B BatDan Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in. Jun 28, 2015 #10,806 Oh damn, brainwashing. This won't end well
U UltraGunner Banned Jun 28, 2015 #10,807 Ragyo needs to be at least 50 ft away from any of her daughters
B blitzwolf215 Member Jun 28, 2015 #10,817 zedreamcast said: Satsuki is so amazing and perfect, why isnt she the protagonist? Click to expand... She's basically the deuteragonist.
zedreamcast said: Satsuki is so amazing and perfect, why isnt she the protagonist? Click to expand... She's basically the deuteragonist.
M Mik317 Member Jun 28, 2015 #10,819 Mik317 said: more bad touch Click to expand... now bad touch...of the mind
Z Zonic Gives all the fucks Jun 28, 2015 #10,820 WE'VE HIT FINAL EPISODES OF EVA LEVELS OF WTF-ERY!!!!
D daveo42 Banned Jun 28, 2015 #10,821 Implanted memories. And the plot shits itself. At least we have a better protag now.
M MetroidPrimeRib Banned Jun 28, 2015 #10,827 Zonic said: WE'VE HIT FINAL EPISODES OF EVA LEVELS OF WTF-ERY!!!! Click to expand... this show wishes
Zonic said: WE'VE HIT FINAL EPISODES OF EVA LEVELS OF WTF-ERY!!!! Click to expand... this show wishes
Z Zonic Gives all the fucks Jun 28, 2015 #10,834 Ryuko wearing Junketsu??!?! What's next, Satsuki wearing Senketsu?
U UltraGunner Banned Jun 28, 2015 #10,836 All the budget in this episode was allocated for these few seconds
S Seda Member Jun 28, 2015 #10,838 so i've been trying to type up some thoughts on Ryuko but keep clearing the text box. in short I think it would have been an okay step in a more complete character arc, but it so far 'losing way' seems to be too much the focus that it's gotten old.
so i've been trying to type up some thoughts on Ryuko but keep clearing the text box. in short I think it would have been an okay step in a more complete character arc, but it so far 'losing way' seems to be too much the focus that it's gotten old.