There are generally two types of Marines
The ones who jerk off over Justice at any cost
And the kind that actually want to protect civilians from scummy pirates
Take a guess which ones run the world.
There are generally two types of Marines
The ones who jerk off over Justice at any cost
And the kind that actually want to protect civilians from scummy pirates
You'd think marines would be aware by now that bullets don't work on Luffy.
Luffy can destroy battleships now, guys.
Luffy just smashed a battleship.
Luffy is still a nobody. All they have to go by is his bounty poster.You'd think marines would be aware by now that bullets don't work on Luffy.
But can he destroy SPACE BATTLESHIPS
And the government has actively hid everything that Luffy and crew have doneLuffy is still a nobody. All they have to go by is his bounty poster.
Wait. I need details. This sounds like God Tier comedy.