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Toonami |Jun14| Lu Lu Lala Lu

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I'm just impressed that Rock was like "Oh, a sleeping girl in her underwear, I'm actually kinda just fed up with shit instead of going to be pervy"

Of course, Rock is Rock and Revy is Revy, so I guess that was going to happen or he'd get his balls shot off.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Episode 7:

Ah, so we come to the final episode of focusing on Usagi as a solitary hero and this was alright. Not a complete waste of time as we actually focused on the regular cast and I think Umino has learned a few things about himself that he didn't before. Also, shockingly modern episode with ordering posters over the internet and 5-Hour Energy Drinks being advertised. I think my favorite bit was the Luna-Usagi interplay highlighting the clash of Usagi as a superheroine and that of a middle school girl, something that Luna seems to forget sometimes. Anyway, Tuxedo Kamen makes his return but I didn't have as big of a problem with his interference this time around since he acted more like a team player then the rescuer of damsels. Overall this episode is mildly recommended but if you want to skip right to Episode 8 I do not blame you.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Episode 8:

Finally, fucking finally we get to the episode I have been waiting weeks to get towards, indeed it is at last the debut of Ami as Sailor Mercury. That alone give this episode an automatic recommendation but we also get some genuine story intrigue as we see Luna communicate with some unknown agency about the status of the grand mission. In contrast to Episode 7, this one can not help but be dated back to the 1990s for showcasing the hot new technology of 3 1/4 double density floppy disk, such is the way of technology highlights. Anyway, the actual plot is pretty typical monster of the week stuff, though I can't help but feel that the weekly spiel between Jadeite and Beryl got very meta-textual there. Speaking of contrasts the shy and demure Ami makes for a good personality contrast to the brash and obnoxious Usagi. Indeed thank god we can stop giving Usagi all of the fucking screen time, watching this eight episodes I get what they were going for, but that does not make her much less of a hot mess of a chracter in the grand scheme of things. Anyway, this episode comes with a mark of absolutely essential viewing and should not be missed when watching the full series.
I don't know how I feel about episode reviews/summaries of Sailor Moon being posted. Might want to spoiler tag that.
Seems like something more suited for AnimeGAF. Just my opinion.

EDIT: Wait, is this just the original series that has been remastered? If so then forget what I just typed. I'm not reading anything Sailor Moon related posted in here so forgive me if I jumped the gun.


Yea, I think you missed Sailor Moon Monday last week for some reason, but yea, can't tell me this isn't off-topic.
Sailor Moon Monday? Is that a thing in here now?

We all know Sailor Moon used to air on toonami, it's fair game to talk about (as far as I know) but for some reason I was thinking this was the new series you were posting these write-ups for, oops! Yeah, I'm going to scroll past anything Sailor Moon related because I want to recapture that feeling I has as a kid going in (relatively) fresh so that's why there was a mix-up, my bad.


Yea, Viz has been releasing the old series on Hulu every Monday in remastered and uncut form. They have posted eight episodes, so if you want to get on that bandwagon, it isn't too late. Also, Sailor Moon Crystal isn't until July.
Ya know, I could definitely go for some old school Sailor Moon so I'll start watching as well. That's pretty cool viz remastered the series and is releasing it uncut, I'm guessing it's to drum up hype for Crystal? Speaking of Crystal, July seems so far away, ugh. I'm hyped for it though; I'm guessing it'll show up on toonami eventually.

SailorMoonGAF, we in this


So there's a battle going on in gaming over whether or not Link should be customizable...

It doesn't really feel right customizing the appearance of one of the most iconic characters in gaming. There's been some design changes and color swaps, but full customization just wouldn't look or feel right.

Nah. We can get way lewder than this. But for the sake of discussion, I'll refrain from going full Uncle Phil.

This. Not even close to full unclephil.jpg going on in here yet.


So there's a battle going on in gaming over whether or not Link should be customizable...

I would say no.

Customization doesn't really fit in single player games where the player has no agency over either the character's personality (aka dialogue/plot choices) or abilities (gear/skill set).


So there's a battle going on in gaming over whether or not Link should be customizable...

Shit is that topic STILL on that subject? They were on that like days ago :/

I dunno why some are pushing for female Link when there are already good female characters in the lore that are underutilized (Zelda, Impa, etc.). Actually getting to play as Zelda rather than her getting kidnapped again would be a glorious change rather than trying to force customization upon a video game icon who has had pretty much the same design for longer than many gamers have been alive.

Considering he's already a blank slate in personality and doesn't speak with characters in the story, customizing appearance is only logical.

Doesn't that logic pretty much apply to Mario and God knows how many video game protagonists? I don't think its a good idea for every franchise.

I would say no.

Customization doesn't really fit in single player games where the player has no agency over either the character's personality (aka dialogue/plot choices) or abilities (gear/skill set).

Also this.
I think it can easily be said Link is more a player insert character than Mario or other protagonists are considering you're always given the option to name him yourself, he is in a similar place as the Pokemon MCs are/were to me and not particularly a place Mario is. His appearance or name has never really mattered to me within Zelda games themselves but nor do i really care for him to became extensively customizable. For me I prefer customization wherever I can find it cause even when there is black representation or female representation its very unlikely it is ever black female representation, amongst other things. That doesn't mean I need every game to be customizable though, nor do I think history or tradition should stand in the way of such a change being considered. Many could have argued both the same about the Pokemon MCs except people aren't as fanatical about their "story" and "canon" and "timelines" there.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
As long as the classic options are there for Pokémon remakes no one should have issue with modifications in a game like that.

Link on the other hand has been more or less the same for around 30 years at this point. That's pretty damn established in my book.
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