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Toonami |Jun14| Lu Lu Lala Lu

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My favorite part about monday is gonna be the bombcast since they only really care about the presentations shown on monday and thus their monday podcast should be good.

that and people fighting over microsoft and sony.


I've been trying to control my temper, which has got me looking bad quite a few times, but otherwise, I think I'm a pretty safe poster, all together.

E3... I'm actually looking forward to all three main conferences. Want to see what to look forward to for my new PS4 as well as more reasons to pick up a Vita. Microsoft, I just want to see games. A strong Xbox brand is a good thing for the industry. Nintendo... I'll always love them. We just have an open relationship. I want a WiiU, but not for just one or two games.

...Toonami app anybody?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I know I'm going to have a lot of fun on Monday despite probably not playing a lot of those titles for years if ever.


The monday Bombcast will be hype as hell. We didn't get it last year because someone took their equipment, so hopefully that doesn't happen this year.

For the most part, yea, I would temper your expectations. Only really hype for the show itself and not what is shown.
Microsoft has already done enough right now to make getting an xbone for christmas (400 dollar version + forza horizon 2 + sunset overdrive+ halo collection whenever it's confirmed) maybe not a silly idea, all i need is a white xbone and more compelling reasons to own a gold subscription when i already have a ps+ sub. Sony I really need them to announce more ps4 and vita games for this fall that I would be interested in playing. Nintendo i never know what i want from them but this year I'm kinda just excited to see the smash tourney and how they do their coverage in general. EA has the sims 4 but otherwise will likely bore me to death, ubisoft both has nothing and has jaded the fuck out of me wrt AAA games with Watch_Dogs and everything i've heard about it. So I'm kinda just hoping their conference is the colossal joke it used to be in 2009, 2010 and 2011.


Even though I have an obvious Nintendo Bias I look at what Twitch and Treehouse have lined up for Tuesday versus what is going on Monday and I go...hmm, Tuesday really is what I want. Discussion will be fun on Monday, don't get me wrong, but all that Nintendo: More smash, surprise games, even more smash, the solidification of their 2014 lineup (X, Bayo 2, SSB Wii U are all promised for this year, so the blowback for some of those missing could be gigantic) plus first real words on Zelda, SMT x FE, Yoshi's Yarn, maybe a date for MH4U, hopefully another Wii U version.

Hell even this fake ass Natsume Harvest Moon plus their hints at Wii U stuff has me hyped as hell.

Sony and MS have to bring it after their successful but lazy ass launch window so far.

That is vaporware and you should feel bad for thinking anything else

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Microsoft has done just enough for me to recant from my previous "wouldn't want a XBONE even if free" to a position where I wouldn't pass up a good deal on one. It still has very far to go as none of MS's normal exclusives interest me (and haven't really since Halo 2 and PD Zero) as I have no love for modern Halo, less than zero interest in more Gears (though that was an inspired pick up by them) Forza doesn't do anything for me, Dead Rising either. They'd need something ridiculous like FF VI remake only on XBONE to get me on board and that just isn't happening.

PS4 has the better multiplatform versions, slightly more exclusives that fit my tastes, the faint promise of some Japanese content someday, maybe. It's more powerful, now at the same price instead of 100 bucks cheaper. I barely have time keeping up with the Wii U these days, let alone the PS4 so I'll look more closely into one when KH 3 or Versus comes out on it.

Vita won't have anything at E3. I've come to except that.

Nintendo though, hmm... I wonder what they have planned. I'm most excited about all that Smash coverage and they've already got my undivided attention with that. Add Bayo 2 and X on top of that? They're showing me exactly what I want to see without even considering stuff they haven't announced yet. Or Zelda, which they said they were going to show off this time.
I was always going to get an xbone to play halo 5, same way I was always going to get a ps4 to play the next tales game. My next system will be the vita to play hearts r, still not enough must play games for me on either next gen system anytime soon. Final Fantasy 15, Kingdom Hearts 3, and Halo 5 are my top 3 games to get me to make the jump to ps4/xbone. If any of those had been at launch I'd have bought the system at launch


Haven't bought any next gen yet but Wii U might be the first simply because I know it has some sort of stable of titles out right now.

PS4 is still floating by, it will get there, I know it, but no real point in pushing to get one for myself this year sine everything is basically 2015. X1 wise, I'm not dropping it all on just halo as much as I like the series. I just don't think either of the big 2 are worth it from what we know now. E3 can change all of that obviously


I don't think I'll ever join the Xbone camp.

PlayStation camp? Weeeeell. I'm getting closer and closer. I'm still bummed that I have to pay for online but other than that, all signs are pointing PS4. Just saw that PS4/PSV bundle that's coming soon. If we can get one of those with like an Uncharted 1-3 [remastered] collection included for a crazy Black Friday price than I might bite.


Gives all the fucks
Already have a Wii U since I know Nintendo will (& has) release stuff I'll play. At the moment, siding against PS4 because I know I'll want Guilty Gear Xrd, FF15, & KH3, and PS+ will carry over, so I'll have a decent amount of free games if I get one ready to download. I have little desire to get a X1 at the moment. Only exclusive that seems interesting to me is Dead Rising 3 & I have a rule where I need at least 5 games to be interested in a system.

All I know is I would ecstatic with joy if I won a PS4 from the drawing they're doing at the end of the month at the place I donate plasma. Won a ton of small, decent prizes over the years, now I need to summon up my luck to win a large, awesome prize.
Xbone is in a postion where, between two people (me and my girlfriend) in the long term I can't see how we won't have stuff we want for it and use it for since she likes halo, and it's at the utmost price i would by a system for. And i'm technically a spoilt brat who could leverage birthday and christmas gifts/money towards buying one. My only real hangups is I'd maybe want to wait for a revision so it'd be something smaller than it's current OG ps3/xbox size.

I already own a PS4 and wii u since their launches and have been happy with what i've played of them, the former just needs more games for this fall.





First E3 Ever were I don't have any obligations, I don't have to sneak looks at GAF while I'm at school or what not. I'm so excited that I'm gonna buy a bunch a snacks and hook up My PC to my TV and watch Gametrailers presentation. Now all I need to do is somehow wake up at 9 AM =/

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's crazy to live in a world where the Wii U sells this bad and yet potentially completely dominates the very successful launch of two "real next gen" systems in their launch year and the year after in terms of releases AND doing it almost entirely by themselves.

The Wii U basically will not have major third party releases outside of Skylanders style games after Watch Dogs, leaving the Wii U with Nintendo stuff, games like Harvest Moon that sell well seemingly only on Nintendo platforms, and a bunch of indies they successfully courted last year. It's basically the Vita, only trade Nintendo first party with a bunch of Otaku bait games that finally migrated off PSP and PS3.

EDIT: I'm tearing up right now and can hear Ave Maria.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I think I won't get an Xbox One until the end of the generation, when it's really cheap.
I still don't trust them...
Then again I have trust issues out the ass so that may just be me.


First E3 Ever were I don't have any obligations, I don't have to sneak looks at GAF while I'm at school or what not. I'm so excited that I'm gonna buy a bunch a snacks and hook up My PC to my TV and watch Gametrailers presentation. Now all I need to do is somehow wake up at 9 AM =/

Same here. Isn't life grand?



I plan on getting a Wii U and Mario Kart 8 in the very near future. I'm also building a gaming PC this summer.

If that Halo 1-4 collection has original multiplayer, or at least multiplayer that HaloGAF finds acceptable, I'll have no choice but to get an Xbox One before the PS4.

I will probably try and get the PS4 for Christmas, especially if it has Beast Souls.
When Nintendo drops the price to $200-$250 and comes out with Zelda, X, a Mario game that isn't part of the bland 'new' series or 3D World (basically Galaxy 3), Animal Crossing, and a new F-Zero/Kid Icarus/Star Fox (this last point is negotiable) then I'll go ahead and get one. You buy a Nintendo system to play Nintendo games, I can't justify investing in a floundering system with extremely weak 3rd party support at what they're charging now.

Just my thoughts.

EDIT: Don't even get me started on the technological gap compared to the competition (yes, they are competing with Sony and MS) or the laughable online infrastructure.
I plan on getting a Wii U and Mario Kart 8 in the very near future. I'm also building a gaming PC this summer.

If that Halo 1-4 collection has original multiplayer, or at least multiplayer that HaloGAF finds acceptable, I'll have no choice but to get an Xbox One before the PS4.

I will probably try and get the PS4 for Christmas, especially if it has Beast Souls.

I'm hoping that they base the multiplayer off of Halo 2's formula. I need more Arena style multi and Halo is the only real popular one left. Plus they better fucking include the original Zanzibar.


Yea i wouldn't pull the trigger on Wii U until it hits 200 (new, not refurb) either.

I forgot Beast Souls might get me to get PS4 earlier
The Wonderful 101 alone is worth getting a Wii U (at least I believe so).

The 5 people who played it agree with you

And 3D World was fantastic had more fun playing that with friends then I did with either Galaxy game. The galaxy games were technically better, but 3d world would go after only galaxy and 64 on my all time mario games, its that good

I need at least good 7 to 8 exclusives to make me buy a new console.

Mileage may vary but for me

Mario 3d world
Dk tropical freeze
Mario kart 8
Wonderful 101
Pikmin 3
Lego city undercover
Monster hunter 3u* (online play is console exclusive)

Those are 7 games I'd highly recommend exclusive to wiiu and worth playing. I would also personally recommend NSMBU but I know some people gawk at it for weird reasons so I won't include it. Nintendo Land is also fantastic but unless you can play 3-5 players I can't recommend it, if you can there is no better party game
The 5 people who played it agree with you

And 3D World was fantastic had more fun playing that with friends then I did with either Galaxy game. The galaxy games were technically better, but 3d world would go after only galaxy and 64 on my all time mario games, its that good

Make that six people :p

Wii U is worth it just for two Platinum exclusives. 3D world, Tropical Freeze, and Mario Kart is just gravy. I NEED new info on SMT X FE though.


For Nintendo, I have serious questions about how many first party games they can put out in a year. Because for 2015 (which is what this E3 is going to be about), as far as 3rd party support, they will get the 3 or more Lego games that come out, they will get the Skylanders and Infinity discs, they will probably get 2 or 3 movie licensed games, but apart from that, I don't think they get anything else on a disc. Can Nintendo put out 8-10 games in a year? I'm also wondering about the 3DS. What is left for them to put out? US third party stuff on the system is dead, and they already have put out Mario, Mario Kart, New Mario, and Zelda games for it. It's been close to 20 years since we have had a Nintendo-developed Star Fox- do they care to make a new one? We get release dates for a renamed X, (2014), Bayonetta 2 (2015), and Smash. We get a Zelda trailer with no hint as to it's release date, but it's hinted to be 2016. Sonic Rush cartoon is shown, and it makes everyone just want to die

Dark Horse prediction: We get first glimpse of the next handheld system

For Microsoft, there presser is going to be all about games. They are going to have the exclusives on Call of Duty, possibly Battlefield (although the rumor of Sony giving beta keys out at theaters makes me think otherwise), Metal Gear Phantom Pain and EA Sports. They are going to show you a bunch of games we don't know about- if you want to see the next-gen third party games, this is the conference for you. They are going to show you Halo 5, they are going to show you more of Quantom Break. We will see the next Mass Effect, and like the rumors say, it will have (timed) exclusivity. The only non-game stuff they are going to show you is probably going to be original content- we will see some of Halo TV, we will see a trailer for the ET documentary.

Dark Horse prediction: We see an old Rare property (Perfect Dark?) being made by a different studio. We get a 20 dollar Mic accessory that replaces the kinect and does all the voice commands

For EA, they are going to show off sports games, and probably have a live demo of NHL, their first foray into next-gen hockey. NBA Live is dead again. Amy Hening will come out and talk about her Star Wars game, but the only one they actually have to show is Battlefront, and it will be a trailer. Big blowout on the Sims 4, and we get a gameplay trailer of Mirror's Edge 2. Dragon's Age will be the thing everyone is talking about afterwards

Dark Horse: announcement that they have acquired the MLB licenses, and show a prototype for their next gen Baseball game

For Ubisoft, I have no fucking idea what they do. Far Cry 4 will be shown and demo'd, Aisha Taylor will once again wear a #girlwood shirt, and they show The Division again

Dark Horse: Beyond Good and Evil 2 still exists and is shown

For Sony, they are going to have a more reserved conference. They will have an Indy showcase on stage like last year with at least 1 or 2 crazy announcements (Mighty No 9? IGA teasing a game?), and they will have Assassin's Creed and Destiny, but the rest is a little hazy. We probably get some update on Everyone's Gone to the Rapture and Rime, and prehapes the first demo of The Witness. They will spend more time on PS3 than they should, and announce a semi-big game for the holiday that's exclusive to it and will make people bitch about it not being on PS4 (no clue what this is). There will be a PS Now demonstration, as well as a small set top box that comes with a controller for use with PS Now for under 100 dollars (A Vita TV with the Vita stuff stripped out and replaced with Android, essentially). But unless Sony has their third parties working overtime, I don't see what big PS4 exclusives they are going to have, but am willing to be surprised

Dark Horse: Voiced Persona 5 animated teaser, PS3 hardware revision that knocks the price to 179.99

Other tidbits from E3:
-Final Fantasy 15 gets a Q1 2016 US release Date
-Resident Evil 7 gets announced for all current gen hardware
-Less smartglass/second screen stuff than you would think

Those are my official E3 predictions, hit up your bookies now

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Osaka is probably doing most of the work on KH3, it could likely even be out before XV.

Also considering how cheap W101 is the US it would have been a waste to put it in the free games promo. it's 30 on the eshop right now and has been as low as 8 bucks new at Toys R Us for the retail.
Mileage may vary but for me

Mario 3d world
Dk tropical freeze

Mario kart 8
Wonderful 101
Pikmin 3
Lego city undercover

Monster hunter 3u* (online play is console exclusive)

Bolded are games that don't interest me. I'm sure they're fun, but I don't see myself playing those type of games for a long period of time.
Not a fan of Pikmin or any Lego games. Don't care for DK. I outgrew Mario games, but I still hold Mario Kart close to my heart ever since I was 9, which is one of the reasons I want the MK8.
Bolded are games that don't interest me. I'm sure they're fun, but I don't see myself playing those type of games for a long period of time.
Not a fan of Pikmin or any Lego games. Don't care for DK. I outgrew Mario games, but I still hold Mario Kart close to my heart, which is one of the reasons I want the MK8.

What does this even mean? Games with great gameplay do not have an age limit on them
Bolded are games that don't interest me. I'm sure they're fun, but I don't see myself playing those type of games for a long period of time.
Not a fan of Pikmin or any Lego games. Don't care for DK. I outgrew Mario games, but I still hold Mario Kart close to my heart ever since I was 9, which is one of the reasons I want the MK8.

What does this even mean? Games with great gameplay do not have an age limit on them

What I meant to say was they're just not my preference anymore. I played Super Mario Galaxy for a few days on my cousin's Wii, but I never picked it back up after that. It was fun, but it didn't hold my interest.
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