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Toonami |Jul15| Sentai finally noticed us!

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Monster Musume - Episode 1

Anime of the YEAR.

My nakama. Until Prison School, at least

For some reason, I decided to give it a look (so I'll watch it either tonight after watching Gojira or later this week). Guess I just wanted another anime for the summer.

Speaking of Gojira, I'm only about 10 minutes in & I already feel more invested compared to the 2014 one because Godzilla's presence is actually THERE right from the beginning. & it's the good kind of "OH MAN, when's Godzilla gonna appear?!", not the "oohh maaann, when's Godzilla gonna appear...." kind because despite not being seen (let alone discovered he exists), he's already caused havoc among the people.

Gojira is a good movie, no lie.
I've read over 300 chapters of the manga and I remember absolutely nothing about that or any other arc outside of a few random things.

I've read the whole thing once and never seen the anime but I can still remember a large chunk of the characters and arcs.


No Scrubs
I've read the whole thing once and never seen the anime but I can still remember a large chunk of the characters and arcs.

Honestly all I remember outside of "
Nudity gives you power
," and "
the power of friendship
," is "
Gerrard is everyone.
It helps that arcs end nearly the same way every time and some characters act as palette swaps of others.

Wouldn't that make the arcs and characters more likely to blur together then stick out? While what wins the day is generally the same "I believe in my friends and you won't beat me" aka nakama power the baddies powers, their goals, and the location of the battles are generally varied pretty well, even among samey type characters like the several dragon slayer.


Wouldn't that make the arcs and characters more likely to blur together then stick out? While what wins the day is generally the same "I believe in my friends and you won't beat me" aka nakama power the baddies powers, their goals, and the location of the battles are also extremely varied even among the several dragon slayer characters.

It became a blur to me after a while but you probably have better memory than me.

I just remember the magic bikini contest clear as day because it is a thing that happened, a magic bikini contest.


No Scrubs
It became a blur to me after a while but you probably have better memory than me.

I just remember the magic bikini contest clear as day because it is a thing that happened, a magic bikini contest.

I remember the weird hentai S&M scene, because it was a weird hentai S&M scene and I did not expect it.


Gives all the fucks
Gojira is a good movie, no lie.
I recorded it because one channel was having a marathon over the weekend & aired both the original '54 version, then the US editted '56 version which I'll watch later. I also recorded Terror of Mechagodzilla (JET JAGUAR!), Godzilla's Revenge (because I want to see how stupid it gets, also Godzilla's son), Mothra vs. Godzilla, Godzilla Vs. Monster Zero, Godzilla Raids Again, & Ghidorah, the 3-Headed Monster.

Kind of sucks with the exception of Gojira, all of them are dubbed, I think. Was hoping to watched subbed since I prefer live-action films in their original language since the mouth movements can't easily match other languages compared to animation. Oh well, still nice to see the older Toho movies compared to 2014 & the Rifftrax version of Godzilla '98.

I just remember the magic bikini contest clear as day because it is a thing that happened, a magic bikini contest.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Plus everyone hear is downplaying the drama bombs, the comedy, the witty banter. Without the excessive fanservice and rote ending to all conflict it'd be something that's really quite good, like One Piece light.


I remember the weird hentai S&M scene, because it was a weird hentai S&M scene and I did not expect it.

Was it a Lucy scene? Because all the Lucy exploitation becomes a blur as well.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
Was it a Lucy scene? Because all the Lucy exploitation becomes a blur as well.


It starts as innocent as shit Bulma in DB shit too, but eventually it's just like, who will see Lucy naked/accidentally grope her this arc, and how?!? Will she be imprisoned? If so, in what state of dress?


No Scrubs
Was it a Lucy scene? Because all the Lucy exploitation becomes a blur as well.

Yea it was. The only reason I remember it is because it went so much further than the series had ever gone. She was completely naked, chained up, getting whipped by a guy wearing almost nothing. It was literally one step away from straight up porn.
It became a blur to me after a while but you probably have better memory than me.

I just remember the magic bikini contest clear as day because it is a thing that happened, a magic bikini contest.

I remember more from my time marathoning Fairy Tail then I do marathoning Naruto or Bleach in manga form. I'll admit FT never even gets close to reach the highs that Naruto and Bleach can reach but neither does it have any over long stretched out arcs that are boring or bad like Naruto or Bleach do. I'd rather reread almost any FT arc over rereading the fucking hueco mundo/fake karakura town arc in Bleach or the
Shinobi War
arc of Naruto.

Yea it was. The only reason I remember it is because it went so much further than the series had ever gone. She was completely naked, chained up, getting whipped by a guy wearing almost nothing. It was literally one step away from straight up porn.

That happens to Erza and she's being whipped by another girl but yes that scene went to far.


Thank you B-Dubs for reminding me why I fucking hate Fairy Tail.


I do agree Bass, part of the reason I think Fairy Tail got fans was because it is pretty damn brisk going through arcs.


Gives all the fucks
So like, who's good at photoshop? I tried making a new version of my avatar last night to celebrate Parasyte coming to Toonami, but I couldn't keep the quality of either my avatar or the picture I wanted to use. Either want to crop & put either this or another pic on my avatar's hand.

...or do we have a thread dedicated to avatar requests?


No Scrubs
Thank you B-Dubs for reminding me why I fucking hate Fairy Tail.


No problem dude, I was following the series on and off--taking long breaks then catching up every now and again--until that point and just straight up dropped it there and never looked back.

That happens to Erza and she's being whipped by another girl but yes that scene went to far.

Shit, I can't remember the names. It was the girl who became stronger the less she wore. Oddly enough total nudity didn't make her stronger, just skimpier and skimpier bikinis.


So like, who's good at photoshop? I tried making a new version of my avatar last night to celebrate Parasyte coming to Toonami, but I couldn't keep the quality of either my avatar or the picture I wanted to use. Either want to crop & put either this or another pic on my avatar's hand.

...or do we have a thread dedicated to avatar requests?

sticky in off-topic community

basically the most invisible place


Wouldn't that make the arcs and characters more likely to blur together then stick out? While what wins the day is generally the same "I believe in my friends and you won't beat me" aka nakama power the baddies powers, their goals, and the location of the battles are generally varied pretty well, even among samey type characters like the several dragon slayer.

That's basically my point. "Tower of Heaven" means next to nothing to me at this point. There are a handful of arcs I remember at least some small detail about, including the last chapter I read start-to-finish. There was nothing near impactful enough in any one arc to leave a lasting impression though, other than
"the good guys win through the power of friendship"
No problem dude, I was following the series on and off--taking long breaks then catching up every now and again--until that point and just straight up dropped it there and never looked back.

So riddle me this, why is it okay for Berserk to have an overly dark scene of demons
murder raping the shit out of people
but not FT have a torture scene? Is it mostly because the latter gives off more fetish vibes and it makes you feel dirty thinking that someone is enjoying this?


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Shit, I can't remember the names. It was the girl who became stronger the less she wore. Oddly enough total nudity didn't make her stronger, just skimpier and skimpier bikinis.

Abridged Raditz: So nudity makes you stronger on this planet!

So when Mashima finishes Fairy Tail, is he going to do porn?
No problem dude, I was following the series on and off--taking long breaks then catching up every now and again--until that point and just straight up dropped it there and never looked back.

Shit, I can't remember the names. It was the girl who became stronger the less she wore. Oddly enough total nudity didn't make her stronger, just skimpier and skimpier bikinis.

Yeah that's Erza, and its not that being skimpier makes her stronger its that her magic is basically ff5's job system where her different outfits have different abilities.


No Scrubs
So riddle me this, why is it okay for Berserk to have an overly dark scene of demons
murder raping the shit out of people
but not FT have a torture scene? Is it mostly because the latter gives off more fetish vibes and it makes you feel dirty thinking that someone is enjoying this?

It's tone. Berserk is already dark as shit, it's supposed to shock you with how far it goes (remember it has toned down quite a bit in the last few years) and the dark shit that happens to the characters, meanwhile Fairy Tail is this happy-go-lucky shonen story that runs off the power of friendship. It works in Berserk due to the dark tone, while due to Fairy Tail's lighter tone it feels more fetishy.

The tone and themes of a story absolutely change what it's able to get away with and what we as readers are willing to deal with. If you have a dark story, you can get away with a lot more than a light hearted story can.

Yeah that's Erza, and its not that being skimpier makes her stronger its that her magic is basically ff5's job system where her different outfits have different abilities.

Yea but her stronger outfits are always skimpier. It just felt like an excuse to show more skin.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
He'll just rip on the next manga that gets super popular. My guess is Boku no Hero Academia.

And like Rave Master, he'll somehow make it fit into the same universe.
It will be just as plot-less and pandery.
And like Gildarts, he'll have a character that's a complete carbon copy of All Might (seriously, that is shamelessly Shanks)
It's tone. Berserk is already dark as shit, it's supposed to shock you with how far it goes (remember it has toned down quite a bit in the last few years) and the dark shit that happens to the characters, meanwhile Fairy Tail is this happy-go-lucky shonen story that runs off the power of friendship. It works in Berserk due to the dark tone, while due to Fairy Tail lighter tone it feels more fetishy.

The tone and themes of a story absolutely change what it's able to get away with and what we as readers are willing to deal with. If you have a dark story, you can get away with a lot more than a light hearted story can.

Yea but her stronger outfits are always skimpier. It just felt like an excuse to show more skin.

But can't a light story have darker moments or darker tone shifts? Some of the best scenes in series like One Piece and Dragon Ball are when you have darker moments in a more light hearted setting as it gives a scene more impact. Establish your villains are not playing around by having them kidnap and torture a main character isn't a terrible way of doing that be it physical or psychological torture.

And yes FT loves its women in skimpy outfits, Part of the fun of FT is finding whatever convoluted reason the author can come
Up with to justify more fan service like "oh this island happens to have a resort area? Lets get in our bathing suits to blend in"


No Scrubs
But can't a light story have darker moments or darker tone shifts? Some of the best scenes in series like One Piece and Dragon Ball are when you have darker moments in a more light hearted setting as it gives a scene more impact. Establish your villains are not playing around by having them kidnap and torture a main character isn't a terrible way of doing that be it physical or psychological torture.

One Piece's light hearted tone is only skin deep, it's always been way darker beneath the surface. The second bad guy in the entire series was a corrupt marine. That undercurrent of darkness and corruption allows it to get away with a lot more than it would be able to without it. Hell, in the first chapter Luffy is kidnapped by bandits and almost killed as a result. This lets One Piece ramp it up in future issues by establishing that things can go dark very early on in the story. Dragon Ball is much the same, but it doesn't go nearly as dark. What you can get away with is set up by how you construct your world and story.


One Piece's light hearted tone is only skin deep, it's always been way darker beneath the surface. The second bad guy in the entire series was a corrupt marine. That undercurrent of darkness and corruption allows it to get away with a lot more than it would be able to without it. Hell, in the first chapter Luffy is kidnapped by bandits and almost killed as a result. This lets One Piece ramp it up in future issues by establishing that things can go dark very early on in the story. Dragon Ball is much the same, but it doesn't go nearly as dark. What you can get away with is set up by how you construct your world and story.

I honestly don't think One Piece is particularly dark. It touches on serious subject matters frequently enough but the artstyle, the nature of most of the characters, how things are resolved etc. really stops it from really getting heavy. The good guys win, the bad guys lose, there is little sense of gray, etc.The removal of the consequence of death for the most part (among other things) really puts a damper on how dark things can get. It's a IP that does well to appeal to a wide range of audiences but I often get the feeling that because many adults can enjoy it that they over sell its "maturity" or its "darkness".

Anyway, going into the Fairy Tail vs. Berserk conversation (this is a response to everybody), I'll admit I've only seen/read a little bit of each property - I'm not nearly as familiar with them as most in here are I feel. The thing that works to distinguish them besides context (dark shit in a dark world and dark shit in a light world) is how the material is framed and what it is trying to achieve. In Berserk, fucked up shit happens to demonstrate the world is fucked up (at least to my understanding). Fucked up shit, of a sexual nature, in Fairy Tail seems to happen with the aim to titillate. Titillation isn't inherently wrong but it can be jarring and off-putting if its not what you signed up for. Its the same reason fanservice, of the sexual nature, isn't created equal. How gaze is used, how agency is distributed, how congruent it is with the character, scenario and general world, etc. will all influence how its perceived. Even with my limited knowledge of those two properties, I can tell both works have different aims and use sex and sex appeal in different ways.


No Scrubs
I honestly don't think One Piece is particularly dark. It touches on serious subject matters frequently enough but the artstyle, the nature of most of the characters, how things are resolved etc. really stops it from really getting heavy. The good guys win, the bad guys lose, there is little sense of gray, etc.The removal of the consequence of death for the most part (among other things) really puts a damper on how dark things can get. It's a IP that does well to appeal to a wide range of audiences but I often get the feeling that because many adults can enjoy it that they over sell its "maturity" or its "darkness".

You're right that it's not too dark, but there is an undercurrent of it there. It never gets too heavy, but it's never exactly light hearted either. My point was more that it established that stuff can get kinda dark early on, remember that a dude got shot in the head in the first chapter, and that allows it to do stuff like
Law's flashback
or Robin's flashback without it feeling out of place.
You're right that it's not too dark, but there is an undercurrent of it there. It never gets too heavy, but it's never exactly light hearted either. My point was more that it established that stuff can get kinda dark early on, remember that a dude got shot in the head in the first chapter, and that allows it to do stuff like
Law's flashback
or Robin's flashback without it feeling out of place.

Is Toei going to censor out the (spoilers of course)
dead child massacre


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I think you mean *censor*

And to answer that question, it depends.
It's not really gory, but it's still grim and bleak for something that airs at 8:30 am.

Pretty much all the flashbacks went by unscathed outside of violence edits (like Bellemere getting shot in the chest instead of the head or Zeff cutting off his leg to save Sanji instead of eating it). All the grim details stuck around.

Actually that last one is a pretty significant story change... but basically most of the flashbacks were left intact in the anime.


Gangsta was awesome, reminds me if they decided to take Black Lagoon and make it Boondock Saints

Also,l Ushio to Tora was also pretty fun, main character looked exactly like Ippo
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