|OT| The Women Named Michiko & HatchinWe need a title change to celebrate the M&H coming too
Man it's going to be nice to have Naruto be good again.
It's sad because when I look at what happened in Final Act on paper it all sounds fine, but it's rushed execution ruins it
It's sad because when I look at what happened in Final Act on paper it all sounds fine, but it's rushed execution ruins it
Not sure who was the genius who said that all of this could fit in 26 episodes but they needed to be slapped.
It's sad because when I look at what happened in Final Act on paper it all sounds fine, but it's rushed execution ruins it
I feel bad. There is a bunch of great moments in the series. I LOVED Kagara's demise but it is sad that so much was swallowed up for rushed story beats and last minute power ups. Spacing out the earlier episodes and packaging some of the later episodes would have done wonders for the pacing.
Not sure who was the genius who said that all of this could fit in 26 episodes but they needed to be slapped.
It was probably more a case of "you ONLY get 26 episodes of your InuYasha continuation/final act" so instead of risking doing 26 well paced episodes and not getting renewed better safe then sorry and adapt all the major scenes in a super rush extravaganza.
For how popular InuYasha is worldwide you think they would have green lit a continuation at the original pacing, did ratings really tank at the end when they canceled the original anime?
Commercial for "Max", saw the trailer at Jurassic World.
I guarantee the movie ends with the dog dying. That's how they all do.
Never mind what the haters say, Family Guy, especially the old episodes, is funny
Looks Dope.this Max movie looks god awful
Commercial for "Max", saw the trailer at Jurassic World.
I guarantee the movie ends with the dog dying. That's how they all do.
The older episodes & probably the first season when they came back to TV isn't THAT bad. But I feel like as the series went on, it felt like it got more mean spirited & was all "AW YEAH, SHOCK VALUE AND POP CULTURE REFERENCES VIA CUT-AWAY JOKES!!"Never mind what the haters say, Family Guy, especially the old episodes, is funny
this Max movie looks god awful
I was gonna draw Akami Ga... but yeah. FINAL FINAL ACT! Everything else can wait.
Inutheme'd dump all night. I dunno what that means exactly yet... we'll find out!
Tonight Toonami, tomorrow E3.