fucks
Same with me far as Wii U goes for the most part, I have more third party stuff like Darksiders 2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution Deluxe Edition, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, ZombiU and a bunch of indies like Freedom Planet, Shantae games, Shovel Knight, Runbow and SteamWorld series. I've definitely gotten enough out of the Wii U to be happy with getting it, even if the droughts made me not play it as much as I could have. Got a lot of the system and found a lot of good games to play. I've never really regretted a console or handheld I've had or have so that's good for me!

I mainly have gamed on Nintendo consoles and handhelds, but I've had stuff since GameCube that isn't Nintendo like Xbox and Xbox 360 along with PS2 for a bit, PS3 just recently and PS4 for about a year or two along with a PS Vita. Brother has an Xbox One, but I've never played on it.
Oh yeah, I'm still happy with my Wii U, I'm just saying that I only really got it for the exclusives.

Heck, even as a kid with only a GCN, I eventually was realizing there were games I wanted on PS2 & eventually got one, but GCN still had a decent amount of 3rd party & probably the last console Nintendo had good 3rd party support since it was usually easy to port to the GCN for the most part. & I say this as someone whose first system was a SNES, though I also played Genesis & Dreamcast via friends & Playstation via babysitter when I was really young.

Speaking of which, if Switch does get that rumored GCN for VC, then that's already going to make me happy with my purchase since I think I had more VC titles on the Wii than retail games.
Oh yeah, I'm still happy with my Wii U, I'm just saying that I only really got it for the exclusives.

Heck, even as a kid with only a GCN, I eventually was realizing there were games I wanted on PS2 & eventually got one, but GCN still had a decent amount of 3rd party & probably the last console Nintendo had good 3rd party support since it was usually easy to port to the GCN for the most part. & I say this as someone whose first system was a SNES, though I also played Genesis & Dreamcast via friends & Playstation via babysitter when I was really young.

Speaking of which, if Switch does get that rumored GCN for VC, then that's already going to make me happy with my purchase since I think I had more VC titles on the Wii than retail games.

I felt Wii's third party support was good, but the lack of hardware grunt meant downgraded ports and that the Wii wouldn't get certain games because of limited hardware power. I understand why you say that since GCN was their last console that wasn't lacking in power compared to competition. It doesn't help that the Wii's library in general is very underrated. Just like any huge selling system, it has a bunch of shovel-ware, but I'm glad that I got to play gems like Zack and Wiki, Sin and Punishment: Star Successor, and Trauma Center.
I lost my Wii (stolen), so I got a Wii U largely for Virtual Console - both Wii and Wii U - but also for Wii games. Definitely not getting Switch at launch. My general rule of thumb is that there has to be three "must have" games and right now Zelda kinda counts, but I'm not adverse to playing that on Wii U.

I tend to use the same rule set now, was 3 exclusives but then the PS4 + XBone came and there is no reason for me to ever by both (and my PC ain't a powerhouse) so I downgraded that rule.
I've learned my lesson. It took a generation but I've realized that most of what I buy tends to come out for Playstation so I'm happy my younger brother got me the PS4 for Christmas.

Still shocked as hell he did that. Fucking insane dude.


Gives all the fucks
I felt Wii's third party support was good, but the lack of hardware grunt meant downgraded ports and that the Wii wouldn't get certain games because of limited hardware power. I understand why you say that since GCN was their last console that wasn't lacking in power compared to competition. It doesn't help that the Wii's library in general is very underrated. Just like any huge selling system, it has a bunch of shovel-ware, but I'm glad that I got to play gems like Zack and Wiki, Sin and Punishment: Star Successor, and Trauma Center.
Oh yeah, once again, the first party stuff was absolutely fine (the fact Punch-Out & S&P2 were announced at the same time made my mind explode with excitement) & there was a few stand-out 3rd party games like Z&W, the Trauma Center/Team games, No More Heroes, & Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom (a game I hold on to because holy crap Capcom actually localized it). Plus the VC was rather great, even if it was missing a few games & never had any sales, allowed me to play games I missed out on & discover a few gems.

Not saying the systems aren't worth owning (heck, if you missed out on the Wii, Wii U is worth getting since you have 2 libraries to work with, similar to my friend getting a X1 despite having a PS3/4 since he missed out on 360) since almost every system has a few titles that make it stand out (hell, I wouldn't mind owning a Virtual Boy for Teleroboxer & Wario Land), but it was just the combination of the Wii's output in comparison to PS360 & the timing of me realizing I should try to expand my gaming horizons & give other systems a chance instead of just Nintendo or Sega which lead to the thought of "ya know, I'll still get Nintendo's stuff, but it's quite clear I need to own another system to get everything I want to play" & eventually making me learn about consoles I skipped/missed out on like the PS1 library when I got a PS2, wanting to get a Saturn eventually, reading more into more obscure stuff like the Neo Geo Pocket, etc.

I just wanted to explain how I went from "nah, I only want Nintendo stuff, with the occasional Sonic at my friend's place!" to "there is a whole world of gaming & I want to discover it all", never wanted to sound like I was trying to bash Nintendo or their fanbase, even if I work with someone who refuses to get any Non-tendo stuff, I at least understand his love for the company & we have similar tastes in games at times.
Oh yeah, once again, the first party stuff was absolutely fine (the fact Punch-Out & S&P2 were announced at the same time made my mind explode with excitement) & there was a few stand-out 3rd party games like Z&W, the Trauma Center/Team games, No More Heroes, & Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom (a game I hold on to because holy crap Capcom actually localized it). Plus the VC was rather great, even if it was missing a few games & never had any sales, allowed me to play games I missed out on & discover a few gems.

Not saying the systems aren't worth owning (heck, if you missed out on the Wii, Wii U is worth getting since you have 2 libraries to work with, similar to my friend getting a X1 despite having a PS3/4 since he missed out on 360) since almost every system has a few titles that make it stand out (hell, I wouldn't mind owning a Virtual Boy for Teleroboxer & Wario Land), but it was just the combination of the Wii's output in comparison to PS360 & the timing of me realizing I should try to expand my gaming horizons & give other systems a chance instead of just Nintendo or Sega which lead to the thought of "ya know, I'll still get Nintendo's stuff, but it's quite clear I need to own another system to get everything I want to play" & eventually making me learn about consoles I skipped/missed out on like the PS1 library when I got a PS2, wanting to get a Saturn eventually, reading more into more obscure stuff like the Neo Geo Pocket, etc.

I just wanted to explain how I went from "nah, I only want Nintendo stuff, with the occasional Sonic at my friend's place!" to "there is a whole world of gaming & I want to discover it all", never wanted to sound like I was trying to bash Nintendo or their fanbase, even if I work with someone who refuses to get any Non-tendo stuff, I at least understand his love for the company & we have similar tastes in games at times.

Yeah, I understand since I had a similar situation with Nintendo and expanding my gaming horizons. Never thought you were bashing. I don't even mind people that like only a certain gaming company as long as they don't go ballistic and are irrational in what they believe about the company, their games and their systems. Fanboys of anything are really annoying. So, nah, you're good. All systems have their good and bad. I'm sure there are even fans of Virtual Boy (even if I doubt it very much...) :p


Gives all the fucks
Yeah, I understand since I had a similar situation with Nintendo and expanding my gaming horizons. Never thought you were bashing. I don't even mind people that like only a certain gaming company as long as they don't go ballistic and are irrational in what they believe about the company, their games and their systems. Fanboys of anything are really annoying. So, nah, you're good. All systems have their good and bad. I'm sure there are even fans of Virtual Boy (even if I doubt it very much...) :p
Ugh, I know. I have a co-worker who ONLY plays Nintendo & ABSOLUTELY refuses to get any other company's systems, despite the fact it seems he would like Sony's stuff (he has interest in Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, etc.), which leads to him asking "HOW COME X ISN'T ON NINTENDO?!?" 80% of the time, despite the fact I've told him about 10 different reasons why stuff wasn't ported to Wii or Wii U, or questioning why I didn't get a 3rd party game on Nintendo when I bought it for PS3/4 (I prefer the controller, trophy support, online community, etc.).

........also, he's basically Adult Swim's demographic as I was told he finds Mr. Pickles funny & he directly told me he finds most of Adult Swim's shows funny....

Anyways, glad we're on the same page.
Ugh, I know. I have a co-worker who ONLY plays Nintendo & ABSOLUTELY refuses to get any other company's systems, despite the fact it seems he would like Sony's stuff (he has interest in Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, etc.), which leads to him asking "HOW COME X ISN'T ON NINTENDO?!?" 80% of the time, despite the fact I've told him about 10 different reasons why stuff wasn't ported to Wii or Wii U, or questioning why I didn't get a 3rd party game on Nintendo when I bought it for PS3/4 (I prefer the controller, trophy support, online community, etc.).

........also, he's basically Adult Swim's demographic as I was told he finds Mr. Pickles funny & he directly told me he finds most of Adult Swim's shows funny....

Anyways, glad we're on the same page.

Yeah, I have had plenty of people like that so I understand. Hell, I walked into a Target where a worker was arguing about Xbox One vs. PS4 with another worker when they were just coming out and I was getting a Wii U/3DS game during a sale. It was awkward as hell. He was talking to another customer if he was getting an Xbox One in not a totally condescending tone, but it felt like it. Then again, those workers might be friends and joking, but it didn't feel like it to me. I was just like, "Get the game and get out now!"

Also, just hearing about someone liking Mr. Pickles of all things is making my brain crash... I can't understand why some people watch stuff like that and find it enjoyable, but we've gotten so many years of shows like Family Guy going like dead horses that I'm not surprised. At least, there's Rick and Morty on [adult swim]


Gives all the fucks
I guess you could say that really....

, man. Hope it doesn't result in a pricey replacement. Thank god my laptops are able to last about 4-5 years before needing to be replaced.


I guess you could say that really....

, man. Hope it doesn't result in a pricey replacement. Thank god my laptops are able to last about 4-5 years before needing to be replaced.
Little shit's hiding inside my graphics card.
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