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Toonami |Mar14| No Time for Sissy Pig

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
Neji couldn't tell the dragons were fake? Your eyes are supposed to see these things, Neji.

Neji has been either not using his eyes or having them fuck up on him multiple times these last two arcs. This time was just so that he and twenty stood around doing nothing when they probably could have ended this arc. Nope.

Speaking about ending this arc Tuesday is another hell day for me so I'm ending it now, baby. Double feature time!



Checks count...a little under forty percent so far.

EDIT: Nope, over forty percent so far.

Maybe the writers feel sorry for her because while being a weapons expert and using weapon scrolls is pretty cool, traditional ninja weapons have been rendered completely useless in the Naruto universe even before the time skip?

Edit: She also gets next to zero screen time in the manga.
I want to go back and rewatch Yu Yu Hakusho, but I'm afraid it will end up like the times I rewatched DBZ and Gundam Wing and It will ruin my memory of it by showing horrifically dated it is.


No Scrubs
I want to go back and rewatch Yu Yu Hakusho, but I'm afraid it will end up like the times I rewatched DBZ and Gundam Wing and It will ruin my memory of it by showing horrifically dated it is.

The Dark Tournament isn't as cool as it once was, but Chapter Black got better. It holds up pretty well, even if it does show it's age in certain parts.


I want to go back and rewatch Yu Yu Hakusho, but I'm afraid it will end up like the times I rewatched DBZ and Gundam Wing and It will ruin my memory of it by showing horrifically dated it is.

Yu Yu Hakusho absolutely holds up. Especially the Blu Ray release. They went back and redubbed a lot of it.


I rewatched (most of) Gundam Wing after Gundam 00 a few years back. It didn't hold up to my childhood memory as well as I'd hoped but it's still significantly more enjoyable than 00.


I want to go back and rewatch Yu Yu Hakusho, but I'm afraid it will end up like the times I rewatched DBZ and Gundam Wing and It will ruin my memory of it by showing horrifically dated it is.

The Blu ray has a new dub. I'd skip the Dark a Tournament (it's the only part that drags) and enjoy.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"When Egrets Flap Their Wings"


Chishima makes his way into the mansion..and finds a trapdoor the opens up into the river. Like the nerd he is he falls in and when it dumps him out it is on the Lake. He sees Naruto standing on Water in a daze. Damn bargin bin Genjutsu. Naruto starts sinking in and Chishima tells him to snap out of it. Naruto is inside the painting! Name your videogame reference! It's going all psychedelic on him, with the little kid versions of Toki, Sagi, and Chishima laughing at him on a tiny island in the lake. The real Chishima is yelling at him and wakes him up...just as someone is grabbing his ankle. It's Hoki!


Naruto shivs him in the shoulder as he is pulled under and the bastard swims away. Chishima is waving to him from shore and Naruto puts it together, same lake, at night, got hoodwinked, heard Chishima's voice. Chishima asks him if he is hurt but Naruto is more concerned about Chishima's wounds. Chishima remembers to start selling them and urges him to find Lady Toki. Naruto remembers Moso. He's right there in a boat! Lady Toki is tied up and asks Chishima to forgive her deceiving him for so long. He says forget it, he pretty much knew all along. Hoki says enough talk, y'all know too much and he's gonna send you all to your graves. He whips off his cloak to reveal...


This clown. Finally revealed your true face says Naruto. He's Hoki of the wandering Ninja Clan and is going to take over this land. Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu! Does a bunch of hand signs but doesn't name them. It works as advertised and almost strikes Naruto and Chishima but Naruto grabs the nerd and jumps off. Hoki runs across the water and throws two of the special shurikens at Naruto. There's no time to dodge and the screen goes red!


It's the back spot again! CHISHIMA screams Toki in her best Maka impression. Naruto is LEGIT SHOOK as he pulls them out. Chishima asks if he was fast enough and is relieved to find Naruto well. More yelling of his name from Toki. Chishima remembers something; so many wonderful days spent playing with her and Lord Sagi. In that FLASHBACK the days were peaceful and warm as he closes his eyes! He asks Naruto for a favor; to help Lady Toki! Naruto, a big fan of promises, says that a Leaf Ninja always follows through until the end. Promise me, protect her, Lady Toki means everything to me. Wait a second, you're in love with Toki? The nerd switches the subject saying that Ramen was so good and Naruto promises to treat again sometime. He thanks Naruto and says goodbye...passing out in his arms. Naruto and Toki start the water works, she yells out his name again. Hoki laughs at the fate of his pawn. Naruto cuts a promo before wiping his eyes clear about how Chishima loved the Land of Birds and wanted to protect it from evil people like you. He's done listening! He's gonna pay! Hoki just laughs and tells Naruto to come stop him if he can. Water Style: Giant Vortex Jutsu. Looks like a big wave to me. It crashes over Naruto and Chishima and they are inundated with water.


Tenten is still taking out mooks outside the mansion. She says they are persistent as she whips out the segmented staff and clocks two of them in the face. Neji is surrounded by his own set of goons who charge into his gentle fist and feet. Kakashi blocks some shurikens from the front...and gets two more laid into his back! It's the pale Ninja! If he can take out the famous Kakashi Hatake everyone will know of the wandering ninja's power! He jumps off the roof with his sword drawn and...


He cuts him in two! Substitution Jutsu! The log is cut in twain! Kakashi gets him in a headlock, "Sorry to disappoint you but he doesn't even need to use the Sharingan on you" as he blood chokes him out. The three Leaf Ninja find the trap door and Neji says if they follow this they'll find Naruto. Kakashi agrees.


Hoki points his sword at Toki. He says he cannot allow her to get her revenge but she can join her brother and father at any time. She doesn't care, she wants to die, get it over with. He says she knows when to give up. She goes full emo, her family is gone and without her revengenance there is no point to live. He says she is courageous and he will grant her wish. Naruto is sinking down when he sees a white light. It's a g-g-g-g-ghost of JYB! "Save Toki. Wake up and save my little sister. I entrusted her with the Land of Birds. I left her my watch (Don't Forget 3.Oct.11) but Toki became obsessed with her intense desire for revenge. For her heart it's like time is stuck and as a mere soul I cannot change it. So I beg of you, please change it for me, push her time out of the past and towards the future" What was that, a vision? A ghost? Hoki is about to do the deed when a vortex starts. Hold it right there! Naruto comes flying in with the fist of justice! Hoki blocks but his sent over prow of the vessel. He recovers and does a backflip and heads for the shore. Toki is relieved. Naruto tells her the shocking news that he met her brother in a dream as he frees her. He told Naruto that he doesn't want revengenance he wants you to take care of this land instead. Do it for Chishima and the rest of the people. Your life matters! None of this makes any difference says the villain as he throws some shuriken, which Naruto blocks. Naruto jumps to shore and cuts a promo; you can't take this land over anymore, a dark heart bent on revenge can't govern here. This land is good because of the good hearted people like Chishima and Toki and a snake like you who cheated his way in will never get the hearts of the people! Hoki doesn't agree as Naruto starts the Multi Shadow Clone jutsu!


Hoki has a surprise for him, he's going to kill Naruto and send him to join the other people he's murdered in his quest for power with his own damn Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu! They exchange words before the real clone wars starts. Everyone Naruto kicks fades away and he can't find the real one. Meanwhile the Hoki clones find the real Naruto on the third try. What idiot keeps the real thing on the front lines? and he wanted to have some real fun as he dismisses his clones and comes in for the kill. Don't get cocky says the grounded Naruto as that Shadow Clone pops. He dodges two more shadow clones melee attacks but gets hit by a third into a vintage Uzumaki Barrage sends him into the drink. Toki finally gets the boat ashore and starts embracing Chishima, she doesn't want to be alone anymore as day breaks. Naruto somehow roped Hoki and drags him out of the lake. She tells the nerd to wake up...and he does! They hug! Naruto wipes tears out of his eye and he says he only wanted to complete his mission and brig Hoki to justice as he tied him to a tree. He made him swear a dream promise and that's good enough for him. Toki asks what the promise was and he said something about pushing her stuck time and that if she forgot about revengenance time would move forward.


She opens the watch (Don't Forget. 3.Oct.11) and the seconds hand is moving! Kakashi calls out to them. Twenty waves! Naruto says their names! All four of them are back at the manor and Naruto is giving out. No bonus because the person who pays the bills was the bad guy. Neji says it's not that bad. "Yeah it is" Twenty says the wandering Ninja are getting stiff punishment and Kakashi is glad that Toki's cycle of revenganence is over.


All hail the Feudal Lord as Toki comes out and everyone gasps. Boy she is purdy! Kakashi even blushes! She apologizes for deceiving them under her brother's guise and that she's been a shitty Damaiyo. If they forgive her though she'll make this land great for her brother, her father, and Chishima! Kakashi thinks she's doing a great job and Twenty thinks she's awesome. Komei says she'll be great and the rest of the nobles agree in unison. She has one final shoutout to Naruto, a young ninja who taught her the true focus of her life. He's embarrassed! Chishima tells them to travel safe and Naruto tells him to watch over her. She tells Naruto to come back and Naruto says next time it'll be a vacation.


The four of them are talking on a cliff. Naruto says Toki is nice..and gorgeous. Twenty is interested to hear Naruto's ghost story. Naruto says he was having a dream, no such thing as a ghost. Neji disagrees. Remember the first time they encountered the Cursed Warrior? Tenten does, the armor was empty and a WHITE LIGHT came out. Wasn't that some kind of trick, wires, genjutsu, what have you? Nope, Neji saw someone or something with his Byakugan. Tenten sharp as ever brings up that he said he saw no signs of life. He saw someone with no signs of life. "In other words, a Ghost" says Kakashi.


Naruto loses it! Tell me it's a bad joke!

NEXT EPISODE: "Mix It, Stretch It, Boil It Up! Burn, Copper Pot, Burn!"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Math wise it should be one hundred.

Hundred is a dumb nickname though so the Naruto:GNT community went with Twenty instead. Mumrah is the established nickname for Kurenai as well, went over better before the T-cats remake.
I rewatched (most of) Gundam Wing after Gundam 00 a few years back. It didn't hold up to my childhood memory as well as I'd hoped but it's still significantly more enjoyable than 00.

Well that's not saying much. A punch in the nuts is probably a more pleasant experience then most of 00.


Eh its 4chan, there's a reason I don't visit that site.

On a flip note Man God what do you consider the harder experience - Bulbasaur in Leaf Green or Chikorita in Heart Gold? Bugsy's Scyther is hard as fuck, but I'm tempted to say the former because he had further to fall.
Eh its 4chan, there's a reason I don't visit that site.

On a flip note Man God what do you consider the harder experience - Bulbasaur in Leaf Green or Chikorita in Heart Gold? Bugsy's Scyther is hard as fuck, but I'm tempted to say the former because he had further to fall.

Bulbasaur in fr/lg can still be useful in the first two gyms to get you past the early game hump of no good pokes to catch. Chikorita struggles in the first two gyms forcing you to catch and grind other pokemon to deal with its short comings.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I don't find either hard. Bulbasaur is good against a ton of crap in gen 3 including the hardest two gyms, Misty and Surge. Chikorita sucks against the first two gyms (we call this charizard's revenge) but because it is Johto the gym leaders levels are so low you can obliterate them with just a Chikorita. You may say oh what about that scyther but Scyther don't mean shit if you've been training just that Chikorita and not speedrunning or you know, catching a diverse team which is pretty easy.


This sounds like someone that is still hanging on a decade late to his opinion of hating something when it was popular. Now that it (and its audience) is older and its flaws are more glaring, they're dropping an "I told you so"?

I'm glad I can go back and watch older stuff and not really care about if it holds up or not. Some of it will, some of it won't and some of it just won't be as exciting, but you can still enjoy it for what it is. Someone mentioned DBZ and Gundam Wing a little ways back. Nothing about those shows really holds up against scrutiny or makes me feel the need to get pumped and draw my own original gundams on notebook covers. Gundam Wing "holds up" more so than DBZ, but even DBZ does some great stuff if even for the sake of hilarity in what it tries to take serious.

Take the movie Cooler's Revenge for example. Watch that shit today and during the amusingly dubbed dialogue, you have nu-metal blaring every few minutes with a new song. It is a straight up time travel back to 2001-2002 for me every time I watch it and can always bring a smile to my face. It's funny that an official DBZ movie (which you could buy from Burger King at one point if I remember correctly, Lord Slug too) was given a soundtrack by Funimation in those days that was like "Man...man what do teens like today? Disturbed? The Deftones? Shit okay, lets go with that. That will sell it." Now you have a DBZ movie that looks like the AMVs people used to make as 14 year olds in the older internet days pre-youtube. Is it a good movie? No. Is it well made, ESPECIALLY the dub? Absolutely not. It is still enjoyable for what it is though.


I actually enjoyed 00 for what it was worth, even after everything that happened in the 2nd half of the show. I think the worst Gundam I've watched to completion was Age. I have no idea why I actually stuck with that show. Maybe it was the neat evolving Gundam concept.
Without context there isnt anything spoilery about luffy punching someone, but a replacement is still better just cause i've seen enough one piece gifs to last a lifetime, you know this Andrex, YOU KNOW THIS.
11:30PM Space Dandy 0.9 HH, 1.211 million viewers (tvmediainsights.com)
12:00AM Bleach 0.8 HH, 1.136 million viewers
12:30AM Naruto: Shippuden 0.8 HH, 1.119 million viewers
1:00AM One Piece 0.6 HH, 791,000 viewers
1:30AM Blue Exorcist 0.6 HH, 838,000 viewers
2:00AM Soul Eater 0.6 HH, 799,000 viewers
2:30AM Naruto 0.6 HH, 722,000 viewers (tvmediainsights.com)
3:00AM Ghost in the Shell 0.5 HH, 607,000 viewers
3:30AM Fullmetal: Brotherhood 0.4 HH, 537,000 viewers
4:00AM Samurai Jack 0.4 HH, 572,000 viewers
4:30AM IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix 0.4 HH, 585,000 viewers
5:00AM Star Wars: Clone Wars 0.5 HH, 610,000 viewers
5:30AM Inuyasha 0.5 HH, 576,000 viewers

One Piece wow beaten by both Blue Exorcist and Soul Eater


11:30PM Space Dandy 0.9 HH, 1.211 million viewers (tvmediainsights.com)
12:00AM Bleach 0.8 HH, 1.136 million viewers
12:30AM Naruto: Shippuden 0.8 HH, 1.119 million viewers
1:00AM One Piece 0.6 HH, 791,000 viewers
1:30AM Blue Exorcist 0.6 HH, 838,000 viewers
2:00AM Soul Eater 0.6 HH, 799,000 viewers
2:30AM Naruto 0.6 HH, 722,000 viewers (tvmediainsights.com)
3:00AM Ghost in the Shell 0.5 HH, 607,000 viewers
3:30AM Fullmetal: Brotherhood 0.4 HH, 537,000 viewers
4:00AM Samurai Jack 0.4 HH, 572,000 viewers
4:30AM IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix 0.4 HH, 585,000 viewers
5:00AM Star Wars: Clone Wars 0.5 HH, 610,000 viewers
5:30AM Inuyasha 0.5 HH, 576,000 viewers

One Piece wow beaten by both Blue Exorcist and Soul Eater

Depressing to see One Piece so low, but the ratings aren't all that bad overall. Didn't expect Blue Exorcist that high, to be honest.
not enough action , not enough flashbacks , not enough weird (somehow) , not enough beating the shit out of satan, not enough bad anime-manga diversion plots.


Wow at that One Piece number.

While not really spoilery, that gif would have raised some questions about why Luffy was punching that guy in the first place.
I always liked the power of that scene after you've heard about all the atrocities of the Tenryuubito during that arc.

not enough action , not enough flashbacks , not enough weird (somehow) , not enough beating the shit out of satan.

Action is the primary reason why One Piece is the least popular of the big three in America. That and how weird it can get.
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