- Epiode 5 was seemingly the best received in Japan
- They reaired that episode, subbed
- They announced cast and directors for S2 and the July date
- There was something about Dandy's character singing but I don't know if it was an actual Season 2 tease or just a silly joke
- They said they're going all out with the wackyness in S2 I guess
Why would you ever do this3. An interesting tidbit is that with a family account you can register multiple copies of MK 8 and get multiple free games. You could also buy the download version and the retail version and get two free games.
Why would you ever do this
couple of reasons I could think of.
1. People are crazy and want both versions.
2. Some people actually have multiple Wii U's.
3. A nefarious person could go pillaging gamestops and eventually come up with an unused code from one of the display cases.
Fuck you too:
Project Spark
Please let it be the JonTron video....*clicks* I left satisfied.
Also, I was really annoyed when Sony was all "HEY, REMEMBER VIB RIBBON? THAT UNIQUE MUSIC GAME THAT ONLY CAME OUT IN JAPAN & EUROPE? WELL TOO BAD IT'S STILL NOT GONNA COME TO THE US PSN, HERE'S MORTAL KOMBAT X!". How do you transition from talking about Vib Ribbon to what made it unique to "Here's the 10th Mortal Kombat game."?
Just reached Star Road in Super Mario 3D world. Kill me. x_x
Don't worry the final level will do that plenty for us![]()
Alright guys so I've got Mario Kart 8 and will redeem Wind Waker through the promotion. I'm probably going to get one more game this summer and am trying to decide between Monster Hunter and Wonderful 101. Try to sway my mind towards one.
Monster Hunter 3U then you can play with Toonami GAF online
I think W101 has online too, but nobody bought that <.<
I like the Shiba clan in Bleach. Ganju was always great.
I've been doing a little research on both, and while Wonderful 101 seems more up my ally, everyone I've talked to has recommended Monster Hunter over it. How does the game look on Wii U? I'm under the impression that it's just an up-port of Tri on Wii and apparently smaller monsters/NPCs weren't even remolded which seems lazy on Capcom's part. Is the single player engaging? Is there more to the game than wandering a few areas, killing giant ass monsters, and crafting new gear? Is there a ranking system in place? Voice chat?
I know B-dubs will vouch for 101, anybody else? .
I've been doing a little research on both, and while Wonderful 101 seems more up my ally, everyone I've talked to has recommended Monster Hunter over it. How does the game look on Wii U? I'm under the impression that it's just an up-port of Tri on Wii and apparently smaller monsters/NPCs weren't even remolded which seems lazy on Capcom's part. Is the single player engaging? Is there more to the game than wandering a few areas, killing giant ass monsters, and crafting new gear? Is there a ranking system in place? Voice chat?
I know B-dubs will vouch for 101, anybody else?
I always liked the Shiba clan too but like a lot of cool characters in Bleach, it seems like Kubo just forgot they existed.
Dude, MH3U is amazing. If I remember right there might be voice chat, it's been a while since I've played though. The game has a huge learning curve, it can be like trying to climb Everest. There's a whole lot to do, there's not much to it other than what you've described but there are so many different kinds of giant monsters that all play differently from each other that you won't even notice it's what you're doing.