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Toonami |Jun14| Lu Lu Lala Lu

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
I think the show is better than the manga in most things, MM.

However Codename Sailor V is totally worth reading and is a hilarious prequel.


I prefer the anime too (although I think the live-action is best overall), but given Shard's reviews, I think he might prefer the comic.
in honor of BleachGAF (and because it's the only show on the block i don't know a bunch of stuff about), i've been reading through Bleach and I just got done going up through the Soul Society arc. some observations:

1. this would be maddening to follow weekly. there's so many huge panels.

2. fighting Hollows on the streets was a cool idea and i wish they ran with it a little more before heading to the Soul Society (it really feels like Kubo intended to).

3. i kinda get the impression at least Tatsuki and potentially some of others were supposed to have powers at some point. there's also some random black-haired girl who's clearly supposed to become more fleshed-out eventually but never really does.

4. Renji's characterization in his initial appearance is a bit....odd.

5. there's at the very least 5 characters that are completely useless, and the contributions of many more than that feel pretty minimal. too many characters.

6. Rukia's baggage with the Shiba clan is stupid. "he was possessed by a Hollow." say the words, god dammit.

7. it's a little weird that Rangiku doesn't seem to actually gain a personality until the very end of the arc. unless i blanked out on a scene, she's almost completely sullen for the rest of it.

8. i feel like Aizen didn't actually have to fake his own death. kinda seems like a plot twist for the sake of a plot twist.

9. framing Hitsugaya for Aizen's murder in order to get Momo to attack him is hilarious.

10. good lord, Mayuri has had some of the most intense toning down i've ever seen for a former villain in a work of fiction. (pretty sure there's a term for this but the name escapes me at the moment)

11. Ichigo's powerups are explained reasonably well and the training he goes through is fairly interesting, but the frequency with which these things happen is a bit off-putting.

12. Urahara remains the best character.

13. Byakuya's reasoning for not helping Rukia is dumb as hell.

14. Kon is a little more bearable when he doesn't have voice acting.

15. Getsuga Tenshou is kinda dull, and i feel like Ichigo has some of the least interesting powers of all these characters. at least he's better than that tool whose sword makes things get heavier.

that's all i can think of. all in all, it was good. it might have dragged a little bit, but that might have just been the curse of revisiting a long shonen story arc.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I flat out agree with almost all of that.

Aizen faking his own death makes sense from his point of view; he's under the wrong impression that there is anyone smart enough left in SS proper who could catch onto his goofy plan and cared enough to do so (those people are retconned in later as people Aizen takes out one by one.)

everything else though is spot on.
I flat out agree with almost all of that.

Aizen faking his own death makes sense from his point of view; he's under the wrong impression that there is anyone smart enough left in SS proper who could catch onto his goofy plan and cared enough to do so (those people are retconned in later as people Aizen takes out one by one.)

everything else though is spot on.

i feel like there needed to be some kind of scene that would establish the possibility that people would suspect him. the way he's characterized initially, he sorta seems like he's the last guy you'd ever suspect. hell, the only way he gets found out is BECAUSE he faked his death.

Mayuri totally would have made a villain than Aizen.

Wait, what do you mean with #4?

Renji shows up being all "I'M GONNA KILL YOU, RUKIA, YOU NEED TO DIE" and it's....weird.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The people who suspected Aizen include basically everyone who is an Ex Captain or Lieutenant. I think he thought that a couple of people still suspected him...and he'd be wrong.

He didn't know shit about Ichigo showing up to save Rukia though so he did need a distraction to throw SS into chaos so he faked his own death, knowing that he couldn't pull that trick again after his heel turn, why let it go to waste?

EDIT: Renji is dumb and he just got this promotion. He likes Rukia but he respects her brother more and is just following orders.


Well, I'm curious to hear your reasoning behind that decision.

Well, not a big manga reader and besides, the manga series is not the anime series. Viz is releasing the original series and that is what I am watching. Also, Sailor Moon Crystal is from what has been mentioned going to be a remake that is closer to the manga. What I find distressing is spite might be creeping in because I am already damn sick and tired of being told how I "should" be approaching this series in the "proper" manner. If an episode wastes my time I consider it to be a bad episode. I understand that not much plot happens episode to episode so I look for other things. Episode 7 was a neat little comedy episode but that is it. Episode 8, as an episode was honestly less entertaining then the previous one but far more important, not just from a plot perspective but from a character perspective, basically I found this episode to be more intriguing, also the debut of Sailor Mercury, that alone is a must watch.
Honestly I agree with Shard with how he's viewing the series, as a kid I never realized how much of the series is padding and how the fights (at least so far in s1) just aren't exciting enough to warrant the 15 minutes of shenanigans it takes for them to happen. Also Usagi is a terrible character at this point in the story and it irks me even more how completely useless Tuxedo Mask is. I do plan to watch crystal and unlike Shard I do plan to read the manga but neither of those is the series I'm currently watching. If things pick up and get better great, if not then it should be called out for wasting our time.


I didn't really really think both of TV Shows picked up until Episode 10, really.

It keeps getting better until S, after S it was downhill.


Indeed, while this isn't as bad as shonen filler and pacing, this show is going to have useless episodes. This season is really odd because the true crux of the series, the thing that made the show into the legend it is today, the Sailor Scouts are not there. What we have here is just this weird period with Sailor Moon flailing about by herself and the void being filled with her not too interesting regular human friends Even people who like the show feel this was something that was dragged out for far too long.
Indeed, while this isn't as bad as shonen filler and pacing, this show is going to have useless episodes. This season is really odd because the true crux of the series, the thing that made the show into the legend it is today, the Sailor Scouts are not there. What we have here is just this weird period with Sailor Moon flailing about by herself and the void being filled with her not too interesting regular human friends Even people who like the show feel this was something that was dragged out for far too long.

It seems like the old English dub cut a bunch of these early episodes which if anything helped the series as it quickly got to the good stuff quicker.


It seems like the old English dub cut a bunch of these early episodes which if anything helped the series as it quickly got to the good stuff quicker.

Indeed, but I point this out in Anime GAF and some of them have a hissy fit over the idea that each episode is a special little snowflake that needs to be preserved. I am glad on principle they are bringing over all the episodes this time around but to pretend this series don't have quite a bit of flab is just egregious.
Indeed, but I point this out in Anime GAF and some of them have a hissy fit over the idea that each episode is a special little snowflake that needs to be preserved. I am glad on principle they are bringing over all the episodes this time around but to pretend this series don't have quite a bit of flab is just egregious.

Agreed, if all these episodes were perfect then they wouldn't be bother to do crystal I'd imagine. I am glad we're finally getting an uncut dub and uncut sub all episodes officially released, but that has lead to the originals flaws being a bit more apparent. I imagine this will have a bigger impact later on when we start getting to the darker material that the old dub had to leap through hoops to make airable for kids on us tv


My exact reaction to the new Batman trailer, and then the news it is delayed to 2015

As a PC gamer, I'm feeling kinda bad this fall. No Destiny, no NHL, and No non-uPlay version of Assassin's Creed

Oh, and Attack on Titan is out on Blu-Ray today, but it's backordered on Amazon :(


Wow, those who are fans of DRRR aren't big enough fans to miss that; FU! >_<

I never understood why Ichigo didn't punch more often; it's actually more entertaining him being a brawler then as a swordsman.

The Naruto dub is now recording the 500th episode.

According to sources I could find, that's Shippuden 290.
So that's the voice of Naruto, huh?

No way. Potato Girl is voiced by Ashley Burch?!?!?!? I don't think I've ever heard of a more perfect casting.
That what I thought the moment I found out.

Isn't the back of the neck part of the whole "blowing off the fucking head" thing?
If you haven't noticed in one of the training episodes, there is a scene where the trainees were being judged on how deep their cuts were to the targets' necks.

Ya know, as interesting as that scene was....how did they discover the weakspot?
I'm going to guess a lot of grueling, bloody trial & error.

She cares so much for eren because he is the only family she has left. That is more than enough reason for her actions.

So, uh, why not just shoot a gun at that spot?
Because all they have are muskets.

Did.... did everyone just die?
Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie, Annie, Jean, Christa, Marco, Reiner, Ymir, and Bertholt are still alive.

look where all that shit talk got you, eren
All that bravodo, confidence, rage...all for nothing.

Surprise! Mikasa was the main character all along.
Well, she is the best cadet the human race has.

I hope you understand now how fucked everybody is, welcome to Attack on Titan, abandon all hope ye who enter here.
And now people know why it's called the Walking Dead of Japan.

Your hope swallowed up.

I miss her. :(

That's awesome.
It takes the best to beat the rest.

Why the fuck is my cable going in and out.
Charter has been acting a bit shitty recently. I wonder if it has anything to do with the recent FCC decisions. >_>

Clearly they're setting up Bryce Papenbrook to be the new Tom

Someone smack her hard plz

Ichigo needs to ask Urahara about this shit Ginjo's spittin'
That what kept telling myself throughout this scene. Ichigo seriously better consult with Urahara about this or I will want to punch Orange Hair himself.

When I first saw that, I claim it being Game of the Year...then I see the rest....

BTW Andrex, I saw X-men: DOFP the other day
My review:
It's rather funny only Wolves, Beast, Quicksilver, and X were the only X-Men in the past who end up saving their fate.

I know she's annoying but I'm kinda enjoying the red haired Fullbringer. At least she has energy. Everyone else in this episode was a zombie.
That's Christina Vee for ya'.

Cool. I've been meaning to check out the manga. Have yet to do that.
Heard the movie bombed in the UK.



Man, I actually wish there was a prequel spin-off in video game form. Seeing his OPness in all it's glory would be an amazing feat to witness.

This is the new signature GAF gif.
E3 here is gong to be glorious.

Theme song for this GIF: "X Gon Give it to Ya"
Recently watching a old clip of YGOTAS made me realize where inserting X Gonna' Give It To Ya' into cool yet funny inserts came from.

How do all of those hands/arms even fit in there?
Why does anybody have an infinite number of sharp weapons?

Why didn't Chiyo do this from the beginning?
Didn't want to pull out her ace in the hole?

The real life Rocketman

I want one of those. I wonder if anybody attempted to recreate all the Rocket Man scenes in there or on it.

That titan looks weird as fuck. Gives me the creeps
That what I thought when I first saw it.

how did Luffy get the meat in the manga?
Actually, is it like his spinach?

We all need to save our strength for SAO II.

Ya know, One Piece is actually really good. It's no Bleach,

Oh god, even loud mouth snuck aboard O_O

So how do these guys expect to beat CP9 when they ALL got clowned by them the last time they met?
By fighting them at the same time? United, we stand; divided, we fall kind of rhetoric?

I think he's "busy" watching some type of Evangelion/Sailor Moon crossover or something.

I miss Soul Eater.
Hey, since the manga is over, have they released a collection set yet?

Sorry, been away, but my dick is properly ready for some hot BLue Exorcist action!
...I don't think Palutena approves of your boner...does she?

This may not be the most well thought out move Rin has ever made.
Well, Yugio isn't really stopping him or like just shooting the Earth demon.

"Which path will you choose?"

Umm dude he's already said he wants to beat the shit out of Satan, not exactly like he's going to join the darkside.
That what I thought too.

I have some bad news about Blue Exorcist.
It's going to divert from the manga soon. Soooo might want to start looking into that. Just like Soul Eater.
Well, at least this show didn't start off as a beacon of what anime should be.

That dance fits so perfectly. I wonder if Red Fraction ever did get the ladies moving.

RPG? Nah, I think Black Lagoon would do better as a 3rd person shooter.

Revy's fucking enjoying this lol

Hahah I bet she's got a chang boner



Password shoulda been "Han shot first"
When did the remasters release? In '95?

I'm calling bull shit how the hell did he change that fast again
Nobody said the same in the Magpie episode (though, I suppose it would make sense later on).

He looks like a cartoon version of Cillian Murphy

Best character.

Sakura is bella swan

She's completely plain, not very pretty, not special in anyway, gets herself in trouble a lot, and some of the most powerful characters in the series want to bang her
Somehow, someway, a better love story then Twilight.

Oh Rock Lee, why couldn't this series be about you :[
I think the same every time he shows up.

Good evening, gentlemen. I journeyed here to take your lives.

mario kart totally took away from watch dog's hype lol
I hope so.









Karts really do make things cooler.

Fixed the arm
That is pretty Radd there.

This was bought to you buy Mario Kart. Instead of a Toonami Fighting a Toonami Kart racer is the best way to represent and lead your favorite series to victory!
Those are some really clever kart designs.
I'm rooting for Automail-a-go-go, Absoultion Mkx, and or Jack just walking.
Can't believe we never thought of this until now: forget beating them up, let them do that WHILE ON WHEELS!

Must..........not..............hint................Attack on Titan...............
I feel ya', mahn.

Attack on Titan's plot twists, like many animu and JRPG's, are foreshadowed and easy to figure out. Still, try to act surprised in the next few episodes.

Except for the flashback where Little Eren stabs two guys to death and feels no remorse whatsoever, you might not see that coming.
I can't wait to use that door closing gif.

Carla Jaeger Cosplay. Very clever. Eren am cry.

I'm officially dropping actually following Attack on Titan. Gave it a chance, but just not my cup of tea, to be honest.

Hopefully next week I'll be here from the beginning instead of hopping in halfway through Space Dandy.
Did you watch GXP and/or SAO?

What is this Luigi gif people are talking about? I don't understand...
You must understand the pain of Luigi to do so.

Spoilers for Soul Eater Not episode 7

One of the minor characters gets a ring from a witch, which brain washes her and causes her to randomly attack people with her scissor blade arm, Maka and Soul fight her which is where that really bad fight gif Shard posted came from. After this the witch orders scissor blade arm girl to kill herself, to which she puts the blade up to her neck, it cuts away to blood and part of her hair flying into the breeze as a tearing sound is heard, Maka, Soul, and the Moe girl of not all have a LEGIT SHOOK face and the episode ends
...so...why did they even bother with the whole moeblob thing then? Like, why didn't get get this rolling from the get go?


Revy sleeps with a walkman just like her hero, Shinji Ikari.
...baddest woman meets wimpiest teenager? Huh.

At this point, Bryce seems the most convincing as Eren when he's the announcer for the next episode but when he pep talked Jean, he actually nailed that intense yet controlled demeanor very well. Also: YES, YES, YES, at the noobie responses to the last 5 minutes.

Was it me or was that the most interesting lighting Bleach has had in a while (Mainly referring to the street lights at night; made it look like a different anime).

Can we just call this the Onepiercer arc (I haven't seen Snowpiercer)?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1opEEC4cQ4&list=FLqglJwJPrHSKbgD6EEnf-pg&index=2 I swear, this is the one song that actually stands out. It's like if James Bond was an anime or something. Really makes it feel like the show is stronger then it actually is.

You all still entertained with Black Lagoon? I'm deeply surprised how much of a response it is getting out of all you guys.

Man, the past week, thinking about this Alfred got me imagining a live-action Alfred show where he works for MI6 during the Cold War. Maybe we should have gotten that instead of the upcoming Gotham show.

I am rather shocked by the lack of fanfare Scottsman's Wife last week. She turned out to be super awesome that I thought you all wouldn't get enough of her despite her babbling but apparently not. =/

I'm rather surprised by the lack of responses for Palutena when she made those remarks about this thread being pervy. Seems like the most disappointing time.


Holy wall of text Batman.

Also, while looking at Attack on Titan on Amazon, The Deadman Wonderland DVD/Bluray combo pack coming out next month is just a hair over 20 dollars right now. Basically, an impulse buy for me, and if you missed out when it was airing, a no-brainer purchase.

Holy wall of text Batman.

Also, while looking at Attack on Titan on Amazon, The Deadman Wonderland DVD/Bluray combo pack coming out next month is just a hair over 20 dollars right now. Basically, an impulse buy for me, and if you missed out when it was airing, a no-brainer purchase.



And my store got the first volume of attack on titan in today... Well were supposed to but nobody can find it :( its $25 for the dvd cheapest I've seen it so far
Holy wall of text Batman.

Also, while looking at Attack on Titan on Amazon, The Deadman Wonderland DVD/Bluray combo pack coming out next month is just a hair over 20 dollars right now. Basically, an impulse buy for me, and if you missed out when it was airing, a no-brainer purchase.


Hmmm, I just don't know if I liked it enough to actually own it, even as an impulse buy.

But speaking of the Anime Classics line, should I bite on Serial Experiments: Lain? That's one of those I've always been curious about but never had the opportunity to watch. Is it streaming anywhere that I could get a taste?


Hmmm, I just don't know if I liked it enough to actually own it, even as an impulse buy.

But speaking of the Anime Classics line, should I bite on Serial Experiments: Lain? That's one of those I've always been curious about but never had the opportunity to watch. Is it streaming anywhere that I could get a taste?

Lain is definitely worth your time.


Grr... I just got a PS4, I don't have the money now for a WiiU... stop tempting me...

Argh.... Next week... Better be good...


Grr... I just got a PS4, I don't have the money now for a WiiU... stop tempting me...

Argh.... Next week... Better be good...

You might regret it today, but you won't a year from now when there legitimately might not be more than 12 boxed releases for the WiiU


Gives all the fucks
I'd like the Theatrhythm CC LE more if it was a bit cheaper ($60 perhaps) and wasn't a S-E Store exclusive. Can't bring myself to spend $30 more for a pouch that looks nice but won't get used, some cards that'll sit on my shelf, & a 20-track CD (though I do want to know what the listing is, along with the first print 5-track one). Might just be content with the pre-order bonus.

Though it does come out 5 days before my birthday.


At this point, I think more games should take the Wolfenstein model of CE's- not include the game in it. Let me choose if I want to buy your game digitally or physically, let me choose the retailer. Just make the CE stuff "swag" packs you buy.


At this point, I think more games should take the Wolfenstein model of CE's- not include the game in it. Let me choose if I want to buy your game digitally or physically, let me choose the retailer. Just make the CE stuff "swag" packs you buy.

I'd be happy if this doesn't become a trend. You should still get the game with whatever special or collector's edition they send, but I agree that you should be able to choose between a physical or digital copy of the game and be able to buy it where ever you want. That's one of the primary reasons why I won't be picking up the CE of this game.
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