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Toonami |Jun14| Lu Lu Lala Lu

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Ok, I think we're on different tracks here - that's not what I'm trying to say (and I think my edited post goes into this further). It's not about a journalist being paid to cheer, it's about being there as a journalist, you should be a professional.

The fact that you care about video games and are interested and passionate enough that you want to cover the industry as your career is great - hell, I'd love to that for a living. But you're not there for you, you're there for the public who can't go there. You're their eyes and ears. Act that way.

You want to be surprised on Twitter by the reveal price of the PS3? That's fine. Jumping up to cheer at the event? Not so much, in my opinion.

I can respect your opinion but will have to politely disagree. Now I don't work in the media, nor do I have any experience doing so; so I appreciate your perspective. However, I just feel like people shouldn't have to restrain themselves at E3 when it comes to being excited about announcements. The show has evolved over the years from being a more professional media briefing event, accented by power point slides and sales talk, into a giant 3 day hypefest where every company tries to steal the headlines and out-do one another. I don't mind seeing journos react when these companies try to elicit a reaction.


They should be ashamed to show their emotions? These aren't just pieces of software to a lot of people; many of us grew up with these characters over the years and identify with them, or hold some sort of emotional attachment. A friend of mind got to go to E3 last year and cheered when Sony announced their price point of $399.99, should he be embarrassed? I'm not going to tell someone else they should feel ashamed if seeing a new Zelda, Mario, Metroid, etc makes them want to whoop and holler or even cry just because they are a video game journalist. Do you have anything to validate the claim that the majority of these people are paid employees or is this just an opinion being stated as a fact?

Your not supposed to cheer in the pressbox at a baseball game, and many of the reporters grew up loving the teams that play. They shouldn't be letting fans into these things, they are "Press" conferences- they are for the press.
Your not supposed to cheer in the pressbox at a baseball game, and many of the reporters grew up loving the teams that play. They shouldn't be letting fans into these things, they are "Press" conferences- they are for the press.

I've already said I see a difference between sporting events and press conferences put on by electronics/toy manufacturers who try their hardest to elicit a response. All I'm saying is that I don't mind when somebody cheers and don't consider it unprofessional or automatically assume they are a paid shill, even though I'm sure some it happens sometimes. That's just my opinion but I can see why others would feel the opposite.
Hey mightynine, after re-reading my first response to your comment, I can see how it may have come off as a little defensive or antagonistic and want to apologize if it seemed that way. I wasn't trying to be a jerk, just asking a question, although it could have been worded better.


Journalists should try and remain unbiased during live events and press conferences. Clapping or cheering during an event shows bias for one product over another. Reviews, incites, and opinions based on fact should be discussed at a later time.

Monster Hunter?

Steins;Gate. Id highly reccomend this game to people who are a fan of anything ever.

Completely agree with this. I love that game and its amazing story.
Honestly I have no problems with the stupid bad voices, but the gameplay looks really bland which is a shame because they have some good ideas but they need a lot of polish


Yeah it's pretty bad.

My theory: The team was told that the Sonic Cycle died during last gen. This greatly saddened the team and they brought it back this gen with Lost World and Boom.

My actual theory- this was going to be a game for developing markets (on something like a Zeebo or a Nintendo Que type device that they decided they wanted to sell world-wide so they quickly ported it to WiiU.

I'm serious, this looks like a Fire TV kind of game.

(I'f you don't know what a Zeebo is, here is Resident Evil 4 on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBh-vBFeegs)


So did everyone watch the Sonic video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXgXF2t1Psc

My theory: When the team was told we are working on last gen hardware, they thought 360/PS3 was current gen, so they made a game circa 2002 PS2

The 3DS version is the Sonic game you should get if you're still into the little blue guy. Graphically that looks really really bad. Like they took everything they had from Lost World and threw it out the window to make this abomination.

At least Lost World looked like a Wii U game and avoided all the brawler garbage.
Hey mightynine, after re-reading my first response to your comment, I can see how it may have come off as a little defensive or antagonistic and want to apologize if it seemed that way. I wasn't trying to be a jerk, just asking a question, although it could have been worded better.

It's cool. I could've been a little clearer I was coming from personal experience, but it was still opinion.


My actual theory- this was going to be a game for developing markets (on something like a Zeebo or a Nintendo Que type device that they decided they wanted to sell world-wide so they quickly ported it to WiiU.

I'm serious, this looks like a Fire TV kind of game.

(I'f you don't know what a Zeebo is, here is Resident Evil 4 on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBh-vBFeegs)

That looks really bad...probably good for what it's running on, but that looks like an absolutely pitiful tradeoff for the real game.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
cause it's E3. What else is there to talk about? Blech? Bleach?




Man God

Non-Canon Member
I only take 3 days off guaranteed every year.

My birthday.

The first two days of e3.

I try to make long weekends on big release days/whenever I have guests in town or are traveling, but those three days I will do nothing unless it is really important. I even change my voice mail and won't check my work email no matter what. All my clients know. It'd have to be a family emergency or a gigantic job that could pay the bills for months to get me away from this computer tomorrow and especially Tuesday.

When Monday was basically MS and a bunch of jobbers I'd frequently take the day off yet still help out my folks. I remember driving around with my mom a few years ago and getting her a sprinkler setup and doing the installation three years or so ago on that day. Didn't miss anything because the MS and EA conferences are usually predictable as hell. EA is just MS's conference with slightly less tv and slightly more sports. Sony (especially when PS3 was in the shitter) always is worth a watch. Ubi is weird; I play roughly one Ubi game a year but their conferences are always one of the highlights of E3.


I'll probably catch the EA and Ubi streams on Tuesday since I'll most likely miss both outside of any big announcements. Hoping at least for a good Battlefront and Mirror's Edge trailer from EA and...well not much from Ubi.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I honestly wonder if Battlefield has finally jumped the shark. EA is the company that I play even less games of than Ubi though (the last two EA games I owned were...Henry Hatsworth, Dead Space Extraction and...Madden 2007 on the Wii?)

Mirror's Edge 2 might be fun if it ever actually gets made.


I think Battlefront will be awesome if Dice does a good job with it. Mirror's Edge as well. While both have my attention, I'll probably avoid day one purchases because of how buggy Battlefield was right out of the gate. Anything at all tied to online seems to have major issues and I don't have the confidence they can deliver until their games have been patched to kingdom come.

Need for Speed was a lot of fun though for a racing game.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The optimist in me says that Battlefield was rushed because of the console launch.

The pessimist in me says this is about the right time for any EA subsidiary to go to shit.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I have zero faith in new EA titles being stable, or not full of ways to fuck the consumer.


That's a bit tautological :p but I understand what you mean,

Well I guess it's more if EA/Disney decides to let Dice make a good Star Wars game and whatever online they offer actually works out of the box. At this point it shouldn't be all that hard to make a compelling Battlefront game, but we are talking about EA here.

And I have zero hope online will actually work day one. Maybe even the rest of the game for that matter.


BTW, the Final Fantasy Type-0 english patch is out today!

I played the game for about half an hour. I have no idea what the hell I am doing, and having never played more than 20 mins of a hunting-type game before, I cannot manage the "claw" controls this game wants you to use. Also, going from DAT OLED to a PSP 3000 screen is about the same as going from a HDTV to a black and white TV from the 60s.

The game (at least the opening cutscenes) is very bloody and violent- i'd be shocked if the fact that this would be M-rated was one of the reasons that prevented a late life release of the game in the US. The game is super pretty for what it is- it looks better than any 3DS game I've seen on a polygon count level, but I'm really not feeling it so far. I'll keep at it for a bit, but will probably drop it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
BTW, the Final Fantasy Type-0 english patch is out today!

I played the game for about half an hour. I have no idea what the hell I am doing, and having never played more than 20 mins of a hunting-type game before, I cannot manage the "claw" controls this game wants you to use. Also, going from DAT OLED to a PSP 3000 screen is about the same as going from a HDTV to a black and white TV from the 60s.

The game (at least the opening cutscenes) is very bloody and violent- i'd be shocked if the fact that this would be M-rated was one of the reasons that prevented a late life release of the game in the US. The game is super pretty for what it is- it looks better than any 3DS game I've seen on a polygon count level, but I'm really not feeling it so far. I'll keep at it for a bit, but will probably drop it.

I take it you've never played RE:Revelations then. Kid Icarus Uprising probably beats it on polys as well. Maybe KH:DDD.


If no english version is announced at e3, (I guess that's what the murmurs are with the sudden release), I'll probably try it out. I'm not really itching to get to it in a hurry, though.
So in my half asleep state last night the last thing I searched for during Beware the Batman was sticky balls... I don't remember what about Beware the Batman last night made me google search that, but it was certainly not what I expected to see in my search bar when I opened my laptop this evening.


I take it you've never played RE:Revelations then. Kid Icarus Uprising probably beats it on polys as well. Maybe KH:DDD.

I've played all 3. It does not beat uprising on Polys for sure, and it's debatable about Revalations (that game has very basic enemy designs and background details). Don't remember the KH graphics jumping out at me when I played it- I sold it once I saw the TWEWY stuff, because I'm not going to play a Kingdom Hearts game for more than is necessary.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I've played all 3. It does not beat uprising on Polys for sure, and it's debatable about Revalations (that game has very basic enemy designs and background details). Don't remember the KH graphics jumping out at me when I played it- I sold it once I saw the TWEWY stuff, because I'm not going to play a Kingdom Hearts game for more than is necessary.

The enemies in revelations are actually quite detailed, it's that their coloring hides it unless you get up real damn close. There's nothing on the PSP (including Type Zero, a game I struggled through untranslated) that is anywhere near as detailed as Jill is on that game.

Dead or Alive Dimensions is another pretty good example.
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