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Toonami |Mar14| No Time for Sissy Pig

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Man God

Non-Canon Member

An upcoming all gif Naruto recap is inbound in the next two hours or so. Users on non PC devices and people with bad internet connections are advised. A special twice in a lifetime, all .gif episode of Naruto is incoming. Prepare to take shelter from an incoming stream of .gifs. They're all well under 5MBs so this won't be like one of those videogame bullshot gif posts but still, you're warned.




March went by really fast. Can't believe this with be the last Toonami of the month...

I guess Spring Break a few weeks back is to blame for that. :p

An upcoming all gif Naruto recap is inbound in the next two hours or so. Users on non PC devices and people with bad internet connections are advised. A special twice in a lifetime, all .gif episode of Naruto is incoming. Prepare to take shelter from an incoming stream of .gifs. They're all well under 5MBs so this won't be like one of those videogame bullshot gif posts but still, you're warned.




Digimon Adventures 02 - 47

Wait, Cody's dad knew about the digital world? That must've been back in the sodding 60s. How did he even have a console back then?

Oh well, whatever, it's a way for Owikawa to get a little humanity while he can.

Ken stalks some cute angry chick infected with the spore, but it goes active too early and explodes her brain. Aku no Hana indeed. Owikawa shows up to harvest the spore, which in this instance means... running away with a 9-year-old under one arm.Blackwargreymon shows up to shit on Owikawa a little, and Cody's grandpa turns up to crap on him even more. Although Owikawa feels a moment of empathy, something cuts in and makes Owikawa strike out at gramps, letting BlackWarGreymon do a full face turn and block the attack and then sacrifice himself to seal Heightonview Terrace (somehow). Good going, Steve Blum.


Kill la Kill finale

Well, that was some ride. It's really setting in that it's over. I feel so empty now. Not to mention
why broketsu had to go out like that. uugh I'm so broken. That last 2 minutes of the show was quite the rollercoaster for me. Ragyo rage quits like a newb, she crushes her own heart. Seconds later, Socal earthquake like a freakin Naruto bad omen, Senketsu dies somewhere between me freaking out and ducking under a table. Then the most heartwarming orgy I've ever seen. Wow! I refuse to accept Senketsu's death dammit. My boy Senketsu will be back for season 2 the OVA. Mark my words *cries* OH God Please.

What am I going to do with my life now.

I'll give fuller impressions of penultimate and final episode later along with that final naked la naked count. Sheesh it's going to take some time. Dat final episode.


Is J-Stars actually good or is it another in a long line of fanservice games that have no appeal to anyone who isn't a HARDCORE Shonen Jump junkie because outside of the fanservice they are outright mediocre to bad?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Twenty One Minutes, Seventeen Seconds. 55 gifs. Took me almost three hours to capture them all.

EDIT: Did I ever mention that the next episode preview for the almost as amazing episode after this one heavily implies that
Lee wants Naruto's virginity?

The episode is not about that though.
EDIT: Did I ever mention that the next episode preview for the almost as amazing episode after this one heavily implies that
Lee wants Naruto's virginity?

The episode is not about that though.

Sasuke would murder Lee in a heartbeat if he ever tried to pop Naruto's cherry

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I made a new imgur account just for this episode. I'll make it public so you can all see what I do not choose to post before I go to bed.

EDIT: That avatar is from Kill La Kill.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Ino Screams! Chubby Paradise!"


Ino is in the Hokage's office while Tsunade goes over the mission. She doesn't know how the princess heard of Ino but she requested her by name, says she's the spitting image of her. She needs a body double, who is targetting her? Tsunade coyly says that she's the one doing the targeting. Okkkay. She'll do fine, she's one of the leaf's best and brightest and besides, she'll have help. Of course Naruto walks in. He's the only one not on a mission. Oh boy.


"You mean I have to be alone with him?!?" Afraid so, just try and make the best of it. They head out. Naruto goes over what he knows about the mission. The client is the daughter of a feudal lord. Everything's coming up Naruto if they trust him with a mission like this. Ino tells him not to "whoop it up too much if I were you" as he has a gift to screwing things up. Naruto assures her, leave everything to me and Ino calls him a piece of work.They are bowing before the throne of the princess who is covered in one of those shades. She thanks them for coming. They can see her though and are both shook. Ino is incredulous while Naruto thinks they sort of look alike but they both think there is one big difference...


She can see it written all over their faces. You're thinking my physique doesn't exactly match up with her body double. It's alright, you can admit it. Ino goes straight in with the polite lying, saying no, not at all. Good guy Naruto is straight with the honesty, he doesn't think you look anything alike, which isn't true, that women is just Ino with about 100 pounds added on. He gets an elbow from Ino who tells him to zip it. The client doesn't blame you and hands them a picture which will clear things up...


It does! That is a slightly taller Ino! She used to look like that but plumped out when father hired a matchmaker to broker an arranged marriage. The kids are shook but she goes on to say that her husband to be is Chikara of the neighboring Land of Udon and she blushes. Ever since she laid eyes on his manly photograph her feelings have grown deeper and deeper every passing day.


She's been stress eating because of the anticipation, all day and all night. Naruto says of course you got fat, what did you think was going to happen?


She's been taking a supplement as a countermeasure to it. Ino guesses it didn't work. She admits that she should have known better and begins crying. Now look at me, how can she meet her man looking like this? This is why she needed Ino (or any ninja, really) and here's the plan, meet Chikara tomorrow and do ANYTHING she can to make that darling man want to marry her. Naruto is shook; this is all she wanted a body double for? She doesn't get what's wrong here. Naruto goes on about how when you hear the words body double you think about situations where lives are on the line. Ino disagrees; this is their client's future they are talking about, this is major. The client claps with joy, she understands a heart in love. Ino goes on that any women would understand this situation and that its not our fault that men prefer their women fit and trim. Their client leaves her dias and clasps Ino's hands. She made the right choice after all and Ino says leave it to her. Naruto turns his back and brings up the obvious that even if this meet and greet works out he's still going to see you later. Not to worry, by the time the wedding rolls around she'll have lost all this extra weight. She has a plan...another supplement she'll replace all three meals with. Naruto quips that exercise is out of the question. Ino gives her the thumbs up though; she's going to work her magic on this guy and he'll only have eyes for you.


Ino has changed into the client's clothing and they are all talking in an annex. It has a listening tube so she can hear any conversation in the house. The genin are impressed! She'd give anything to meet him in person and Naruto asks if he is that great of a prize. She blushes and giggles, of course he is. Make sure he falls for me. Ino gives him the thumbs up.


Naruto and Ino are in the chamber awaiting the suitor. Ino is surprised that Naruto is so enthused but a mission is a mission, he'll just hold his nose and plunge in. Ino tells him to stick to the plan as the lights go out and...


Oh, oh my. The first girl appears and says "The world abounds with handsome men and yet there is one who towers over all." The second girl appears and says "His glistening sidelong glances follow the Land of Udon like the sun!" "Worship at the foot of the glorious Prince Chikara" and "Bow before his majesty!"


"Sorry it appears I kept you waiting, princess!" in a dead on bad Elvis/Johnny Bravo voice.


This is the man you're supposed to woo. Naruto comments that he's an even bigger loon than Guy-Sensei. His attendants all cheer huzzah. Make way for Prince Ali.

I'm sorry pretty lady, I suffer from... a little low blood pressure. Naruto doesn't think that quite explains it but Ino laughs...and gets Naruto to shut up by pinching him hard on the thigh. She asks the prince if he always scatters flower petals wherever he goes and he says that flowers are a blessing, so relaxing for the mind and body, wouldn't you agree? She does with a awkward sidelong glance. He's ready to begin and the attendants leave after he snaps his finger. Naruto says quiety that he doesn't get it; this doesn't seem to gel with the picture the princess painted as he's enorm...


The prince says come again as Ino takes care of the problem, shoving snacks in Naruto's mouth and saying they are enormously delicious! Excuse up for a moment as she man handles Naruto out the door. What the heck was that demands Naruto. A women's intuition, he seems a bit like Choji and Naruto was about to head into "taboo territory" with that one. (FORESHADOWING) Ino is losing it though; the client said he was handsome. He isn't exactly Cassanova back there. Naruto thinks they are kinda perfect for each other. Ino shakes her head and thinks there is a mistake here; no woman alive would fall for that gigantic tub. Naruto doesn't know, maybe she's into that? Ino is creeped out by the very notion and says that's impossible, just look at him.


"He's a stuck up, overweight, lothario! He's a freak, a goon! Something isn't right around here DO YOU READ ME? DO YOU?!?" Naruto has got the message. Naruto brings their concerns to the princess and she thinks they are being silly. Of course it's Chikara! Who else could it be? That darling man means everything to her. Naruto says he thought so and she calls him the paragon of elegance and wishes she could see him in person with her two eyes. Naruto crosses his arms and tells her we've all got problems. She turn angrily to him and tells him to seal the deal, no matter what. Naruto confirms orders received, salutes and promises to get them back on track.


The meeting continues once again. Chikara asks if she is still feeling a tad bit nervous. How about a little music to lighten the mood. Ino uses this chance to ask Naruto how it went with the princess. Not well, it seems like this is the guy and she wants her to plow ahead with the meeting. Ino doesn't take this well. The suitor asks if she cares for roses at all. She puts on a fake smile and says yes. Very much. WONDERFUL, he's taken with them himself as they speak the language of love. This is something Ino knows about and mentions that the definition varies by the color. Yellow for example means you intend to break up. Nonsense says Chikara, a flower is just a flower, they don't know nothing.




More Wow. Naruto makes apologizes as he leaves.


Ino can't handle it anymore. The princess will need to find a new body double. Naruto tells her to calm down, just take a breather, do your best, you'll be fine. Ino says forget it, he repulses me. Naruto has an idea; pretend he's a weirder version of Choji! Ino doesn't buy it. Choji has meat on him for the sake of his ninjutsu, the reason this guy is packing it on is beyond her. Naruto sarcastically asks her to tell him how she really feels. Ino needs to talk to the princess and leaves. Naruto tells her to hold on but she ignores him as he says he just doesn't get her. Well, it looks like it is Naruto's time to save the mission. He's gonna put his nose to the grindstone and win him a man.


Ino is meeting with the princess. Ino isn't judging her or anything but she thinks the client should take a pass on this one, on account of not being alright in the head if you will. The princess scoffs and cuts a promo on Ino. He's the most passionate and wonderful man in the world. The reason she hired Leaf ninja was their skill in substitution and Ino is supposed to be a professional shinobi. Act like one little girl. Get back out there and finish the job. Ino groans as the client continues. The atmosphere hasn't been great out there, you need to step your game up. A cooing voice comes through the listening tube. Yes, more like that she says. Uh oh...


P-p-p-p-p-princess Fortune? She slides up to the table and asks the Prince if he can loosen this sash for her. He's flummoxed. With sugar on top as she gets up nice and close to him. Ino's voice comes from the ceiling, Oh my gosh the ceiling is swarming with bugs! They are gigantic! Everyone looks shocked.


Mind Destruction Jutsu. What the hell is going on anymore?!? The attendants don't see any bugs! He hates bugs...wait where did the princess go?


Ino is legit shaking...Naruto that is. What the hell does he think he is doing? Chikara is afraid, where is the princess? One of the attendants screeches that she doesn't know, she vanished! Princess Fortune is hearing this through her tube and wants to know what is going on around here and that this is getting really annoying. She's going to go see what is happening.


Ino has Naruto tied up to a tree. She demands to know why Ino interfered, she had him eating out of the palm of his hand. Ino calls him and idiot and demands to know why she is dressed like Princess Fortune. She's skimmed through enough of pervy sage's novels to get the idea of how this is done. This is what guy's like. Ino doesn't take kindly to the suggestion and calls him a pervert and says no one would ever mistake him for a comic book hero, you filthy little toad! Naruto's voice has returned. Say what you like but I was making a lot more progress than you were. Naruto gets clobbered again. Anything more you'd like to say? Ino needs to wrap this up before anyone else sticks their nose in and ninja vanishes. Naruto recovers quickly and says that prince ain't seen nothing yet. If they're going to see this mission home than she's gonna need my help in there as he flies straight up through the bonds. An attendant is pouring tea for Ino. Chikara wants to know where she ran off to. Ohohohoho, please forgive me, I've been so nervous to meet you I flew off into a panic. She really seemed like a different person there. Ino blushes and holds the back of her hand to her face as she apologizes, he's such a striking man, it's almost overwhelming being this close to you! He can't haver her feeling this way so he suggests a change in atmosphere. She stands up and gets ready to open the door, "In that case let me..."


Yep. Hi there Prince Chikara. Blam. Shuts door. What was that outside the door?!? "Yes love, is something wrong?"


Inner Ino cries for Naruto's blood. She quickly recovers. You must feel so deeply for me that you conjure visions of me at every turn. Visions? No, this was real, baby. Look no further as she grabs him by the face and the romantic music strikes up. The attendants are shook, love is in the air. Ino is mad at herself, she wasn't thinking! You'll have to forgive me, my prince, I couldn't bear your eyes on anyone but me. He sees that now and with a snap dismisses the onlooking attendants. She's burning up inside and he's aiming to fan the flame. Ino isn't ready for this. She doesn't have to hold back now. Fortune's voice comes from out of nowhere, what is she doing, you can't kiss him!


Yoink. She doesn't want her kissing that man. Ino is grateful and says that's the last thing she had on her mind and that honestly she couldn't have come at a better time. The princess continues saying hand holding at most. Ino covers her mouth and tells her not to make such a racket. She's right too as the goon squad is dispatched to find her. The prince is dismayed, she vanished into thin air again. Ino has to get back but the princess warns her one last time, no funny business. Ino can handle it but they can't stand out here any longer or they will be busted, back to your room. She sullenly agrees as Ino ninja vanishes again. The princess sees another her come climbing out of the pond. That Ino drop kicking me into the lake, just who does she think she is? She's frozen to the bone right now and of course she has to...go...


It begins.


The Princess Sees her.


Hilarity ensues. Ino wasn't ready to reveal the inner workings of her heart to Prince Chikara but she has come to realize that these feelings for you are real. Princess is the only thing he can say. She's harbored this secret love for the longest time now. More hijinxs up on the roof. What was that noise right now? Ino doesn't know. They open the door and...


How romantic, it's raining and there's a rainbow! Ino steps forward.


Yep. The jig is up. NARRRRUUUUUTTTTOOOO! cries Ino. Princess Fortune calls him a nasty little guttersnipe. Naruto says forgive and forget though, right? Not in a million years claims Ino and she and the princess jump him. The prince just wants to know what is going on. After beating Naruto senseless Ino gets up and starts to make excuses when the real princess gives up the ghost, she's the real deal. Are you telling me the girl I've been with all day is an imposter? This isn't the grand finale he imagined.


Ino tries to step up and make excuses but is told to can it as he pushes her aside. This is what haunts his dreams at night, that body is the pinnacle of perfection, baby.


Naruto and Ino are shook. He does the dance of love baby and asks that the princess hitches her wagon to his forever, baby. The attendants cheer bravo and frame this love.


Naruto wonders if this means the mission was a success and is totally lost. Ino has lost it herself, does this mean she spent all day throwing herself at a man she wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole and after suffering through for what felt like an eternity was for nothing? Poof.


Ah, well, it all worked out in the end. They made a happy couple at least. That's not the problem, says Ino. That prince tread all over a young girls heart and she can't believe she was cast aside. Naruto agrees, he didn't even give her a second look at the end. Cram it, you don't have to remind her. Naruto supposes that you never know what is going to do it for someone. Ino thinks that is crap, all guys want the same thing, a woman with a slim figure. She is going to run home and diet, you hear me, dieeeeetttttt!!!

NEXT EPISODE: "Viva Dojo Challenge! Youth Is All About Passion!"


"Ino has Naruto tied up to a tree. She demands to know why Ino interfered, she had him eating out of the palm of his hand. "

You mean Naruto interfered.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Ino has Naruto tied up to a tree. She demands to know why Ino interfered, she had him eating out of the palm of his hand. "

You mean Naruto interfered.

This took me awhile. Naruto mascarading as ino has ino's voice and looks like her with whiskers so I decided on the female pronoun here. Trying to be forward thinking. Naruto can decide what gender Naruto wants to be when he's under cover.

EDIT: Shit what if he wants to identify as a he despite being Naruto? This is too confusing...



Ino cameos in that too!

I like the one in Shippuden where
Sai calls Sakura ugly and Ino beautiful
but apparently that one is actually in the comic.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Ino has a lot going for her; she graduated overall top of the class in the academy. Sakura and Shikamaru were smarter than her and Sasuke had better Ninjutsu but all around he was the number one student when all disciplines were taken together.

To peak so young. She's great in Shippuden filler from what little I've seen.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Ino cameos in that too!

I like the one in Shippuden where
Sai calls Sakura ugly and Ino beautiful
but apparently that one is actually in the comic.

That's actually because...
Sai didn't like the reaction he got from Sakura when he called her ugly so reversed it when he talked to the next girl...who just happened to be Ino. Ino also likes him because he kinda looks like vampire Sauce.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
and I'm just trying to push this conversation to the next page so people will wake up without knowing the giffaggedon that appeared on the previous page.


I wish she got stuff to do in the Shippuden canon. I remember The Immortals arc
being dissapointed that she hid behind the tree for like....all of the fight

And yes, assisting in trying to get this to the next page.
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