The next two episodes of One Piece are basically canon sanctioned filler.

The next two episodes of One Piece are basically canon sanctioned filler.
that omelet looked perfectly fine
She burned it slightly. OFF WITH HER HEADthat omelet looked perfectly fine
The father looks exactly like the villain in the One Piece Warship Island fillerShe burned it, which is unacceptable for a child to do and should be punished for trying to hide it.You will quickly hate the family in the first episode, which is intentional
that omelet looked perfectly fine
The father looks exactly like the villain in the One Piece Warship Island filler
Which one is that? I skipped pretty much all single arc filler in the show after Arabasta.
Which one is that? I skipped pretty much all single arc filler in the show after Arabasta.
G-8 Arc. One of the best filler arcs in anime. With a badass Marine vice admiral.
Wait, warship island? Apis? Maybe i'm forgetting my arcs.
It was Warship island. I didn't skip out on G8, one of the only good filler arcs in One Piece.
I'm a disgrace to One Piece.
That's just as bad as burning an omelet, so you know what that means right? Time for the lashings.
Really solid Toonami. Overall everything was pretty great, or at least not as awful as some shows usually are.
Tomorrow (or later tonight) is Giant Bomb's E3 stream, NBA, and Wrestling PPV.
I got to figure out some kind of setup to get everything going. Have a good night everyone.
Not the lashings!
This episode just shows how versatile and unique you can make shounen powers and power ups and still have them make sense. Only person in the universe that could do something like supercharging his body by increasing his BP to an insane level or blowing air into his bones like a balloon and then transferring that to any limb in his body.
So good.
Well, gear third really doesn't make sense. Just filling your bones with air isn't going to increase your mass that much while reducing density. Have to pretend he blows so much air into them that he condenses the air into solid mass somehow.
There is force behind it and it makes it harder for enemies to avoid the hit. Minor manga spoiler:This is also addressed in the manga that it doesn't really add any damage because he lacks extra mass.
Edit: Fat Kagome is the best.
nice Sinon ass shot
So the Cleveland show is making fun of Hot Pockets. Wait...why I am I still watching TV? I think I'm out for the night.
Edit: that supposed to be Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim?I hate myself.
nice Sinon ass shot
I have news for you guys.
Super massive AoT spoilers. Don't click unless you don't care.
The AoT manga is actually kicking it into high gear right now, y'all. And the mangaka remembered the basement! It's coming back into play!!!
End spoilers.
Wait, so what was thing that people noticed about next week's SAO2?
The arc after the female titan is great and I can't wait to see it animated.
OMG so we're SKIPPING two episodes?! Whatever happened to "every episode is important" or whatever DeMarco said was the reason we'd get filler episodes?
Might've just been a typo, I bet, but that's still kind of funny.