With Buy 2 get 1 free at B&N, I got my first manga of "Nichijou" and "Yotsuba&!". This is the most Manga I've purchased in a year in quite a while, and it feels kinda nice to get something different.
Nice end card!
It's fucking EVO week and Dub Punch premiere at the same time!

You guys know I'm not much of a "Minimalist" artguy, but I didn't wanna clutter up that one with too much else.
It feels weird already being
KOFXIV EVO weekend soon. I feel like I set up my expectation for one more week, but it's almost like... RIGHT here. A year with so many NEW fighters here, or on the Horizon should be a great watch, and I feel like I want to give more of a chance even to games I don't own or play much yet.
One Punch Man for Shonen Jump Vs. Capcom.
..........all of his moves are just the other characters popping in & interrupting him, like Genos & Justice Rider.
I'd be OK with this, heh heh. OPM never actually HITS anyone, as he'd win too easily. You're just getting hurt by the debris of his other ongoing fights. I'd love to play a character like that in a fighter...
I may be crazy in placing logic in something like One Piece, but I don't get Perona. Why bother having Kumacy in the first place if she hates his voice? If this was a random soul, I can understand the contradiction of her keeping something she considers cute but has a voice she can't stand.
I'm surprised she never orders him to use some other form of communication. Like writing.
One Piece jokes... really often aren't funny to me! This is why I love the Pirate Musou games; they just focus on making everyone awesome warriors. I like Perona much more as a character I learned about through Kaizoku Musou 2, rather than someone I'd be introduced to within the anime itself, y'know?
It always makes me feel a bit off, because the popularity of One Piece itself says it's comedy and often odd-as-hell art must be really, REALLY appealing, more than I naturally give it credit for.
quickie thoughts
HxH - This was pretty predictable. I mean, I didn't expect Leorio to actually feel up a woman, but his loss due to shallow gender-related, er, weaknesses was telegraphed. Killua's bout was also easy to see coming. We knew he could and would kill people in a flash, and the over-the-top build up of Mr. super killer was clearly leading to a Worf-ing or whatever. Still not a terrible episode but I do have to retract a bit on saying the show subverted expectations a little.
Yeah, HxH isn't anything special to me yet. And I really... don't mind Leorio feeling up an "evil" inmate, as it's one of the few things the show actually seems to make the characters act appropriately annoyed / confused / disgusted with. And anime has SO many lopsided momemnts where heroes are either complete 100% all the time horny, or 100% not interested ever no matter what, that it actually felt kinda nice to see Leorio give in for a bit, and then get back to more-or-less business as usual. He's a Teenager, I expect about as much from one is a life-or-death situation.
The show is good at what it does, but it's not well rounded for me (yet), and I'm really not impressed by a kill(ua)-crazy assassin child killing someone with embarrassingly small effort. It feel AGK level edgy, especially with that much-exaggerated buildup. I would have preferred at least a bit of No-Sell'n on Kilua's part first, letting the evil crazy adult do SOMETHING before he turned on Shonen's rules of making people more worthwhile the younger they are.
Champloo - I felt the encounter with Fuu and her dad was satisfying, appropriate, and appropriately melancholy. There was a good mix of "disappointment" and relief (followed by despair), and you could see in Fuu's body language. Some good voice acting too on Kari's part. The obvious criticisms are that Mugen's opponent kinda came out of nowhere and I wish it was a little bit more established there, and Jin's last-ditch self-sacrifice strategy turning out all a-okay is a little weak, but I'm not too disappointment everyone survived
At least Mugen's past is still kinda-tied up with the biggest part of his life we saw (his time with the pirates / the brother and sister). It is a bit convoluted that everyone finds them all at one point, and the "falling action" of the last episodes didn't feel as coincidental as BEBOP, which edged it's way to the finale pretty masterfully.
I'm a bit more miffed that Mugen survived every bomb of the Edo period blowing up in his face, rather than Jin surviving a single stab wound. More than death, I'd actually have rather seen some kinda crippling injuries / life changing experiences that made them act a bit different in their final moments together.
It's always nice to see more works in the genre that became know as "Cowboy Bebop". It's shows like this that actually define what I want from a more mature "Toonami", as they feel like they embrace the stupidity and "OOOO!" moments of pure shonen, while still not making me shake my head at things that are overly childish in nature.