Imperial Bishop

The thing happened that we knew would happen happened.
I can't believe people still follow bleach
I can't believe people still follow bleach
I can't believe you like G Gundam. People are weird!
G Gundam is only the greatest animated mecha series to ever exist. Man God can rep that opinion with me too
G Gundam is only the greatest animated mecha series to ever exist. Man God can rep that opinion with me too
make sure you ask the important questions in the Q&A, like why Bleach was cancelled
I humbly disagree but I will say it is high up there. There is a lot of real good mech toons and anime.
Sweet shirt.
No doubt. Seriously though, we should probably think up some actually decent questions he could ask to make us look good. Maybe something like:
"How big a role does Toonami now play in Adult Swim considering it first reappeared as an April Fools joke? Is it still a side-project or do executives like Mike Lazzo now consider it an important part of thier programming?"
I beat Drakengard 1 and I think it was a more masochistic experience then Apollo Justice
or any anime
Sweet shirt.
No doubt. Seriously though, we should probably think up some actually decent questions he could ask to make us look good. Maybe something like:
"How big a role does Toonami now play in Adult Swim considering it first reappeared as an April Fools joke? Is it still a side-project or do executives like Mike Lazzo now consider it an important part of thier programming?"
We still don't have official confirmation of buu kai dub
No Super announcement either.
Due to that tweet, I'm pretty certain Funi is dubbing it, they just can't announce it yet for some reason.
Thanks to the podcast guests tonight!
Toei is really fucking weird about everything.
They won't let Funimation say anything about Dragon Ball properties.
They won't license Kamen Rider out to anyone (though that may be more on Bandai)
They almost took the One Piece license away from Funimation after the first episode of the simulcast leaked out
That's rather cool. Nice to see them making more little goodies to give out aside from shirts.
Jojo. October. Apparently
Either way holy hell, top 2 requested shows finally hit, I can't wait to watch it with everyone
That logo would mean first part right? If so, is Viz doing their own dub or are the going with Warner Bros. dub?