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Toonami |JunJul16| You Thought It Was Dragon Ball Super, But It Was ME, DIO!

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Please tell me it's more of your "southern accent" jokes you did after realizing westerns are basically samurai films in another time period.


Don't you mean same time period?


Gives all the fucks
You guys were wondering what the first episode of Bebop everyone watched was. Found that kind of interesting for some reason.

.......mine was the final episode....


Gives all the fucks
"Oh hey, it's this Cowboy Bebop show I've been hearing about, I should see what it's about.

....................well CRAP, I just watched the last episode, didn't I?"

I had no idea of what the show was actually about, just that it was considered super good. So while watching the episode, I had no idea it was the final one until the final moments.

...also damn, busy trying to fill out & get forms to finally be able to move into my own apartment.
I thought about making a thread but I'll post it here instead. I just made the hardest decision of my life. We're having our cat Minnie put to sleep. I know it's the right thing to do but it doesn't make it hurt any less. She's been with me for 22 years (I'm 25) and I'll never have another cat like her. T_T


I thought about making a thread but I'll post it here instead. I just made the hardest decision of my life. We're having our cat Minnie put to sleep. I know it's the right thing to do but it doesn't make it hurt any less. She's been with me for 22 years (I'm 25) and I'll never have another cat like her. T_T

Ouch. Sorry to hear about that.


I thought about making a thread but I'll post it here instead. I just made the hardest decision of my life. We're having our cat Minnie put to sleep. I know it's the right thing to do but it doesn't make it hurt any less. She's been with me for 22 years (I'm 25) and I'll never have another cat like her. T_T

RIP man, that's always a really tough decision, but it sounded like it loved a very long and happy life.
I thought about making a thread but I'll post it here instead. I just made the hardest decision of my life. We're having our cat Minnie put to sleep. I know it's the right thing to do but it doesn't make it hurt any less. She's been with me for 22 years (I'm 25) and I'll never have another cat like her. T_T

I'm really sorry to hear that. At the least she lived a long and great life with you.


Gives all the fucks
I thought about making a thread but I'll post it here instead. I just made the hardest decision of my life. We're having our cat Minnie put to sleep. I know it's the right thing to do but it doesn't make it hurt any less. She's been with me for 22 years (I'm 25) and I'll never have another cat like her. T_T
So sorry to hear, man. I had to do something similar a few years ago, and it's an awful feeling.

My main cat has been around since.....probably the beginning of high school, so about 10-ish years, and I hope the day she has to be put down is one that isn't for a long time.


No Scrubs
I thought about making a thread but I'll post it here instead. I just made the hardest decision of my life. We're having our cat Minnie put to sleep. I know it's the right thing to do but it doesn't make it hurt any less. She's been with me for 22 years (I'm 25) and I'll never have another cat like her. T_T

Damn dude, I am so sorry. I got a dog a few months back and I couldn't even imagine how I would feel if I had to do that. :(
I thought about making a thread but I'll post it here instead. I just made the hardest decision of my life. We're having our cat Minnie put to sleep. I know it's the right thing to do but it doesn't make it hurt any less. She's been with me for 22 years (I'm 25) and I'll never have another cat like her. T_T

I'm sorry man. It's always a hard thing to do. I'm sure you and your family gave her a fantastic life.


Gives all the fucks
*finishes filling out application form for leasing apartment*

*says it requires 24 consecutive months of rental history for housing reference*

....well crap, that might prevent me from living there, but it's income-based, meaning it's the cheapest I can get with my salary, which I would assume would make it a popular choice among people who're just starting to live on their own.


*finishes filling out application form for leasing apartment*

*says it requires 24 consecutive months of rental history for housing reference*

....well crap, that might prevent me from living there, but it's income-based, meaning it's the cheapest I can get with my salary, which I would assume would make it a popular choice among people who're just starting to live on their own.

You might just need a cosigner on the lease if you have no rental history. I think my dad had to sign with me for the first year for that reason.


Gives all the fucks
You might just need a cosigner on the lease if you have no rental history. I think my dad had to sign with me for the first year for that reason.
Ah, okay. This'll be my first apartment considering I stayed home all these years due to my mom having cancer, then afterwards when she passed away. Now, my sister will be entering high school, my dad got a higher paying job, & I've got a steady job as well (which I'll try to put more hours in), meaning I (hopefully) won't be needed as much (I did as much as I could to justify staying at home for so long) & my family will be able to handle things from here on out.

I'm just glad that, despite the fact I'm sure things will be more strict with my budget, I'll have the stress lifted of having to help my family out so much. Though it's been a bit tiring as well trying to get this stuff taken care of since this month has been busy (summer films, kids are out of school, really hot outside, Ghostbusters premiering tomorrow, Star Trek & another kids film next week).

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Cat history. Back where my family lives had a proud history of dumping cats considering it used to be right next to a parking lot that was surrounded by woods. The area has been built up considerably in the last twenty years and this doesn't happen anymore but it was a frequent event in my youth.

First cat that I knew died when I was one or so. I think that one was cancer. Barely remember him. The trio I knew from the time I was little stayed with us for quite some time.

Second cat that died was a wild stray anyways, but she was our stray. She was sunning out on the front step when my cousin's dog who was visiting with my cousins from IL came out and bite her right in the jugular. Luckily a different set of cousins had a litter right around then so my sister had a replacement cat.

The other two members of the trio were brother and sister who came to us right as my brother was starting kindergarten. They were two of the best cats ever. One was mine and the other was my brothers. Mine was the best cat ever and my dad says he was one of the smartest animals he had ever met in his life and the man barely boasts about anything. Crazy good hunter this one was frequently bringing back big quails and rabbits almost his own size. These two cats...were poisoned by some antifreeze left in said parking lot, the source of much of this misery. One was put to sleep while the other slunk away and probably died in the woods. This was, in some ways, worse than watching the other one die by the hands of that dog, who was just doing what that breed does. I will admit though that the first event is probably why I still won't let dogs completely into my heart. This happened when I was in seventh grade and definitely had an effect on my grades.

But while that death was what it was a year before that came another rash of cats being dumped. One little kitten was so brave he jumped right into the Jeep Grand Wagoneer we had at the time and became my new cat. We eventually tamed the rest of the family and had 3 out of 4 of them fixed. The mother was a very beautiful calico, the dad looked just like the nine lives cat and was named after it, and the kitten with his dad eyes (green) was my cat, while we didn't claim the other one who had the pale blue eyes of his mother and I'm pretty sure was picked up by someone before getting killed, this area being dangerous as fuck with foxes and coyotes everywhere but also close enough to a parking lot and rec center where there was ton of foot traffic during baseball season. So the father kinda slinked off one day. The mother was adopted by another cousin, who is a crazy christian missionary but otherwise a good person. Another black cat came into our lives briefly around this time was fixed and tagged...but was a vagabond at heart and we found him a few years later with a new name coming to visit from time to time.

So the last few years of high school, all through college, and when I moved back into the area (only a plot over from my folks mind you, I can see their lights from here) we had the two remaining cats. From a high of closer to nine. My sisters cat lived a long life. She was a tiny thing who ate some weird stuff for a cat and was none too friendly with me for her first ten years or so, only really liked my sister and my mom. She mellowed a lot as she got older and deafer. My cat, who was so brave to jump into the car all those years ago was brutally attacked in my last years of high school and while he recovered he became...skittish. He unlike the rest of my cats was also never any good at hunting, and in his last years became blind and didn't like to use the litter box. My folks put up with him for a long time but it was clear he was in pain at the end and was put down. Don't get me wrong, he lived 17 years which is really great for an outdoor cat. He used to love sleeping on my face.

My sisters cat was pretty lonely when my sister moved on and she eventually became stone deaf. I knew it for sure one day when she couldn't hear a vole who had snuck in the house making a quiet racket as only rodents can when eating and she didn't have the instincts anymore that had brought down hundreds of mice and birds. She also became extraordinarily affectionate in those twilight years. Climbing up on top of me or my folks and she'd even sleep on my back almost every night. She developed a cancerous lump in her nose though and would pick at it all the time, making these horrible noises as she tried to breathe. She made it all the way to 19 before her suffering became too much and she also had to be put down...only a year after my cat.

So since then I have been cat free (my brother and his wife have meanwhile become crazy cat parents) and in irony of irony my sister has become a dog person...but her husband is away for work half the year so I end up having to walk a giant german shepherd and a teacup terrier 3-5 times a week half an hour away from my home. I need the exercise anyways and can get a lot of work done on the phone from there, plus my mom is there babysitting my two wonderful nephews so I basically treat it as a second job and help her out or sometimes fill in completely. I actually spend more time there than I do at my home office many weeks. I got her to pay me as well so that becomes my entertainment and gasoline budget. So in irony of ironies I'm a lifelong cat person...with no cats and two dogs who I spend more time with than just about anyone else in their lives.


*finishes filling out application form for leasing apartment*

*says it requires 24 consecutive months of rental history for housing reference*

....well crap, that might prevent me from living there, but it's income-based, meaning it's the cheapest I can get with my salary, which I would assume would make it a popular choice among people who're just starting to live on their own.

Living on your own is overrated anyway.

Food is better at home and rent is cheaper (from paying your part to free).


I thought about making a thread but I'll post it here instead. I just made the hardest decision of my life. We're having our cat Minnie put to sleep. I know it's the right thing to do but it doesn't make it hurt any less. She's been with me for 22 years (I'm 25) and I'll never have another cat like her. T_T
That OPM dub staff is solid.

Does.......anyone know where FUNimation is at with Death Parade & its release? I was rewatching the show & it's stil great. Confusing at times, but great. Shocked but not shocked that it got better reception here than in Japan.



My first episode of Bebop was random and if I'd have to guess it was probably "Gateway Shuffle".

I think you guys are selling the first episode of OPM short. It's a pretty great introduction to the series and is well made, imo. Not only is the animation crazy good for the entire run-time, a lot actually happens in just 22 minutes... more than in later episodes at least. It's also really HYPE and sets an impressive sense of scale.

Btw, everyone was really talking over each other this week. Maybe four people is too many or you guys need to take turns a bit more speaking. Poor Regiruler barely got a word in, lol.

I thought about making a thread but I'll post it here instead. I just made the hardest decision of my life. We're having our cat Minnie put to sleep. I know it's the right thing to do but it doesn't make it hurt any less. She's been with me for 22 years (I'm 25) and I'll never have another cat like her. T_T

I'm sorry to hear it. 22 years is very old age for a cat. No doubt she's been loved for a long time judging by your post.

So in irony of ironies I'm a lifelong cat person...with no cats and two dogs who I spend more time with than just about anyone else in their lives.

Very nice write-up. Thanks for sharing.


I thought about making a thread but I'll post it here instead. I just made the hardest decision of my life. We're having our cat Minnie put to sleep. I know it's the right thing to do but it doesn't make it hurt any less. She's been with me for 22 years (I'm 25) and I'll never have another cat like her. T_T

Hang in there.
Meanwhile my dog just turned 7 and every once in awhile yeah the thought of him getting older is awful for that reason.

Anyways, wishing you the best.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
who is getting monster hunter generations

I got it. Going to play more when I got some time.

Idol Emblem just won't quit though. I'm seventy hours in and the game still isn't over, though it has to be wrapping up. I hear it has NG+ AND Lunatic mode though, so I guess I'm coming back next year.

Easily the FE game I had the least confidence in and far and away the best RPG I've played this year, and I've played some good ones. Shockingly quality game.


Gives all the fucks
who is getting monster hunter generations
I tried the demo, thinking the series might finally "click" for me since it's more action-based, but it's still not doing it for me.

I'm slightly tempted by God Eater because I've heard that's more action-RPG like.


I tried the demo, thinking the series might finally "click" for me since it's more action-based, but it's still not doing it for me.

I'm slightly tempted by God Eater because I've heard that's more action-RPG like.

Give Toukiden a shot too, although, Monster Hunter is the best of the Hunting Genre
Yeah I want to get generations but I maybe played 4 for like 5 hours and barely got far, same with 3u. I just burn out on monster hunter games too quickly despite really enjoying them.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I don't really have any games to get until Dragon Quest VII in September.

Maaan, the My Hero Academia dub is so good. Eric Vale does a creepy good Shigaraki.

EDIT: Oh god, the Berserk anime got to Rape Horse? Anime only fans are not prepared.
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