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Toonami |Mar14| No Time for Sissy Pig

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How do you guys have so much spare time? I'm unemployed and I don't feel like I could spend all that time watching Pokemon again


How do you guys have so much spare time? I'm unemployed and I don't feel like I could spend all that time watching Pokemon again

My class was cancelled today, so I just decided to watch Pokemon since it was recently added.

Someone also gave me all of original DB for my birthday. I gotta rewatch the Pilaf stuff.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Sometimes you get in the mood that you can watch something all day, I did this for hajime no ippo recently about a couple months ago

Man God

Non-Canon Member
How do you guys have so much spare time? I'm unemployed and I don't feel like I could spend all that time watching Pokemon again


Man God

Non-Canon Member
If it's a show that's not going to demand all my attention (i.e. I've seen it before) I'll put it on in the background while I do everything else; working, cooking, cleaning, playing video games.

Pokémon is perfect for this. Absolutely perfect. Sometimes a friend and I play Pokémon or talk Pokémon while watching Pokémon.


I usually only watch Toonami, or catch up on Saturdays before Toonami. Otherwise I'm either working or playing a video game.


I do too, just beat Erika in Heart Gold with my Sailor Moon team.

Golem (Sailor Moon)
Gyarados (Sailor Mercury)
Thyplosion (Sailor Mars)
Victrebel (Sailor Jupiter)
Ampharos (Sailor Venus)
Machamp (Tuxedo Kamen)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
MM, we have a unbreakable bond back from my day in the Pokémon Community thread and I hate to accuse you bro but...I don't see a Chikorita on that team.


MM, we have a unbreakable bond back from my day in the Pokémon Community thread and I hate to accuse you bro but...I don't see a Chikorita on that team.

I wanted to test out Victrebel actually. I traded over my main team to Platinum before I restarted. Meganium still living large.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm a grass man and I've never found much love for Victreebel. I know people love em because they are all over sprout tower in that game and they chose something that wasn't Chikorita (like I could ever do that) and the rest of the early Johto grass type options blow hard but still, no love for them. I got a little love for them back when I got a shiny Weepinbell in Platinum though.

They always had goofy moves compared to other gen 1/2 grass types.
I think I've used a victreebel before, I dont remember though, i don't really engage myself in grass type usage much, I have always been more a anything else type trainer. I do kinda want to try a grassy terrain/sun team though.


I'm just about to start transferring all my Pokes in Gen 5 up to XY. Then I plan to run through White again. And eventually transfer my Gen 3 and Gen 4 team up.


Yeah Victreebel is weird so far. I did a Sunny Day team up with Thyplosion in Erika's gym and didnt notice Lava Plume hits me as well.


There's Meganium, and to prove this is my team:


Time to catch a Golbat and call it lazybones18.
I need to make new teams but never know what I want to do first, i wanted to make a fairy team, a general new team and try out something like a grassy terrain/sunny day team or trick room.


Victrebel just lost to Vaperon what a little shit.

And grass types I dont have too much struggle with, except Bulbasaur in Leaf Green.
red/blue/firered/leafgreen is the only other one where i would pick the non-fire type, i used to like all three but char line became too overrated


I would consider pokemon again (thanks TPP) if there was a standalone entry that didn't link back. Otherwise I know I would be hunting down copies of every game to fill the dex or whatever.


I would consider pokemon again (thanks TPP) if there was a standalone entry that didn't link back. Otherwise I know I would be hunting down copies of every game to fill the dex or whatever.
Then don't even bother trying to fill your Pokedex? Or if you really must, trade with someone in the community.
I have all the pokemon but i would have to work a ton to make all the eggs to help you out and i do have like 3 extra arcues and 2 extra jirachi though . I'd say just get X it has about 455/718 pokemon in it already to catch naturally
I was able to watch a lot of anime because outside of work and sleep its all I did with my free time. Now that I've been sucked into Bravely Default and making an effort to work out as part of losing weight I'm not watching as much anime as I was
what's your routine bro

what i should do

is put a music stand in front of a standing bike and put my tablet on it

I'm not going to lie it's not very impressive right now lol, its also still balls cold to go in my basement where my exercise equipment is and I don't want to pay for a gym so my work out set right now mostly consists of aerobic workouts and when its warm running outside. Always make sure to do 30 minutes of work out 2-3 times a week need to push it up to 3-4

I was watching Naruto filler hell while biking, but my basement has been too cold for that the past few days QQ

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"When Time Stands Still"


Lord Sagi is emo as hell. "Revenge is a poisoned blade that saves the most fatal cut for the man who wields it!" says Komei. Sagi is fine with that, as long as Moso dies with him. Naruto is frustrated, his power of friendship usually works better than this and he remembers Sasuke's revengenance when he met Itachi and when he turned into a vampire. Naruto won't allow him to throw his soul away! Revenge took the Sauce away and the only way he'll let it happen is over his dead body, Jack!


Lord Sagi is still emo though and continues his solo operation with a hidden passage! Naruto can't figure it out and beats on it. Sagi apologizes before pulling a ripcord. It's a cage! The ceiling collaspes! Chishima wakes up in his hospital bed as the castle rumbles.


Kung Lao is out gloating. He's got Kakashi right where he wanted him. LIGHTNING BLADE. Maybe not. He tries for another sand wave as Kakashi strikes right at the heart of the ninja. How did he figure out where he was? Simple, he'd been keeping an eye on your jutsu (sweet burn there) and Kung Lao remembers who he is. It's Kakashi Hatake, The Copy Ninja with a second hand eye! Kakashi counters with his own slam, this jutsu is a cheap, shallow imitation of Gaara's. Just hiding and using chakra to move stone and sand. Kung Lao goes for the sympathy play; Ronin ninja, no one taught them right, just want their own home, blah blah blah. Limitations they can never surpass no matter how hard they train.


KILL KAKASHI. DEVOUR KAKASHI. Well, that takes care of him, Kakashi hears the explosion at the manor house. The guards are already there sifting through the rubble. I'm sure the last thing a poor cash strapped land in the middle of a coup needs is to build the lord a new manor house. Naruto busts through the doors of the abandoned temple and talks shit about Sagi. Twenty and Neji are carrying Komei. "Should have hit him when I had the chance" Naruto continues. "Maybe, what did I miss?" Oh you Kakashi, leaning up against the temple. Naruto explains briefly what happened. Squashed them as they were trying to help. Komei apologizes and says the angry young man isn't the real Sagi (oh ho ho) and Naruto wants to know if Komei hit his head. Komei continues though saying that revengance for his dad and sister has changed him, and he goes on to say that maybe the spirit of Sagi's father Owashi is possessing him. Naruto hates ghosts and says he is kidding. Neji scolds him saying not to assume everything and Tenten gives him shit about chickening out. Naruto has no idea where he went. Kakashi says that if he really is possessed he'll be back and soon at that.


Sagi is at his arms cache looking at the Cursed Warrior suit and we get...A girl crying over the body of her dead brother??? What is this SWERVE beyond SWERVES (it's Laura Bailey too so the same character is voiced by JYB and Laura Bailey, this has to be a record!) She can't take losing her father and brother in such a short period of time going for the third suicide attempt of this arc. She wants the courage from her brother and father to end it but then she sees something. It's the first real ghost of the arc, he gives her his Pocketwatch (Don't Forget 3.Oct.11) and she swears revengenance for her brother by his shade and promises the watches hands will move once again. She wraps up her hair under Sagi's dumb hat and dons his clothing, and suddenly learns how to speak like JYB. As we go to her putting on the mask she now sounds more like Lust as she reswears her pursuit of vengeance. Ghost Talpa is back, baby.


Moso's mansion has guards and tons of lit torches all around. Chishima is in the bushes and knows Sagi will come here for a fight tonight. He's not fully recovered though. Moso observes the scene smugly from his porch as Ghost Talpa begins his HALO drop. Right on target. Moso knows what is up though. Feudal lord has guards but the cursed warrior fights alone, he says smugly. Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu! Sagi is shook. Moso mocks the kite and makes more fireballs, this time taking the kite out! What a heel. The armor comes crashing down on the tree and he's on fire, The mask is damage so he removes it. It's Lord Sagi! They exchange witty banter and Sagi goes to impale him.


Didn't take. Moso has a secret too, he's Hoki, leader of the wandering ninja! He also goes on about how they had to drift and steal jutsu that no one would teach them. The clan wants a home and they have been planning to take over this place since the moment they arrived. Moso plays the classic poor spoiled rich lord card, they were homeless vagabonds. He just wants to help his people. He explains how he charmed Sagi's father with the virtuous monk routine, the lord never suspected a thing with his sword swallowing via genjutsu convinced him of his holy powers and eventually a role among his advisors. Komei alone suspected him, which is why he hatched this plan...after killing his father! He's gonna kill you tonight as well! Sagi has had enough and screams words of vengeance at him, "My dead cry out for vengeance!" tossing his spear. He blocks it with a fan and the spear rebounds, knocking off the helmet revealing...


It's Lady Toki (back to Laura Bailey) and Chishima is shook. Hoki is rattled but uses Shadow Possession Jutsu on her. He explains how it works and taunts her, he can't believe she is alive. His clan will control this village from now on. She is armed and he isn't, a dangerous thing when Shadow Possession is involved. You who lived as Sagi will die as him. Chishima makes his move. Still alive! He didn't know it was sagi. Hoki doesn't care about that and throws a kunai to stop him...which is intercepted by another kunai from the shadows. Naruto is on the scene, well, his voice is at any rate. Leaving the rescuing to me, Sagi/Toki/whoever you are. Naruto continues his taunt from off camera, that ain't the real deal Shadow Possession, Genjutsu and wires, which he cuts. Naruto continues the taunting, name dropping Shikamaru and saying he is way out of his league. Even his Ninjutsu is fake. Out spring a dozen and a half Ghost Talpas! It's Naruto! Which one asks Toki. Ah yes, the Leaf Ninja brat using clone jutsu! Fire Style, Phoenix Fire Jutsu. Ghost Naruto knocks them away. They must be Shadow Clones! Naruto points out that is the Sauce's jutsu and it's his turn. Hoki kills three of them with a projectile and three more revert into Neji, Naruto, and Twenty. Also Kakashi, who Hoki knows by sight. Kakashi cuts his own promo, Hoki is a shinobi creeping for new prey like a bat in the night. He tries to play the poor ninja/rich ninja card but Naruto ain't having none of that. Kakahsi continues going on about the true path of the shinobi isn't about stealing, calling him a common thief. Hoki calls him an elitist pig! Summoning Jutsu!


Twenty is SHOOK. He summoned three believable looking dragons and flies towards Chishima and Toki, kicking Chishima right in the chest and grabbing Toki after punching her in the gut and fleeing back to his house. Naruto goes to attack but the dragon scares him off. Kakashi has had enough of this shit and throws a kunai at the projector in the tree. The dragons are fake. Neji and Tenten also stood around doing nothing, yes the dragon is fake Neji. Yes, Hoki ran off, Twenty. He's in the mansion says Kakashi. Not for long says Naruto as the rest of the ceiling ninja make their move. Lots of fisticuffs and shadow clones and they run through the goons in about seven seconds. Naruto is first to arrive in the manor and is trapped in a room. Hoki tells him to look closer. On the door screen is a moving picture of Hoki and Sagi in a boat...Naruto is shook. If you want her back come and get her. Naruto asks how and Hoki sends a boat out to him. Naruto is scared of this Genjutsu but after some taunting he enters the screen, finding the child versions of Toki, Sagi, and Chishima as Hoki laughs and the episode ends...WITH MY FAVORITE NARUTO ENDING! (Year of the dog version, not child molesting leaf version)


NEXT EPISODE: "When Egrets Flap Their Wings"
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