Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 120
It has been downright bizarre to watch Sailor Moon S slowly attempt to transmogrify itself in order to get back in line with the manga storyline as yet even more elements from said manga show up in this episode as we get the backstory on Hotaru and Professor Tomoe and while they have the basics down pat, the devil is in the details and many details are missing for one reason or another. Continuing along those lines one of the most critical elements missing is finally introduced, what they are calling Mugen Academy nee Infinity Academy is finally established here and once again the basics are here but that is it since in the manga Infinity Academy is very central to the entire arc and probably the element they messed up the most. Speaking of which, with all of these actual story developments and plot advancements happening the Monster of the Week format is feeling very archaic and forced at the moment though here it actually serves a purpose in giving us the final plan attempt enacted by Mimete before the next member of Witches 5 takes the stage. All and all a mild recommendation to watch.
Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 121
Yes, I think I am beginning to see why watcher of the anime program here wondered why the third of Watches 5 here, Teliun, got offed so quickly in comparison to Euidal and Meimete and the answer lies in the fact that this episode was, anime nonsense aside one of those one to one lift jobs the anime pulled every now and again. As in they pretty much adapted Teliun's chapter from the manga, which is why it plays out so radically different to the point where it get lampshaded. Indeed, this is also the reason why there is mostly no Monster of The Week expect when one gets created because the anime got gunshy about Sailor Moon killing the point girls here and needed a way out in that regard. Also, been awhile since I have said this, but dear god Chibi-Usa is just the worst thing ever. Yea, this isn't as bad arcs of both previous and future nature, her taking the lead focus in this part of S is really sucking the life out of everything. Why the universe has not considered to toss Princess Scrappy into a trash compactor I will never know, Mild recommendation to avoid.