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Toonami |Jun14| Lu Lu Lala Lu

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Oh my. Someone's angry.


Only Monday and Tuesday matter. The rest of the week is usually just interviews and some press stuff going up.

All of the press conferences are on Monday, but Ubisoft and Sony are later in the day/ Prime Time on the east coast. Nintendo direct is Tuesday.

Oh awesome then. Don't know where I was getting the idea that each of the 3 was getting a different day lol.


This E3 is going to be a blood bath I can feel it, The gaming side has been on the edge and doomy and gloomy all week. It's going to be a great E3.


This E3 is going to be a blood bath I can feel it, The gaming side has been on the edge and doomy and gloomy all week. It's going to be a great E3.

Oh yeah, definitely. No matter what happens, there will be people excited at something, and people calling for heads because of the same thing. Me? I'm gonna enjoy the ride.
I have 3 criteria for new games i may be interested in

1) If it is a new ip: have customizable characters or have any form of mc that isn't a white dude .

2) Not have me immediately going with the first trailer "this seems like it could be problematic/well if i ignore the problematic element it could be a good game..."

3) Be a platformer, rpg, action/adventure, crafting, or sim game .

It's just a given also you have to not look like shit, seem like a shitty game anyways.

If a game can have 2 of those things i can be happy, all three and I'll be elated.

other than that from E3 itself I want one surprise, one thing that will make gamers cry, one thing exceedingly embarrasing/awkward moment, and one genuinely good conference moment/demo/etc .
You know after Bleach revealed that anything and everything have souls, I was wondering when those inanimate things "die" do they get to go to Heaven and what not. Like is there a special Heaven for plants when they get stomped? How does a stapler get judged to see how it lived its life if it has no control over its actions? Do staplers that get two staples jammed when using it go to Hell? They really opened a can of worms with this plot-line that I sure they won't divulge any amount of time on.
Job threads never cease to amaze me on how naive people are be it about resumes (that thread where people were perplexed why hirers would outright disregard resumes from Xxxxgoku_otakuxxxX@animewire.com ) or this one where someone actually thinks employers and employees are equals and the op was in the right for walking out and being pissed .


Job threads never cease to amaze me on how naive people are be it about resumes (that thread where people were perplexed why hirers would outright disregard resumes from Xxxxgoku_otakuxxxX@animewire.com ) or this one where someone actually thinks employers and employees are equals and the op was in the right for walking out and being pissed .

This thread is hilarious. Why the hell would you just get up and leave in that situation? A reasonable person would wait it out or just ask the receptionist when they could expect to speak to a manager/owner.

Should be noted this is the poster from the famous "I was too cheap to buy my date a snack at the theater, so I went into a supermarket and got my car booted" thread, the "Target can't afford to pay it's employees more?!?" thread, and has many threads talking about how he has been unemployed a long time.
Job threads never cease to amaze me on how naive people are be it about resumes (that thread where people were perplexed why hirers would outright disregard resumes from Xxxxgoku_otakuxxxX@animewire.com ) or this one where someone actually thinks employers and employees are equals and the op was in the right for walking out and being pissed .

eh. well i do agree he's in the right, technically. but there's a difference between "in the right" and "what you should put up with anyway when you want a damn job."
If I needed a job I wouldn't mind waiting for a manager to become available, especially if there's a friendly receptionist willing to make small talk with you there. Some people are so entitled and that's bothersome; yeah the guy could have been more professional instead of making a potential employee wait in the lobby with no time estimate on when they would be seen, but at what point does pride take a back seat to the fact that you've got fucking bills to pay?
eh. well i do agree he's in the right. but there's a difference between "in the right" and "what you should put up with anyway when you want a damn job."

Maybe i'm just cynical cause I have a lot more things to worry about in regards to a job interview than waiting a bit. but he could have *asked* a secretary what was going on instead of making assumptions and then walking out indignantly. Also I went to a university that stressed and had services that taught you about doing interviews, they would smh and look at you funny if you told them you walked out due to having to wait 45 minutes before they got to you from when they told you to show up. In a just world employers wouldn't have so much power, but sadly they do and in fact are gaining more power in this economy than they normally would, and unless you plan to work for yourself kinda have to just roll with it as you said.

Edit: added bit of hilarity, he's probably spent more time driving home, making this thread and arguing about his decision on a web forum than he ever did waiting for that interview or going through with it.
Should be noted this is the poster from the famous "I was too cheap to buy my date a snack at the theater, so I went into a supermarket and got my car booted" thread, the "Target can't afford to pay it's employees more?!?" thread, and has many threads talking about how he has been unemployed a long time.

Just found those threads. Thanks krev, you have provided me with an hour or so of entertainment.
Keep reading the thread. Trust me.

oh god that email what the hell

Maybe i'm just cynical cause I have a lot more things to worry about in regards to a job interview than waiting a bit. but he could have *asked* a secretary what was going on instead of making assumptions and then walking out indignantly. Also I went to a university that stressed and had services that taught you about doing interviews, they would smh and look at you funny if you told them you walked out due to having to wait 45 minutes before they got to you from when they told you to show up. In a just world employers wouldn't have so much power, but sadly they do and in fact are gaining more power in this economy than they normally would, and unless you plan to work for yourself kinda have to just roll with it as you said.

well yeah, that's kinda what i mean. i'm making a distinction between what's "right" in a perfect world and what's not necessarily "right" but is something you have to deal with regardless since it's expected. it sucks, but yeah, it's the way things are and he probably should've waited because that's the reality.
I think he was in the right to be peeved about the waiting, but it became totally on him when he decided to storm out instead of asking and inquiring about what was going on at any point in the 45 minutes.


I too would have felt slighted if I had to wait for an extended period of time but then again I would have probably asked before just flat out walking out lol. Hopefully the receptionist would have told him the protocol if he would have asked.
i'm not the type to say money >> a good job/etc . But I would say 70k and a potentially bad environment (bad being one where the world doesn't revolve around you???) until the going gets really bad and being able to more comfortable find a new job . Than whatever this dude has done which is now likely just having an embarrassing email and reputation that's probably being spread all around the Atlanta area.


don't forget about the whiny, entitled email that is most likely being passed around to other employers in the area

Wow...that email. I would have at least asked if there would have been a better time to come back, especially since they seems awful busy. I do agree it's not professional to at least let you know if things are delayed a bit because of more pressing matters, but damn man.

Dude's screwed.

Edit: Just read the reply email he got...oh god he shot his whole leg off.


When old conservatives ramble on about "the young folk are too entitled!", that poster is the shining example. Did you get to the part where he complains the secretary didn't offer him coffee yet?
It amazes me no matter what he can't see how he fucked up. No it's not that people are just willing to put up with corporate bullshit and love companies, it's that literally being upset over waiting 45 minutes is the bottom of the barrel of corporate bullshit and reacting to it this way shows how self important they feel when it's unwarranted.


oh holy shit he just in the same post said he would "kill" for any interview, but he would not have his time wasted.

An hour of this unemployed man's time is apparently worth more than a human life.


As someone who spent years after college unemployed, I know that even getting that in-person interview is something you fight for. I'd have been willing to sit there all day for a chance to show that I was right for the job. And eventually, through hard work and perseverance, I got not only a job, but a job that I am happy with. I am super sympathetic to unemployed and underemployed people in this country, but Jesus Christ, I hope that OP goes through some traumatic and it finally opens his eyes to the fact that the world is not a perfect place, and he isn't gods gift to the world.

There was a thread a few years ago about a Game Journanlist who was complaining about his lack of work, and then said he was 16 years old or something after people showed him sympathy
Wow...that email. I would have at least asked if there would have been a better time to come back, especially since they seems awful busy. I do agree it's not professional to at least let you know if things are delayed a bit because of more pressing matters, but damn man.

Dude's screwed.

Edit: Just read the reply email he got...oh god he shot his whole leg off.
Wait here's a reply email? Someone mind linking it?


Wait here's a reply email? Someone mind linking it?
Here you go

He just replied guys

Hold on and I'll post a transcript.



I was not running behind.

You simply do not understand our interview process and because of that you walked out on your interview before we got a chance to speak to you.

I did not expect, nor did I tell you that I would start talking to you at 3p. I expected you would arrive at 3p to start our interview process and you would stay until we finished.

We allow 30-45 minutes for the paperwork to be done before interviewing candidates.

It's great that you came in early and finished your paperwork quickly, but that did not change when we were expecting to bring you back for your in person interview.

It's disappointing and unprofessional that you chose to leave your interview early. When I came out to get you, xxxx said you just walked out.

Perhaps next time you should ask about the process before making so many assumptions and leaving in the middle of your interview in a huff.

Thanks for the feedback and for coming in.

Good luck in your job search,"

OMG, and then someone asked him what he would think if he was in the employers shoes, would he hire himself.


I would love to have an employee like me. I cannot stand to see someone let themselves get run over in any situation.

The first email from this guy was a power play.

"Thanks for sending your resume. Before further consideration can I have references and a salary history as well?"

I replied "I would prefer to give references later in the interview process, and my salary history is confidential but the range I am looking to make is xx,xxx - xx,xxx"

He still offered the phone interview after I said this... but it was a power play pure and simple.

I have a problem with "authority" and I have a problem with anyone feeling above me... yes. I have a lot of pride, and dignity but I know there's someone out there that will respect someone standing up for themselves more than they would someone sitting in their waiting room basically drooling to get whatever table scraps I would throw them as a job.

You get to be picky when you HAVE a 40 hour a week job and are looking to move up to a higher paying career, not when you're unemployed
Dignity and pride is something afforded to those who have never simply had to get by no matter what. but even if that wasn't the case there is a distinction between those things and being entitled and unwilling to afford anyone else any respect or courtesy.


OT has kind of been a shithole today and I say that before having even been made of aware of this interview thread y'all just linked. E3 fever is real I guess O_O

Any Junior members in here, keep your heads low!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
e3 isn't that bad actually, the mods are too busy locking duplicate threads. Just don't go crazy and you'll be fine.
honestly I'd suggest any member to just do what we're doing now but with regards to e3, at least during heated moments.the thing with e3 is that if your gaf isnt up during a conference thread it's unlikely you will be in the moment enough to say something foolish though.


What kind of fucked up job market is there where professional courtesy and basic respect between professionals in a mutually beneficial relationship is "entitled".

No fucking wonder our economy is like it is now.

I'm dead

honestly I'd suggest any member to just do what we're doing now but with regards to e3, at least during heated moments.the thing with e3 is that if your gaf isnt up during a conference thread it's unlikely you will be in the moment enough to say something foolish though.

Agreed. If you have some massive Stanning to do, do it the safety of your favorite community thread.
Yeah E3 is fine for the most part. Just dont say any stupid crap and you'll be fine.

As far as E3 goes, I'll be watching GT for most
of the first day.
The rest will be split between IGN, GameSpot and GiantBomb for late night analysis.
For the last two years I have even forgotten that there is like, stuff after the conferences to watch and see. I most watch what i can on tv and do the official streams for sony and nintendo and then thats it and i forget a bunch of livestreams of the games itself is a thing until that tuesday when they are happening. I'll probably be watching the nintendo streams mostly and some giantbomb or gamespot stuff.
I'd argue the site in general is more closely moderated during E3. I don't plan on posting in controversial threads, too easy to get sniped if your comment is taken the wrong way.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Even though I have an obvious Nintendo Bias I look at what Twitch and Treehouse have lined up for Tuesday versus what is going on Monday and I go...hmm, Tuesday really is what I want. Discussion will be fun on Monday, don't get me wrong, but all that Nintendo: More smash, surprise games, even more smash, the solidification of their 2014 lineup (X, Bayo 2, SSB Wii U are all promised for this year, so the blowback for some of those missing could be gigantic) plus first real words on Zelda, SMT x FE, Yoshi's Yarn, maybe a date for MH4U, hopefully another Wii U version.

Hell even this fake ass Natsume Harvest Moon plus their hints at Wii U stuff has me hyped as hell.

Sony and MS have to bring it after their successful but lazy ass launch window so far.
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