Gum Gum...!!
Now everyone can be Luffy
Why can't they just fucking remake fucking Xenogears? Remake that. Finish the fucking game this time, I'd buy that. I'll get a Switch for SMT if it ain't exclusive and not that SMT x FE thing I completely ignored.
Shut it. Tokyo MIrage Sessions #FE was underrated and awesome
I was not impressed with the launch info. I was hoping for Splatoon because I'm probably going to hate Zelda (I hate open world RPGs). I am going to try to get one at Gamestop tomorrow, but that's because I have like $200 in credit there.
It's going to be the most divisive console ever.Oh boy, Gamer-gaf is angry.
That Zelda trailer tho...
I'm more unconcerned about the lack of confirmed launch titles outside of Zelda.
Oh boy, Gamer-gaf is angry.
Normally I'd worry as well but I think the most games I've ever bought for a console was three so as long as Splatoon2 actually hits in summer I'll be good.
curious how many of the JRPGs will be only for the Switch
It's the $300 price tag plus joining Microsoft and Sony in the paid online fees.
My hesitation with Nintendo really is I don't want another situation like the Wii U where third party publishers just straight up bailed on developing games for it. Nothing from this presentation convinced me that things are looking different from the Switch.
I guess I'll wait to E3 to see how many multiplat games also get announced with Switch versions.
Wait was that Xenoverse?...
Wait was that Xenoverse?...
Look at it this way, assuming Switch becomes the defacto handheld console in Japan (a reasonable assumption actually) it will get a ton of third party games that would have been Vita/3DS titles this generation so it will still have value in that space even when western third parties bail.
Yeah Tales is coming as well