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Toonami |Mar14| No Time for Sissy Pig

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Without knowing anything about the backdeal licencing whatevers re: gurren lagann, i sincerely do not expect to see it anywhere near toonami for a while

but i live in hope regardless


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Magi first season is pretty standard shonen stuff. Enjoyable, but nothing amazing. Kinda like how Blue Exorcist is right now. Second season is pretty great though.

Nah, both seasons are shonen to the core, especially season 2 right now which is basically "You get a powerup! And you get a powerup! EVERYONE GETS A POWERUP! Also, dynamic entry for you! And dynamic entry for you! EVERY GETS A DYNAMIC ENTRY!"

Haven't seen something so unabashedly shonen since Gurren Lagann.

Season one had the neat subplot with Aladdin separated and then with Granny, don't forget. Plus I loved Alibaba's talk-no-jutsu and all the political intrigue.

Gurren Lagann and Hunter x Hunter(whenever it gets a dub) needs to be on Toonami eventually.

Well, yes. Definitely.


Nah, both seasons are shonen to the core, especially season 2 right now which is basically "You get a powerup! And you get a powerup! EVERYONE GETS A POWERUP! Also, dynamic entry for you! And dynamic entry for you! EVERY GETS A DYNAMIC ENTRY!"
Well, yes. Definitely.

I can't deny that, but season 2 did it exceptionally well. And I think the plotlines in s2 were much better, especially when (minor spoilers)
they all split up for a while.
I still liked season 1, but I think season 2 is so much better.

I'd trade anything for HxH though :p

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"The Byakugan Sees the Blind Spot"


The princess is down. Tsunade is in her office that night and hears of the coup in the Land of Greens. Shizune says it's been confirmed, it was an inside job. She wants to know where Naruto's squad is and judging by their progress they are in the demilitarized border lands and considering their mission wasn't a military one they are probably safe. Tsunade is more cynical than that and thinks this is no coincidence, the mission is tied up with the coup. But no time to worry about Naruto, The Leaf needs to worry about ending the coup as soon as possible. The longer things are left like this the more likely a full blown war breaks out and she orders a full deployment of every available ninja to the Land of Greens.


Jiga is looking down on Naruto...who gets up right away and is slammed back into the wall. He won't get up again. He gets up again. He won't get up from this, Ninja Art Magnet! Electromagnetic Illusion. Naruto sees only white as Hinata cries out for him. Jiga tells her to save her breath, the electromagnetic pulses stop all brain function. He can't even think straight let alone hear you. He wraps up a prone Naruto with his chain sickle and says this cable is going to take him down...literally! He throws some paper bombs and buries Naruto under the rubble. Hinata rushes down to help and she grabs him, he's ok! He tells her to run, but she won't leave you! He's too strong, more than you can handle. No way, she won't let him have you! Jiga just wants to know where the girl is but Hinata makes a fighting pose and activates her Byakugan.


She uses Protective Eight Trigrams: 64 Palms to beat back his Electromagnetic Illusion. So that's the Byakugan of the Hidden Leaf. Can she see her way out of a mace to the face? She can! She jumps up and gives him the gentle fist to the gut, which he no sells, catching her with his chain. It'll take a higher level of Taijutsu and he flings her away as she throws a fistful of kunai at him...which get caught on the powerful magnet of the mace end of his chain and slams her into the wall, calling her hopeless. He pats his belly and starts removing kunai from the mace, leaving her LEGIT SHOOK. He's disappointed and wanted more of a challenge. Tell him where the girl is and he'll let her live...and Naruto too if she agrees soon as he doesn't have much time left. Naruto tells her again to run but she thinks to herself that Naruto would never forgive her if she gave up the girl. It's time for the hard way then. He throws a bunch of ninja tools in the air and they stay there, he's magnetized the wall behind her and she's got nowhere to run.


She throws a paper bomb at them to divert them, clever girl....not quite all though as he notices a blood trail. She's running through the trees but she promises she'll come back for Naruto. He's a powerful foe though and she wonders if she can even survive against him. Her Byakugan shows that he's already caught up when she notices something on her. Iron sand. That's why he was patting his belly, he was knocking off the iron sand his body attracted. That's why he didn't attack right away. If he doesn't do it he'll just end up attracting all those weapons to his own body. This is why he always alternates attacks between the electromagnetic ones and the iron sand genjutsu. He needs enough time to demagnetize his body and Hinata thinks she has the method to beat him. The Janin tells her to give up and that it's pointless. "Not while there is still breath left in my body" Giving up is not part of her ninja way. Naruto is her friend and she won't forgive him for what's he's done to him, activating her byakugan and checking out his chakra network. You'll join your friend...in the spirit world after you've told him where the girl is. He wraps the chain around her arm and pulls her towards him...all according to plan.


She's only got one chance...and it doesn't look like it worked. Did she think the same attacked that failed would work this time?

She does. It's the touch of death from that Batman:TAS episode. The only ones going to the spirit world...are you and I as she grabs him and fling them off the cliff. He beats her off of him as they fall and he's officially changed his mind; is going to kill her no matter what. Except something is wrong, the sand is coming toward him at an alarming rate. She hit one of his chakra points and turned him into a powerful magnet he can't switch off and lead him to this canyon full of iron sand. She did it, Naruto...as both of them are pulled into a vortex of iron sand.


Naruto can't move at all. HUMAN BOULDER! Choji and Yurinojou are here. Naruto says he is alright but he apologizes to Yurin, the second ninja attacked and beat him. Choji asks about Hinata and the princess and Naruto remembers, Hinata is in danger as he goes running off. Hinata is about to be sucked into the vortex of iron sand when a voice cries out for her.


It's a human chain of Naruto! They fling her and the real him up to the cliff with Choji and Yurin and she lands right in Choji's arms. She wakes up and everyone is here. They did this all for her? Of course, what are friends for. Naruto asks where magnet man is. Not a problem anymore, buried under the sand. Naruto flips out, impressed as hell. Yeah, well, I mean I did what I could. Naruto calls her amazing and she says he doesn't know what that means coming from him and gives him his headband back. Hinata keeps going saying that the mission is far from over, they need to protect the princess. Naruto says he'll take care of it and besides, he can't have her upstaging him anymore. He laughs and she smiles at him, agreeing. Naruto tells the rest to stay and look after her.


What the fuck this isn't part II. Who would have thought Ruiga and Jiga are both defeated, saves the final boss the trouble as he dismisses his army of hench ninja. There's not a person alive who can defeat his jutsu as he makes handsigns and sends something invisible out. He thinks today is going to be a sunny day as the first light of dawn approaches. He does the One Piece Six Power Moonwalk (Not the Jango Moonwalk) to get away.


Morning has hit as Naruto is running through the woods calling out Lady Haruna's name. He finds her in the same position she was in at the beginning of the episode, prone near the river. Wakey, wakey, eggs and bacy. Is she ok, she had Naruto worried for a second. Waking up to that goofy face she pushes him over into the river. What is she doing? He came to help her. She remembers now. She apologizes and he asks why she ran away. She's all alone now and everyone is just here to make sure she lives so the LoG will have a chance to rebuild. She's the rightful heir, she must reclaim the power. Once she is lord the people will flock to her and the land will be restored! Naruto isn't too sure about that. Does that mean the Land of Greens will never be great again? No, not that, he was thinking that if he lived in her land and was a ninja like Yurinojou he wouldn't be able to serve a lord like you. She grabs him by the collar and lifts him up one handed and lays into him. Who is he to say something like that, he hasn't been through what she has, yadda, yadda. She was a child hostage, surrounded by strangers, watched 24 hours a day, never getting to do what she wanted. You have no idea of the loneliness Eventually she became horribly ill and almost died before her parents let her come back. Say it, Naruto. Say it if you think something is wrong with that, Naruto. Say it. Could it be wrong if it was all for the sake of the Land of Greens. Is it wrong for a mother and father to send their child away to live as a hostage. Answer me. I depend on no one. I stand alone. What a promo. Naruto is coming along though, he made a promise to Hinata to protect her. To Hinata? She got badly injured fighting that second ninja. She thought that the ninja had given up on protecting her as their mission and wants to know why they are doing this. Naruto says that's just the way they are, can't stand watching someone get a raw deal even if they aren't the nicest person in the world. That's not important though, there's a narrow canyon ahead that leads to the nearest village and they gotta get through. He grabs her hand and starts running.


Yurin is leading the other two down a long abandoned deer trail. They'll never find us here. The bad ninjas immediately find them here and they are surrounded by twelve goons. Sorry you went to all that trouble, there's nowhere on earth you can hide from me says the boss man from the trees. Choji is attacked by something invisible and coughs up blood falling to his knees. Needless to say, resistance is futile, you are my hostages now and tells the goons to lead them away to the castle. He wants them to be safe considering the powerful ju-ju he'll be working later. Naruto and the princess are running through the canyon, the village is right ahead. They are almost there as the wind picks up. What are they waiting for? The bad guy uses his invisible whats it to trip up the princess. He congratulates Naruto on dodging that attack. They were so close but they'll never reach the village, their journey and this episode ends here.

NEXT EPISODE: "Forecast: Death! Cloudy with Chance of Sun"

Man God

Non-Canon Member

It's something more akin to a random Bleach Bankai from a filler episode.




Naruto just has terrible luck with women.

Even with women who actually like him.

I'm almost positive this next episode ends just like the last one with a crossdressing feudal lord to be (also the plot of one of the movies) with
the new feudal lord admitting to liking Naruto.
Believe it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Young ladies pretending to be boys. The first one pretended to be her brother after he was killed, changing into his clothes the night of the murder and refusing public visits to keep anyone away despite her flawless rendition of JYB's angry slightly older teenager voice.

This one has a deep girls voice and the right figure and posture to pull off a hey, this could be either but her secret also comes out...the middle of the first episode. The girl from the first one kept her secret for over a year.

Oh and I got one part of this wrong, the one from the movie wasn't posing as a man, she disguised herself and became a famous actress instead. Still all three feudal lords with troubled past and dead parents who became leaders of their nations and showed at least passing signs of affection for Naruto.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Forecast: Death! Cloudy with Chance of Sun"


Oooh, we begin with a recap. The princess depends on no one. She will do this...on her own. Like it or not he made a promise to Hinata. Etc. You probably read this a few minutes ago. How does this dude float in air? This is just the beginning, his jutsu is beyond anything you can imagine. Aizen?!?


Oh, here's an example and he shoots three of those out, one of which clocks Naruto right on the jaw. Haruna runs over and is worried but Naruto is ok. Renga says he's got other things to worry about, namely the friends of yours he is holding hostage. Naruto is shook. Don't worry, he'll let them live...if you step aside and let him have the girl. He says their names and looks at her. What's it gonna be, kid? Will Naruto abandon her like everyone else in her life? The villain takes that to mean that the princess wants you to abandon your friends and stay with her, abandoning your friends to die. Not a very noble attitude but one he personally agrees with. Naruto isn't surprised. Renga has no use for anyone who doesn't serve a purpose, friends and family included. In fact he should thank you and your friends for that. Naruto doesn't understand. He wants to thank you for killing his brothers, so I guess he doesn't know that Jiga killed Ruiga. Saved him a lot of trouble. Naruto is confused but the villain goes on. "Brother, when were you going to give us a share of the spoils?" Three feudal lords is two too many. You'd do that to your own brothers? He just said that Naruto. Now he wants him to stand aside so he can take the princess. No way. The bad guy laughs. Naruto rightly brings up that someone who would betray his own brothers is not exactly trustworthy and rushes in for the attack. The villain agrees with this and shoots more invisible whats it at Naruto. Haruna yells at him to stop, he doesn't know what his jutsu is! Naruto is going to find out one way or another. Shadow Clone time. He throws a bunch of Kunai at him which are all deflected. He tries to punch him but he's got an invisible shield around him. Renga knocks Naruto down and taunts his pathetic ninjutsu. Naruto throws a smoke bomb and takes Haruna away.


The smoke reveals something around the Janin. It looks like ice! Yep, he gathers water from the air and instantly turns it into ice. No wonder it was invisible. If you're impressed by that well then just wait. Naruto is wondering when the attack is coming. The bad guy asks if Naruto wants to know the weather forecast. Sunny with scattered clouds, perfect conditions for dying. Something is going on and it's suddenly become very bright out...


Oh, he's making a focus for a solar death ray. Neat, Naruto has become Gundam. He keeps flinging Haruna out of the way from death beams. She points out the lens and the villain explains his attack. Not the most percise weapon but brutally effective. When he is finally in complete control of the Land of Greens he'll use this power to ravage all neighboring lands with his Light of Judgment! They run away from the latest beam which takes down the trees beside him. You can't run, he can see you anywhere with his crazy ice eye snake thing.


Creepy. Found you. He aims his death ray at them. Nope, missed again. He did say it was inaccurate. Naruto is bleeding from a cut on his face and it drips onto Haruna's face, who asks why he is protecting her. Call me crazy. They hide under a nearby cliff and the forest is aflame. Naruto tells her to run for her life while he draws his fire. The villain is onto them though and blows up the rock. Naruto stands alone and he asks if he is giving up the princess. Think again. So you'll abandon your friends? No, he gave Hinata his word. Really so you'll fight a battle you can't win to save a friend? He's a soft hearted little fool like the late lord of the Land of Greens. He only begged for one thing, to spare the people and we get a FLASHBACK of begging. He doesn't care what happens to him or who rules, only that the people are cared for. Good thing there's a new Sheriff in town.


Naruto takes this about as well as you'd expect but he gets it now, that's why this land was at peace this whole time. The Janin doesn't get it and says he doesn't care if it was at peace, he's ready to move onto bigger and better things. Why don't you ask his daughter how peaceful the land has been for the past ten years? Naruto is shook but the begging FLASHBACK continues as Haruna's dad explains that situation. There neighbors were just too strong, the land was on the verge of collapse; rioting, trechery, corruption. They demanded a hostage and he sent the light of his life. Can his daughter ever forgive him? Can any father who would sacrifice his daughter even to save his people ever be forgiven? Renga says he might find her forgiveness in the afterlife when next they meet and takes his head off. Haruna is shook, her father was murdered. Renga calls him a fool but Naruto thinks he was a nice guy. The Janin says there are two types of people in this world, users and the used. As for me, he'll use anyone to get where he wants to go. Naruto tells him not this time but Renga fires more solar beams at him. He's too strong...even though all he really does is toss you around. He does knock him into a giant rock and seemingly knocks him out. Naruto says he is not the one...who kept this land safe and peaceful. Only one person can be the lord, only one person can be Pirate King lord of this land and that's Haruna.


She stands in front of Naruto. It's me you want, not Naruto. He has nothing to do with this. He sees that soft heartedness runs in the family and they'll have a lot to talk about in the afterlife. Naruto has had enough, but so has Renga. Naruto made a promise to protect the Land of Greens from jerks like you (the promise was actually to find and watch over the princess and beat the Janin, but whatever) and he rushes for the attack. The death laser homes in on Naruto's position...as he jumps up and reflects it off of his headband!


Hoisted by his own petard! He takes a wound in his shoulder as Naruto walks over. It's too late, you may have beaten me (really, going down that easy?!?) but I've left the Land of Greens without a leader. Sorry, don't think so.


It's Shinzune and Shikamaru! It's such a drag cleaning up after me. It's not like I needed your help. Why do you look so beat up then. More random Chunin appear and Hinata pipes up. Choji and the rest are safe. Naruto doesn't get why they are here but Shizune explains they got word last night and rushed over because Tsunade is fond of the Land of Greens. The lord of this place was very generous to her. Unfortunately the lord is already dead. Renga says he was so close and faints while Naruto asks if the neighboring lands won't just come and attack now that the leader is dead. They wouldn't dare says Shizune as they've sent out formal notice that the rightful leader is alive and well. You, Princess Haruna. At least that's one thing you won't have to worry about, Haruna. He turns around and sees her clutching a Kunai over Renga's body. He tells her not to worry, he'd do the same thing.


She won't do it, she's not like him (despite sharing almost exactly the same attitude until just ten minutes ago) and she breaks down crying on Naruto's chest.


Later the recognizable Leaf Ninja are at Kikunojou's grave with her and Yurinojou. She asks forgiveness from the man who saved her life. Naruto says he can see everything from up here and he'll be watching over the Land of Greens from now on. Shizune says they'll be on their way now and Yurin says farewell. Haruna asks a favor from Shizune, she's not quite ready to protect the LoG yet and asks for Leaf protection. Will you let Naruto stay with me?!? Naruto is shook. Won't you help me restore the Land of Greens to what it was. Everyone looks on, Choji is eating chips and Hinata is biting her lip. Naruto says no in the politest possible way, saying that people at home depend on him to train and become strong and one day become Hokage and he depends on them. Well then, she can't take him away then. She'll do her best and asks if Naruto will always be her friend, so he gives her his word. They all say farewell and Naruto promises to come back one day as the flower petals blow in breeze and the episode ends.

NEXT EPISODE: "Ino Screams! Chubby Paradise!"



Man God

Non-Canon Member
The promised day arrives...tomorrow.

I'm going to probably start it at Midnight, all times Eastern Daylight as usual.

It will be the second all .gif episode.

I'm also pretty sure it's the beginning of the penultimate Naruto ending.



Are you still keeping track of most appearances? I definitely think Hinata has won the title so far.

Truly the Sailor Mercury of the group.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I am keeping track of appearances of the Rookie 11+The sauce.

Someone right now has guessed one of the people tied for the lead.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Screw it, let's make the official tally known so you can see as the race enters it's final month.

1st place, Naruto Uzumaki. Has been in every episode even the one where he was dead. Also does not count.
2rd place, Neji, TWENTY. In all of the longer arcs. Neji is also in a lot of Hinata episodes while TWENTY is in the girls episodes.
3th place, Hinata. Is in a lot of arcs...but they aren't always the longest ones. Also in every episode featuring the girls.
4th place, Sakura, Lee. Lee is on arcs but not side episodes and he missed one with his team. Sakura shows up at the beginning or end of most arcs and is almost always in the one offs.
5th place, Ino, Choji, Shino. Ino will break this tie on Saturday.
6th place, Kiba. Fuck Kiba. He's got some more stuff coming up though.
7th place, Shikamaru. He's barely in this and only shows up in the episodes with everyone and at the end of every third arc or so.
8th place, The Sauce. He's technically in only one episode, even then it was a flashback. He's also in the apologizing for Shippuden taking so long special that I'm pretty sure didn't make it to the US.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
On one hand Saturn gets far more limelight than Twenty does in the manga.

On the other Twenty is queen of filler and is prominently featured on Rock Lee's show.


Hmmm good point. I guess Twenty is more Sailor Mercury. Since Mercury never wins a fight in the manga but gets tons of screentime in the anime and her own OVA.

Wait, but whose Hinata?


for some reason I read all of these recaps even though I have no real interest in Naruto.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
for some reason I read all of these recaps even though I have no real interest in Naruto.

I'm glad to hear it. Gives me something to do for an hour that's not working or wasting time posting. Instead I waste time lining up poorly animated frames and making gifs and cracking dumb jokes.

The hardest part of recaping all this is remembering some of these character's names the next day. Renga for example was called Lord Renga exactly once in the first episode of this arc. Which was Monday. Never referred to again by name. Hate when shit like this happens.

There is a method to my madness. These are the things I will always capture, in rough order.

Anything remotely physically funny.
Whenever I pause the video and something poorly drawn in on the screen. I've seriously gone out of my way to write a bit more to fill out dead space when I want to post something badly animated.
Naruto's sleeping cap. I love this thing. It was a preorder bonus for Naruto:GNT4 the best anime fighting game ever.
Hinata blushing.
Twenty doing anything beyond standing there talking.
Tsunade making a face.
Anything creepy.
Anything involving spiders or bugs in general.

Things I tend to avoid.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
It's his fighting spirit and the promise he made to Hinata (which changed when he explained it this episode) that reflected the light coming straight down at him at an angle to right wrongs and triumph over evil.

The final episode of this arc is BAD.

Renga is dumb and talks up his power like he's got something mindblowing. It's ice. He gets a flesh wound in the shoulder and it takes him down because there's only three minutes left. Shizune just shows up with some hobo Chunin and busts Yurin/Hinata/Choji out of the pokey.

Sure, the character of the week learns her lesson, decides she does need other people and learns what her father went through to rule his land and rejects her former ways which are on display in the form of Renga. That part wasn't too bad. Everything else though...

Ice guy doesn't even get a cool name for his moves! Ain't no time for that shit. The full deployment of ninjas are some hobo Chunin and Shikamaru, who don't do anything. Having them captured didn't help the plot at all.
Hopefully Magi s2 gets dubbed by the time blue exoricst ends on toonami so that we can get s1 and s2 back to back Toonami gaf would really enjoy magi


I'm pretty sure the manga is, like usual, the superior way to go for Magi.

I fucking hated the art when I was reading the scans, and dropped after 4 chapters. I then picked up the Volume release from Viz, and found the art a lot more tolerable. Not sure if it's a case of the volume releases getting cleaned up, or just looks better on paper, but man, that first experience was not very good


Junior Member
New favorite thread http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=792392

Is everyone completely blind? Can they really not tell the difference?!?

It's almost like night and day to me, lol
Yeah, it seems ridiculous to me to not be able to tell the difference or to think it's a small difference.

It's even sadder how people think the background blur in the PS4 image is low quality. It's as though they've never used their eyes before.


Junior Member
Call me guilty I thought the ps3 version was the ps4 because the stuff in the back ground was clearer, the faces are basically a wash to me.
Put your hand up, focus on it.

Doesn't the background blur?

Even with the bokeh, the texture of Camden Yards in the PlayStation 4 version is superior to the bottom version.
Put your hand up, focus on it.

Doesn't the background blur?

Even with the bokeh, the texture of Camden Yards in the PlayStation 4 version is superior to the bottom version.

The only thing that is markably better for me is his shirt, maybe on a bigger screen it'll be more apparent (on my phone currently)

Both versions look really good fwiw


Unconfirmed Member
The only thing that is markably better for me is his shirt, maybe on a bigger screen it'll be more apparent (on my phone currently)

Both versions look really good fwiw

Or the fact that one player model looks more or less like the actual guy while the other one looks nothing like him beyond being Asian?


Also, while clearer, the background on the PS3 version looks like crap compared to the PS4 version. I've been to Camden Yards a dozen times in my life, and always thought it looked bad in The Show. Glad they fixed it
Or the fact that one player model looks more or less like the actual guy while the other one looks nothing like him beyond being Asian?

Yeah, he looks like a young Chein-Ming Wang on PS3


Gives all the fucks
*watches Blue Submarine No. 6 review* Huh, so THAT'S what the show was abOH GOD THE CGI LOOKS HORRIBLE.

Did anyone ever see that series when it originally aired? Or at the very least, saw it at all?
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