They split up Kill la Kill into 5 episodes each for $40 on Blu-Ray, $30 for DVD.
.....that means to own all 25 episodes (& that includes the OVA one that didn't air on Toonami) on DVD, you'd have to spend $150, or $200 FOR BLU-DAY.
What's that, you want to own the Limited Editions for Kill la Kill that have Blu-Ray, DVD, & extra stuff like postcards & the soundtracks? Well that's $60 each, for a grand total of $300 for a 25 episode series.
That is correct, & I recall their logic for their high prices is to ensure there isn't any "reverse importing", i.e. Japanese fans buying the versions from the US because they're cheaper.
Someone really needs to find a way to fix the absurd pricing structure for physical media in japan. Games seem to have avoided this forever although that may be a case of the rest of the world following japan's pricing.