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Toonami |Jun15| Thread made with armor plating from a SPACE BATTLESHIP

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I'm really tempted to call out from work tomorrow, but on the slim chance I don't get my new job Thursday calling out the day before inventory could really screw me in the long run :[

Can take a late lunch and watch most of MIcrosoft's presser, can listen to the audio of EA's while I drive home... or watch it at work then drive home lol.


Man God I need a NOPE on this stat


Man God

Non-Canon Member
My view of Giantbomb was tainted forever early on when they were doing a quick play of OoT 3D and could not clear the first dungeon. That and I didn't find them funny at all.


Sketchbook Picasso
I think I need some translators notes. ^_^ Like, what is Naruto supposed to be, what does Oyasumi mean and what is Myoga dressed up as?

Naruto = Jinenji from Inuyasha
Oyasumi! = Good night basically.
Miyoga = monster granny from One Piece.


My view of Giantbomb was tainted forever early on when they were doing a quick play of OoT 3D and could not clear the first dungeon. That and I didn't find them funny at all.

I pretty much only enjoy their E3 coverage, but I REALLY enjoy their E3 coverage.


They're usually pretty quiet when the important stuff like demos or trailers are there, and help fill the gaps where nobody cares about the guy on stage saying something.

It would have really made the never ending powers segment go by that much faster at least.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 114:

Right, so it is time to start hitting the focus episode for this mini-arc and Minako is selected for this outing. To hopefully the surprise of nobody she has once again been given a gimmick makeover and the dice have landed on being an idol groupie. Well, actually, this one isn't random, this identity is actually from the manga as Minako developed an affinity for idol culture there as well. That is about the most interesting thing about this episode because the rest of the time is either being used to try and give Mimete some character development that doesn't really take or watching her and Venus complete to meet some disposable package of polystyrene. The most important thing that comes from the episode that that The Outers deduce that The Death Busters are stealing Pure Hearts to awaken the mysterious Messiah of Silence. Strongest recommendation to avoid this episode.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 114:

I think I am seeing a pattern emerging from these episodes and that is applying early manga plot points to the late stage game here. Indeed this is a Chibi-Usa focused episode and for once it needs to be one since her Euriphonium friendship is actually really important to the proceedings to this arc and needed to be included at some point. Also we see Pluto and Chibi-Usa bonding because they are close friends and watchers of the Crystal show will understand because that was a sub-plot that played out much better in the manga. Also from the manga is the establishment of the true mission to stop what they are referring to right now as The Messiah of The Silence from awakening and destroying the world who is so very obviously Hotaru. I'll be honest, this is not only by far the best Chibi-Usa episode and not just because that is a low bar but that actually made her tolerable for the most part. Though the Sailor Chibi Moon being useless joke has officially overstayed its welcome. Have not really mentioned this but the MOTW week action has been feeling really token this mini-arc, with this one being almost forgotten until near the end, but actually does serve up a plot point as Hoatru uses her dark powers to stun the nightmare inducing Tomadachi thing and Uranus sees this plays out and we hit an aspect of her persona that i never liked and that is being a jerk for the sake of being a jerk. Instead of sharing this info with Inners who might, you know, do something about it she just get all vague about the situation and runs off into the distance. The Inners rightly question what the fuck she was talking about because they didn't see her dark powers. Anyway, this episode is recommended to watch.


I'm probably just going to have keighly's livestream up all day since he has some exclusive stuff. Not a big day for me, really.

The crown prize is tomorrow.
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